The Holiday Rep

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Sarah's guests share their holiday experience with her.
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Sarah - The Holiday Rep

"Welcome to our beautiful island, Mr & Mrs Bertie." Sarah said cheerfully as she greeted her latest guests arriving at the airport.

"I am so pleased you choose to spend it with us. I have a taxi waiting for you and Jose here will take you directly to your Villa."

She handed Mrs Bertie a white envelope containing information, pictures and maps of the area, which would give them some ideas of places to go and things to do during their stay. She also told them that she would come along to the villa the following afternoon at about three o'clock to check that everything was satisfactory and answer any questions they may have. As she handed the envelope to Mrs. Bertie, their eyes met. There was something in that look and the way her hand lingered on Sarah's, that made her feel a little strange, in a good way.

As the couple got into the taxi, Sarah advised them that her phone number was on the front of the envelope and if they had any questions before tomorrow, they could call her anytime.

Sarah was tall and slim with blonde, shoulder length hair which gathered around her shoulders. Now in her mid-twenties, with a shapely figure which she kept fit and trim. Sarah had never worn a lot of make-up during her teenage years, so her skin was smooth and had taken on a nice tan. She had been a holiday rep for about five years, which she loved. It enabled her to meet many interesting people during that time, making many lovely friends among guests and work collegues.

She went about the rest of her duties for her airport shift, meeting other guests and ensuring they were safely deposited into taxis for their onward journeys to hotels and villas. As she represented the five-star side of the business, her quests were of a class who went in taxis rather than coaches to their accommodation. When she arrived back to her apartment she slumped into a chair and kicking off her shoes greeted her flatmate Tanya who had been working at her job as a children's rep.

"It is so hot out there at the moment, thank goodness for air con in the airport." she said and they both agreed. They had been flat mates for a couple of seasons now and got on very well, they were good friends with a lot in common and would go off sightseeing and visiting all sides of the island when they had a day off. Tanya was slightly younger than Sarah, however she was also slim and fit, and you could find them bright and early every morning working out on the beach when it was cool, before the heat of the sun.

"I met the most beautiful couple today." Sarah said while they wallowed in the swimming pool later that afternoon. "They're in their thirties, I think. Both so very handsome, with golden skin, great figures and she had the most gorgeous engagement ring on I'd ever seen. She is a beautiful, tanned lady with exquisite taste, going by the clothes she was wearing, quite tall, not an ounce of fat on her, quite shapely with lovely legs. He was gorgeous, again quite tanned, about six-foot-tall with muscles everywhere, his shirt was open down to the middle of his chest and I could see his six pack. He wore shorts and he has very muscular legs! I think they must be in their late thirties." Sarah mused. The girls continued their swim in the cool water.

"I can't wait to go and see them tomorrow, they sounded so interesting while we chatted. I must remember to take a bottle of wine, it's their fifth wedding anniversary." Sarah remarked as she got out of the water and slumped on a sun bed. The late afternoon was the best time in the pool and as the sun had gone behind the apartment block it was cool and very refreshing to lay and dry off on the bed. As she lay in bed that night, she couldn't help thinking about this striking-looking couple and the look that passed between Sarah and Mrs. Bertie.

She was up bright and early the next day as she always had a lot to do following airport days, she had four villas to visit and two hotels before she would be visiting the Bertie's. They were staying in her favourite villa of all those she looked after. It was the largest, containing five large bedrooms six bathrooms, a jacuzzi, large swimming pool which was surrounded by a single and a few double sunbeds. The double beds had white linen drapes around them, for a little intimate privacy, Sarah often thought. There was masses of land around the villa, all laid to paving slabs with many large tubs and pots full of succulent plants, ferns and cactus and palms trees planted amongst the paving. She did wonder when she saw a couple coming into the villa of that size, what they were going to do with all that space and so many rooms. She was very curious about them, and keen to find out what plans they had.

She was half way round her duties when her phone rang and on answering it she discovered it was Mr Bertie, or Cliff as he had asked her to call him, checking the time she expected to be with them. They were going out for lunch and wanted to be back in time for her visit and wanted to be sure not to miss her. She assured him she would be there at three as arranged. He thanked her and said they were looking forward to seeing her. As she ended the call, she was even more intrigued about this couple, but she couldn't quite put her finger on why.

Sarah arrived at one minute to three, right on time she said to herself as she rang the bell. Pointing her remote at the electronic gates she watched them slowly open. Cliff and Mrs Bertie were waiting for her at the large wooden door, they both shook hands with Sarah as they had done at the airport and Cliff introduced his wife as Andrea. She smiled at Sarah and their eyes met once more. They went through the villa and took a seat at the table and chairs in the shade by the pool. It was another hot day. Sarah began her visit by asking if they were happy with the villa and everything they had experienced so far. The next time Sarah looked at her watch it was five o'clock and they had been talking the whole time. They got on so well and seemed to have so much in common, being from the same part of the UK, and talked about pretty much everything. Cliff and Andrea apologised for keeping her so long but they were having such a great time they didn't realise the time. Cliff asked if Sarah would come back tomorrow as he wanted to hire a car for a couple of days and he didn't want to keep her any longer. Sarah advised that it was her afternoon off tomorrow, so she would call in the morning. Andrea insisted that she come when she had finished her work and she could lunch with them, Cliff adding that she bring her bathing things and she could use the pool with them as well. She was on cloud nine when she left, she loved guests like these, so easy going and made her love her job even more enjoyable.

She arrived back at the villa at around twelve thirty the next day. She'd thought a lot about them again and she was looking forward to seeing them again and spending time together. She could see herself diving in the cool water of the pool and hopefully spending some time in the jacuzzi. When she got out of the car this time they were not at the door, so she wandered around the side of the villa to the back to the pool area. She was just about to announce her arrival when she noticed that they were both in the pool, stark naked! Cliff was in the deep end laid flat on his back and she could see he was a little horny and Andrea was stood the shallow end steps calling to Cliff, but he couldn't hear her as his ears were under the water.

She stood for a while watching, not sure what to do next, before Cliff straightened up and swam to Andrea where he took her in his arms and kissed her passionately on the lips, she noticed that neither of them had any tan lines. Andrea responded by pushing her hips against Cliffs lower half. Sarah felt a little embarrassed but seemed to be glued to the spot. Cliff ran his hands up and down Andreas back and Sarah could see his hands grabbed both her bottom cheeks. Andrea groaned a little and slowly moved her hands down his chest and down to his groin area, he squealed a little and they both laughed. Sarah thought she saw Cliff look up and was just about to walk forward and say something but Cliff just picked Andrea up in his thick, muscly arms and walked up to the top step, out of the pool as if she weighed nothing. Sarah could see his large penis proudly erect in front of him as he moved Andrea to one of the double sunbeds, laying her down slowly and softly. He kissed her passionately and she responded by wrapping her legs round his middle as he laid on top of her, they continued kissing and fondling each other. He caressed her ample breasts, for slim lady like Andrea, she had magnificent breasts and he sucked on her large erect nipples. They continued for a while, he kissed her breasts, licked and sucked her pussy, all the time Andrea was cupping Cliffs balls and stroking and playing with his large penis. Eventually he entered her, slowly at first, pushing his way in. She moaned loudly as he rode her, pushing in and out, they both moaned softly caressing each other.

Sarah could feel her temperature rising, she felt a little hot and sticky especially in the lower regions, she slowly moved her hand between her legs and slipped her fingers inside a small G-string knickers. Oh yes, she was hot and sticky and liked the feeling her finger gave her as she watched the two of them in the full throw of making passionate love. She had never witnessed this before and it made her feel so aroused that she knew she had to make herself come. She watched as Cliff continued to make love to his wife, harder and harder, until they both came to their climax right in front of her. Cliff threw his head back and gave a long slow groan as he reached his climax, Andrea arching her back to meet his urgent thrusts.

As they came down from their high, Andrea slowly rolled over and as she did, she noticed Sarah by the wall with her hand up her dress, her eyes rolling, hips gyrating, pleasuring herself. Sarah hadn't noticed them both watching her as she was having her own great time, when she came down from her own climax, she noticed them watching her, but as her climax was better than she had for a while, she did not want it to finish. She quickly smoothed her dress down to her knees and stood upright. Looking a little embarrassed, Sarah noticed the couple both smiling at her. Cliff made his way over to her, holding out his hand and lead her to the sunbed. She sat on the bed apologising for watching them and for her own performance, telling them they were both so sexy, she couldn't help herself.

"No worries." Andrea said as she stroked Sarah's arm in an effort to comfort her. Cliff sat on the sunbed, placed a towel over his still large erect penis and told Sarah that he had seen her so knew she was there. They loved making love in front of someone, although only occasionally, but they knew she was someone special, especially after her performance, they knew they were right. All three laughed and Sarah began to relax.

They proceeded into the villa for some lunch, a beautiful salad, fresh bread with fresh fruit to follow, and the wine flowed. Andrea convinced Sarah to stay the night, they had plenty of room after all. Cliff thought it was a great idea and said that Sarah could use some of Andrea's things in the bathroom and a nightie if she wanted one. Andrea agreed getting up from her chair and leading Sarah by the hand into one of the spare bedrooms. There on the bed was laid a beautiful short, baby pink lace nightie and pink towelling slippers on the mat by the bed. In the bathroom Andrea had laid out all the things that Sarah might need as a guest for the evening. "You have gone to so much trouble for me, thank you" Sarah said as she returned to the bedroom. Andrea told her that they were hoping she would stay so they could talk and laugh some more, they both really enjoyed her company. As Andrea was leaving, she kissed Sarah softly on the lips, stroked her arm, turned and left the room, slowly pulling the door to, asking Sarah if she would like to swim. Sarah was taken aback for a moment by the kiss, but flattered, all she could do now was mumble her thanks.

Sarah quickly changed into her bikini, grabbed her towel and made her way down to the pool area, she fond Andrea and Cliff already in the pool again naked. "Come on in, the water is lovely." Cliff said as he dived under the water.

"Am I overdressed." Sarah said as she dived into the water, meeting Cliff at the deep end.

"Only if you want to be." they both said in unison and with that Sarah removed her top and threw it on the side. "That will do to start." she said with a giggle.

They spent some time in the water, swimming, playing and throwing a beach ball to each other, then moved to the jacuzzi as Andrea came out with another bottle of chilled sparkling white wine. They toasted each other, their home town and of course Cliff and Andrea's wedding anniversary. They were sat around chatting in the foaming water when Sarah felt Andrea's hand stroking her leg. Sarah looked at Andrea and smiled, Andrea's hand moved slowly up the inside of Sarah's thigh and gently sliding her fingers to find her clit. Sarah, though a little shocked, opened her legs slightly to let Andrea's fingers explore further, laying her head back against the side and closing her eyes. Andrea's fingers played with Sarah's now swelling lips, finding the area that made her moan with pleasure. Pushing her fingers inside her, Sarah pushed a little harder, before feeling a hand cup her breast, gently pinching her erect nipples. She knew it was Cliff so she kept her eyes closed, enjoying the moment. Andrea continued to play with Sarah's clit, pushing her fingers inside, that it did not take long for Sarah to reach her climax, she arched her back and let the waves of ecstasy roll over her. She sat there for a while with a smile on her face and the feeling of total satisfaction. Andrea met Sarah's gaze once more and she realised what the look at the airport was all about.

They moved onto the sun beds for a rest and cool down while Cliff said he would have to prep some things for dinner. "I hope you like Sea Bass, Sarah?" he said as he walked over to the outside kitchen area and started to mill around preparing vegetables.

Andrea moved over to the double bed that Sarah was laid on and asked if she minded if she laid with her. "I hope you don't mind what just happened in the Jacuzzi, Sarah? You would say if you didn't want this to happen, it's only that we feel so comfortable with you and think you feel the same."

"Not at all." Sarah said as she looked at Andrea. "I have never done that before, but you make it so natural and make me feel so horny that love it."

"Don't worry about it" Andrea replied, "Would you like to do it again?"

"Not sure where to start, never done anything like this before, but I am game and ready for anything!" Sarah said looking at Andrea and slowly kissing her on the lips.

Cliff made his way over to the sunbed joined the girls and he let all of the lined drapes down, for privacy he said, but not that the villa was overlooked so no one could see anything, Sarah thought it was for her benefit if she was a little shy.

He slowly removed the sun dress that Andrea had slipped on when she walked to the sunbeds and removed the towel he put on in the kitchen. He slowly kissed Andrea on the lips and moved down her body stopping at her breasts, all the while Andrea was looking at Sarah. "Would you like me to do this to you?" Cliff asked looking up at Sarah.

"Go on, you will enjoy it." Andrea said as she untied the cords at the sides of the bottoms of Sarah's bikini that she was still wearing. Sarah groaned and moved down the bed to lay down. Cliff slowly moved from Andrea to Sarah and kissed her very softly on each cheek, slowly down her neck, resting his tongue on her already erect nipples. He started to kiss her breasts and suck at her nipples. Sarah could feel herself getting aroused once more and feeling a wetness below, moved her hand to find Andrea's breasts, playing with her erect nipples, with Andrea moaning her enjoyment.

Cliff continued down to Sarah's clit, running his longue over it with passion, fingering her lips and pushing a finger inside her wet hole. She was so aroused that it took her no time to come to a climax once again, waiting for Cliff to enter her. For some reason he held back. She wondered why as she wanted him to come inside her.

She laid back on the bed, eyes closed just taking it all in. Hearing Cliff moan she opened her eyes, to see Andrea with her mouth over Cliff's erect penis, moving slowly up down and following with her hands on his balls, he moaned. Moments later he took Andrea into his arms, rolled her over and licked her wet, hot pussy. She was moaning loudly and panting, begging him to enter her. He did as he was told and within minutes, he was riding her hard. Andreas legs were high in the air, gripping his hips with all she had as he pounded into her. Sarah had never seen anything like this and watched, spellbound as her villa guests reached their climax with an explosion together. Sarah thought they were so good together, in time with each other knowing what each other liked as they collapsed onto the bed, panting hard. All three laid on the sun bed exhausted. The afternoon had been hot and they had been enjoying each other for a couple of hours. As the sun eased itself to the back of the villa, they decided a cooling dip was called for.

Sarah stayed that night and every night for the rest of her guests' holiday, she was able to secure a few days off so she could spend longer with them and when she had to work, Sarah would return to the villa in the evening instead of her apartment. Tanya didn't mind as she had met someone and it meant she could have her own space as well.

The three of them got on so well, they became great friends. They continued the kissing, caressing, licking and making each other come at every given opportunity. Cliff never had sex with Sarah, as it was deemed that was reserved for his wife! But he did purchase a vibrator and used it regularly on Sarah as if it was him, while she made sure he always came, as she so enjoyed watching him shoot his hot white liquid over her breasts. He made both women come to climax on a regular basis, all over the villa, in different rooms, as they did to him, Cliff and Andrea made love every night in a different room sometimes with Sarah present, sometimes not. They all played in the pool, the jacuzzi, day and night, skinny dipping was a regular feature and one night to the surprise of Sarah, Andrea visited her in her bedroom and the two women pleasured each other in a way Sarah had not thought possible.

Sarah never forgot the two weeks she had spent with the Bertie's; she had experienced many things for a first time! They remain firm friends and share holidays when they can.

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