The High School Reunion


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"You don't know how many times I started to do just that. I didn't want to offend you though, so I never did. I never could tell that you wanted me to. If I had..." I let the sentence hang as I grinned over at her.

She grinned back at me and said, "Yeah, that's a good question. What if you had? I'm not sure about that one myself. I don't think we would have went all the way, as we used to say, but I think it would have cemented our relationship stronger. Part of my problem was that I didn't know how serious about us, you were. Oh, we talked about the future and everything but I never was sure of your true feelings."

I squeezed her shoulder and said, "Yeah, I know, I was a mess back then. To tell the truth, I was never sure about my feelings. I know, I loved you but I didn't understand how to convey that to you. I was to busy making a living and trying to make a future for myself to do much else. Being on my own didn't help any. I never had anyone to talk to except you and on some subjects, I couldn't even talk to you. I was between a rock and a hard place. We did talk about our future together but I should have talked to you about our present. I just couldn't find the words or get past my shyness and my up bringing."

Sandy smiled up at me and patted my thigh, where her hand had been laying. "I understand that now but it took me a long time to figure it out. I just kept wondering what it would have been like if one of us had spoken up. That's all it would have taken to keep us together."

I made the turn onto the lakeside drive and found a completely new road than the one that had been here back in our high school days. It was wider and had been straightened out in places. The old overlook was still there but it was much closer to the road and smaller than it had been. "Boy, has this place changed." I said as I turned into the parking area and came to a stop near the old iron railing. I killed the lights and shut off the motor and we sat there in silence for several minutes, just looking out across the lake. We were about forty feet above the lake, with an unobstructed view of it for about one hundred and eighty degrees. There had been a couple of old moss covered cypress trees growing at the base of the drop when we were kids; their upper branches had been about level with where we were. With them gone, there was a more sweeping and panoramic view now.

"Even with the old trees gone, this is still a beautiful and peaceful place." I said softly. "I always loved it here. Whenever I needed to relax and get my head back together, this was one of the places I went to."

Sandy moved away from me and turned around in the seat, so she was facing me with her legs up on the seat, her knees toward the seat back. She moved back over and ended up kissing me, my left arm under her right side and on her back, supporting her upper body. Her left hand was at the back of my head and her right arm was under my left and on my shoulder. I remembered that this was the position we had made out in all those years ago. My right hand wandered over her hip and up across her back pulling her tighter to me, as I gave my full attention to the kiss.

After a minute or so, Sandy broke the kiss and leaned back against the steering wheel, whispering, "Damn, that was a kiss and a half. I loved kissing you back then; you were always so sweet and tender. Now, I have to say, you are a much better kisser, you're still sweet and tender but there's a command and authority in it now."

I smiled as I pulled her back to me and picked up the kiss from where we had left off. After a moment, I heard and felt a murmur of pleasure come from deep in her chest. My hand had been stroking her back and now I let it wander lower to caress and then squeeze her left butt cheek. She murmured again and gave a little shiver as I did. I realized as my hand caressed her ass through the dress that she didn't have anything on under it. I let my hand wander lower down the back of her thigh until it encountered her warm skin covered with nylon. I moved my hand as far down along her silky leg as I could reach and then caressed her body up along the side of her thigh, hip, and side, until I was back to her upper back. I stroked her body along this same route slowly and with varying grades of pressure, the murmur was turning into a soft moan and a shivering shudder ran up and down her body from time to time. Her hand was tightening on the back of my head and our tongues were dueling fiercely.

After a while, I stopped my hand on her hip and gently broke the kiss. Sandy sighed deeply and laid her head on my shoulder, her eyes still shut. She took a deep breath, let it out in a long soft sigh, and then whispered, "If you had kissed and petted me like that the last time we were here, I would have ended up pregnant and said the hell with college." She took another deep breath and opened her eyes. She smiled up at me and added, "I hate to tell you, but you've got one horny old woman in your arms right now, that doesn't have to worry about getting pregnant anymore."

"You're not old darling; let me assure you of that. There's a warm, beautiful, loving, woman under that dress that I plan to make long, slow, passionate love to. It's not going to happen here in the seat of this truck though. I'm too old for that type of contortions, when I've got a nice comfortable bed not five miles from here." I said with a big grin.

Sandy said, "We haven't left yet!" and started to sit up.

I held her where she was at and chuckled, "Nope. I'm not through necking with you and getting us both so turned on, that we'll explode when we do make love." I pulled her closer to me, brought my hand up to cup, and then gently squeeze her left breast. "Anyway, I've got some exploring to do and this is just the place for it. It's something I should have done the last time we were here."

Sandy kissed me hungrily as I reached back and slowly lowered the zipper in the back of her dress. She moaned softly as my hand caressed the warm soft skin of her bare back. When my hand encountered the strap to her bra, it took only a second for me to undo the hooks. Now, I could run my hand over her bare back from her shoulders to the base of her spine without any interruptions. The first time I did, she shivered all over.

Ever so often, my hand would wander up to run across her bra covered left breast and then move back down to where it had been. The fourth or fifth time I did this; I pushed the bra cup up and ran my hand across the warm skin of her full breast. I could feel her rock hard nipple graze across the palm of my hand. She moaned loudly and arched her back, pressing her breast more firmly to my hand. I gave it a gentle squeeze and then massaged it slowly. Sandy's moan became a soft whimper as a strong shiver ran up and down her body and she shifted one knee up and the other down.

She broke our kiss and laid her head on my shoulder as she once again shifted her knees. I moved my hand and slowly brushed my palm over her hard nipple in small circles. The whimper grew louder for a second before she took her hand from my shoulder and stopped my hand, holding it tightly against her breast. She took a deep breath and let it out slowly. After a moment, she whispered, "If you had done that the last time we were here...." She let the sentence trail off. She took another deep breath and sighed deeply. I moved my hand to her back and hugged her tightly to me.

A little later, she lifted her head and looked into my eyes. We kissed gently for a few seconds and then she chuckled. I wasn't sure what was funny so I asked, "What?"

She grinned and replied, "That orgasm has been thirty years getting here."

I laughed and said, "What are you talking about?"

"The last time we were here, I was right on the edge of cumming when you suddenly took your hand off my breast, if you had touched my hip, thigh, butt, anywhere but my back, I would have exploded. You didn't though, you moved your hand to my back, and I didn't quite get there. Tonight, I was so turned on that I was already cumming when you moved your hand off my breast but this time you went back to teasing my nipple and I came even harder." She said in a soft shy voice.

I moved my hand down and placed it on her thigh, just below the hem of her dress. Slowly and deliberately, I moved my hand up, sliding it along her soft smooth skin under the dress. My hand wandered over her ass cheeks for a moment before cupping one and giving it a gentle squeeze. As my hand moved, a soft purring sound came from deep in her chest. As I gave her ass a squeeze, she was kissing me again; only this time there was nothing gentle about it. It was a wanton, passionate, demand filled kiss, that I returned three fold. My hand explored on it's own as my brain was locked into the kiss.

Sandy moaning loudly and breaking the kiss brought me back to my senses. She pushed away from me and sat up. My hand, which had been teasing her sex from the back, was now on her thigh and she looked at me with a wild look in her eyes as she sat there breathing hard. She took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. "If you don't take me home right now, I'm going to rape you right here, so help me." She said in a husky voice.

I grinned at her and started the truck. She chuckled as she turned around on the seat. "Damn, I don't think I've been this hot in my life. I've had two orgasms already and I'm right on the verge of a third."

I backed the truck up and then pulled out onto the highway. As I did, I let my hand drop to rest on her bare thigh above her stockings. Slowly I caressed her inner thigh, letting my fingers move closer and closer to her sex. She took a sharp breath as my fingertips brushed her mound. Looking into my face, she smiled her crooked smile, and then she shifted her body to face slightly toward me, her left knee coming up onto the seat. When my fingertips ran slowly and lightly, up and down her outer lips, she took another sharp breath and moved back to lean against the passenger door. Her left knee came up and she rested it against the seat back, as the right one moved closer to the dash. Her legs were spread wide apart and for the first time I got a look at her sex. Thirty-five years is all that it had taken me. I grinned at that thought as I slowly caressed her sex once more and then ran my hand up along the inside of her raised thigh, to rest it on her knee.

Her eyes had been closed, now they opened, and she looked at me questioningly. I grinned at her and let my hand wander lightly back down the inner thigh to brush against her sex. She took a long shuddering breath as my fingers traced her wetness, down her slit to the source. When I used the tip of one finger to explore the outside edge of her opening, she whimpered and slipped down on the seat a little. I slowly moved the hand back up along her thigh to her knee.

She groaned softly as she watched the hand move away from her sex. "God, you're driving me crazy." She said in a whisper. My hand moved down along her thigh and then back up to her knee without touching her sex. She took a sharp breath as my fingers neared her sex and she groaned softly as it headed back upward. "You're going to tease me all the way to the motel aren't you?" She asked with a hint of a chuckle in her voice.

I shook my head and replied, "Nope, I'm going to tease you all the way to your house." I let my fingers drift slowly down along her inner thigh, until I could brush the backs of my fingers across her mound and outer lips. She whimpered softly and lifted her ass, trying to get me to touch her more firmly.

When I moved my hand back to her knee, she shivered and said, "I'll never make my house and if I do, you'll never make it inside."

I hadn't gone back the way we had come out to the lake, I took a side road through the edge of town, and now I turned to take the back road to her house. I didn't know if she remembered this short cut or not. "Oh, you'll make it to the driveway anyway. After that, I have other plans." I told her with a big grin.

She was going to say something but instead she took a sharp breath, as my fingertips traced a path once more down her thigh, across her mound, and out along the other inner thigh. I caressed her right inner thigh for a little while before I moved back to her mound and slowly drew circles on it with a fingertip. Her ass slowly lifted off the seat as she made a whimpering groaning sound deep in her chest.

I slowed the truck and made a turn using both hands on the steering wheel. Sandy groaned loudly, closed, and then opened her legs. In a minute or two, I made another turn and then another into her driveway. When I was about half way to the house, I stopped the truck and shut it off. Then, I turned and dived head first between her thighs.

When my tongue touched her slit, Sandy yelled and raised her feet up to the roof of the truck, her hands finding the back of my head. As my tongue worked slowly upward toward her clit, Sandy's hips flexed and hunched against my face, the yell getting louder and louder. When I touched her clit, she froze and went silent for a second. Then her hips bucked up against my face hard enough to hurt my nose, as a deep whimpering whine started in her chest. I licked at the hard little bud and then I circled it with the tip of my tongue. Sandy's ass was six inches off the seat and the whine was now a loud growl as she pulled my mouth tighter to her sex. Then she exploded into a withering, screaming orgasm. You can talk about your wild women all you want but this was the wildest I had ever seen anyone get as they came.

My tongue continued the circling of her clit until she seemed to peak and then I flicked it quickly several times. Off she went again, only this time she yelled, "Oh, my God! Oh, shit! Oh, yes...." The last word, long and drawn out as was her orgasm. She had a two fisted grip on my hair as she rode my face.

Suddenly, she was pushing at my head and I stopped flicking her clit and moved lower to lick at the flood running down the crease of her ass. As my tongue touched her there, she jerked and moaned deeply, "Please, please don't. I can't take any more; I'll die. I'll just die."

I lifted my head and kissed her inner thighs several times on each side as I sat up. I grinned down at her as she lay there, all sprawled out as best she could on the seat of my truck. She was breathing raggedly and had her eyes closed. As she opened them and focused on me, I said, "No Dearest, that was the orgasm you should have had thirty years ago." I grinned again, started the truck, and drove on to her house.

She chuckled huskily and nodded. "I could have probably handled it back then but I'm worn completely out right now. I might just have to sleep right here in this old truck. While I'm thinking about it, God, who taught you that? I'd like to shake her hand, whoever it was."

I chuckled and shook my head. "I can't say exactly who is responsible for my lesbian tendencies but I wouldn't have it any other way." I said as I leaned over and licked at the inner thigh of her raised leg.

She gasped and reached for my head. I didn't wait to see if she was going to push it away or pull it on down between her legs. I grabbed her wrists and pulled her up to a sitting position. "Come on, sit up and I'll help you into the house. Boy, a couple of little old orgasms and you think you're dieing."

"Two orgasms? Closer to a dozen; counting the ones at the lake and the sneaky ones that kept hitting me on the way home. Those last two, liked to have taken my head off, coming one on top of the other as they did." She said and then grinned as I closed my door and came around the truck to her side.

As I opened the door, she turned and looked at me, a soft smile on her face. "Grab your purse, you have the keys." I said softly.

When she did, I reached in and picked her up in my arms. "Put me down before you hurt yourself." She said quickly.

"I'm fine, you just be still and find your key. You need to save your strength." I said and chuckled.

She had her arms around my neck, as she looked at me funny. "Oh and why is that?" She asked.

"Because, when we get inside, I'm taking you upstairs and putting you in bed and I ain't letting you out for the rest of the weekend. We've got thirty years to catch up on and that a minute ago was just the start." I said and kissed her quickly on the lips.

I started toward the back door and she just looked at me for a second before a big grin spread across her face. "Neither one of us is going to live to see the next class reunion." She said with a laugh as she dug in her small bag for the house key.

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DaddysgirlflDaddysgirlfl8 months ago

Nice story. I hope a lot of people hook up with lost loves like this.

dwardfdwardf8 months ago

Wish my 40th had been that much fun…story holds up well after all these years…

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Wonderful story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

That he had went back to the bitch who gace him the Dear John letter!!

Rancher46Rancher46over 2 years ago

This was a well written 2nd chance at love story. I am disappointed that the author didn't give the two of them a happily ever after in a 2nd chapter or at least an Epilogue. Even so it is still a 5 star story.

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