The House Slave

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A young man falls for a black house slave.
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***This is an Interracial Antebellum story. This is a reworked story that I did many years ago that I wanted to fix. There are 3 separate stories that go with this story too. The dialect has been toned down to make it understandable. I shut off comments because some readers are petty. ***

***This story is copywrited and I do not give permission for it to be reposted***

After a four hour bumpy carriage ride into Charleston, Seth waited in his room for his mother to greet him. He had not seen his mother in six months, and if he had it his way, it would be another six months added on to it. He did remember when he did see her it was only to see his father and make all their conversations quick and without merit.

Now he was now waiting for his mother to show him his new brother, but he figured it might be to settle the tension between them. Like normal, she did not want to spend time in the big city and figured she would leave quickly to head back to her family's plantation in Virginia, hundreds of miles from Charleston.

Seth liked the city, but also enjoyed the open space of his family's plantation that was close by. Having a house in the city and a large plantation meant he was forced to travel between the two at times. When he was younger it did not seem to matter as much going into the city as the plantation had so much more to do and he had almost total freedom to run around and play. Now that he was in college four hours away, it became a chore to travel to either the plantation or their house in the city.

He remembered as a child staying on a large plantation and its benefits. After his tutors left, Seth enjoyed outdoor activities such as horseback riding and fishing. Having a schoolhouse on the plantation also kept him isolated from other boys his age and race but it didn't matter. The friends he had though were property of the family and to him it didn't matter.

He did remember when his mother loved the plantation life when he was real young, but when his father got elected she chose to travel and be a part of society instead. He knew his father travelled a lot and spent almost all his time away from home only making the matter worse. He thought about how his mother refused to even stay at the plantation for more than two months out of the year, opting to spend time at her parent's estate in Virginia.

He woke up from his quick sleep when he heard his mother walk up the stairs. He stood up and then walked to the hall and saw his mother was followed by a new slave she must have bought. Seth knew his mother bought a new house slave from her letters, but she never described her in the letters that she did write.

Seth saw this new slave walk behind her mother with a baby in her arms. She looked young compared to the other house slaves his family owned, possibly in her young twenties. Her hair not visible under the white head wrap she wore. Her dress was a simple house dress although it looked clean as it was obvious that she didn't work anywhere near the fields. Her body and face seemed very slender, and was a stark contrast to Loni, the other house slave they owned. Even though her face was looking down at the baby in her arms, Seth could see that her face was flawless and full of life.

He let his eyes wander to her simple dress and saw that she had curves in her chest region and yet the rest of her seemed slender like she was sculpted by some artist. There wasn't a flaw in her complexion, and it was as if she was smiling even though she wasn't. He didn't understand why her face captivated him almost making him unable to look away.

Seth stood up to greet his mother. "Hello, mother." He knew that she did not like affection and was told he was too old to hug his mother like a child.

"Seth, meet your new brother Ethan." As she said this, the new house slave tilted her arms and body to show Seth his new brother. He was wrapped in a blanket and only his chubby face was visible to him, but it was the slave that he wanted to stare at more.

"Your Great Uncle passed, and I have been called away for a few longer. I will be heading out tonight to settle his affairs. I need you to stay here in Charleston to await your father. He should be back shortly and is expecting you. When he arrives, you can return to your studies at college," his mother proclaimed, sounding more formal than she had to be as he knew she loved sounding important.

"Yes, mother. I understand," Seth answered, knowing he was stuck in the house and that he could be off at college with his friends having fun or even or at the plantation hunting. He knew his mother did not want to be in the city any longer than she had to and would leave now if she could.

Charleston was fun and he loved it, but he knew she always put limits on where he could go. He was thinking that he was in town where he could explore what was once forbidden to him. The stories he heard about the night life from others always piqued his interest but he also knew that his mother would kill him if he even tried to see any of it when he was younger.

"I am bringing Loni with me and am leaving Ethan with Miss Lucy. She belonged to a good friend of mine and am told is very capable caring for the household as well as taking care of Ethan. If there is a problem, Mr. Harrington is next door."

Affection was not his mother's strong suite by any means as she just turned from him not even making an attempt to embrace him or want to solve the problems they had from his last visit. Instead she walked out with Lucy the new house slave and his baby brother.

Keeping up appearances was the one thing she did love and having a baby to tote around would have stopped that so she knew that Ethan was going to see more of Miss Lucy than he would ever see of his mother. He felt like Loni was his mother most of the time growing up. He also knew that she would have catered to him as if he was a prince if she stayed behind. Although, he did recall Loni using a switch for punishment a few times when he was younger too.

Seth got changed and decided not to wait for Loni to call on him for dinner. He snuck into the kitchen and was greeted with a big hug and a kiss on his cheeks as if he returned home from some overseas voyage. Being around her now gave him the chance to get spoiled with compliments and with candy that she got from the market just for him.

As he raved about living away at college, she listened intently like his life was more important than anything else going on. He smiled knowing that of all people he missed while being away, it was her. She was their family house slave that was his nanny and acted more like a mother he thought as it was her he went to as a child when he needed comfort.

The conversation at dinner was bland and respectful as he didn't bring up their prior conflict nor did his mother. It was as if nothing happened although her coldness towards him was quite noticeable. He told his mother about his schooling and how the tutors were boring, but she quickly changed the topic to her life and what was going on in her social circle. When he tried to switch to the conversation towards courting a girl, she gave him a snarled look saying it was impolite to bring up girls at dinner.

After dinner Seth said his goodbyes to his mother and then retired to his room, and easily drifted off into sleep. After a long ride to Charleston, it only took a few moments to fall deep asleep. All he wanted to do was see his father when he got home and then head back to college or to the recruitment center for the army.

His sleep ended with the sound of a crying baby in the room next to him. The weather started to get a little cold in November but still hot enough sleeping nude was normal to him and putting on a night robe was needed before investigating. He did not know if his mother left already and decided to check in to see his brother.

Walking to the next room, Seth was greeted by the sight of the new house slave Lucy with her breasts exposed feeding his baby brother. He froze as his eyes could easily see with his lamp that she was bare breasted. Her lamp added even more light on her light brown nude flesh. The instant he saw her, his eyes zoomed right on her one breast that was not being used as her long dark nipple seemed to be a beacon for his attention.

Her upper body was without any body fat and yet her breasts were large and well rounded. They seemed large for her frame and yet hung so perfectly. He felt his legs freeze and his eyes stare at her as it was the only time he could remember in his life seeing the bare breasts of a woman of any color.

He saw her casually look at him not covering up either as if it was nothing to see her nude chest. "I am sorry to wake you Mista Seth."

Seth was instantly intrigued by his brother's feeding from a female breast. It wasn't just any women tending bare breasted either, but a house slave that he couldn't stop looking at.

He could not take his eyes off Lucy's chest as her face and now her chest was hypnotizing him. He wanted to say something, but the sight of her exposed breast made him hold his gaze. "Mista Seth, did you need something?"

His mind raced with thoughts and questions as he questioned himself to why this house slave was so attractive to him. "She is not covering up...her breasts are out. Why is she letting me see her breasts? They look so beautiful...why can't I look away?"

"Justt...wondering....ahh. Is there still food out?" he stuttered out, thinking of the first thing to say that did not include anything about her breasts in it. Nor did he want to admit that his member was growing under his light robe.

Lucy lifted her head up to look at him, giving him a soft reassuring smile. He could see her soft blue eyes, as he felt lost in them as her face gave him an indication that it was okay to look at her. Her smooth light brown skin was still highlighted by the lamp light as he once again looked at her chest.

Her answer sounded sweet and cheerful too. "I haves some porridge that's I can warm up I reckon if you wants it. When I finish up here, I could fix some eggs and grits too."

Her accent threw him off as it was not Gullah and sounded like no other slave he heard before. All the other slaves had almost a slurred speech that sounded almost like a different language to anybody not from the area. Hers sounded like a slaves' voice but from a different region of the South, probably Virginia he thought since his mother spent so much time there.

Seth gathered the last of his wits and stopped gazing at Lucy's one exposed tit. "It's nothing. I can wait. So sorry to intrude. I can find something that is left out."

As Seth made his way to his room to get dressed, he realized that that was the first time he ever apologized to a slave, other than Loni. Being ashamed of himself for staring, he just thought an apology might make up for it. Then it came to him that this was the first time he had seen a female breast before and the first time he got an erection to the sight of a slave. The small glimpse of a tit occupied his every thought as he made his way to the kitchen.

He saw some left out bread and decided that it was a perfect snack with some water from the indoor pump. He just sat at the table still reliving the moment in his head as her nude flesh seemed to stay in his memory without fading.

When Lucy came into the kitchen to see if Seth was done, he looked in her direction but not to her face. "I did not mean to intrude upon you during my brother's feeding."

Lucy smiled a little when she responded, "No needs to say yah sorry Mista Seth."

Seth did not know if he felt guilty about seeing her breasts or wanting to see them again. A strange urge and sensation came over him when he thought about Lucy's bare chest. Thinking it was just guilt, he got up from the table in a hurry. "I am going to turn in now."

The night was young, and he knew he was alone as his Mother left already as she loved to leave at night. It was something odd she liked to do, and it bothered him and his father when she forced it upon them. It was like she lived in the night and almost never slept for too long. Now he wondered how to talk to the new slave without sounding improper about seeing her feeding his infant brother.

Seth sat in his room for a few moments and opened a book to try and think of something different. The more he tried to read by the lamp, the more he knew it was futile. He just let his mind drift to how her bare chest looked as he felt his manhood stir from his thoughts.

Not giving into sin, he turned off the lamp and forced himself to sleep. He recited prayers in his head like he did countless times before when he felt the sinful urges. Over the years he became adept at his nightly prayers to ward away his sinful needs and tonight was going to be one of those nights.

The next morning, he awoke with his mind set that he needed to focus on his studies and not of what he saw last night. Having lived around slaves his whole life, he never once saw them as property to be used for sinful urges. He knew his mother forbade any hired white man to touch the negroes as it was against God she said. Although he did hear about some hired hands not listening to this when his mother left the plantation.

He dressed and washed himself with the wash basin in his room and headed downstairs. With only him being capable of certain tasks he set out to stock the wood for the house and to care for the chickens in the back.

When he walked in, he saw Lucy preparing a meal over the fire. She was cutting some vegetables and dumping them in a pot. Seth looked again at her seemingly flawless frame and how her dress seemed to hug certain spots of her body highlighting her feminine features just right.

"I gots some cornbread cooking and be making you eggs if you wants it," she said as he stopped himself again from staring too much.

"Okay...that sounds good," he replied, wondering if she knew he stared at her in a way that would be inappropriate for her.

She smiled as he stood up knowing he had to leave as his sinful urges were now becoming visible in his pants. "Need to attend to something quick."

As he walked away, he began reciting prays and thinking of something else other than Lucy wearing that dress and how her body seemed so attractive to him. As he got into his room, he grabbed a book and forced himself to read to lose himself to it and not the sinful nature of his body reacting to a slave.

Seth seemed to lose himself in thought and lost all track of time. The sound of Ethan crying in the other room snapped him out of the daze. After listening to him cry for a minute, the sound of footsteps could be heard. Lucy had come into his room to soothe him with singing. The sound of the crying seemed to fade away almost immediately after she started to sing. Curiosity got the better of him, and he put down his book to see her.

Trying to make himself known that he was not snooping, Seth called out, "Miss Lucy?"

"Is here Mista Seth."

Seth took this as an invitation to walk into the room. When he entered, she was casually rocking his baby brother in a rocking chair. "He a fussy one when he's needs feedin'."

Seth's eyes lit up with fear and excitement as she announced that she was about to reveal her breasts and feed his brother. He did not know if he should run from the situation or stay and get a forbidden glance of her brown chest again.

He felt he should leave and yet his feet felt like they were stones not wanting to be moved. "Do you require me to leave?"

Lucy looked up to Seth nonchalantly and smiled. "If you wants to watch you can. I don't minds at all."

Feeling his heart drop at what she said, he didn't know if he should leave and pray or give into the sight he longed to see. The anxious feeling began to overwhelm him as he wanted to see something he knew was wrong to see. He couldn't answer her and should leave as he knew that what he wanted to see and felt guilty about was now being offered freely.

He finally breathed and then answered knowing that he shouldn't give into his body's urges. "I really should give you privacy. I don't want to intrude if you are going to feed him."

She still had an unconcerned look on her face. "It's no bother to me. Be used to people around me when I be feeding babies. Nothin harmful bout you wantin to watch."

With the invitation, Seth sat down on the bed, but he could not help but feel his heart beating fast. It felt like he was out of breath too as his heart was racing like a horse galloping. All his thoughts were now on the anticipation of seeing her reveal her forbidden brown breasts to him.

As Lucy unbuttoned the top part of her dress, Seth could already feel his body reacting. His male member stirred, and she did not even get to revealing herself yet. As she pulled down the front of her dress, he knew it was no use hiding his excitement and if she looked at his pants it would be visible.

As she continued, he knew it was wrong but could not help but look away. She got to the last button that was stomach level as he saw the outline of the side of her breasts. He felt his heart about to burst with anticipation as he was right up close to her and not looking from a distance like before. Not making a scene out of it, she pulled open her dress revealing both breasts to him.

Since the bed was only a few feet from the chair, he could clearly see both of her engorged breasts. Her light brown skin still had highlights where the sunlight through the window hit her skin. He could not believe how large both of her globes were and how her long nipples were a darker color than the rest of the breast.

As she brought his brother to her left tit, he stared glaringly at the other one studying it as if his life depended on it. Not being bothered by his staring, she rocked back on the chair feeding his brother as if nothing was wrong about him watching it all. He knew his body was reacting to it as he felt the hardness of his member pushing against his pants.

The more he stared at her chest the more he found it hard to keep still and not touch his erection. The feeling in his groin was almost painful as it demanded attention he thought. Not one to give into the sinful nature of self-gratification, he stood up knowing he had to leave.

He quickly retreated speaking quickly as he left. "Excuse me."

The moment he was in his room he grabbed a book and began to speed read. Think of anything else he thought as the worst seemed to jumble in his mind. The more he read, the more he pushed the immoral thoughts out of his head. He knew he had to as he felt his male member wanting sinful attention. He breathed heavily and calmed himself as he continued reading until the desire faded away.

Twenty pages later, the shame was still there but his body's reaction returned to normal. He listened to footsteps and then she appeared at his open door. "Don't wants to be a bother, I got that cornbread in the kitchen for ya."

He answered calmly as he knew she didn't sound upset that he left abruptly, "Sure, I will be down in a moment."

Just as he put his book down, he heard her singing as she went down the stairs. He took a second to compose himself and then followed her down the stairs. He walked in the kitchen to see a plate of cornbread on the table.

Lucy calmly walked to the pot hanging over the kitchen fire and began stirring it. "I thoughts you might like some good stew tonight."

Seth sat at the table and took some cornbread off the plate. As he ate his cornbread, he watched Lucy's every move wondering how she captivated him like nothing else in his life before. She seemed to move through the house gracefully and with great energy. He even found himself looking at her body and yet her dress seemed to hide almost all her figure and her head was covered in a headwrap.