The House Group Leader's Wife Pt. 10

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Dinner turns into wife-swapping orgy.
10.9k words

Part 10 of the 10 part series

Updated 11/23/2023
Created 09/22/2023
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Chapter 23

It was, perhaps surprisingly, Jennifer who was the catalyst for the final cataclysmic episode of our study of not so everyday life in a suburban setting in the Midwest. Her libido (previously so passive) had undergone a transformation more dramatic than any of the other players on this small town stage. The object of her desires was no other than her house group leader - a man she had always liked and respected, but who now occupied almost every waking moment. Her dreams too were now centered on Connor, a state of affairs which only made matters worse, as the glaring disparity between her fantasy world and the real world added to her frustrations, and, it goes without saying, her lustful state.

When she suggested to Dean that they invited Connor and Marcia over for dinner one Saturday evening, to say his response was enthusiastic would be an understatement. As we have already seen, his feelings for the house group leader's wife were similarly volcanic. The fact that she continued to play so hard to get only added fuel to his already molten fire. The idea of finally getting to give her the pleasure he knew she couldn't be receiving from Connor became for him like a seed that could only become a thriving, healthy, flowering plant when it had been fertilized by her own sweet pollen.

When Marcia mentioned the invitation to Connor, his dormant desire for the former beauty queen was likewise kindled. So much so that on the evening of the day his wife had floated the possibility of a dinner he had made love to her with a passion, the intensity of which did nothing to hide the fact that he was - if not actually thinking about Jennifer - unbearably turned on by the idea of bringing her to a state of ecstasy she had never reached before.

This left poor old Marcia as the odd one out. For her feelings towards Dean were anything but intense. Indeed, anything approaching intensity of feeling was only of the negative kind. What kind of joy could she receive from such a shallow, selfish individual, from someone who had even placed her on his bucket list of women he wanted to fuck?

To make matters worse, she had noted the change in Jennifer towards Connor. She had always considered that her husband's yearning for the bimbo (as she called her in her more uncharitable moments) would remain unrequited; but now she realized that, try as the bimbo might to hide it, Jennifer was ripe to be taken by Connor. If they accepted the invitation, she knew what the others would be planning, even if they never put their heads together to put it into so many words.

After dinner had been finished, the men would watch like horny adolescents as Jennifer made a play for Marcia. Would she be able to resist, Marcia wondered. On that hinged the outcome of the whole evening. So she developed a strategy to stave off the silly bimbo's advances. First, she would touch no alcohol throughout the whole evening. That would enable her to stay in control whatever the others had planned for her.

Secondly, she would permit no physical contact. A furtive placement of the hand on Marcia's knee by Jennifer would simply result in her returning the hand from whence it had come. She knew that Dean wouldn't try anything on, however frustrated he became, for fear of being rejected. Again, the best way to keep him frustrated was to ensure that there was no contact between herself and Jennifer. She had begun to tire of the blonde, anyway, she told herself. Her ability to turn her on simply didn't exist any more. Problem solved.

The reality, as may be imagined, proved to be a little different. The first test of Marcia's will occurred the moment when the door was opened at the palatial Schwartzmann residence. There was Jennifer dressed in a virginal white gown with a plunging V-neckline that showed off her breasts to optimal effect. Marcia was as certain as she could be that she wasn't wearing a bra. Moreover, the deep slit in her long gown meant that she would be showing more than generous portions of her long legs when she sat down and crossed her legs - something she was bound to do as soon as she got the opportunity, probably in the living room while they (the others, at any rate) were having pre-prandial cocktails.

Marcia herself had decided to wear a button-up blouse and jeans, albeit nicely tailored ones, which showed off her figure to good effect. No stray hands would be inching their way up her unguarded thighs on this particular evening.

So far, so good. They had gone into the kitchen to eat the food Jennifer had prepared (with help from Dean, she said proudly, which made Marcia feel nauseous - why this sudden outbreak of lovey-doveyness in the Schwartzmann household?) having insisted despite much cajoling from Dean on drinking mineral water. Jennifer sat opposite her (not beside her) at the table, and Dean kept his hands - and his feet - to himself. In fact, everything was going swimmingly. The conversation was adult and broad-ranging, and there was no gratuitous mention of Harper and Todd, the two Oriental hussies, or of anyone else, whose names were bound to elicit a smirk from the two men. They spoke of Daryl and Alicia, but the conversation centered on some work they were doing on their house.

So confident was Marcia feeling in her ability to maintain levels of conversation and conduct on a decorous plane that she allowed herself a glass of wine; but even then only when the dinner was nearly over. It was a French wine that Dean had been recommended by a friend at the country club who really knew his wines, and Marcia had to admit it tasted very good. It was so smooth she could have been drinking blackcurrant juice. So she allowed herself a second glass, and then one to take through into the living room with her. This, she decided, would be her last, and then she would be back on the water.

What she hadn't noticed was that the others had made their first glass last for the entire meal, which meant, of course, that by the time they sat down (Jennifer next to Marcia on the couch - the two men in adjacent easy chairs) it was Marcia who was feeling a little tipsy. A glimpse of Jennifer's inner thighs as she quickly crossed and uncrossed her legs made Marcia's heart race. What should have acted as a warning to her instead worked on her as an aphrodisiac. When Jennifer crossed her legs again, they stayed crossed. Unnoticed by Marcia, the blonde had also moved closer to her friend, so that they were almost touching. When she became aware of the abbreviated distance between them, Marcia made no attempt to shift away.

All the while, the others were talking - gaily, about this and that. Marcia couldn't be sure what, as she wasn't really listening. Instead, she was entranced by the strange feeling that had had crept up on her - without caring, or daring, to call it what it was: arousal. Her eyes kept returning to Jennifer's thighs, and each time they did so, she could see more of her creamy, toned thighs. The last time she looked, she could swear she could see her panties - lemon in colour. For now Jennifer had uncrossed her legs and had turned to face Marcia. Marcia had to admit she looked very nice. She'd put on a nice shade of lipstick. Plus some eye shadow. Maybe other stuff - she couldn't be sure.

Nice music was playing in the background. Marcia recognised it, but couldn't put a name to it. It was intoxicating, Marcia remembered thinking. And so it was to the ethereal ("Yes, other worldly," Marcia thought) strains of "White Rabbit" ("Yes! That's the one," Marcia thought) that Marcia found herself leaning across the short distance that separated her mouth from the other woman's ("She's very beautiful!" Marcia thought) until her lips locked onto Jennifer's.

"This is so nice, so very nice," she told herself, as her tongue gently probed the other woman's sweet opening.

She started to rise into the air, floating high above the room. She saw only herself and this other woman, this lovely woman, who asked nothing of her, who only wanted to show her love, only wanted to make her feel good. She slipped the dress off the woman's shoulders, hoping that she would not be upset with her, hoping that she would understand that she didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable, that she only wanted to return the love that she was offering her.

How happy she was that the woman was not angry with her, that she did not mistake her simple, innocent gesture for anything but what it was, her expression of gratitude for the pure, unalloyed love she was showing her. The other woman responded by kissing her with just the amount of passion she felt was appropriate for the passion she herself was feeling. Two women should be able to show their love and appreciation for one other just like this, Marcia reflected. There was no need for sex to get in the way. They didn't need to get naked and become like animals. They could just kiss and enjoy each other. They didn't need to let their bodies get in the way. They didn't need to take each other's clothes off. The woman was wearing a beautiful pair of lemon-coloured panties. There was no need to take those off.

But what she could do, Marcia reasoned, was to show the woman what she thought of her beautiful breasts. She had been admiring them all evening, imagining touching them softly with her hands. Hoping she wasn't going to spoil things by caressing them, Marcia let one hand move to one beautiful breast and waited to see how the woman would respond. She was thrilled when the woman responded to the touch by kissing her harder, signalling her approval of Marcia's gentle fondling.

"I hope she won't be angry if I seek out her nipple," Marcia thought. "I don't want her to get the wrong idea. I only want to return her love the best way I know how."

"How thoughtful and generous she is!" Marcia rejoiced, as the woman indicated there were no hard feelings by moving her own hand to Marcia's chest and gently rubbing her breast through the dual encumbrance of blouse and bra.

"Yes!" Marcia said to herself. "She shows her understanding of the Platonic love I feel for her by seeking out my nipple and giving it the same attention I am showing to her beautiful swelling!"

"It's not about sex," she confided to herself. "It's about acceptance. It's a mutual sharing of something beautiful. She doesn't even need to take my blouse off, unhook my bra and kiss my nipple.

"But I must remember this is indeed a mutual show of love and appreciation," she continued. "If she wants to feel my tongue on her nipple, then I must show her that I understand it is not about me - it is about her."

She broke off from the kiss, smiled dreamily at the other woman, and was able to read her unspoken wishes in her eyes. Moving to her breasts, she took the nipple in her mouth and rolled it gently about with her tongue. The other woman's hand dropped limply from Marcia's chest so she could focus all her concentration on the attention Marcia was giving to her nipple.

"How big it has become!" Marcia cried silently. "I must not forget the other one, or else she will think I favour this one!"

Looking up at the other woman, she saw that she was happy. How happy in turn this made Marcia!

"Men will never understand how sex doesn't need to get in the way of the love two women can share," reflected Marcia, oblivious to the presence of the men, who were sitting just feet away, each on the edge of his chair.

"It's rather warm in here," said Marcia, her feelings utterly attuned to those of the beautiful woman, to whom it was her duty to show her love, her unconditional and pure expression of love.

Helping her to rise, she let her gown drop to the floor, before bidding her take her place once more beside her.

"That's better, isn't it?" she said, expecting no answer, and getting none in return.

"Would you feel more comfortable if you were just as God made you?" she asked, her hands poised at the hemline of the woman's panties.

The other woman nodded and arched her back so that Marcia could remove the garment which spoke of a modesty that their love and mutual acceptance had rendered unnatural and unnecessary. The other woman's lovely center was just as it was on the day she was born, smooth and hairless, pure and innocent.

"May I kiss you on your lips to show you much I care for you, and to demonstrate that sex doesn't need to get in the way of the love that two women can share?"

The other woman nodded once more, then, helped by Marcia, lay back on the sofa, placing one leg on the floor and the other on the back of the couch.

"Yes," Marcia whispered. "There is no need for shame when it is the love that we share that is prompting us."

Unable to control themselves any longer, the men quietly unzipped their pants and, pushing them down to their knees together with their shorts, began to work on their rampant erections. Meanwhile, Marcia placed her tongue softly on Jennifer's outer lips and inhaled deeply. The smell of her sex assailed her nostrils and sent her libido spiralling. Still, though, she remained in character; though whether she was play-acting or not was now impossible to divine.

"I can smell the love that you have for me," Marcia said softly. "Would it please you if I tasted that love?"

Jennifer nodded her assent, even if Marcia was no longer looking at her face to confirm it. She then uttered her final words before actions took over once and for all.

"I want to show you that two women can truly experience love without sex getting in the way."

With the men leaning forward as far as they could without toppling off their chairs (pre-cum oozing from their penises), Marcia opened Jennifer's lips with her fingers and kissed her way up from the skin that separated her anus from her vulva all the way to her hooded clitoris. Jennifer began to tremble violently, trembling which only intensified as Marcia kissed her way back to where she had started. Only this time, she lifted Jennifer up so she could land a kiss on her asshole.

Jennifer had to fight off the desire to come, knowing she would enjoy it all the more if she could delay it even by a minute or two. Even a second or two. She also had to fight off the impulse to put her hands on Marcia's head. Twice they made a start on their journey southwards, but each time she brought them back, ending up by planting them firmly under her head, where they could do no damage.

Her concerns about climaxing prematurely proved to be well founded. When Marcia replaced her lips with her tongue, it was as if the detonating cord that led to a stick of dynamite had been lit. The only question was how long the cord might be, since the chances of the flame going out were minuscule.

"No, please, don't!" Jennifer cried out, half in earnest, as she wanted this feeling to last so badly.

The tongue paid no mind to Jennifer's request, as it began to feast on the juices that had been released so plentifully during the past twenty minutes or so. Sticking her face over Jennifer's quim, Marcia started to suck on Jennifer's inner folds with an intensity that stood in direct opposition to the restraint she had shown since their lovemaking began. If this was indeed an example of love with no sex getting in the way, Jennifer for one hadn't go the memo; neither had the two men, who were close to coming, each focusing intently on the woman he longed to fuck.

Marcia was both surprised and a little irritated by the fact that Jennifer hadn't yet succumbed to her ministrations. She had watched on in Jennifer's kitchen as Vesna had brought Jennifer to what seemed by comparison an instantaneous climax, and now here she was refusing to buckle, even after she had thrown the kitchen sink at her. She refused to take the easy option of sticking a finger in her ass, and didn't want to go down the clitoris route either. If she couldn't lick her to a vaginal orgasm, then as far as she was concerned she was going to be out of here - if not literally, then figuratively, at least. Bugger Dean and his aspirations towards her. No wonder those two had such marital problems when he was a braggard with a tiny penis and she was as frigid as an ice queen!

Putting aside these negative reflections, which were sadly an integral part of her make-up, Marcia decided to make one last assault on Jennifer's citadel. Fingers might be barred from the bimbo's asshole, but that injunction didn't extend to her pussy. Jamming two fingers into the hole which appeared to Marcia to actually have tightened during their lovemaking, Marcia was pleased to elicit a yelp from the stuck-up former beauty queen, after whom her husband lusted like a schoolboy - quite unaccountably, in Marcia's view.

Bringing her tongue back into play, the house group leader's wife took it upon herself to give Jennifer what she delighted to call in her own mind a double penetration. Would she have been so chipper, though, if she had realised that, not half an hour later, she would be the object of a more orthodox treatment of this type.

But that lay in the future. For the present, it was Marcia who was reigning supreme, as Jennifer capitulated - and how! All the arousal that had been building up since Marcia started to seduce her, all the mental and physical pasting that she had been given - this had to find an outlet. And when release came, it came long, hard...and loud.

Chapter 24

When Marcia (still fully clothed) stood and turned to face the men, she was confronted with two seated figures with their pants round their knees, each holding his prized possession. How small they looked, thought Marcia, swiftly followed by who needs men?! What Marcia didn't notice, though, as she exulted in her supremacy over the male of the species was Jennifer, who had got up from the couch and stealthily positioned herself behind Marcia.

Pouncing like a tiger, in a flash she had unbuttoned Marcia's jeans and had pulled them down together with her panties. Before Marcia had time to react, she had yanked them down to her ankles, so that when Marcia attempted to confront her, she all but tripped over, having to hold onto her assailant for support. In her disoriented state, it was a simple job for Jennifer to undo the buttons on her blouse and whip off the white, lacy bra.

"Help me with the jeans," said Jennifer, speaking to neither man in particular.

Both Connor and Dean shot forward to ease the tight jeans over Marcia's ankles, Dean bending low so he could worship at her feet, while Connor crouched so that he might get close to Jennifer's marvellous shaven pussy.

"Thank you," said Jennifer with authority. "I will call upon your services again if and when they are required."

While the men returned to their seats, Jennifer (the taller woman) bent down to kiss Marcia. The men looked on open-mouthed as she kissed her with a severe intensity of a type neither thought her capable of. Their astonishment was complete when the blonde cupped Marcia's ass with one hand while the fingers of the other penetrated her pussy. Connor winced at the thought of the pain his wife must be going through, but only until the tell-tale sound of squelching resonated around the room.

Rather than lay Marcia gently down on the couch, Jennifer pushed her onto it, manhandled her onto her front, then shoved a cushion under her stomach so that her ass was raised. Pulling her legs apart, she moved her hands to Marcia's ass, pulled the cheeks back to reveal her asshole, and began to lick it with ferocity.

Sensing that Jennifer couldn't care less either way, the men got up and walked across so that they had a ringside position, Dean standing behind Connor and next to Jennifer in the hope of getting the best view of the action, and of the forbidden fruit he had lusted after for so long. Connor, who had initially been stationed near his wife's chest, walked round behind the other two to the end of the couch, having realized that this would afford him the best views of Jennifer's luscious pussy and fabulous ass.