The House

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Siblings bond while cleaning out their family home.
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I was almost finished, just ahead of my eleven PM deadline. I ignored the text message while simultaneously wondering who'd text me this late. I hit send. Now about that text.

"Did you get the Email? Call me!!!!!!!!"

Bonnie. My sister, one year younger and a little on the dramatic side. I had been isolating myself from all media to make my deadline. I answered her.

"No. Had a hard deadline. I'll look."

I won't put the whole thing up, just summarize. Our parents had retired from our upper Midwest state to Florida. They bought a condo, all new furniture, even a new car. They informed us that the house, and everything in it, were now ours. Well, that's a WTF of epic proportion.

The house is no big deal, a 2100 square foot ranch with a large garage. But it's 200 miles away from me on one side and 300 miles from Bonnie on the other. I called my sister.

"Jack, what the fuck? I do not have time for this. What's the matter with them? They never said a thing, just poof, they left and left us holding the bag. What the fuck?"

Our father and mother were well, hippies. They had me at eighteen and Bonnie at nineteen. We loved our life, never wanted for what was important, and had some great times. Dad is very intelligent and curious and tinkered endlessly. That resulted in an invention that is not germane to this story but did result in a very large payoff that was the genesis of their personal diaspora to the sunshine state and total disinterest in what was left. Just like them. I wasn't surprised at all.

"You're surprised? Come on Bon, it's them. Let's figure it out and get it done."

I heard her take a deep breath. "You're always so fucking practical."

"Look, sis. It's gonna take a while to do this, so let's do it in stages. I'm free for the next three days. If you can, we'll meet at the house and get started. We need to be done by winter."

"Okay. Yeah, I can take three days. Winter? Jack, it's July."

"Better now than later, sis. Besides, it'll be great to see you. How long has it been?"

"Three years, bro, and one fiancé."

"Oh, sorry."

"S'ok. That was six months ago. I didn't have what he wanted."


Bonnie laughed, "No, a cock. He was bi and then decided to go all the way."

I laughed. "I'm sorry, sis. That just sounded funny."

"How about you?"

"I'm single right now. I was seeing Kelly, but she got a job offer to be a golf pro in Katmandu two months ago, and I couldn't leave, so I'm free too. It's Thursday. Let me use the weekend to set this up and I'll meet you at the house Monday."

I pulled into the driveway at ten Monday morning. I had gotten up at six, got my three-mile run in, and a light workout at the gym. Bonnie wasn't there yet. I wasn't surprised, she had a longer drive and is not a morning person.

Around eleven, Bonnie arrived in a convertible Mini Cooper, red. I smiled, that was my sister. She's 25 to my 26.

I stood on the front step as Bonnie got out of the car. Five foot nothing, tan, and just as curvy as I remembered. I'm tall and lean, like our dad. We haven't shared a house since she was eighteen and my sister looked like she did back then. Her brunette hair in a ponytail and her blue eyes just as captivating as ever.

"JACK!" She ran, I ran, we collided in the middle of the front yard. I wrapped my arms around her. Firm and soft at the same time. She even smelled the same. She was talking, but I wasn't paying attention, focused on the feel of her in my arms. So wrong, but so powerful.

Her face on my shoulder. "Oh man, I missed you. Why has it been so long?"

I released her. "We got busy living life, sis." I replied, but to myself, I said, because sooner or later I'd embarrass myself with you and lose my sister.

She went back to the car and pulled out a small duffle. "We should have been like Mom and Dad and just let things happen."

Looking at Bonnie's perfect ass as she bent over stirred my cock. Temptation and danger. I've got to be careful.

"That's not a lot of clothes," I said.

Bonnie held up the bag. "Bro, how much do I need? Three days' worth of panties won't fill my hand and we're working, so athletic shorts and tanks. It's not like we're going on a date."

She had a point. July in this part of the country is hot and humid and the house was not air-conditioned. Dad got a four-foot diameter fan and installed it in the ceiling by the bedrooms. So, we didn't get cool air, just a lot of moving humid air. It was going to be a sweaty three days.

We surveyed the house. It was like they just walked out the door. No food, thank God. There was a gap in the bookshelves in the living room where they took the photo albums, and their bed was gone. Other than that, it was all there, including the boxes and boxes of stuff on the floor-to-ceiling shelves Dad built in the three-car garage. Bonnie and I were already sweating.

My sister had lime green shorts and a matching tank, bra straps visible, and when she bent over the shorts got tight and I knew she wore a thong under. I had running shorts, loose, and my usual cotton briefs. I had a kink with Kelly that I'd wear her panties, but that ended with her departure.

Bonnie and I stood in the small living room. "Where do we start, big brother?"

"Let's hit the supermarket. I contacted a local church that runs a clothing ministry, and they'd love all the clothes, so that's first."

Bonnie looked up at me. "You're amazing. I wouldn't have thought of that, thanks." She hugged me again and I was back in that summer again, tempted by the firm body of my sister. I held her close for longer than I should. She didn't seem to mind.

Bonnie and I had some old clothes in our rooms, but the folks had left most of theirs. Sweating like lettuce pickers we bagged the contents of Dad's closet and dresser, tossing the underwear. I spent a lot of time watching my sister. I loved the way she moved and how those shorts conformed to every curve. Her breasts, even in a bra, moved and I pictured what they must look like. She almost caught me staring. Mom had more hanging clothes and I was just filing the last bag when Bonnie hooted. "Oh, Jack!"

I turned. Bonnie had her arms full of sweaters and I looked in the drawer.

Sex toys. Three sizes of butt plugs, a big life-like vibe, and a new plug and vibe set, still in the packaging. A package of batteries lay next to them, and a tube of lubricant. I laughed. "Well, sis, everybody does it."

Bonnie's eyes flicked to my crotch, and she blushed. I looked at her breasts and saw the faint bulge of her nipples behind the bra. I blushed too. I never caught her. I tried for that whole summer to see my sister naked and never did. But I imagined every night, with my hard cock in my hand and my door tightly shut.

Bonnie bagged the sweaters while answering. "True, bro, but it's a visual, you know?"

I sure did. Mom was my other fantasy. I could picture my mom, who looked like Bonnie back then, masturbating in this very bed with those toys and that plug up her ass. I had to leave the room; my cock was hard.

"Yeah, it sure is." I answered from the hall while adjusting my erection.

We stopped for lunch while we waited for the church ladies to pick up the clothes. Both of us talked simultaneously as we ate, reliving our life in this small house. We didn't have a big extended family, just an uncle, and an aunt, my mom's brother, my dad's sister, that visited regularly. Their visits were always memorable.

I watched my sister move, wanting to see more, wanting to see her breasts, her pussy, her firm round ass. Wanting to see her face as she orgasmed.

Bonnie remembered her favorite glass as a kid, and I told her mom put it on the top shelf of the cabinets. Bonnie had the ladder out in a flash and was up there, rummaging around, me standing behind her.

Yeah, I did. I looked up those loose shorts and finally saw something. My sister's perfect ass, the g-string of her panty cleaving that perfect ass, which flexed as she moved around. I was hard instantly. Worth the wait.

"Ah! Here it is." Bonnie announced looking down. I think she caught me looking at her ass, but she said nothing as she got off the ladder.

"This is going home with me." She said. Her eyes flicked down; I knew I was still hard. She whispered, "I bet you're glad you remembered." The doorbell rang. The church ladies were here.

After we got the bags loaded and the ladies on their way, Bonnie and I stood in the driveway.

"So, what do you think?" I asked.

"We're not going to get any money for the furniture and that family could really use it."

The ladies had told us that a local family suffered a fire a few days ago and lost everything. That's why adult clothes were so important. They didn't ask us about the furniture, but we figured it out.

"I'll call the ladies and tell them that they can get it all tomorrow."

Bonnie hugged me again. I'm sure it was me, but it just felt different, better, warmer. "Guess we better make sure there are no other surprises."

I laughed. "No whips and chains?"

Bonnie gave me a wicked grin. "Or strap-ons."

I held her eyes as I answered. "What would you know about strap-ons?"

Bonnie put her hand on my thigh, up high, close to my bulging cock. "I haven't always been the boring Midwest girl. I went to college."

I didn't know how to read that.

I made the call. Church members would be here at eight AM tomorrow with a crew and truck. We put away lunch and spent the afternoon emptying drawers and checking all the furniture for whatever.

By six, we were done, in more ways than one. We called it quits. Bonnie hit the shower first. Our family homestead only had one bathroom. I stood in my old room, naked and erect, picturing my sister in the shower, warm water running over her perfect body, down between the firm flanks of that ass that I finally saw.

I stepped to the door of my room, opened it. The bathroom door was ajar. It was always tough to close, I guess Bonnie forgot. She never did that summer. I could see her in the shower, reflected in the fogging mirror. Nothing clear, just her form, and between her legs, the dark triangle.

I was so focused; I didn't hear her shut the water off. Suddenly, the door slid open, and in the foggy reflection, there she was, Bonnie, gloriously naked. I panicked. As I pulled back into my room, I'm sure our eyes met. Not good.

"It's all yours, Bro." Bonnie sang out.

I wrapped a towel around me, my cock still half-hard, and opened the door.

Bonnie stood in the hall, wrapped in a towel that barely covered her pussy. Her nipples were hard and obvious. She smiled. "Just like that last summer, huh?"

She turned a walked into her old room, leaving me stunned and confused.

I closed the bathroom door, making sure it latched. As I turned on the water I saw Bonnie's clothes in a heap, that G-string on top. I picked it up. Still warm. I pressed it to my face. It smelled of her sweat, her essence and I thought, her lust. I've had my lips on a few vaginas and I know the scent of female excitement. I stood under the flowing water and masturbated with my sister's panty against my mouth. I came hard and fast. I was guilty after, but not much.

When we met in the kitchen after our showers to make dinner, the first thing I noticed was that Bonnie had no bra. She has great tits. Her whole body is proportional, so I guess her boobs are somewhere between B and C. I'd never seen her bra-less. They stood out perfectly and her nipples were fat and long. I said nothing.

We made burgers, which I grilled on charcoal, we had no money for a fancy gas grill back then. We ate at the picnic table in the backyard. As I approached the table with the burgers, Bonnie sat and, facing me, threw her leg over the bench to get under the table. There it was, my sister's furry pussy. No panties, leg wide open. I could see the lips of her vagina. I nearly dropped the plate and struggled to look nonchalant. Bonnie just gave me a whimsical grin. "Ahhh, food. You burn them the way Dad used to?"

I put the plate down and sat. "No. They are perfect, just like my sister."

Bonnie blushed. "You don't know me very well if you say that, bro."

I put my hand over hers. "You'll always be perfect to me."

She blushed and I saw her nipples harden. "Thank you, Jack. That means a lot."

We ate reminiscing about all the meals at this table with our aunt and Uncle. We were fortunate that nearly all the memories from this house were happy. I know a lot of people who are not so fortunate.

The airplane propeller fan roared as Bonnie, and I sat on the couch and streamed a movie on my laptop. No, not some steamy movie with sex scenes that led us to forbidden acts, just a dopey rom-com we both love.

She sat against me, her warm thigh against mine, our shoulders touching. She smelled clean. I had been celibate too long. It was affecting my judgment. I behaved wisely. But I was still very content.

We stood in the darkness of the hall. A full moon gave us enough light to see. The fan roaring. Bonnie moved in for a hug, her lips at my ear, her voice and breath making me hard.

"Our last night in our old beds."

Pressed against me. I pulled my hips back, cautious.

"Time marches on," I replied.

Bonnie slowly disengaged, smiling. "Change is good. We need to embrace change, not be afraid to go where life leads us, right?"

She stood at her door. Those shorts pulled up tightly against her, the mound of her pubis imprinted in the fabric. Her nipples, hard and long behind the thin fabric of her tank top. She was unaware of the show she presented her brother.

"Yes, but with caution."

Bonnie faded into her room, whispering. "Caution is overrated."

When you are used to air-conditioning, a fan is simply not enough. I started with a sheet over me, wearing briefs and a tee shirt. Within the first hour, I was naked on the bare bed and still uncomfortable.

I was also erect. Being with Bonnie had re-lit my desire for her and being alone with her was torture. I had to control myself. Control my imagination. All those stories I've read are just that, stories. This is a dangerous craving. But I had to look.

The noise of the big fan covered the sound as I slowly moved to Bonnie's door over the wooden floor. That summer, I was too scared to try this. Our parents kept odd sleeping hours and I surely would have been caught.

The way the house was situated, the light of the full moon filled Bonnie's room. She always loved that. I approached her door. I was looking at the side of her bed. The window at the foot let the moonlight in, bathing her in an ethereal glow. My penis hardened.

Bonnie, my sister, was naked. Her lust scent drifted out, pulled by the fan.

She was on her knees, sideways on the bed. Her vagina facing me.

She was masturbating. Using the new toys she found in Mom's drawer.

My sister was very excited. Her pussy was fat and red and the whole area around it was wet, not moist, wet. Her pubic hair glistened with her lust, small drops falling off as she stroked. The round jewel of the fat butt plug caught the moonlight as Bonnie slid the big realistic vibrator in and out of her pussy. I quickly put my hand to my mouth to stifle a gasp.

I wanted to step in, take that vibrator from her hand and press my mouth against my sister's sex and lick her until she came. I wanted to pull out that plug and tongue my sister's asshole. I am such a pervert.

She was talking, but barely a whisper, and most of it was lost to the noise of the fan. But I heard enough.

"Oh, fuck me. Fuck me hard. I need it."

The slosh of the toy, Bonnie moaning.

"Yeah, like that. That's what I always wanted. Fuck me. Fuck my wet pussy. Oh, I'm cumming."

I watched her trim, firm body quiver, and a river of milky white cascaded from her opening. My cock jetted all over the doorframe and wall. I moaned and regretted it.

Bonnie paused and looked back. I ran back to my room, hoping I hadn't made a big mistake.

I lay for what seemed like an hour, waiting for my sister to storm in, throwing the light on and telling me what a pervert I am. If she only knew the rest.

She didn't, and I settled down, safe. My cock grew, picturing the wonderful memory of watching my sister orgasm. I edged myself for an hour. Teasing, touching, my eyes closed, visualizing what my sister felt like, smelled like, tasted like. I finally let go, enjoying a deep, cleansing orgasm and covering my belly with jet after jet of pungent cum. Wishing it was my sister's mouth.

I woke up, disappointed, but relieved. This is my life, my conflict. Disappointed because when I looked at the partially open door, I didn't see my naked sister staring at my morning erection. Relieved that I didn't wake up to my dressed sister calling me a fucking incest pervert.

Back then we all had our doors open for the big fan. But we all wore something to bed and, as much as I wanted to, I never snuck around to peek, even when my aunt and uncle used the fold-out in the living room and I heard them quietly fucking. They were very sexually open people.

As I slid on my shorts, no briefs, I wondered if my sister peeked. I stopped that thought as my cock twitched. Maybe briefs would be a better idea. I was already sweaty.

I walked into the hall and noticed that my splash of cum was gone.

Bonnie, making breakfast. Her shorts pulled up tight, the fabric deep in her ass, forming perfectly. Her tank top already dark with sweat and no bra underneath. She spoke over her shoulder.

"How'd ya sleep?"

"Got some, finally, but it took a while. I'm not used to this humidity."

She turned to me. Her nipples hard and long, tenting the fabric, the cloth of her shorts tight against the rounded mound of pubic hair between her legs. She hugged me.

"Ugh, no, sis. I'm already a sweaty mess."

She held me tighter and, of course, I could feel her mound pressing against my cock and her nipples boring holes in my chest.

"So am I, bro. I don't care. I haven't seen you in years and I miss my brother."

Bonnie pecked my lips with hers, surprising me. I loved the feel of her hot, sweaty body against mine. I wanted to feel her with no clothes, naked and sweaty, smelling earthy and needy. I slid out of her grasp as my penis hardened. I held her at arm's length.

"I can't put words to how much I missed you, Bonnie. I guess we got busy."

Bonnie turned, giving me a view of that perfect ass as she went back to the stove.

"Well, since we're both single we have to find a way to get together now. No excuses."

In my mind, I answered, Yeah, other than my unquenchable desire to put my penis inside you, sis.

"You're right. Maybe I need to move closer."

Bonnie turned quickly, her breasts quivering. "Oh my god, we could get a place together!"

I poured coffee and sat down. My partial erection safe under the table.

"Never happen. You're such a slob, sis."

Bonnie turned, holding a plate of scrambled eggs and sausage. "I've gotten better. Kyle the fag was a neat freak. A byproduct of his gayness."

I laughed. "Kyle the fag? That's harsh."

Bonnie got her plate and sat across from me. I wanted to drop my fork and look up her shorts. I didn't. Bonnie took a sip of coffee.

"Well, he left me high and dry. I'll spare the details, but let's just say, for a gay guy, he was well-equipped and knew how to make a girl happy."

Feeling safe. I continued the conversation. "Kelly and I were naked in the apartment. It inspired us to um, get busy, often."

Bonnie looked right into my eyes as she said. "Fuck, Jack. The word is fuck. You and Kelly fucked often You ran around naked and fucked."

Then she giggled. "I bet I've never used that word in front of you, have I?"

I was red from chest to hairline. "No, sis. You never have. But you sure seem to like it. And, yes, we did. We fucked a lot. And more."