The House Hadn't Changed Ch. 02


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"Rob?" I turned toward her voice and smiled although I was sure she couldn't see my face. "Right here," I answered, "just wanted to close the curtains so we could have a light in the room." There was a tear in my eye that I wiped away using the darkness to shield it from her.

The small lamp beside the bed was ample light for me to see her tussled hair and the beauty of her breasts above the sheet. "I love you."

"I love you too Jane."

"No Rob, I love you. I always have and I guess I always will." She paused nibbling on her lower lip. "Just some foolish old lady aren't I?"

I reached across the bed and kissed her forehead and then her lips. "No, you're not foolish and definitely not an old lady. Why don't we dress and find some dinner I think I heard my stomach growl." I wasn't sure if she wanted to resume our love making or not, but I had put myself into an untenable state and I needed to be outside.

She held my arm not letting me leave the bed. "You're not answering me Rob or not listening. I mean, I think I am in love with you not just love like a brother, but in love."

I sat down and took her hand in mine. I looked at her beautiful face and those adoring eyes. I knew what she was saying, feeling, but ---"Honey, I am sure you think you're in love with me because of what we had before and what we have had here, today, but you're in love with Charlie and you have been for what, over 30 years? Yes, I love you and maybe in some way I am in love with you or at least the thought of you. I couldn't wait to be with you again, whether that was or is love or unbridled lust, but I like to think it is love, and I think your desire to be with me has made you think you're in love."

"Spoken like a true lawyer and you're full of shit! I'm in love with you Robert Brownlee, and whatever you say isn't going to change it! Yeah, yeah, I love Charlie in my way and his way and the kids I gave him, and I'm not going to change that either, I mean I'm, oh hell, I'm not sure what I'm saying now."

"You've said the right things honey. We are in love with each other and we aren't going to change our lives or our marriages because of it, right?"

She nodded and buried her head into my chest. I held her close as her rambling had drawn me out of that funk and back into the reality of the wonderful naked woman beside me. I tilted her face up and kissed her, kissed her hard and deep and pulled her to me. "I want to make love again."

She reached down and took my cock in hand and stroked me to erection then leaned down and took me into her mouth. I watched as her mouth formed around my growing cock and remembered how only a few months ago this had been new to her. I was slipping into oblivion and didn't want to cum in her mouth. I pulled her away from what was a wonderful blowjob and moved her atop me to impale her and watched as she rode through at least two orgasms before I came.

We showered together and had dinner at a small café that Mom had always enjoyed. The food was good, family style cooking, and what we needed.

"Rob? Jane?" I didn't recognize the voice but the face was definitely that of Wanda Jennings, an old neighbor and high school chum. "What are you two doing here?"

"We, uh, we sold Mom's house and we're here for the closing. It's nice to see you again Wanda. How have you been?"

There was small talk about how she married her high school sweetheart, someone I didn't remember, and she had 2 kids and 5 grandkids and still working. "I was sorry to hear about your Mom. I didn't make it to the funeral, I had to work. Listen, if you need anything while you're here, you know some place to stay or like that, let me know. Will you?"

She didn't ask about Millie, as she was closer to Jane's age than mine and many of the local girls were friendlier with Jane than Millie. I had to laugh inwardly as I suddenly remembered the guy she married. Millie had dated him and I believe she told me he was a virgin until the night she had sex with him. Maybe that was why she didn't ask.

I called Anita to let her know we were here safely and checked on her well being. I didn't ask if Everett was there as, well, I really didn't want to know and she didn't say. She asked about Jane and the two of them spoke briefly before I bid her goodnight.

"Was Everett there?"

"I don't know, she didn't say."

"And you didn't ask. Why?"

I took a deep breath. "I guess I have some sort of double standard thing. I think I wasn't ready for her admission of having sex with him or with anyone, that old double standard thing again, but I have to get over it."

"Yes you do. We've just confessed our love for each other and we've made love so you need to get that double standard out of your head mister."

"Okay, but what if you learned that Charlie was sleeping with, oh what's his sister's name, yeah Louise? Would you just go home and say its okay honey, go ahead and have sex with your sister because I'm doing Rob?"

"No, I wouldn't, because first of all Charlie wouldn't admit to having sex with her and second I wouldn't admit to having sex with you, and third have you seen her lately? She's ballooned to about 300 pounds and I know my husband, he doesn't find fat women sexy."

"Bullshit!" I laughed at the thought of Louise being that size.

"We are here Rob, just us, the two of us, loving and making love, maybe for the wrong reasons, or the right reasons, or for no reasons at all but Damnit I like it and I don't want to ruin it or let you ruin it. Got it?"

"Got it! Shall we go to bed?" I held her close as we slept not wanting to push myself on her or insist on more sex, but how exciting it felt to hold her near knowing it was Jane, not Anita, Jane that I had dreamed about so many years ago, Jane my youngest sister and a very desirable woman.

The morning was still in darkness when the telephone rang as a wake up call. I nudged Jane but she was already awake, her beautiful eyes staring at me and her mouth forming into a delightful smile. "Good morning beautiful" I whispered not wanting my morning breath to overwhelm her. "I'm going to shower, brush my teeth and shave. Do you want the television on?"

"Sure. Hand me the remote and I'll find a news program to watch, or would you rather have company in the shower?"

The very thought of her naked body with me under the warm water was inviting and even getting my cock to think about it, but the my mind was thinking about the closing and about picking up Millie at the airport, and that took away my sexual desire. "Thank you honey, but my mind is on the day's activities and, uh, I don't think I would be a good partner for you this morning. Are you disappointed?"

She rolled to her side watching me as I now stood naked. "Sort of, but" she looked at my half erect cock, "I think he is more disappointed though."

I reached down, holding my manhood, "I think he can wait and it would be more special when we had more time. Agree?"

She nodded, I headed for the shower, and she began changing channels.

I stood beneath the warm water thinking of what I had just passed up, a good morning romp with Jane, but then thinking more about the day ahead and what it meant. When I returned to the room Jane was standing at the window, looking out. "Are you okay?"

She turned and there was a small tear in her eye. "Yeah, I'm alright but I was just thinking about what today means, you know, an end to an era. I mean, losing Dad was one thing then Mom was the other, but now we are putting them away again, maybe that isn't the right way to say it, but we're, uh,"

"We're closing a chapter in our lives sis, a big chapter, but a chapter." I moved to her and took her in my arms as she was now thinking those thoughts I had gone through earlier. "It will be okay." She wrapped her arms around me and buried her face in my chest. I just held her and let her go through the emotions she needed, similar emotions to those I had wandered through earlier. "It will be okay." I said again, reassuring her and myself.

Our drive to the airport was quiet, solemn, as both of us were still amassed in those emotions. Millie's plane was on time and she walked briskly to us, hugging us both, then abruptly "let's go."

I wanted to ask and finally did before Jane could. "Okay. What's up?"

She looked at my face in the car's rear view mirror and frowned. "What? I don't know what you mean."

"Sure you do. When we were here before you were lively, full of it, and pushing the three of us together. Now, and when I had you on the phone, it's as if you have had a bad case of regret or something. Want to clue us in?"

I could see her turn in the seat and stare out the window as if she was contemplating what to say. "I'm getting a divorce."

It was Jane who turned quickly. "What? Did you say divorce?"

"Yeah, divorce."

"But, but I don't understand. You've been married for so long and everything was, well it seemed, and your lifestyle was, so I don't get it, I mean, I thought you two had the wonderful marriage." Jane was trying to make a point but her words were disjoined, until finally, "What is it?" Only a sister could get away with screaming at another like that with a question.

I could hear her exhale loudly. "He was fucking a teenager behind my back. A teenage girl! On top of that he got her pregnant. Can you imagine a man of his age fucking a teenager and getting her pregnant? I just couldn't put up with that shit! I mean swapping, fucking women that I knew about, you know, well, that was one thing, but meeting and fucking this teenager behind my back was just the end. Hell, I'm not even sure how old she is, maybe jailbait."

Jane and I were silent, both shocked by this news and I am sure by the visual of her husband with a young girl. "I, I, shit Millie, I just don't know what to say."

"Yeah, yeah, what do you say to a bastard when you catch him cheating with a young girl? Well, I said fuck you, get your shit and get out of my house. He thought he would just move her into the spare bedroom and have a live-in threesome. Not me, not in my fucking house! I've raised my kids and I'm sure as hell not going to raise her or her bastard baby!"

We were both stunned. I was glad I was near the parking area of the attorney as her story was affecting my concentration.

As I pulled into a parking space she continued. "He has, you know left, and is shacked up in some trailer house with his little tramp. I guess he's just watching her belly grow and poking her when he can. Can you imagine her parents? Her daddy, if she has one, probably wants to kill him. I know I did. For the life of me I can't understand what a young girl would see in that old fart. I mean I've been married to him for all these years and I'm not sure what I ever saw in him."

"You don't mean that Millie," Jane spoke trying to get her sister to calm down and get hold of her emotions, "you fell in love with him and married him and had kids with him."

There were tears in her eyes and a strain in her voice when she looked up at Jane and then at me. "I still love the bastard, that's the rub; I'm still in love with him. Let's get out of here and get this over with. I need this money to get on with my life."

The sale of the property had been lucrative and the young attorney handed over three checks. He tried to make small talk with each of us but Millie was having none of it, she glared at him as he tried to be funny or get overly friendly. He held out his hand to us and I shook it but Millie darted from the chair toward the door and out of the office.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to" he began but I stopped him.

"She's going through a bad time right now, it isn't you. Thank you."

Jane and I agreed to not ask any more questions of Millie, just to let the issue lie unless she wanted to bring it up. She sat in the back seat staring out the window as if her mind was somewhere else or as if she wanted to be somewhere else.

"What did I do wrong? I mean, I let him have everything he wanted, me, other women, sex anyway he wanted and now he does this! I can't, I don't, damnit, I feel like everything is going to hell and I can't stop it. Is it because I'm an old broad just not sexy anymore? Is that why he doesn't want me?"

She was crying, her face in her hands, sobbing. Jane looked at me and I pulled over. She moved from the front to the back so she could hold and console her sister. The way Millie collapsed against her I knew it was the right thing. We had a couple of hours before we had to go to the airport so I headed for a park we had played in as kids and pulled into a space away from others. I just watched as Jane held Millie and in silence consoled her. There was nothing for me to say, nothing for Jane to say, we could not make the situation better or make Millie feel better with any words.

I looked across the park at a group of kids playing on the swings and other devices and at the mothers sitting on benches talking and watching their young ones. I remembered back to those many years ago when the three of us would come to this park but then it was only a few swings, an old teeter-totter, and some sand boxes but for us it was something else, a respite from the house, a place that was ours as the old house was only down the block. I thought about how mothers didn't worry about their kids being in the park alone, so different now, so different.

She calmed down and we left for the airport. I saw Millie look at the house as we passed and there was a tear in her eye, or at least sniffles coming from her. "You know life was a lot simpler when we lived there. Oh, I don't mean just because we were kids then, but the times were different, slower, less complicated. We had a great life."

Jane and I agreed and little else was said as we drove. Finally at the airport I turned to my middle sister, "Millie, I'm not a divorce attorney but if you need me to, uh, handle anything or help out please call me."

She patted my arm, "thanks Rob I know I'll be calling. Right now I'm just a fucking mess but I've got to get it together."

"Millie, you can stay with me," Jane added, hugging her older sister, "at least until you can decide what you want to do."

Millie nodded, kissed her sister on the cheek, and then leaned over the seat to kiss me on the cheek as well. "I have the best brother and sister anyone could ask for. I'll be in touch soon."

We watched her disappear into the terminal and then left for the hotel. It was a solemn and quiet ride, not the way I had anticipated. Millie's divorce and the cause of it had an affect on the wonderful plans I had for Jane. I looked over at her and she was looking out the window, away from me, and I knew it had affected her too.

"Would you like to do something, I mean, other than go back to the room?"

She turned to me, gave me a slight smile, "Yeah, I'd like to have a drink; a big fucking drink." Jane rarely cursed so hearing it told me she had been affected as well.

We sat in the hotel bar, two vodka martinis and we were talking, really the talking was minimal as we just sat there perhaps both contemplating what we were doing here together and what affect it was having on other people.

"Rob. Do you really know how Anita feels? I mean, I know what you said and what you told me she said, but is she really comfortable with this, this, um, sleeping with someone else?"

"I wish I could say positively that she is, I mean, she did tell me about her liaison with her brother and wanting to do it again, so by that I felt she was serious." I took a long drink of that martini. "I guess I really don't know and that is sad isn't it? What made you ask that?"

"Millie, I think. I mean now she's going through a tough time because she caught her husband screwing a young girl and, well, I, uh, guess it got me to thinking about us and our relationships with our spouses. Oh, I know it isn't the same but still we are screwing around, you know?"

"It isn't the same, not by a long shot. Right?"

"Right. I love you Robbie."

I looked over at Jane and she was staring straight at me and a small smile was creeping across her face. "Let's go upstairs."

I followed her from the bar and once in the room she excused herself to the bathroom only to emerge naked, carrying her clothing over her arm. She tossed her clothes on the chair and laid on the bed, her legs open toward me, her arms out, "Please make love to me Rob. Please, once more? I can't leave here with Millie's problem affecting everything I do and want to do. Make love to me!"

I stripped my clothes away and joined her. The softness of her skin felt so wonderful beneath my hands, against my legs, against my now needing hardness. We kissed, the deep searching kisses that lovers do and let our hands roam each other finding the spots that drive each other crazy. Her breasts felt so good beneath my hands and the nipples began to grow needing my further attention. They tasted wonderful and I could feel her body arch beneath me as I suckled. I began moving down to taste her womanhood but she put her hands on my shoulders, tugging me upward.

"No! Please! Please get inside me!"

I wasted little time entering her, entering that wet opening that allowed me to slide fully inside in one movement. She brought her legs up around my waist and her hands were pressing into my back as I began to thrust and withdraw. There were small sounds coming from her throat and I believe my breathing was now as noisy as her small sounds.

She was ready, so ready and I felt her body shake with orgasm and the warm wet fluids flow from her to surround my cock. I was happy she had cum and now it was my turn as I pummeled her harder and felt the semen moving upward and then shooting from my cock into her willing body.

"No. No. Stay inside me, please Robbie." She demanded as I had begun to withdraw from her and be beside her. I stayed there until my cock shriveled and forced me to slip from her very wet opening.

I rolled to my back and she rolled with me, putting her arm across my chest, a leg across mine, and I could feel the wetness of her pussy on my hip. We stayed there, quiet, unmoving until I pulled a sheet over us and we drifted into sleep. It was later, the sun dropping in the west when I awoke to see her standing at the window, something held to her front.

"Jane?" She half turned to look at me and I think she was crying. "What's wrong? Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just looking at the town, maybe my last look. You know Robbie ..." She didn't get to finish her thought as the phone rang and she answered.

I could tell it was Charles calling her by the way she responded. She sat on the edge of the bed and the conversation soon became one that did not include me. I made my way to the bathroom and into the shower.

The water was wonderfully warm as it cascaded over me washing away the beautiful lingering smell of Jane's sex and the day's perspiration. I stayed perhaps too long under the spray but somehow I didn't want to hear her conversation with her husband. I lingered as long as I could, brushing my teeth, deodorant, everything I could think of before I stepped naked into the room.

"I love you too and see you tomorrow." She said in a very up voice as I made my way to the suitcase and a pair of boxer shorts. She looked at me as I stepped into my underwear and was looking at my eyes, not my manhood. "I'm famished. Let me get a shower and we'll get some dinner. Okay?"

She walked naked past me to the bathroom. I was hoping she would stop for a kiss or a hug, but I got neither and I did not reach out for her.

We had dinner in the hotel's restaurant and returned to the room. She told me some about her conversation with her husband and she was very upbeat about the whole thing. We talked some about Millie but not much, and said nothing about our time together.