The Hired Gun Ch. 04


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"How dare you talk to me like that!"

"Angela, it's three in the fucking morning; we share a time zone and you're, out of pocket."

"I'm his wife!"

"Not anymore; we're getting married and I'm going to take that mantle for the rest of his life. I love William more than life itself and he loves me Angela, he loves me, okay? You've been gone for decades and now you're back, for what exactly? Huh? Was he supposed to pine for you for the rest of his days and die old and neglected of a broken heart? Is that what was supposed to happen, huh Angela?"

"I'm his wife...I'm Mrs. Gilbert!"

"No, you're not."

"You're just a piece of ass, nothing more, young lady! Just something new a toy for a man going through a mid-life crisis! I conceded to this farce because he hadn't had any in a while. I allowed it, do you hear Ms. Fisher?!"

"I'm Mrs. Gilbert, Angela."

"Shut up."

"We're getting married."

"Yeah, is that what you think you're gonna do, huh little girl?! I KNOW about YOUR PAST! Unlike you, I have resources, endless resources at my disposal. Maybe you might want to rethink this sham of a marriage unless you want to be exposed! What do you think about that, TRESSIE?!!"

There was a long silence after that exchange.



"Did you hear what I said?"



"I'll let you talk to William but first I want you to know that I told him everything about me from my childhood to now. I told him about being abused and impregnated by my pastor, forced to get an abortion by my mother who traded my virtue for a seat of power in said church...I even told him about my little dalliances and the several times I screwed the shit out of the man who's phone you stole to call me up in the middle of the night and make an ASS of yourself. You must really be good in bed to put him to sleep, huh Angela? I fucked him a bunch of times, but I never loved him. I love William and one more thing before I wake him up; are you listening closely?"


"I'm going to let you talk to William. I am not threatened by you in any way, shape or form so do whatever you want Angela, but if you persist in fucking with me...I'm going to come see you, in person bitch. Maybe you should wake the Educated Simp up and ask him about what I'm like, when I'm angry."

"Is that a threat?"

"Ask him, Angela." Tressie voice was ice cold.

"I'll tell William."

There were a few moments of sustained silence as my vision started to acclimate to the darkness. Angela was sitting there facing the wall with her back to me and my phone pressed to her ear.


"Huh, hey honey what's up; can't sleep?" We could hear Charity's father legitimately waking up from a deep slumber.

"No, I'm fine but your ex-wife is calling, and I think you need to talk to her. Would you like me to step out of the room?"

"No, we don't have any secrets; let me get that bae." There was no doubt Angela heard the kiss that followed because I picked up on it too.

I could see her bare shoulders flexing in the darkness of the vacant former bedroom but did not alert her that I was already wide awake.

"Hello Angela; is everything okay? Did something happen to Charity?" She hesitated now confronted with the fruits of her duplicitous labor.

"No, it's something else."

"Well, what is it?"

"This sham of a relationship you think you're in William."


"No, hear me out about this because you are making the biggest mistake of your life if you go down this path. That girl doesn't love you, she's a kid who does not know a damn thing about taking care of a man your age! What are you thinking William?!! Is she going to be there for you when the money dries up and you're too old and frail to perform in bed, huh?! And what about OUR daughter, William?!! OUR CHARITY?!! Do you have any inkling what this uh, SELFISHNESS is going to do to her?!! WHAT WILL PEOPLE THINK WHEN THEY SEE YOU WITH A GIRL YOUNG ENOUGH TO BE YOUR DAUGHTER, TOO?!!"

"Shut up Angela."


"We are getting married and that has nothing to do with you."


"No, it doesn't; we haven't been married in twenty years and it was your decision to walk out. I don't care about that anymore and haven't for a long time even before Tressie walked into my life."


"I love Tressie Fisher and I'm going to make her my wife." The calmness of his normal sort of baritone voice was affecting.


"She knows; I told her before I proposed, and she gave her blessing.


"No, she did that because OUR DAUGHTER loves her father unconditionally." The resolve in his tone was hitting his former wife with effectiveness of missile strikes.

"NO!! NO WILLIAM!! You do not KNOW ANYTHING about that GIRL!! I have INVESTIGATED her background and...."

"Tressie Fisher is a survivor of emotional and sexual abuse; she's gone through hell and back Angela. I also know that she was sleeping with that kid, our daughter.... HEY!! WHY ARE YOU CALLING HERE IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT ON HIS PHONE?!! DID YOU SLEEP WITH HIM TOO?!!"

"William listen to me."


"That's not important William." My eyes drifted up to the ceiling as I fought off the urge to facepalm.

"MOTHER FUCKA!! Well son of the bitch, Angela! The more things change the more they stay the same, huh?!! Goddammit you have no filter, whatsoever Angela! This is the same sketchy shit that convinced me to sign those divorce papers back in the day!! I HIRED A P.I.!! He told me you were messing around with one of them white guys down there at your fucking job, Angela!! THAT'S HOW YOU REALLY CAME UP!! That's why, I signed them motherfucking divorce papers!! I KNEW YOU CHEATED!! And you took our daughter away from me, then gave her back to me FULL OF YOUR BULLSHIT!!"

"...William, please."

"NO!! FUCK NO ANGELA!! Got us all messed up in the middle of the night with some kiddie shit!! Did I do this through all the bums you paraded around in front of me over the years?!! NO, I DIDN'T WOMAN!! I moved on and did me, Angela; you left me no choice. Then, I met Tressie and I felt it again. I FELT IT ANGELA!! What was that you say? Huh Angela? TRUE LOVE!! TRUE LOVE ANGELA!!"


"I LOVE my WIFE, Tressie Fisher, Angela. She's been my wife, my woman for a long time and that shit goes beyond a fucking piece of paper!! I LOVE TRESSIE!! I LOVE HER!! DO YOU UNDERSTAND BITCH?!!"

"Yes William." She replied meekly, defeated.

"Apologize." The raw emotion in his voice was telling and damning to his former wife now forced to take a realistic look into a future that didn't involve her.

"But William."

"I said apologize."

There was a long silence again as I began to think Angela ended the call out of some vestiges of unearned righteous indignation.

"I'm sorry Tressie."

"It's okay Angela; now you remember what I said, and God bless. Now we've got to get some sleep because tomorrow is a very busy day for both of us. We've got a wedding to prepare, and William has to mow a couple of acres while I go shopping in town. Next time you call, it had better be at a decent hour, Angela."

Tressie ended the call audibly clicking off before the former Mrs. Gilbert could respond.

The mute darkness seemed to go on forever before she lowered the phone from her ear to her hip. It seemed as if she thought her former husband would call back and take it all back. I knew better and remembered the last time I'd hooked up with Tressie Fisher in our old spot across the street from the condemned Tubman Estates. After that day there was no doubt about her heart belonging to Mr. Gilbert. It was later explained to me that the couple were still figuring things out between themselves. What she did with me was out of frustration, exhaustion, and spite on some level.

Charity Gilbert comforted me later that night unaware that Tressie was sleeping with her father. Her pointed rejection and scolding after said tryst left me inconsolable and I didn't know why. Charity came without hesitation and lulled me to sleep in the darkness.

Now I would do the same for her mother presently in the throes of an epic abundance of well-deserved karma. Angela leaned forward setting my android gently on the bedroom floor.

"Now do you see why I wanted you to ask?"

"Yes." Her authoritative voice was mousy as she sat there staring at the wall.

"I would have given you his number without question. I just wanted you to be straight up, Angela."

"I realize that now."

"It's okay; come on lay back, Angela." I offered a hand in the darkness as she looked over her shoulder little more than a silhouette in the darkness.

She slowly reclined into my arms as I directed her onto her back beside me.

I helped out cushioning her head on the sole pillow before casually draping an arm across her abdomen taking stock of her countenance. Her body was stiff and robotic, mannequin like more than anytime else since we'd first hooked up. Despite the darkness, I could see her distinct features and refined beauty highlighted by her extremely narrow eyes sort of puffy underneath. I could understand the natural regal aura that permeated her being. It was the same thing that poisoned her life over time leading to this moment of unavoidable clarity. My hands framed the sides of her narrow face in the darkness.

"It hurts so much." Her eyes widened just a sliver filled with pools of translucent wetness.

"Let go Angela; I've got you." My thumbs caught and wiped away the tears that started running freely from those eyes.

"IT HURTS!!" More appeared streaming from her eyes as she finally let go sobbing uncontrollably. Hers was an ugly cry that didn't match the woman's appearance in any respect.

"I know, it's okay to let it out Angela." I spoke with a softened tone using both thumbs to wipe and caress that face as it twisted into an ugly mask of existential grief.


"That's it, just let go baby."

"OH GOD I'M SORRY WILLIAM!! I'M SO SORRY FOR ABANDONING YOU!! PLEASE DON'T HATE ME!!" There was this static dead feeling in the air that neither of us could ignore.

"He doesn't hate you."

"WILLIAM!!" The former Mrs. Gilbert turned into my body curling into a tight little ball with her knees drawn up into her chest bawling her eyes out. I just held on for dear life knowing it's what she needed.

"It's going to be okay Angela; I promise."

She eventually drifted off into a deep slumber with tears still streaking from her tightly closed eyes.

I followed her.




I woke up face down in the mattress which seemed to be semi-deflated. My android was pressed against my cheek flashing with unanswered messages. There were a few from Jaquan, one from a burner that obviously belonged to Charity. Mr. Gilbert probably dropped a dime on Angela during the early morning hours, or maybe she eavesdropped via the nanny cam in the living room. He'd also shot me a text that I wasn't going to open until I had some food in my stomach in any case.

"Someone's cooking?" The smell of bacon permeated the air as I flopped out of the circular mattress onto the floor with a thud.

I was surprised to find Angela in the kitchen with her back to me looking in the refrigerator. One of my white t-shirts covered her long lean modelesque figure as she emerged with a carton of eggs. The look on her face registered her broken mind state.

"I got up a while ago, so I thought maybe you would like some breakfast. Uhm, if you want me to leave, I will." I glanced from her face to the counter finding a stacked with bacon and sausage on a napkin covered plate. Another plate had some powdered French toast and a waffle or two. My gaze drifted back to the carton of eggs in her hands which were slightly trembling.

"Please by all means, continue. I'm shocked you know how to cook Angela; don't you have a housekeeper for that?"

"I haven't used a housekeeper in five years, and I used to cook for William..." She stopped short, catching herself looking immediately distressed in the moment.

"Hey sorry." I made a move towards her, but she faced the fridge cupping a hand over her mouth, then turned around quickly with a manufactured smile that failed in seconds.

"How do you like your eggs?"

"Scrambled is fine, thanks for the meal, ma'am." I was contrite which made give my chin a light pinch.

"What did I tell you about making me feel like an old lady?" Angela walked past me to the counter where I noticed she had been slicing up some fruit on a recently purchased cut board.

"Just trying to be respectful, it's hard to break old habits." She smiled at me pushing a piece of sliced Kiwi between my lips, then went back to slicing up the rest.

"I know all about that, especially after this morning. I wanted to thank you for treating me nicely even though I didn't deserve it; so, I thought I'd whip up a nice breakfast for you to show my appreciation."

"I would've cooked for you, Angela."

"If you did that, how would I show my appreciation?" She pushed another piece of fruit, a banana slice into my mouth with her pointer finger.

I reached down with thumb and forefinger tugging up the hem of my t-shirt, finding her bare bottom staring back at me, then glanced up, finding Angela looking at my reaction, demurely.

"At least have something to eat first." She smiled weakly.

She didn't resist when I pulled her into my arms simply looking at her face. I was nude and she was partially so making anything possible.

"Took the words right out of my mouth." My endowment pushed between her inner thighs cradled by her tight gym fit buttocks in the back.

We kissed a little, getting progressively passionate.

"Come on, eat something."

"Okay." My hand was in custody of her thigh raising it in the air against the side of my body as she laughed looking genuinely embarrassed. My crown poked her entrance before sliding inside with smooth ease. Angela lowered that long leg trapping me inside her tight box as my hands cupped her resilient buttocks squeezing, hard.

"Oh my god; now I understand what my daughter sees in you." Her arms were wrapped around me, but Angela took a moment to give me another piece of sliced fruit.


Both of her long legs rose in the air wrapping in the small of my lower back as I carried her across the kitchen pinning her to the wall.

"Guess I made breakfast for nothing." Angela hooked her chin over my right shoulder sighing whimsically as I started to bounce her on my cock.



Thank you for reading.

Author's Note: Auntie Esther (Mz.Giggles) first appears in MAXIMUM BADONKADONK CH. 11

Mrs. Gilbert first appears in HOPE, CHARITY & FAITH CH. 12

Story Guide:

BIG TIT DERBY 5X5 (Introduction of Main Character)

DAMN SHE THICK (Five chapters continuing the story)



Maximum Badonkadonk Ch. 17 - Epilogue Bk. 02

The Hired Gun

Ms. Consensual: Not My Baby!! (2 part story arc)

THUNDA- Under New Management




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gydeongydeonabout 1 year ago

I wonder what's going on at the college with the MC. The MC work life was coming to a boil. I am curious to see the MC become the boiling pot of water or the lobster. Quisha prophicy seems to be true for the MC. The interesting thing he is still trying to hide his lifestyle from his mom. Even though she knows what he does. His choices keeps me turning to the next chapter. It's like a slow train wreck waiting to happen. No one can turn away from the crash. Even when you know people will be hurt in the process. @Mondotoken you have so many wonderful options to play with. Keep up the good work Waiting to the next to drop.

gydeongydeonabout 1 year ago

The chickens came home to roost. Sad part took her losing everything to see her lifetime of bad decisions. To many mind games and they fucked her at the end. I knew she was up to something how quickly she showed back up.

OgbaNcha1OgbaNcha1about 1 year ago

I love their fucking. They make magic with their hate fucking lol. Happy for Tressie though I also enjoyed her with MC but she deserves her happy ending.

What next? 😊

mondotokenmondotokenabout 1 year agoAuthor

This would have been longer, but I felt it deserved to be its own thing.

(Long time readers of my catalog will understand this move and enjoy the obvious callbacks.)

Thank you 4 Reading.

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