The Horny Elves Ch. 04

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Futanari fantasy story about a young woman visiting her aunt.
9.1k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/26/2014
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The hegoreinak took a few fast steps, building up speed, before spreading its wings and lifting of the ground. Lisa held on tightly to Amelandiel sitting in front of her on the winged deer. It felt dangerous, as she didn't have the ability to hold on to the animal, but wrapping her legs around Ame's waist to leave the animal with enough room to move the wings. Behind her was the second elf. The one that had come with the hegoreinak and that had been so rude. Lisa still let her hold on closely to her. Being between two strong elves made her feel safe.

The winged animal struggled to get enough lift in the small clearing. Lisa thought that it being so much heavier than a bird would explain why it wouldn't be as graceful, and on top of that it was also carrying three women on its back. It was a wonder it was able to get off the ground, and after a turn they were soaring over the tree tops towards the big tree.

As they got above the bigger clearing, they had reached more than twice the height of the normal trees, and Lisa got a chance to look down at the orcs. They didn't look quite as scary from this height. Despite that, Lisa couldn't help but hug Ame close, seeing the orcs starting to scramble on the ground and pointing their weapons up in the sky. She felt Ame trying to force the hegoreinak to quickly fly higher and it started to flap its wings with slow but powerful strokes. When the arrows came Lisa felt like they were so close, but she was too scared to lean to the side to be able to see properly. Surely if they were to fall from this height they would die. At least Lisa knew she would, she couldn't tell for sure about the two elves as they seemed to be able to do the most amazing things. If they would survive the fall surely they wouldn't be able to survive the angry orc army.

When they finally landed on a platform up in the tree, Lisa was relieved. The two elves jumped off quickly but Lisa stayed on the flying deer until Ame helped her get down. The hegoreinak sank down to the ground, clearly exhausted by the ordeal of getting them so high up in the air. Lisa wanted to take care of the Hegoreinak, but Ame dragged her away.

"We need to get moving, we have important things to do," Ame said making sure Lisa was following her.

More elves came running and they were all dressed in what looked like armor. It seemed to have a similar design as the summer dresses but made out of leather and plating. They were even carrying spears and swords; Lisa had never seen that before, but knew it must be because of the orc threat. They tried to talk to Ame but she only brushed them away saying it would have to wait. Lisa could hear some of them whisper about a savior as they passed down. If they were talking about her, they must all be very disappointed now.

As they pushed forward Lisa started to recognize where they were. They were on their way to the Elders Hall. She looked up towards the area where Melandir and Eva's hut had been. She had spent the most amazing summer of her life up there and she wanted to go back there now. Still she let Ame lead the way. She wasn't even sure the hut would be there. Eva would at least not be there, and even if Mel was alive, she wouldn't know who Lisa was. She had to look into it later. Maybe finding Mel could be a key to finding her way back to the right time period.

The big hall was even grander, but it didn't have the same buzz of life as she had remembered. It had been a center for life in the tree, when Lisa had last been here, but now it just had a few soldiers, and the elders. They looked similar to the elders she knew, the same clothes and the same elegant strength that made them the leaders of their people.

"Is this the woman?" one of the elders spoke.

Lisa looked at Ame. If she was right about her identity she knew that one day, her newfound friend would be one of the elders. Not only that, but their leader. Be it 50 or 500 years from now.

"I have found someone, Elders. I do not know if she is the one from my vision. I have brought her here so that your wisdom can guide us," Amelandiel said to the elders.

"The tree will judge her. Take her to the chamber," the middle elder spoke.

Lisa started to prepare to receive the blessing of the tree like she had done when she had first came to the tree, but instead she was just moved towards the chamber with the heart of the tree.

"As soon as you are ready, just touch that knot. You need to be alone in the room so wait for us to leave. Then after you can come out, tell us what you have learned," Ame explained.

Lisa looked at Ame, Squeezing her hand.

"I might not be who you want me to be, Amelandiel. If I am not, then I will still do anything I can to help," Lisa said, hoping she wouldn't disappoint her.

"You are who you are. I am already certain you will save us. The tree told me so, Lisa," Ame explained.

Lisa wasn't convinced but she still let go of Ame's hand and turned to the knot. She heard Ame walk out of the room and she carefully stepped forward, holding her arms out. Last time she had been in this situation she had been covered in cum. She couldn't help but be a bit disappointed that the elders had skipped her cum bath this time. Cum or not, she leaned forward touching the knot.

The world started to turn green and before she knew it she was standing in the soft green world, where the light seemed to come from nowhere, and she was standing on solid ground that she couldn't see. She had been waiting for a vision, but this was a place she had visited once before, even if briefly.

"Seca," Lisa said out loud to the woman standing in front of her.

"You made it here!" the dryad said. "Sadly I have taken you to the wrong time," she confessed with a puzzled look on her face.

"I saw," Lisa said.

She leaned in to give Seca a hug. She was happy to see her again, even if she had only seen her a few days ago she knew that it had been much more than that for the tree spirit. She was glad her friend had made it this far.

"That is why I had to call on you," Seca said. "We need your help, I think you are the only one that can do that, just as you saved me once, you must now save us all."

"I am not sure what I can do," Lisa said feeling that too much trust was put on her. "As you remember, I was hiding instead of helping you, when that orc attacked, so taking on a full army of them isn't something I can do."

"There is something I could give you that could help you," Seca explained.

"Why me? You have so many strong elves, and if you have something that could defeat the orcs, certainly they would be best suited for that," Lisa said, scared of what she might be forced to do.

"You are right that they are strong. They are also proud and stubborn. I do not know if they would be able to handle my gift. If they got it, they might turn from their path and not only defeat the army, but all orcs," Seca said sadly.

Lisa didn't know what to say. Some of the values seemed different in this time period, at least among some of the elves. She had even met a rude elf. She imagined someone like her could end up doing something horrible if she had the power to get away with it.

"That is why I need you," Seca went on. "I know you saved me once, and it might be too much to ask for you to do so again. I did not know who else to turn to. I know you are honest and humble, while at the same time, you are stronger than you know. Most of all, I lo-," Seca forced herself to take a break to find the right words, "I trust you."

There was no way around it. Lisa knew this was something she had to do for her friend. She was certain that she would fail, but she still had to try.

"What do I need to do?" Lisa said, surrendering to the idea that Seca wouldn't ask anyone else.

"It is a bit weird. I have tried to figure out another way to do it, but I do not think there is one. It is the only way to save us," Seca said with a mix of excitement and worry in her voice.

"Whatever it is, I will do it. For you and the elves," Lisa said trying to sound brave.

"I want to give you my magical powers. The only way I know how to do that is to fill my, fluids, with magic and transfer them to you," Seca tried to explain.

"What do you mean with fluids?" Lisa asked.

"From my, thing," Seca went on while pointing down to her girl cock.

"We would need to have sex?" Lisa wondered, a smile spreading on her lips.

"Yes, to be able to transfer the magic," Seca continued with an unsure voice, "If that would not be too weird."

Lisa looked on the dryad. She had long green hair and a brown, wooden looking skin, reminding more of a tree than the dark skinned people of the human world. Between her legs was a mighty cock, already hard as a log. Lisa figured the idea of sex excited the dryad, even if she tried to make it sound like it was only for transferring the magic. She stepped in close to her friend, moving her hands across her body, finding it soft to the touch.

"I would love to make love to you, Seca. You are my friend, and I have been wondering about that big cock of yours ever since I first saw it," Lisa confessed, finishing her point off with a quick kiss.

"We just need to make sure you get all the cum inside of you. That way the magic can move into your body," Seca explained. "then make sure there is enough magic being transferred."

"Can you cum in my mouth? Because I would love to suck on your cock, Seca," Lisa said sensually, while grabbing hold of the dryad's cock.

"Y-yes," Seca answered, trembling.

Lisa couldn't believe the day she was having. After years of longing, years of waiting to be with a big cocked woman again, she was going to have her second girl cock in just a few hours. Her whole body felt like it was about to be eaten up by horniness. It was just something about a beautiful woman with a big cock that drove her wild. It felt especially exciting that Seca was so awkward and excited, that she could barely stand up. Maybe she hadn't been with anyone since she became a tree? Hundreds or even thousands of years of pent of passion. Lisa sank down to her knees, letting one hand search for the balls. One could barely fit in her hand. Did they contain thousands of years of cum too? Lisa was eager to find out.

Without hesitation, Lisa gave the big head a few licks, causing a big glob of precum to shoot out and land on her tongue. It didn't taste the same as she was used to, but more of a sweet, woody taste. She knew right away she wanted more of it, a lot more. She opened her mouth as wide as she could, taking the head in her mouth. It filled her mouth completely. She had one thought on her mind, if Seca hadn't been with anyone for so long, Lisa wanted to show her what she had been missing out on.

The cock tasted wonderful, but more than that, she loved the effect it had on Seca. The spirit girl was seemingly taken by the intense emotions and pleasure of the situation. Pushing her hips out, while holding her arms up to her chest with closed fists, squishing the breasts. It looked like she was trying to guard herself from the pleasure. Lisa took it as a sign that she needed to be careful to not fully overwhelm her.

"I-i-I am going to," the beautiful tree spirit moaned.

Lisa knew that Seca was about to cum, and instinctively started to pull her mouth back. Before she could get her mouth of the thick cock, she felt two hands on the back of her head, pushing her head forward on the cock.

"It needs to be inside when I," Seca said in desperation, feeling the need to orgasm being too strong to overcome, "CUM," she finished the sentence like it was a cue to unleash what lay hidden in her massive balls.

Cum started to pump into Lisa's mouth, her eyes being big as plates, first from the deep intrusion of the girl cock in her mouth, and then from the vast amount of semen. She was used to the copious amounts the elves could produce, and it seemed clear that they had a lot more in common with Seca than their giant girl cocks. She tried her best to swallow, but each spurt produced so much cum, that it was impossible to keep up. For a moment she feared she would drown. Her mouth being so full of cock and cum, and the cock making sure nothing could escape. She felt some of it go up her nose too, before the stream of cum seemed to run dry and she could regain her composure a little bit. As Seca let go of her head, she fell backwards, ending up laying on her back.

"Wow," Lisa said, trying to catch her breath.

"Sorry, I did not mean to hurt you," Seca said going to her knees and leaning over Lisa. "Are you okay?"

"That was amazing," Lisa burst out, starting to move the left over cum from her face to the mouth. "Your cock is a bit more powerful than I had expected, but I loved it. Did I get enough magic in me or do we need to do more?" Lisa asked, licking her fingers and looking at Seca, still sporting a raging hard on.

"We could do a little more, I mean, for the sake of enough magic energy being moved to your body. I will be good and not get carried away again," Seca excused herself.

"It is okay, just do what you need to do," Lisa said, smiling. After all, part of her love of big cocks was the roughness and soreness.

Seca wasted no time, getting on top of Lisa, positioning herself so that the enormous dick could hone in on its new target. The penetration made both of them moan. Lisa tried to find something to hold on to, but in the void of the spirit world nothing existed but them. It was beautiful in one way, but when stretched open so wide and so suddenly, having something to give comfort wouldn't have hurt.

She wrapped her arms around Seca, pulling her body down against her own. She tried to move her hips but the big invasion of her neither region made it difficult. Instead it was the tree trunk sized tool that did the moving, laying claim to her body.

"That feels so good," Lisa moaned, trying to hold on to the spirit on top of her.

"Do you really like it?" Seca said insecurely.

"I love it. I love you. I love how this world is full of beautiful women with massive cocks. I love that you are all so loving and caring," Lisa confessed, planting a kiss on Seca's lips after every sentence.

"I love you too!" Seca burst out. "Do you not have this in your world?" She continued, trying to change the subject.

"No," Lisa said honestly. "No one as wonderful and sweet as the people here, no girls with cocks, no cocks this big and as tasty," Lisa went on looking up at Seca.

"Then I am glad you came here," Seca answered. "If all goes well I will make sure you can always have all the beautiful women with big cocks that you could ever want," Seca went on, her hips starting to move.

Lisa continued to hold on to her friend as each thrust started to get deeper and more powerful. It was true fulfillment. Body and soul both getting what they needed. She moved her legs up and wrapped them around Seca, making her slip all the way inside, their bodies closer than any two bodies could be.

"I can not hold back," Seca whispered, her face strained from pleasure.

"Then do it, do all you need to do to feel good," Lisa encouraged her.

Seca wasted no time, her body moving faster and faster. Lisa did all she could to hold on. Legs and arms wrapped around the tree spirit, holding on for dear life. How could sex feel this good? Such a sweet and innocent woman with a giant cock. Stretching her so good. Using every inch of her pussy to gain pleasure. She tried her best to give the same pleasure back, using all her muscles to make this the most memorable moment for the dryad, in all her years as a tree.

When she felt that Seca was about to cum it was a relief. Her pussy could hardly take any more without a rest. Instead she gave it her all to make her lover cum as hard as possible. Her pussy getting pounded so hard, that each thrust made her moan loudly. She felt the first powerful stream of cum hit deep inside. It made her toes curl and her body get lost in her own orgasm. Each thrust and jet of cum prolonging it. She felt it fill up her body until it could hold no more, cum leaking out even if she was certain that the cock had plugged her up completely. Still more cum was shot into her. Her own orgasm was so strong, lasting for so long, that she could no longer handle it.

She felt her legs slip away, and her arms slip down. Just as she was sure she would pass out, she felt two lovely lips being pressed against her own. It brought her back. Gave her strength. Her own orgasm had ended, and she no longer felt cum being spewed in her pussy, but the rhythmical back and forth in her vagina was still taking place. She tried to get her composure back. The kiss helped but she still struggled before she got her legs and arms around her lover again.

"Just one more," Seca whispered through the kiss. "just one more"

Lisa nodded her head. She wasn't sure she could handle it but she was willing to try. Her body was on the breaking point of sexual pleasure, but she wasn't going to give up. She would do it for Seca.

She tried to focus on the kiss. The two wonderful lips pressed against her own. She moved her tongue out to find the other woman's. For a moment she thought it might have been a mistake as it made the massive cock move even faster. She felt stronger again. Like she had been filled with some energy she had never felt before. She pulled Seca closer again, loving how the tree spirit's cock felt. Moving her own hips to meet the powerful thrusts. She wanted to cum, no, she needed to cum again.

"We need to hurry," Seca moaned.

Lisa wasn't sure why they needed to hurry, but she gave her all to give pleasure. Her body rubbing against the other woman's. Their lips and tongue dancing together. Their hips joined. It was starting to become too much for her again. She felt strong, but feared that another powerful orgasm would cripple her again before she had brought Seca to one final release.

This time there was no warning. The floodgate opened again, deep inside of her pussy. Both women crying out in pleasure as they gave in to their pleasure. Lisa was bucking her hips as her pussy once again overflowed. She was now certain that the tree spirit had at least a few years' worth of cum saved up, and that Lisa had now gotten all of it out.

They both collapsed, Seca still on top.

"It has started," Seca said, sounding serious. "It is all up to you now, Lisa. You need to stop them before it is all too late."

Before she could answer, Seca had already stood up. She held her arms out and Lisa got up too. Fun time was over. An army of orc brutes were threatening the tree and everyone seemed confident that she was the one to stop them.

"I might have given you a bit too much of my magic," Seca continued with a strange smile, showing both happiness and worry. "You need to be careful, most important is that you return safely."

Magic or not, it still seemed to be a big task. Still she had to do her best. It was the only way she could see her aunt again, and maybe Seca too.

"I will," Lisa said, trying to sound confident.

Seca leaned in for a kiss, lasting no longer than a second, and as soon as their lips parted, Lisa was standing in the room with the big knot again.

"Arrest her," she heard a voice behind her.

Before she had time to react, she felt a set of hands grab her and force her arm behind her back. The elves were smaller in stature, but they were much stronger than her. She would never be able to overpower one, and especially not now after she had used all her strength in the spirit world.

She felt another person grab her and they turned her around. There was the other elf from the ride on the hegoreinak.

"Did you think you could snake your way in here by pretending to be a false savior? We are not so foolish. Everyone could see that you are weak," the rude elf spoke.