The Hunters and the Hunted Ch. 04


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"Oooh... I like him already," Höllen smiled to Trudy.

"And my name is Skyler Morgan," Skye told Stefan, stepping forward and extending her hand, acutely aware that she was naked in the presence of the clan Chieftain, an attractive old man with an impressive aura of power in his own right.

Stefan kissed her hand, then gently drew her to him.

"May I?" he asked, not waiting for her response as he kissed first her cheek and then the base of her neck, just above her collarbone. Skye was squirming.

"Of course," she managed to get out, well after the fact.

"You taste as delicious as you smell," Stefan told her. "I am looking forward to getting to know you better."

"As am I," Höllen interceded, taking Skye's hand and drawing her in, much as Stefan had done. Höllen didn't bother kissing her hand. And she didn't bother with Skye's cheek, either. She went straight for the liplock and Skye fell into the kiss, feeling like she was melting into a pool of pure bliss.

"We are here to help with the upcoming festivities," Höllen went on, easing up. "We understand both of you would like to share your libidos with various clan members during the Full. We also understand that you are developing close friendships with Viktor, Trudy and Sera. We are going to try to help with all that. And in a way that maintains your health and well-being."

"Wow..." Skye breathed as she fought to get her raging hormones under control. "What do we have to do?"

"Experience sex with us," Höllen smiled, then shook her head slightly in amusement as Skye's eyes grew wide and her pulse raced.

"All of you?" she managed to ask. "At once?" There was a mixture of lust and concern in her voice.

"Is that what you would like?" Höllen asked.

"Um... I don't know?" Skye stumbled.

Höllen chuckled and Stefan smiled slightly, while Trudy tried to look inscrutable.

"I daresay, my dear," Stefan addressed Skye, "that even though you are irresistibly tantalizing, I doubt that more than three clan members would attempt sex with you at the same time. There just isn't that much room!"

"Oh, I don't know..." Skye answered, suddenly feeling outrageous and impish at the same time. "A cock in my pussy and one in my ass, and a pussy or cock for my mouth and two hands, could make five at the same time. They'd just have to play well together."

Stefan regarded this delectable human with a new eye. She was certainly being forthright and showing little fear. Stefan sensed that somehow this woman was depending on Viktor and Trudy to protect her, if necessary. She obviously had somewhat to learn about Were cultures.

"So let us say," Stefan drawled out in speculation, "that since I am the only Dog here, I were to enlist the aid of Angelo. Are you indicating you would be comfortable with him and me in your pussy and ass, while you fingered Trudy and ate Sera, or vice versa?"

Skye gulped. "I don't know about comfortable, Sir," she answered. "Angelo's hung pretty well and I'm guessing you're like Viktor or bigger, so I might need some of Trudy's milk, but yeah... in general, I'm way up for that." Stefan noticed a small rivulet of her essence escape Skye's nethers and run down the inside of her thigh.

"Come here, my dear," he told her, and when she complied as he expected she would, he grasped her by her hips and with inhuman strength lifted her easily above his head so that he could bury his face between her thighs and drink her free-flowing juices, running his tongue over her labia and clit as he did.

Skye just about came on the spot, even suspended in midair by this very strong and suddenly very attractive man. Or Dog. Or Were... whatever was the correct term.

"Stefan," Höllen interrupted, "you're going to skew the energy."

With a sigh, Stefan stopped licking Skye and lowered her gently to the bed.

"No!" Skye protested. "No, no, no... don't stop! God, I'm this close!!"

"I'm sorry, my dear," the big Were told her, "but I must defer to Höllen. There are certain rules and things about her shaman magic I can't mess up or it won't work the way you want it to..."

"In order to use my Shamanic abilities," Höllen explained, "to attune your energies to ours and thereby extend your stamina and malleability, I must first be in tune with the Godless. She has many names in human lore, such as Gaea, Nature, Mother Earth, several from various pantheons, but most importantly to you, God."

"In the Judeo-Christian myths, God is seen as more masculine, whereas to us, she is more feminine, and we tend to call her Lupa. Once I have Harmony, I will need to connect with another Were before connecting with you. Because it is Sera's first time with humans, and she wishes it, I will choose her. Then she will connect with you - sexually is best - and I will use her as a conduit to adjust you."

"After that, she will need to connect with Angelo. Once those connections are complete, the five of us can do whatever suits our fancy while I weave the spells to bind Endurance and Health to you two humans. Unfortunately, we are on a bit of a tight schedule if we are to have you ready and recovered for tonight's festivities."

"There is absolutely nothing to fear in this process, I assure you."

"What do you need us to do?" Angel asked.

"Whatever you wish," Höllen smiled. "Sera will basically go into heat and her pheromones will affect you much the same way that Victor and Trudy's do. Please remember that to an inexperienced bitch, petting and stroking will be excruciatingly pleasurable, so you may want to start slowly."

"Got it," Skye told her. "She's young," she added. "Is she like Trudy? Or is she different?"

"Sera, please strip," Höllen requested. Sera did, and a lithe, sensuous, young girl's body was revealed, with small, high, perky tits and pointy nipples and the expected patch of fine fur extending from her lower abdomen to her mons and vulva. Her fur was blondish and to Skye she looked like very early teens, rather than the 140 calendar years, or 20 years in human equivalent, that she knew Sera was.

"Think 'gentle' and 'newbie'," Höllen went on. "She is essentially a young woman. Since human touch is so much more stimulating than Were touch, she may manifest quite a bit quicker than Trudy, and the more extreme forms of stimulation would probably be too much for her."

"God, you are beautiful," Skye told Sera, almost in awe.

"Amen," Angelo added quietly.

"I must ask you humans to be patient," Höllen continued, "while I achieve Harmony and connect with Sera. It should not take more that fifteen minutes, perhaps less."

"Of course," Angelo replied, nudging Skye to get her to stop gawking at the young Were. When she turned to look at him, he nodded towards the bed. Skye picked up on it immediately.

"We'll, uh... we'll just be up on the bed," Skye told the Weres. "Out of the way."

"A wise choice," Höllen smiled and waited while Skye and Angelo were situated safely back in bed.

Once they were, she also took off her clothes, taking Sera by the hand and drawing her a little farther from the bed. Skye and Angelo were duly impressed. She looked like a mature, attractive woman, maybe in her 50's, with round, firm breasts and a toned body sporting the same fur-covered mons as the other female Weres, but in her case, her fur was red, like her hair.

Is there such a thing as a Red Wolf? Skye wondered as she watched the Shaman sit Sera down, then sat cross-legged in front of her, closing her eyes and apparently beginning to meditate.

Shortly thereafter, a low, melodious sound began to fill the room and Skye realized Höllen was singing softly, almost under her breath – the same refrain, repeated like a chant. And she could have sworn there was a shift in the energy in the room, like someone had injected a mild tranquilizer into the air, and everyone was feeling soothing and calm descend on them.

Which was quite the opposite of the cranked up libido she'd been feeling after Stefan had gone down on her. Or was that up? After all, he'd been easily holding her above his head.

It didn't matter, though. Skye found herself leaning back into Angelo, the tension flowing from her and she guessed into him as well, because he lay back into the pillows, taking her with him and gently petting her as he watched Höllen work her magic.

A golden-brown tinge seem to fill the air around Höllen and Sera, and Skye was suddenly aware of the scent of a pine forest filling the room, with undertones of lush humus. The air became so thick with the scent that it was almost palpable, and both Skye and Angelo began to feel a kind of tickling in their nethers... not exactly sexual, but very, very sensual.

Skye watched as Höllen's song shifted ever so slightly and she reached forward to take Sera's hands, then slowly traced Sera's forearms and biceps, up to her shoulders and then either side of her face, all the while sheathing the young Bitch in a concentrated halo of the earth-tinted aura. Sera tilted her face up towards the ceiling and it looked as if she were beginning to glow a sort of golden color. Then she began to manifest.

Her skin began to be covered with a fine fur while her breasts enlarged a bit and two more pairs appeared beneath them. Her face began to lengthen and her ears grow, very much like Trudy and Viktor had, and her arms and legs – though staying distinctly humanoid – began to take on the muscle and sinew of her intermediate wolf form.

A low growl from Stefan's direction got the humans' attention and they noted that though he hadn't shape-shifted, his eyes had taken on the yellow Lupine glow. He was intentionally staying back from Höllen and Sera, although his interest was obvious. And while the humans were intent on him, Höllen's song faded away.

Skye and Angelo looked back at her just in time to see her put her palm towards Stefan and growl something, while a coruscating beam of golden light leapt forth and touched Stefan's chest. As soon as it touched him, he sat down and didn't move. Then Höllen turned to the humans.

"I would invite her into the bed, if I were you," she smiled. "It would be much more comfortable."

Angelo took the hint and slid out of bed, easing his way over to where Sera was still sitting cross-legged on the floor, glowing, her eyes shut. He slowly reached out and stroked her head, between her ears and down onto her neck as one might pet a dog. Sera arched her head up without opening her eyes and laid her muzzle over along his forearm, slowly rubbing back and forth, looking completely blissful.

Following instinct more than anything else, Angelo squatted down in front of Sera and took her head in his hands, gently licking along the edges of her lips. A visible tremor rippled through the young Bitch and she raised her hands to feel Angelo's hands, arms and shoulders, heaving a sigh as she did so.

Angelo slowly stood, drawing her up with him and when he had her standing, picking her up and cradling her in his arms as he walked her to the bed while she draped her arms around his neck in a very humanlike gesture. Not more than two steps in, Skye saw the golden aura around Sera bleed out and surround Angelo as well. And she also noticed the very healthy erection Angelo was almost instantly sporting.

Oh, wow, she thought. That aura must be part of the libido enhancement... this is going to get weird.

Angelo brought Sera to the bed, though walking a little funny with his hard-on bobbing from side to side, and gently laid her down next to Skye. Skye reached out tentatively to stroke Sera's soft fur and the sybaritic Were rolled over to her, petting her in return. Skye felt herself being encompassed by the aura and an intense rush of desire course through her, unexpectedly flooding her nethers as she felt compelled to take the young Bitch in her arms and cuddle with her.

Angelo joined them in the bed with Sera between them, and began petting her as well, ranging over her neck and breasts, belly and groin, to her thighs and ass, eliciting low moans as Sera licked and fondled Skye's face and breasts while one hand stole back to encircle Angelo's turgid member, gently stroking the length of him.

"God, just her touch is going to make me cum!" Skye murmured as she let her hands drift over Sera's breasts and down to her mons. "This is insane!..."

"I can't take much more, either," Angelo told her. "Why don't you sixty-nine her and let me play with her pussy?"

Skye was on that suggestion in a heartbeat, turning around under Sera and lifting the bitch above her, onto her hands and knees. She didn't wait for Sera... she went straight for the Were's labia and clit, holding herself up with her hands on Sera's muscular glutes, taking long licks and drinking in the heady elixir of Sera's heat. Sera went nuts.

With a moan that was part growl, part howl, she came. Skye could feel the contractions pulsing through her vulva, feel the tension in her legs, ass and back. Not about to let up, Skye kept at her while Angelo got into position behind her. Taking one look at her swollen pink sex, Angelo decided to go straight for the G-spot, inserting two fingers and probing far in, as Trudy had taught him. He hit the jackpot in one. With another howl-moan, Sera clamped down on his fingers, threatening to sever them, but Angelo just kept rubbing while Skye kept licking and sucking. By his estimate, Sera came three or four times, hard, before she got her wits about her enough to go down on Skye.

When she did, it was all over for Skye but the shouting. And shouting she was as Sera buried her long, prehensile tongue deep in the ravenous human's pussy, doing to Skye what Angelo had been doing to her. It was Skye's turn to go ape-shit, writhing and moaning and cumming her brains out. At which point, Angelo decided to switch tactics.

He raised up behind Sera on his knees, taking careful aim at her pulsing pussy and plunged his entire 10" cock as deep into her as he could. And almost came immediately from the rush of sensation flooding into him from her blast-furnace pussy. Or cunt. Viktor was right, "pussy" didn't seem to go to well with "wolf." Whatever it should have been called, it was driving him right over the edge. She was hot and wet and pulsing, almost like milking him, and he found her irresistible.

He started taking long, slow strokes and felt the heat jack up even more. He also felt Skye occasionally licking his cock and balls as she continued to do Sera. She had moaned loudly when he had first entered her and now she was rhythmically rising and falling in her thrusts, her pulsing and her moaning as Angelo struggled to restrain his desires, intent on pleasing her.

Höllen quietly moved up next to the three of them, coming close to the edge of the bed, watching them intently. At last, she was satisfied by whatever she was looking for, because she reached out a hand to both Skye and Angelo. In Skye's case, she slipped a couple of fingers into Skye's sopping, convulsing pussy and with Angelo, she cupped his balls in her other hand. She muttered something completely incomprehensible to the humans and suddenly the golden light became emerald green and blindingly filled the room. To Skye and Angelo, it felt like it had filled them as well, with more than just energy... this had the feeling of mass, of weight, and strength.

The aches and pains and tenderness of the night before fell away and they felt refreshed and rejuvenated, as if they'd had a deeply satisfying night's sleep. They both felt an irresistible urge to cum, one they could not stop, and together they climaxed, amazingly with Sera right with them. The orgasmic explosion was so powerful, so overwhelming, that as they coasted down the far side, they were on the verge of passing out.

In fact, the last thing either Skye, or Angelo, or Sera remembered was Höllen saying, "I think, Trudy, that should do it. Let them sleep. Let me know when they wake, on their own. Come, Stefan. No, not like that! I mean, accompany me. Let us return to Viktor and the other guests."

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