The Humper Game Pt. 01 Ch. 06


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Ms. Miller's partner finished his job on her, pulled on his clothes, and went off. She got onto her back, legs pointing toward the rope, I assumed so that there would be room beyond her head for a line. I walked over to her and started taking off my clothes.

"You're first again, Morris? How do you manage that?"

I got on my knees between her legs. "I watched and followed you as you came over here. Mostly people are watching what they're doing, or what other people are doing, and ignoring you. And me, too. Um. Ready or not, here I come." I thrust into her.

She breathed into my ear, "Perfume again. I guess the rain washed most of it away, it's barely there. Who's the lucky girl this time?"

I breathed my reply in her ear the same way. "If she were lucky, I wouldn't tell you. But she was really unlucky, and it needs to be passed along, so please don't interrupt." I could see that no one was forming a line, if I lifted my head slightly, and I thought no one was paying us any attention, though I couldn't be sure of that. I thrust in and out, continuing to be as silent as I could, and not even move my lips very much. "Last night, Maggie Brown came out here to run, and down behind the trees a group of boys grabbed her, tied a bag over her head, gagging her as well as blinding her. They gang-raped her for quite a while, front and back. They threatened her if she told anyone. She wasn't going to, but she poured it out into my ear after I caught her. She's really miserable. She recognized voices, but knows that's iffy for an accusation, and she was too hurt and ashamed to do anything but spend an hour in the showers. If she's examined, I doubt they'll find any DNA but mine, as a result. But I do hope someone can nail those assholes to the wall and skin them. Slowly. Then draw and quarter them."

She breathed back at me, "I've never heard you talking like that, or heard of it. You're really mad, and you've got reason, but try to calm down. You bet I'll pass it on."

"There's more, but I think she has to be the one to tell it."

"Thank you. I will pass it on. Now, if you'll pay attention to what you're doing, and stop distracting me, I'll see if I can hurry you along a little."

She closed her eyes, as if in resignation. She didn't move outwardly all that much, and I was sure no one could have seen that she was tightening and releasing internally, but it was indeed pumping me up. I moved faster and harder. Once again, a little before I started to come, she did, showing it only in breathing a little faster and harder. Once again, I was awed at her ability as an actress. I kept moving after we both were done, to give her a moment to get her breathing back to normal, then pulled out and got up off her.

"Thank you, ma'am. I enjoyed it, and I hope it wasn't too awful for you. I'm sure someone else will be along sometime, but it seems that the successful boys are pretty few in number today."

She just said, "Get lost, now," and closed her eyes resignedly again.

I wandered off, considering possibilities. I wondered where Jenny was, and hoped she wasn't a forfeit. Same for Claire. I enjoyed the view of breasts and pussies spread out everywhere, and of a few getting screwed. I was about ready to seriously look for someone when Jenny came up to me and took my arm.

"Still just looking? I saw you come in with Brown, but I was a little busy at the time. I need to go take a turn with the automatics, but I'm waiting for the line to get shorter."

"No, I've been with Ms. Miller already. I'm about ready to go again, now. I was just starting to look for someone I'd really enjoy, instead of just girls to enjoy looking at."

She started to say something, but I was hailed from a couple of spots over. "Morris. Come over here and talk to me. Please!"

We went over, and I sat down next to her. This was the last girl I ever would have expected to initiate a conversation with me, even in normal circumstances. Her name was Wilma Jasper, and I had offended her in our freshman year, and she had never forgiven me for it. If that sounds like what I've said about Bruja, well, it was really completely different.

I had said something to her with just a little bit of a twist in it, not meaning anything except to be cute. It had, as someone else explained to me later, suggested I was referring to something I hadn't known anything about—but she thought I must have, and it was something personal about her family, something terrible. I had tried apologizing for what I said, I had tried explaining that I hadn't known, I had asked her what I needed to do for her to forgive me or make it right. She simply refused to discuss any of this. When we had to make contact, she was perfectly correct and polite regarding the subject at hand, but she wouldn't talk to me about anything else. Freshman year, we had successfully completed two projects together, and she had done her part well and thoroughly, pointing out things that needed to be different in my parts, doing all she could to make the projects the best they could be. In all that, she was everything I could have wished for. But never a moment of chitchat, never one word not directly relevant to the topic.

This galled me, and had for three years, but there didn't seem to be anything I could do. If we were talking about something class-related, and I tried to break through, she changed the subject back. If I persisted, or if I came up to her outside classwork, she just looked at me and walked off.

And now she was calling me to talk to her? I had no idea what was going on, but I had to go over. So there I was, sitting by her, and all I could do was wait for her to say what she wanted.

She looked to be near crying. I didn't need another girl crying at me, not that day when it was raining and I had Brown's problem on my mind and heart. But after a minute, she spoke up.

"Morris, I have a request to make, but I have to say this first. I've held what you said against you now for three years, and I was wrong. You've done everything you could to apologize, and to ask how you could make amends. You don't do it very often now, but you haven't given up asking and trying. And it was totally wrong of me to treat you the way I have. Can you ever forgive me for it?"

To say I was flabbergasted would be the understatement of the century. I said, "I think we need to talk more. I hope and fully expect the answer will be yes. But I need to know more, and now isn't a good time for that much talk. I'll ask just one question now. Is this just for now, and tomorrow we're back to where we were?"

"No! I mean it, from here on out. You're right, we need to sort through some things, but I'm willing to try, I mean, to do it. Whatever it takes. And I'm sorry to bring it up like this. It makes it sound like I'm trying to trade, you do what I ask and I'll stop being the way I've been. And I don't mean that, at all! I confess that I was wronging you all along, and I promise to stop it, whether you do what I ask or not."

"I'll provisionally forgive you, and I mean by that not to hold anything over your head, but only that I need to hear the whole thing and ask questions. And I need to say some things, too. But do I correctly understand you to be offering to provisionally forgive me for offending you, three years back?"

"No! Not provisionally! And not offering! I mean that I forgive you, whatever may come, whether you accept it or not. Things may happen that we'll have to work through, but I promise never again to hold this same thing against you. Cross my heart and hope to die."

Now I was the one about to cry. I said, "Jasper, thank you, more than I can say. You have no idea how much I've wished I could settle this with you.

"But you said you have something to ask. I can't promise to do it, but I want to know what it is, and I sure hope I can."

"Will you please take a turn with me, I mean screw me, here and now? I know it's a lot to ask, you have more choices out there than you could do in a whole week, choices you'll never have again, and I'm asking you to waste one chance on me. But please?"

I was even more astonished. It looked like Jenny was surprised, but not as much as I was. I'd have to ask her later what she knew that I didn't.

"If you really want me to, Jasper, I will do that. I'd like to know why it's such a big deal. If you can explain it pretty briefly."

"That's actually simple enough. Friday, you remember, there were a lot of forfeits, nothing like today but enough that not all of them got screwed, even the pretty ones. I'd gotten caught, I wasn't one of them. But in the showers, Friday, as each girl came in, there were two or three others who looked at her to see whether she'd been screwed—assuming she was a forfeit I mean. They could tell by whether her pussy was dripping. They'd taunt those who hadn't, 'You're so ugly that not one boy stopped by you,' things like that. Well, today there are going to be a lot more, and I really don't want to be singled out that way. Please!"

I growled, "That sounds like something Bruja was behind. No, I don't want to know who it was. I only wish I could single-handedly get around to all of you. That's just awful!

"But if you don't mind, it will be a real quickie, no foreplay, just a screw. Partly, I do want to get to a few others, and we've taken a lot of time, and partly I'm going to have to get used to the idea that you would ask me."

"If you would delay long enough to, well, seal things with a kiss, a quick one, I'd like it. That's separate from any foreplay you might have done. I wish I were entitled to that, but I'm not."

So I moved over close to her, and put my arms around her and kissed her. Not a quick kiss, but not lingering either. I started getting my clothes off, and she just lay down with her legs spread. I knelt between her knees, and said, "Um. Last chance to change your mind. The rules say you have to do it if I ask, but not that I can't stop and go on to someone else. And I will, if you want. Someone else might yet stop by. It's not like you're not pretty enough to attract most anyone."

"Please quit talking like that, I'm not changing my mind!"

So I positioned myself and went in. She wasn't a virgin, I knew that, I'd seen her get caught once the week before, and she'd said she was caught Friday. I didn't thrust in with no regard for her, but I didn't take it very slow either. And to my surprise she was pretty wet inside. "Oh, Morris," she told me as I began thrusting in earnest. "I've been wishing for a week now that you would do this. I would have come to you to talk, honest, but with this game and studying we've both been busy, and then you have your crew of valkyries around you at all times, and they're intimidating. I mean it, though, since I made my mind up I've been daydreaming about this."

I distracted myself for a moment, wondering what she meant. The valkyries were women—minor goddesses or something like that—who collected the souls—I thought it amounted to souls—of those who died in battle, according to old Norse mythology, and other Germanic mythologies too. Then I thought I had it, that they were usually portrayed as warriors, at least in modern depictions. I hadn't read the Eddas in a while, and I had kind of forgotten the original details.

She was moving with me, and tensing up a little inside, so I tried to relax and hold back a little. I said, very softly, "It feels like you might come. If you do, wonderful. But if you make a lot of noise at it, I'll cover your mouth to stifle it, if you don't do it first."

She looked at me, apparently startled, but she nodded. We kept going, and she was wetter and wetter, and very shortly gasping and panting. As she started coming, she moaned and gasped as much as any girl I'd had experience with yet, but she managed to keep it very quiet. I emptied into her, and then kind of sagged down on her catching my breath.

When she caught her own breath, she stretched up and kissed me, a real kiss this time. "So that's what it's like? Now I understand all Cole's screaming, her and a few others. That was wonderful, and I certainly wasn't expecting it." She hugged me tight, and kissed me again, and said, "You're a little heavy, and you're not supposed to drag it out, though I don't suppose anyone's waiting. I hope I get another chance with you, sometime better than on the wet grass in the rain."

I got off and got dressed. I came closer to her and said, "That really was your first time?" She looked confused, so I said, "Your first orgasm, I mean?" She nodded, and I went on, "I'm surprised and honored that you let yourself go that way with me. Thank you, Jasper."

She looked at me. "I hope I'm not getting ahead of myself, but would you please call me Wilma? If I hadn't been so, so, so stupid about it all, I'd have asked you during that first project, three years ago. I missed out on a true friend."

I said, "I'd love and treasure that, Wilma. I have study dates after gym and tonight, but I think I could manage time to talk after supper, if you're not too far behind in your own work."

Jenny said, "He can do that."

Wilma said, "Thank you, Phil. And Jenny." I must have looked even more surprised than I felt, because Wilma said, "We've been friends for a long time. And in fact, near the end of last year, just a couple of months or so ago, she was the one who came to me and told me I wasn't being fair at all to you, and made me think about it. I did almost stop being friends with her over that, when she wouldn't drop it, but she was right." That part was the real surprise. That was, after all, before Jenny and I had reconnected. But though I hadn't known they were on first-name terms, there was no reason for them not to be.

"Goodbye for now, then, Wilma. Um. Do you want to find a corner of the cafeteria to talk, or your room, or mine?"

At this point, Jenny jumped in again. "My room, whenever you can make it. We'll be there studying, and there's no room for anyone else that way, but you can talk to him there."

I said, "No, Jenny. We probably need to say things that we don't want an audience for. You'll just have to live with wondering."

"My room, then, Phil. And thank you again, for everything!" She gave me the room number.

As we walked away, I was still musing over her abrupt turnaround, in every way. She'd been dreaming of my screwing her? For a week? Just because she'd decided to take the barbed wire down, so to speak? At any rate, I was really happy, and not because of getting screwed wonderfully. Twice so far, in fact. But Wilma's attitude had really hurt me, and I had no doubt that the change was permanent, even if talking about it would hurt us both.

I wasn't even near ready to go again, yet, but I was definitely looking around with that in mind. There were boys getting their asses stuffed, most of them with lines waiting, and of course there were other nude boys waiting in case someone came up to penalize them. Clearly, of the non-forfeits, many more girls had eluded their partners than had been caught. I'd seen early enough that for most of the girls, stuffing a dildo up a boy's ass was a ho-hum experience in itself, but that they kind of lined up for anyone they thought was nasty.

Jenny said, "You probably missed it, but Miles failed to make a capture this time. I saw him narrowly miss forfeits twice, myself, but he was over with Wilson, Brenda Wilson, in the penalty area. I don't think her heart was in it, though. He's nice enough, and pretty fair, but I also wonder whether she wished he'd caught her. She's fast enough, but I think those narrow misses slowed him down, too."

I'd just asked her, "Do you have any ideas for me? There are lots who attract me, but none compelling. Not that I'm ready yet," when we were interrupted by deep bass shouts from over by the border of the area.

"You little shit, what do you think you're doing? Is that your idea of polite behavior?"

We, along with a few dozen others, hurried along to a surprising sight. Moira was on the ground, looking hideously ashamed, with her face and hair and upper chest dripping with semen. Next to her was Sharkey. He must have been dragged up from the ground, by the scruff of his neck, literally. Holding him was Mr. Robbins, whose main job was gardening. He was at least six feet six, and muscular enough to be Atlas. Not Charles Atlas, whom I really didn't know much about, but the Titan Atlas, who had been holding up the sky ever since Zeus's little coup d'etat. Mr. Robbins looked strong enough to do it. And yes, it's the sky, not the earth. Go read up on your Greek mythology, if you don't believe me. He was holding Sharkey up off the ground, casually, with his left hand at the nape of his neck. People aren't kittens or puppies, and don't have all that much loose skin there, so he must have been holding the neck itself, and it must have hurt like anything. Personally, I tried not to get on the wrong side of anyone on the staff, but Mr. Robbins was certainly not one I would want mad at me.

He yanked his phone out of his pocket with his right hand, and did something, and pretty quickly he was saying, "Miles, you get over here right now. We've got something you won't believe, but if you don't want this prick murdered here and now you'd better come and take over." As the phone went back in his pocket, he seemed to realize he was still holding Sharkey, and kind of tossed him onto the ground. Being wet didn't make it any softer, I knew from experience. He growled, "You just stay right there and don't move one muscle."

Sharkey looked pretty scared. I wasn't about to cry sympathetic tears for him, but I kind of wished it could be Wagner. That was my only regret, though. As I looked at Moira, my heart went out to her. She was so sweet, and having everyone see her like that was the kind of thing she would feel ashamed of forever. I realized that Jenny wasn't there, and looked to see her running for the lavatory building.

Mr. Miles hurried up. He took one look at the situation, and said to Sharkey, "Weren't you warned thoroughly enough by what I said the first day?" He didn't look any less mad than Mr. Robbins, right then. He looked at Robbins, and said, "Why don't you tell us all exactly what happened? I see the outline, but it needs filling in."

Robbins said, "Well, you know those bushes have needed a lot of work for a while, and today was the time I'd carved out for it, and I wasn't about to let a little rain stop me." He was still growling, but not roaring at this point. "So I was pruning away. I'll have to oil my shears, but they'll be all right. And I saw through the greenery when this young lady come over and took her clothes off and sat down. I know about your game, of course, so I figured she was one of your forfeits, and since her partner wasn't here with her I figured he must be one, too." Mr. Miles nodded.

"Well, I can't deny that I enjoyed looking, but I went on with my work, maybe just a little slower and maybe kind of sticking here where I had more of a view." There were laughs from the crowd at that. Moira cringed. "And then this, this turd comes over to her, and says something like, 'You little bitch, I told you I'd be back next time, and here I am.' I was about to go say something to him right then about respectful talk, but he gets down on top of her and goes in. None too polite and gentle, but there wasn't anything specific to complain about. So he goes in and out for a while, and then he suddenly says, 'OK, slut, here it comes,' and slaps her face, hard. And then he pulls out and give himself a couple of strokes, and spews all over her face and body, as you can see. Well, I dropped my shears when he said that and slapped her, and I'm only sorry I wasn't here to take him apart before he got to the last bit."