The Honey Trap


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The girls and Sherrie chatted about the things that the girls had seen in their line of business, the conference was what they called a target rich environment, so many men obviously looking for something on the side, they had even been approached as if there were a couple of prostitutes, they were used to that, and after the odd slap around the face or stamp on the foot, word soon got about that they were not ladies of the night. All we have to do now was wait.

That evening Sherrie and I dressed, she looked stunning. I looked, well just like me, a service engineer in a suit, not so much a silk purse out of a sow's ear, more of sow's ear out of a silk purse, I made the handmade suit I had on look like a sack of spuds with a rope tied round the middle. When I mentioned this to Sherrie, she just smiled and kissed me and said. "Character."

We went to the conference hotel and found ourselves a quiet corner so we could watch the girls about their business. The girls looked hardly any different from the Friday night, OK the clothes are gorgeous, but it was the confidence and manner that would be attractive to a bunch of men and maybe some women.

Sherrie could see exactly what the girls were on about with this crowd of men, on one trip to the ladies she got approached herself three times, whilst she wanted to use the girl's approach of giving them a slap, she didn't want to draw attention to herself so she said she just whispered to them, "fuck off before my husband comes over here and beats the shit out of you." That generally did the trick.

Sherrie what amazed and how the girls operated, they would walk past Ralph arm in arm and smile at him. On more than one occasion after they had passed, he would stop turn and look and you could see the lust in his eyes. We weren't paying much attention, we thought it was a bit early, but all of a sudden it happened. He left the crowd he was with and walked across the girls and without being asked sat down next to them.

Spot on time, well close enough, all three got up and walked towards the lifts. Now it's up to Carol, about 10 minutes later Carol walked in, she was not alone. All I heard was Sherrie say, "Shit, that's Ralph's mum and dad and Carol's mum and dad too." Oh fuck this was going to be good.

Carol waved and came across to us, she apologised for being late, she wasn't late at all. Introductions were made, I'd never met Ralph's mother and father, although Sherrie had, neither of us had met Carol's parents. I said it was about time we went to include Ralph in this party, I had to go past the restaurant to get the bigger table, just in case things didn't work out as we expected.

Once that was all sorted, we headed towards the lifts, as we were going up in the lift, I suggested everybody stood to one side whilst I knocked on the door and called out room service, then as the door opened, they could all step from the side, they would have to keep well to the side so they couldn't be seen through the door spy hole. I also suggested that Sherrie and I record it for posterity on our phones. That met with great approval. Right, just before 8:00 o'clock with everybody in position, I rapped on the door and called out, "room service" in a loud voice, really to let the girls know that we were on time and then I faced away with my phone ready.

We heard a muttered sound from the other side of the door and then the door being opened I turned and everybody appeared in front of me, Sherrie had her phone up recording. The look on Ralph's face was fucking amazing, but I wish I could have seen the look on Carol's and Ralph's parent's face's because behind Ralph, were two stunning ladies both with their dresses around their ankles, that wasn't part of the plan we talked about earlier. One had a hand covering her crotch and her other arm across her bare breasts. The other one had one hand to her face, and the other covering her crotch, she didn't need to cover her breasts, her hourglass figure was encased in a tight corset. Both were wearing stockings, neither were wearing knickers.

At this point I spoke up and said, "I think we had better go, we're not family." There was a whooshing sound and Ralph collapsed to the floor holding his groin, that was when we stopped recording. Carol and the parents shot off down the corridor heading towards the lifts. Looking back into the room there were two giggling girls with huge smiles on their faces and nobody was covering any breasts. We couldn't leave Ralph lying there like that, so Sherrie and I picked him up and put him on the bed. I looked at the girls smiled and said, "You bloody minxes. That wasn't the plan"

Jasmine said. "You're right, it's all a front, he's a fucking arsehole."

It was time we made ourselves scarce.

Sherrie and I left and headed back to our hotel, I didn't bother stopping in the restaurant, the table was booked in Ralph's name anyway. I really needed a beer, and I think Sherrie could do with a large G&T. After getting our drinks we found ourselves a quiet booth, once settled, we looked at each other and smiled we both took a deep sigh and then a long drink. It didn't take long for two stunning girls to join us. They were also doing impressions of Cheshire cats. I was dispatched to get more drinks, to be honest both mine and Sherrie's had gone down in one go.

When I got back the three of them were deep in conversation about what had happened, Ralph had come on to them quite heavy and arrogantly, telling them what to do and how to entertain him. They both thought he was the worst kind of man that they had met. And that was when they decided to drop their dresses. Sherry then started quizzing them if it was always like that, Jasmine replied sometimes better, sometimes worse, but it was always exciting, Sherrie wanted to know where Jasmine got that corset from, it was stunning, she wanted one like that, she was told it came from Axford's, unfortunately, they closed in 2019. But Vollers has an amazing range. The girls kept on chatting; I was a bit of an outsider sat with three beautiful intelligent women just listening. I really didn't mind. At some stage Darlene went to the bar and Jasmine went to the toilet.

Sherrie leaned into me and whispered, "I like these two, they have the B and the C."

"Well, you should know, because so do you." she smiled at me and kissed me. Darlene came back with the drinks and Jasmine came back from the toilet, Jasmine was walking very quickly and was clutching something, she slid in next to Sherrie and slid the corset she had been wearing across to her. Shit, she was naked under that dress, that wasn't good for my heart rate. We carried on chatting till about 10:30 o'clock when the girls said they were going to bed as they had to be up early in the morning. They had a job in Derby tomorrow evening. They even suggested that Sherrie open up a branch of their business down here. One look from me put the kibosh on that.

Sherry looked at me and I nodded slightly, she faced the girls and said, "It has been amazing meeting you two, if you're ever down here again, please give us a call, we would love to meet up, this has been a real eye-opener, and thank you so much for what you've done, I think he's going to get his just desserts, and that's down to you two. I've had a fantastic weekend, and I don't think it's over yet." Gently lifting the corset that Jasmine had given her.

We all stood up so the girls could say their goodbye's.

I surprised myself next when I opened my mouth, "If you do get business down this way and you want our help just give us a shout, I may not have approved of your initial strategy, but after what I saw people approaching you in the hotel, I think your new one can stand up to scrutiny. So, if you need any help down here give us a call. And you better send me the bill."

At that Darlene opened her handbag and took out a till receipt, I looked at it, £84.54. I gave her a quizzical look.

"It's our petrol bill, we're doing this at cost."

What happened next amazed me even more, I didn't think I was the girl's best friend, they weren't into men anyway.

Jasmine grabbed hold of me and gave me a huge squeeze, "You are an honourable and lovely man, Sherrie is lucky to have you, and you are lucky to have her. If there are more men like you Alice and I may not be like we are. It has been a real pleasure." She used Darlene's real name.

I was surprised at that, and I said. "No you are wrong, most men are like me, most of the men I meet are honourable and honest. Unfortunately, in your business you seem to meet the dregs and the scum, next time you look at a football crowd of men just remember that most of them are like me. Apart from the fact that I don't like football. Oh, and by the way, you are who you are, don't change."

Jasmine went to Sherry and gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, Darlene came across to me and wrapped her arms around me and she whispering to my ear, "Thank you lovely man." I got a kiss on each cheek and a quicker one on the lips. The girls headed towards the lift.

This was getting embarrassing, it took me a while to get my shit together, then I took hold of Sherrie's hand and led her to the lift, she was clutching the corset to her chest. As much as I would like to have done something tonight after being around all those sexy people, I was too knackered for anything, and when Sherrie collapsed on the bed she probably was too. I think a good cuddle was in order.

We got up for breakfast late, a quick enquiry revealed the girls had booked out at about 7:00 in the morning, they were probably home by now. We heard nothing from anybody all day Sunday, and Sherrie admitted to some trepidation about going to work on Monday.


Monday Sherrie phoned me about midday and said we had both been requested to meet Richard in his office at half past five and she had agreed on my behalf, Okay let's see how far the shit was going to fly from the fan. She also told me, that she had turned down the promotion.

I turned up in my work clothes, oh I might have put a little extra grease and pea juice down my front, just so they knew exactly who I was. As we waited, Sherrie filled me in that Ralph hadn't been seen all day, and the whole place was subdued, that was about all she had time to say before we were ushered into Richard's office, we were asked if we wanted a drink, I asked for tea, white, none, Sherrie had a coffee. I thought Richard was trying to compose himself for this difficult situation, the secretary bought the drinks in, Richard told her he was finished with her for the day and she should go home now. She seemed to accept the dismissal.

Sherrie and I had talked about this, the collateral damage that this was going to cause. She had explained to me the outlines of a plan. Ralph's philandering was always going to come out eventually, so sooner rather than later, and it could be done in an almost controlled method, not sheer mayhem. And she started in on it on that plan now.

She didn't give Richard time to say anything, "Sir, David and I have talked about this and have already deleted the videos off our phones, it's a family problem to sort out, we have not, and will not discuss this with anybody else that wasn't there at the time. I was the only one there from the company, so only I know about it. Is there anything else you want to know?"

"Please, we were introduced as Richard on Saturday, I would feel better if you used that." He sighed but seemed to pick himself up a bit when he realised, that there were friends sat across the table from him. "Actually, no I think you've covered about all of it, you seem to have stolen my thunder, I had several questions and a request but you seem to have sorted it all out for me. I can see why Ralph and the team thought you would make a good PM." he paused, "but I gather you've turned the promotion down?"

"That's correct Richard, I don't think that lifestyle is for us."

"Ah that's a pity, I have a new contract here for you, if you would be so kind as to look over it before you make a final decision, there is a precis on the first page." He slid a package of papers across to us. Sherrie picked off the top sheet and held it between us, the salary had gone up, not massively, probably not enough to raise eyebrows amongst her work colleagues, but there were added benefits, extra holidays, private medical insurance for the both of us plus a couple of other little things.

I looked at Richard and said. "This is very rude I know but please excuse us for a couple of seconds." I leaned across and whispered into Sherrie's ear, ear she just nodded.

"I'm sorry Richard I can't accept this; I feel it would be dishonourable to accept these extra benefits if my colleagues aren't getting them. I find the hours that some of the PM's work is not what I want, this man sat here beside me comes first, some of the hours your people are putting in would ruin my family life. I'm not going to do that. There is a work-life balance, so I'll go back to being an assistant and go home to my husband every night at 5 o'clock. But thank you very much, it's a kind offer." What she was really saying was we thought the extra holidays and medical insurance were a bribe.

Richard steepled his fingers and rested his chin on them for a bit, he looked at the pair of us and continued. "I would need to get this passed by the board, but how about this as a basis, you average a 37 hour week over a rolling six week period. We will not give you large projects and you will have the right to refuse those that may impinge on that work life pattern. The extra holidays are there if you want them. But I must insist that you accept the medical insurance for two reasons. One, we don't want you off sick, I want you back at work as soon as possible after any illness, the company is being greedy. We want you working at maximum efficiency, not off poorly. Two, David through his support to you has shown support to this company, I and the board think that he should be rewarded. Also, this whole scheme is planned to be rolled out to all sections over the next couple of years, you're just the first person to receive it, oh and we don't want you off looking after a poorly husband. Please go home and think about it."

I leaned folding in my chair. "Richard, may I ask a question or two?" He nodded." Does the board know what happened on Saturday night, where is Ralph, what is going to happen to him, but most importantly how are Carol, her parents, you and your wife holding up?"

He stood up and went to the corner bar and poured us a drink without asking, I don't like whisky, I like beer, but I accepted it. We could see he needed time to think. He did the steepled fingers thing again, and said," That's actually very kind of you to consider the family. The board know some of the details, basically, Ralph may have been indiscrete with two ladies of the night in his room."

I felt Sherrie bristle at the mention of her two new friends being called "ladies of the night" I reached across and squeezed her arm.

"Ralph still works for the company, he is my son, but I don't think you'll see him get a seat on the board. You may come across him if you go to some of our smaller concerns if he decides to stay with the company, that's up to him, that is all I'm going to tell you about him. Family, now that's a different matter, Carol is almost certainly going to divorce him, she has suspected that he has been doing stuff like this for a while, but she could not find any proof, she admits to not looking very hard because she loved him. Carol's parents are fine, they are busy looking after their daughter and their grandchildren. I'm doing reasonable, I've got my work and this mess to sort out. It's Ralph's mother that's taking it the hardest, she's going over to see Carol and the grandchildren tomorrow and I'm hoping that will pick her up a bit, but she's a tough old bird, and she'll work out how to live with it. Thank you for asking." He looked at Sherrie and said, "Would you be so kind as to give Carol a call, I think she could do with a friend, and she really likes you," looking at me he carried on, "Seems to like you as well."

I thought it was time we went, so I stood up and held my hand out to Richard, he took it, "Please pass on our best regards to all the family, we are thinking of them, tell Carol she can phone us anytime or bring the kids over If she wants to, we've got lots of boy's toys they can play with."

Sherrie also stood up and offered a hand which Richard took, "Broadly I accept your verbal contract but we will still need to see the details in black and white." We walked towards the door, I held it open for Sherrie, as she was about to leave, she turned and said to Richard. "The two ladies of the night you mentioned were staying in our hotel, when they saw us they came across to apologise, they were just two girls out for a good time and he seemed such a nice fellow, a gentleman, polite considerate, he never mentioned he was married and he wasn't wearing a wedding ring, they told us they don't play with married men. He wasn't paying for their services; I hope that makes you feel a little better about him?" We left.

"That was nice of you," I said.

"Fuck that twat, I was trying to lessen the pain for the family, it would really hurt Carol if she thought he was paying for sex." I gave her a funny sideways look, "okay, okay I was defending Jas and Darlene as well."

Sherrie got the new contract by midday Tuesday, and it was everything that Richard said it would be. She accepted the job.

Walking home from work on Thursday Ralph popped out of an alley and fell in beside me, "I have to know, did you set me up?" he asked.

I stopped and looked at him. "Did you set Sherrie up?"

"You can't answer a question with another question,"

"Oh, I think I can in this case." I just smiled at him and walked on. We never saw him again.

And that corset looks stunning on my sweet wife.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Great story. A loving and assertive husband who took charge. And s loving and faithful wife who defended her husband and put him first. Suspect even if only the photo arrived, no video, with no warning call, it wouldn't have gone far. Would have stopped at kissing. Maybe worst case second base. And she would have confronted hubby with photo and she would have confessed. Look how she broke down on a two second kiss. Ralph is an asshole.

Busman19639Busman196399 months ago

Pretty long winded.

MattblackUKMattblackUK9 months ago

That worked very well indeed. 5*

Schlouis57Schlouis579 months ago

Un peu tiré par les cheveux cependant assez agréable à lire.

deependerdeepender9 months ago

Nice. Thank you.

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