The Holiday Gift


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It had been in this special role as her foot slave that Danielle discovered just how enthralled Reed himself was with her feet, and how she could use this as another hook to keep him continually on edge. She had long suspected this by the way he so lovingly performed her foot massages, and how meticulous and careful he was in seeing that her feet and all their accessories were kept in immaculate condition. But the final proof came one night during a pedicure, when, as he finished, he lost control of himself as his desire overcame him, and he bent forward and softly kissed the top of her foot.

"How dare youཀ" She had cried in mock horror. "How dare you take such undeserved libertiesཀ"

As he had tried to stammer out an abject apology, she had continued to berate him for his unworthy presumption. This led to the only time that his weekly discipline had advanced into punishment, with a hairbrush replacing her hand, and a rosy red buttocks progressing on to black and blue. From that time on she had made it a point to never even consider allowing him the privilege of kissing her feet, even as she went out of her way to have him handle and care for them in every other way. The look of unrequited yearning that he so often couldn't hide as he did so became, to her, delicious beyond belief.

After changing into her evening attire, Danielle entered the dining room to find Reed putting the final touches on the Christmas Eve feast. An excellent cook, he prepared most of their meals, except when she was feeling adventurous and wanted to experiment. She insisted that they always eat their meals at home together, as she believed that everyone needed some degree of companionship and conversation, and she utilized their mealtimes together for that purpose.

Seeing her, Reed rushed forward to pull her chair out and help her sit down. He then went to the ice bucket, pulled out the bottle of champagne, popped the cork, and proceeded to pour her first glassful of the evening. His own glass remained unfilled however as he awaited her permission to pour some for himself.

"I have a special holiday treat chilling for you in the freezer, Reed." she announced. "Take your glass in and fill it up for our toast."

She smiled as, with a puzzled expression, he hustled into the kitchen to comply with her command. She could only imagine his reaction when he discovered his treat, and she was not disappointed when he reentered with his glass full and a bemused look on his face as he sat down across from her. Once he was settled she raised her glass silently and he followed suit. Her smile broadened as she took her first sip, and observed as he tried to suppress a cringe as he took his. Gathering himself he took in a slightly larger amount, and when she then took a prolonged swallow to drain her glass, she watched with glee as he battled to keep his face blank as he downed the rest of his with one large gulp.

"So how did you like your holiday wine?" she inquired sweetly.

Reed looked down at his glass, frowning, in serious contemplation.

"An excellent vintage." he finally offered, and then broke out with a large grin. "But I think that I would like it a great deal more, fresh and warm, direct from the source."

She couldn't help but laugh. "I think that could be arranged in the future." she offered back.

It was then on to the main course, a Christmas goose with a brandied cherry glaze, accompanied by candied yams, and asparagus in Hollandaise sauce. This was followed by one of her favorite desserts, a creme brulee, of which she had two helpings, as she had had with every other course. And the champagne had continued to flow, now for both of them. Throughout the meal Reed had kept her laughing, often hysterically, with his hilarious stories, and from beginning to end it had been in every way a thoroughly delightful dinner. She sat back in her chair, blissfully satisfied.

"Reed, that was a truly wonderful meal."

Despite past admonitions from many of her Domme correspondents that it was unnecessary, and even unseemly, to ever compliment a slave, she had found that offering Reed praise, when deserved, served as a great spur to have him strive ever harder to please her. And she herself had come to enjoy, as she did now, the strange tingle she felt observing the unmistakable joy on his face whenever she did so.

"While you're cleaning up, I think I'll go sit in the living room and admire your tree." she continued. "But bring me in another glass of champagne before you start."

Reed scrambled up to pull her chair out and help her up. She felt surprisingly relaxed and serene considering the circumstances. That ended abruptly as she walked into the living room and was stopped short by a sight for which she was totally unprepared. Her breath caught in her throat as if she had been kicked in the gut as she stared before her. She made an unsteady way to the couch and sat down numbly, her eyes never leaving the object that was the source of her dismay.

Under the Christmas tree was a box, elegantly wrapped, with a huge bow on top.

Reed also came to a sudden stop, seeing her as he carried her full champagne glass into the room.

"Mistressཀ Daniཀ What's wrong?"

Danielle shook herself, glanced over at him, and then back to the box. She fought to keep her voice even.

"Reed," she began slowly. "What is THAT?"

He followed her gaze back to the tree. His face then lit up with a grin.

"It's a Christmas present, Mistress. My holiday gift for you."

His grin faded as this was met with silence.

"Would you like it now?" He offered gamely, clearly bewildered, and even a little anxious after her continued silence. Unsure of how to proceed, he walked over, picked up the present, and brought it over to her. He went down on his knees and placed it on her lap.

"Merry Christmas, Mistress."

After several more agonizing moments of silence.

"Would you like to open it now?"

She almost refused. She desperately wanted to refuse. But she could never allow herself to show such weakness, especially in front of Reed. She stared at the box on her lap dumbly as if she had no idea on how to proceed.

"Would you like me to help?" he offered, and reached forward to pull off the bow. This broke her out of her daze as she slapped his hand away.

"I'm more than capable of opening a box." she countered sharply. She might as well see this through. It couldn't be as bad as she feared. She carefully undid the wrapping, and slowly opened the box, pulling aside the colored paper covering the contents. Her eyes widened, and she couldn't help the gasp that escaped from her as she pulled them out.

A pair of Manolo pumps, the very ones she had been obsessing and mooning over for months, but with a seven hundred dollar-plus price tag she knew that she would never be able to afford. She looked down at them in wondrous amazement.

"Reed, how ...?"

A dark suspicion brought her to an immediate stop. Yes, how?

"How could you have ever paid for these?" she demanded sternly, glaring down at him.

Reed looked up at her sheepishly, with more than a little bit of concern.

"I haven't eaten lunch for several months, so I saved my money there, and whenever I could, I walked either to or from work." He smiled up at her hopefully. "I finally saved enough by last week." He lowered his head slightly as his hope faded. "I'm sorry if you don't like them."

Her face softened, with a ghost of a smile appearing.

"No ... They're fantastic." She responded, in a low voice. "I've wanted them for such a long time."

His head bobbed up as he returned her smile.

"Help me try them on." she commanded somewhat louder, and he immediately slipped off her slippers, and reverently put each of the new pumps onto her feet. She stretched her legs out in front of her, turning them side to side to admire them. She then stood up, hiked up her robe and nightgown, and twisted her feet this way and that. They fit perfectly and looked fabulous, and she enjoyed herself immensely as she continue to preen, to Reed's obvious appreciation.

"Do you really like them, Mistress?" he asked, dying to have his rekindled hopes confirmed.

"Like them? I love them." She exclaimed.

And she really did love them. But it was far more that that. She sat back down, utterly astonished at how excited and happy she felt. This evening had turned out so far different than anything she could have ever envisioned. And it was all because of Reed. Her slave. She looked down at his beaming face, and a thought came suddenly and unbidden. Should she? It would never have occurred to her before, but she now turned it over and over in her head. She knew that most of her Domme friends would never approve, would never understand. But it just felt so right. She made her decision.

"I have a gift for you as well, Reed."

"Mistress?" he answered, a slight catch in his voice, as he continued kneeling before her.

With a beatific smile on her face, she slipped her feet out of her pumps, and held them out, off the carpet, with her toes pointed toward him.

"You have ten minutes." she announced majestically. "You may worship them to your heart's content."

Reed looked up at her, stunned and unmoving, as if totally overwhelmed and overcome. Finally a hoarse, heartfelt, whispered "Thank you."

She laughed gaily. "I think you're wasting precious time."

He slowly bent forward and took one foot into his hands, then lowered his head to place his lips gently on the top. He lingered there for a very long moment, before using his tongue to lightly caress his way down to her toes, spending ample time with each of them. She began to wiggle them, and taking his cue, he took each one individually into his mouth, swirling his tongue around and between them, sucking softly, which elicited a dreamy sigh from her as he did so. He then picked up her other foot, on which if anything his adoration was even more ardent.

As she basked in the reverie of his worship, Danielle felt a tingle throughout her entire body. Maybe it was the champagne, she thought. No ... it was far, far more than that. Reed had given her a gift tonight, and it had rocked her to her very core. He would never know how great a gift it was. No one had ever known. And, for the first time ever, she had given back. And the feeling that she now had, that was coursing through her being ... well ... sometimes ... maybe it really was better to give than to receive.

Gazing down at him as he continued to express his devotion with unabashed joy, she suspected that she would never be able to drive him away as she had done with all the others. And she now knew, without a doubt, that she would never want to. The thrill within her grew. As the final seconds of his gift ticked away she could hardly wait for it to end, so they could retire to the bedroom, and he could turn his attention to meeting her now exquisitely urgent needs.

A new thought came to her.

Maybe she would allow him out of his cage as he did so.

That thought brought forth another.

Maybe she would also allow him his own climax at the end.

And then, unbelievably, a heretofore unimaginable idea.

Maybe they could even share in the joy together... Free and unencumbered, he could join within her for a first time ... maybe the first of many firsts to come ... for both of them.

Maybe ...

No ...

She absolutely glowed in jubilant anticipation.

Yes ...


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AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Perhaps the best femdom story I have ever read. It desperately needs a sequal.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I love romantic femdom stories and this one is great

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Giving and receiving is the most beautiful balancing act there is. It is what feeds the soul. What is given and received is infinite in variability, and actually rather unimportant. It is in the desire to and reality of creating balance between two people that beauty is created.

Hillbilly_oneHillbilly_oneover 12 years ago

This was a really beautiful and gripping story. I love the character development that goes on through the entire read, and the credibility of the characters. The way she goes from ice-cold bitch to loving Mistress through the story is very touching and it gives the story a humanity and warmth that lifts it up to the five stars I just gave you for it. Keep up the good work!

mel_pomenemel_pomeneover 12 years ago
Great story!

A most entertaining read - thank you, OneWhoAdores - five stars and more like it, please!

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