The Humper Game Pt. 01 Ch. 03


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I nibbled her ear lobe. I murmured in her ear, "Well, I didn't do it last time, but I can this time, if you like. Should I eat your pussy?"

She hugged me a little harder and said, "Thank you. Some time, probably I'd love it, but now I really want you to just go on." So I picked her up and put her onto the bed, which someone had thoughtfully turned down while my attention was on Claire, and got in beside her. I kissed her again, and murmured to her, "Would you care to try being on on top?"

"Some other time for that, too. I saw how good it was for Barbara. But please come inside me now, I want you so much." So I got on top of her and positioned myself and slid in. She shuddered as I came in, moaning very softly. Jenny came up and handed her a rolled-up washcloth, as I started thrusting. I kissed her, but she broke it off quickly and said, very softly, "Not now. Please. It's distracting." She was moving with me, after a moment making little cries. We kept on, and I started to be afraid that I would come too quickly this time around too—not that she necessarily would have come the first time if I'd been able to hold back. She was much wetter this time, and after a minute I could feel her tensing up, and then she came. She uttered quiet little whimpers and moans, but there was no need for a muzzle, and I could feel the washcloth in her hand behind my back. She was again holding me and pulling me into her harder. I came, too, as soon as she started, and she was so wonderful I couldn't believe it.

We lay like that for a minute or two. We kissed, soft lingering kisses, passionate but not urgent. Then we got up and got cleaned off and dressed. Claire kissed me one more time, and said, "I won't ask for comparisons with anyone else, but I do hope that kind of makes up for the disappointing first time."

I kissed her once more. There was a little time left, this time, and we all turned back to academics. At the ten-minute signal, I gathered everything together, and then kissed each of them. Yes, Ellen too, she lined up expectantly with the others. We all went off to supper together, again with a detour for me to the boys' wing lavatory.

As we ate, we mostly talked about our assignments. We'd all left our stuff in Jenny's room, but there was plenty to talk about. Ellen spoke briefly about what she was working on, but also made suggestions about issues the rest of us raised. We took the whole supper break, up to the last bell. I think none of us felt so far behind we needed to run back to our books and computers, and we really did get some studying done as we ate, just talking.

So we all walked back together. Ms. Miller was on duty again this time. She frowned at us all. "Quite a harem you're accumulating, Morris," she told me. I know I blushed.

Jenny glared at her. "We were studying!"

"I'm sure of it. Math, English, chemistry, and reproductive biology." But she noted the time for me, and waved us on.

We put in most of two hours, and I thought it was a very productive time for all of us, though I was less sure about Ellen. Jenny finally said, "OK, is everyone caught up at least for tomorrow?" When everyone had said yes, she said, "Ellen, do you want a turn now, or just to watch? I know there are three others who would happily fill in if you aren't ready, and I'll insist on being the one this time, but if you want to, I'll wait."

Ellen sat there for a moment. Finally she said, "If you're sure you won't resent my pushing myself into your group, I really would love a turn. Phil was so nice to me Wednesday in gym."

Claire said, "I'm for it under one condition. Be honest: Didn't you let him catch you?"

Ellen looked around at everyone. She lowered her eyes. "Please don't let it go beyond this group, then. The answer is yes and no.

"I'd overheard two of you talking, and you said he was your first, and how kind and gentle he had been. And I'd been worrying, not a lot but some, about what would happen when somebody did catch me—but more, if I somehow forfeited and twenty boys in a row lined up. I knew it would hurt no matter what, but there are some who would just shove right in and not care at all about me, what I was feeling." Everyone present nodded. "And I didn't know Phil all that well, but I knew he was really nice, even before I overheard that. So when he was assigned as my partner, I figured it was my best opportunity." She looked at me. "You know I wasn't in love with you or anything. But I decided to give you a chance. And I'm sure it's the same for all of us, the whole situation, the way the game is set up, had me turned on some, so I was kind of looking forward to it, if you did catch me.

"Here's the 'yes and no' part. Yes, I tripped on purpose, and recovered the way you're supposed to. Phil spotted that, by the way, my recovery was a little too smooth, all things considered. And I had slowed down just a little, too, as I might have anyway what with looking back on a curve.

"But he still had to react instantly and run as fast as he possibly could to catch me. I wasn't going to make it obvious, no matter what, and there couldn't plausibly be another chance. Anyway he grabbed that chance. He reacted instantly and gave it everything he had. And then, you bet he was nice to me. Far more than I'd imagined. He took time to woo me, basically, to make me ready for him, so when be tore through that was the only thing that hurt at all. He was so sweet! And then he worried about my reputation. Anyone who cared knew he had been my partner and captured me. But he didn't go bragging about it—hey, look at me, I actually caught Chan and screwed her!—telling everyone he'd made me enjoy it. He grabbed a moment to ask me privately if it was OK to tell people it had been good for me. My heart just melted, that he was so considerate.

"So, Phil, nice as it was that time, by what I saw earlier I think you can make it even better, and boy do I want you to. Jenny, thank you for offering to let me have a turn now. Phil, please treat me the way you treated Claire."

She moved forward and came into my arms. She was a little shorter than all the others, feeling to me almost petite in build, more breast in proportion, which added to her overall beauty as I saw it, very athletic, narrow-waisted but less slender overall than the rest of them. We had kissed very thoroughly on Wednesday, nothing new there, but it was still exciting. My hands wandered, breasts and ass and crotch, but I waited until she moaned a couple of times to start undressing her. Blouse and bra came off, and I bent down enough to kiss and lick and suck her breasts. They were stunningly beautiful to me.

I picked her up and laid her on the bed, turned back again by some thoughtful person. The sheets were wet enough to be a bit of a downer, but Ellen didn't complain and neither did I. I got her shoes and socks off, and she lifted her ass to help as I pulled her shorts and underpants together off of her. She sat up and got my shorts and underwear off me, over my shoes. I sat down, and she took off my shoes and socks and shirt. There were brief kisses throughout all this.

We lay down together, and she held me and kissed me at length. I decided not to bother asking this time, and I angled her over and went after her pussy with my mouth. She began to thrust with her hips, tightening up on my head with her thighs. Jenny hurriedly handed her a rolled-up washcloth, but she put it aside. As she came, she clamped her hand over her mouth, but then she took it away as it became clear that she didn't really need it. As Claire had, she moaned and whimpered, but very quietly. As soon as possible I moved my head back from her pussy. When she was through, she murmured, "Oh, Phil, that was lovely, but you missed out on it." I moved her back over, and got back beside her.

"Well, we're not done yet. I hope there's enough time, I don't want to be grounded, but here I come."

Again, being inside any of them was wonderful, and Ellen was certainly no exception. I slid right in with no problems, and she gasped. As I began thrusting, she moved with me, gasping and moaning quietly from the beginning. She came again before I was ready, and I held her as I continued, in and out, while it passed. In another minute or two, I was coming, and she came once again.

As we came out of it, I kind of sagged on top of her, and she kissed me again. "Oh, I wish you could have lasted for once more. Phil, dear, even after seeing Claire, I wasn't prepared for how wonderful that was. Thank you." We kissed once again, and then I pulled out, still pretty large but getting kind of floppy. Again, Jenny provided damp washcloths, and we cleaned up and got dressed.

Ellen kissed me once again, and then said, "I think you owe Jenny at least a couple of kisses, too. Jenny, thank you so much, watching was spectacular, but that was beyond wonderful, thank you for letting me in tonight!" I did as I was told, not that I needed any urging.

Almost immediately the ten-minute warning sounded. I put my stuff together, and made sure my face was washed, and gave each of them a brief (but not too brief) kiss. I didn't need to run, but the five-minute warning sounded before I passed Ms. Miller. She nodded to me, and said quietly, "Have a good study session?"

I paused long enough to reply, also very quietly, "Best ever. Got lots done." Then I headed off to my room, and the lavatory, and finally to my room again and to bed.

Friday morning, Jenny and I ran together. For a bit Claire and Barbara came and ran backward in front of us to talk to us, the showoffs, and I'm sure that was a lot better workout for them than running next to us. But going straight when you're running backward is hard enough that they soon gave it up and took off on their own. Ellen greeted us each time she passed us, as well.

We went in together and headed off for showers. I was ready a little before breakfast started, but I took my stuff to the cafeteria and sat there studying until the signal sounded and serving started. I quickly collected food and came back and studied as I sat, until the girls came up in a group loaded down with trays. I couldn't help feeling like I was on display, one boy at a table with four beautiful girls. Molly came in a little later, and Bill and Jim, and I felt a little less like the center of attention for the whole room. Ellen's friends Manning and Cox came and squeezed in too, making things very tight indeed. Sometime during breakfast, they asked me to call them Ellen and Deedee, so after that I had to make sure it was clear which Ellen I was talking to or referring to. They were nice and bright and interesting, no surprise in any friends of Ellen's.

After breakfast, I stayed in the cafeteria to study. Jenny, Barbara, and Claire all collected their stuff and joined me in a couple of minutes. We didn't have long, but we used what we had. We kept our talking pretty much down, but worked together where we could. I realized that until this point, I'd mostly only had study partners where we were assigned together, usually to some specific research or project. Jenny and I had studied together sometimes as lab partners three years earlier, and I'd done that with others in many cases, but that was about it.

We had clearly agreed not to use this to try to cut back our work, say each person taking a few of the math problems and then sharing answers. We all wanted to learn the material. As each studied, though, we would pass on hints or warnings or articles to check, which sometimes cut down quite a lot on wasted time.

Of course, this particular study time was very short, even though we had squeezed a few minutes out of the breakfast period too. It wasn't really a study period, in fact, rather a time for getting the day's materials together—but most people used it for last-minute review for their morning classes, as much as they could.

I found that I was well prepared for all my morning classes. This always made classes more enjoyable. It wasn't just avoiding the instructor's comments if work wasn't ready or if you couldn't answer questions or take part intelligently, it was having all the pieces ready so you could understand the next steps. I knew that our gym game had pushed Jenny and me together, entirely by luck of the draw the first day, so that she had suggested studying together. And when she did, we were both thinking of some extracurricular activities in among the studying. But in fact, just considering it for official studying, we all were finding it helpful to work together. Even Ellen, once in a while. I know I for one was kicking myself for not starting it years earlier. And of course, for me, sitting in a room, or at a table, with three or four beautiful girls was a lot more pleasant than studying by myself in my own room. More distracting, but well worth it.

After lunch and another class, it was time for gym again.

Once again my heart sank as my partner was assigned. This was Kitty Morris, and she was no relation that we knew of. She was pretty, blonde hair pulled back in a ponytail as almost always, and had a good figure, and we liked each other fine, none of that was a problem. The problem was that I was pretty sure she could outrun me.

It wasn't like the time Ellen was my partner, when I knew she was way out of my league. Kitty was about as fast as Jenny or I, but I thought she was enough faster that I was doomed. Of course, I hadn't run against her in quite a while, and in this game I'd stayed so focused on my own partner that I hadn't really watched everyone else, but I was disheartened.

We greeted each other. She said, "Hello, Morris," and I said "Meow!" We had gone with first names early on, feeling that addressing each other as Morris was awkward if not plain silly, and as I said we liked each other. Except for the coincidence of the names, though, we'd probably have stuck to last names anyway, just because we'd never been in close enough contact. And once, instead of saying Kitty I had meowed at her, and she had laughed, even though it must really have been an unbearably old joke for her by then. So while we used first names, we'd developed this little ritual, that she greeted me by last name and I meowed for her. Yes, that "Meow!" actually represented my attempt to sound like a cat, not the word it looks like.

She actually gave me a little hug as we walked to the starting lines. She told me, "You know, you're kind of getting a reputation in this game." I was taken aback, and it must have showed. She said, "No, a good one, really! Rumor says that you've popped more cherries than any other two or three boys in this game, and I think that has to be true. But they all say that you've been as sweet and kind and gentle about it as any girl could ask. I'm kind of proud to be your friend, and I mean it." I was still trying to work out my feelings about that when the whistle blew for the girls to start, and then the one for the boys.

Kitty did take off more strongly than I could keep up with. By now, I certainly had a pretty good idea how fast I could keep up the whole distance repeatedly, since I was running it every morning. I knew it would do me no good to try to match her pace if it meant halfway through I was ready to die, so I just started out at the fastest pace I thought I could maintain once around, with maybe a little left for a small spurt at the end.

So Kitty's four-feet-plus-five-seconds lead grew, not fast but steadily, all the way down to where the course curved out of sight. As I rounded the bend, about halfway through the course, I was encouraged to see that she seemed to be breathing harder than she ought to be, but her lead was still something to worry about. But then she started slowing down, a little at a time, and I actually started gaining ground. And my gains were increasing! If she had taken it at the speed I was running, I was sure she could have kept her initial lead all the way to the end, but as it was I suddenly had a chance.

But I didn't speed up, I couldn't at that point. When she was about fifty feet or a bit more from the finish line, and still slowing down, panting hard, I finally pushed for that little extra spurt, and it looked as if I would catch her—too late by a second or two. You understand, I was by no means really sprinting, and I was starting to gasp and pant too. So when she was less than about fifteen feet out, I leaped, and I managed to catch her around the knees and bring her down.

"Kitty, move left, fast!" I said through my panting. She didn't hesitate, and we both scrambled as best we could, as three pairs of girls' feet pounded by us, followed almost immediately by three pairs of boys' feet in hot, well, lukewarm, pursuit. I'd pulled her down directly in front of the opening in the rope.

We lay there outside the ropes for a minute or two, trying to catch our breath. I finally got up, reached down and took her hand, and helped her get up. She was still breathing a lot harder than I was. I said, "Do you mind if we move back a good way, where we won't have so much of an audience?" Because of course there was a bit of a crowd bunched up, being checked in. At this point, it was all girls who had escaped, and some of their disappointed pursuers of course. In just a bit there would be the ones who had been caught, and some forfeits, since they walked in instead of running. I sure thought I'd heard lots of whistles that afternoon, but my attention had been elsewhere.

So we moved back down the course and also away from it, and then sat down in the tall grass. "Are you recovered enough for me to undress you?" I asked.

She looked at me a little strangely. "If I were really going to struggle, I think you'd find it easier before I caught my breath," she said. "It was a fair grab, and you ran better than I did, even if I did almost make it. So go ahead. You're big enough to just do it even if I did resist, and I'm not going to make even a token struggle."

I pushed her down on her back in the grass and straddled her waist, carefully staying on my knees so she didn't take much of my weight. "In that case, I'll start with this," I said, and bent down and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "That's just a token, at this point. You may want to sit up a little." I took hold of her shirt and sports bra, near the waist, and pulled them up and over her head and then down her arms. Her breasts were perfect. I cupped them in my hands, massaging the nipples a little with my thumbs.

Abruptly, she lunged up, got her arms around my neck, and pulled me down on top of her. She kissed me at some length, and then said, "That one's not any token, I assure you. I mean it. But get going on the rest, OK?" So I pulled shorts and underwear off, then shoes and socks. Then I turned to getting my own clothes off, which only took a few seconds.

I lay down with her, and we kissed again. And again a few more times. "I told you what I'm hearing about you, Phil," she said, "and I'm really glad of it. I guess here comes one more notch on your gun, because this is my first time, and I'm hoping you'll be as gentle as they say."

I kissed her again, and rubbed her breasts some more, and then kissed them and sucked on the nipples. I let my hand wander down to her pussy. There was a good amount of wetness already, and I spread it around as best I could, and also moved a finger in and out. She moaned a little and pulled my head up where she could kiss me again.

In a minute, I told her, "Kitty, dear, I think you're actually pretty much ready, but I'm going to try to add a little more lubrication and move you along a little more." I moved down and licked at her pussy for a couple of minutes. She was twitching and moaning, and I came up and positioned myself. I pushed just in, and then told her, "I'm sorry, but this part is going to hurt. If it keeps hurting a lot, tell me, and I'll try to wait a little longer." I pushed in, as gently as I could but steadily, until I felt something pop and I was in. I held still a moment, and kissed her again. "It may be sore enough to still hurt a little, but I'm going ahead."