The Hyacinth House Pt. 01


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"Trying to learn my secrets, Mister Cain? Naughty man." Her eyes sparkled with delight.

He winked. "Of course."

Maddy pondered his question for several moments. "I think," she said, "it's the scene where Adam is holding Madelyn, she's on his lap and they're naked, and his cock is between her legs. She's imagining it's hers."

"Why that scene, do you know?"

She turned to look at him, and Adam saw something in her eyes that could be a revelation.

"I always wondered if someone could get close to writing it, and in that scene, you did."

"Writing what, Madeleine?"

"My guarantee. Whenever I'm tired, too tired to read, too tired to sleep, I have a fantasy, which runs in my head... it's guaranteed to get me off. My first older man."

"Tell me, Madeleine. Tell me your story."

* * * *

"When I was a senior in school, I always played netball. My little sister played too, in the juniors. Both our teams trained the same night, but of course the younger girls trained first. Or played, if it was the proper game on Friday nights. Mum coached my sister's team, so it meant I was always at the club early, with time on my hands.

"Anyway, there was another girl in the junior team, whose parents always came along to training and the games. That was unusual, a dad coming along. Usually it was always just the mums, but this dad, you could tell he wanted to be there. It was nice, seeing that. My mum's your classic single mum, and Dad's gone interstate, so I never really had him at home. I'm... I've... it wasn't fair."

Maddy took Adam's hand in hers.

"But Alex, his name was Alex, he was friendly, really nice, and we started chatting. I don't know what about. I mean, I was a sporty girl, didn't read much, and... anyway, we must have found something to talk about. After a couple of weeks, when they'd arrive, I always gave them big hugs because... well, I like hugs. Charlotte, Charlie we called her, her mum, then Alex. He'd always wait till us girls had blathered on and said hello, and I'd go up to him and wrap my arms around him, and he'd properly hug me. You know, not stupid air hugs, proper hugs. And after a couple of times, he'd kiss my hair and say "Hello darling, how's my girl?"

"I'd never been anyone's darling before.

"So when the girls were down on the courts, with all the mums on the sidelines, and on Fridays twenty minutes coaching time before the game, it got regular that I'd sit up top with Alex, at one of the tables up the back, just chatting. He'd just talk to me normally, like a person. I mean, I was still at school, didn't have a job. I'd not even got my licence yet because mum had a manual, and we couldn't afford proper lessons. So I probably didn't know much. But he didn't talk down, didn't treat me as 'too young for an adult conversation', he just talked to me for who I was.

"Then one night it was freezing and raining and bloody cold. Mum said, 'Maddy, I told you to bring your track top, you're going to catch your death. You'll freeze.' And Alex heard her, and saw me shiver, and just opened up his arms inside a really warm coat.

'Come here, Maddy, I'll keep you warm,' he said, so I sat on his lap and he wrapped me up in his coat and kept me warm. My mum didn't mind, and his wife saw us and she was okay too. 'Maddy, your legs are turning blue! Keep her snug, love.' And that's how it began.

"It became automatic, I'd sit on his lap, sideways at first, and everybody just got used to us being there for the fifteen minutes before the game, and we'd go down to the court and watch the game, or training, whatever, sitting side by side. Nobody said anything, ever, so it must have all looked quite innocent. Well, at that point, it was.

"Then, one night, we were sitting there, and I wanted to show him something on my phone, so I swivelled so my legs were on each side of his, both of us facing the table. And when he learned forward to see the phone, his upper arm brushed the side of my breast. I had my period on, and my breasts were super sensitive, and my belly was all heavy too; and pow, that was it. Something sexual. I'd not felt that before, not at blooming netball anyway.

"He didn't know anything, but a couple of nights later, when my breasts were not so sore but still aching and full, I was lying on my belly having a bit of a play - that's still my favourite position, with my ass in the air...

"Did I just say that, my ass in the air?" Maddy interrupted her own story, surprised at what she'd just said.

"Yes, my darling, you did," Adam replied.

"God, Jilly was right. All I seem to talk about with you is masturbation, isn't it?" Maddy laughed, and placed Adam's hand, which she still held in hers, up inside her blouse and placed it against her bare breast, pressing it hard against her tight nipple. "Where was I?"

"Masturbating in bed, in your favourite position."

"I'm shameless, aren't I? Ooo, that's nice, keep doing that."

"Keep telling me the story, Madeleine."

"Anyway, as I was frigging myself, just all that pleasure from the touch, that moment at netball flashed into my head and all of a sudden, good god, I came like a porn star. Out of nowhere, bam! I lay there quivering. I couldn't figure it out. Where the hell had that come from, I thought? Something pretty special, anyway. The next night, though, nothing. Not even a tingle.

"Ooo, that's nice, harder. Don't forget my other tit." She interrupted herself again.

"Greedy, Madeleine?" Adam shifted his hand to her other breast, where her nipple was already hard. "Then what happened?"

"So next game night, same as usual, our usual table, but this time, straight away, I just sat my back to his front, my legs on each side. I had cottontails on, and shorts as we always did so we wouldn't flash our knickers during the game, so I was quite decent. But I let the skirt drop around my thighs so it hid where I was sitting. I didn't say anything, but pushed my bum back against Alex so I was kind of stretched, my kitty back against the top of his thigh, my asshole pressed wide too. I deliberately leaned sideways so my boob was against his arm.

"He didn't say anything either, not about me sitting that way. We just talked about, I dunno, movies or something. Music. Just stuff. But he knew. I wriggled back against him, and felt a shift in his jeans. He was getting hard, and I moved to sit right on top of his ridge. So that's just what we did, for the rest of the season. It never went further than that, just my kitty on his jeans covered cock."

"Always the layers, the panties and shorts?" Adam asked, his fingers quietly tugging Maddy's nipples.

"Yes. All but once. My team made the finals, so that Friday night, the last game, I knicked off to the loo and took my panties and shorts off." She laughed. "I had to walk back real slow, so my skirt wouldn't bounce up and show my bare bum.

"I sat back against him, my usual way, but that night I ground back against him really hard. I was wet as, and I got myself as wide open as I could, dropping my pussy back up against his groin, as hard as I could. He knew all right, I could feel pulses in his cock. Fuck. Mum came up to ask me something, and there I am, kitty naked under my skirt and all completely normal, dry fucking him without moving. Well, a netballer's thighs are pretty strong so I guess, quite a strong clench.

"Truth be told, I was dripping. When I went to put my knickers back on later, I had to wipe myself. I must have left a wet patch on his jeans, for sure. And all the time, we never said anything."

"Did you ever kiss him?" Adam asked.

"Once, but that was different. I'd had a fight with Jilly, and was really upset. I wanted to ask him what I should do, but privately, so we went down around a long service corridor I'd found. I explained all about the fight, and he just gave me the biggest hug. That's all I wanted, really, just that comfort. I reached up to kiss him, but it wasn't sexual. Just warm and friendly. I just wanted, well... to be comforted, and to know it was all right."

"I assume it was all right, with Jilly?"

"Oh god yes, just some stupid thing. I mean, look at us now, can you imagine a fight lasting long?" Maddy smiled at the thought of her friend.

"About ten minutes?" Adam ran his fingers over both breasts, feeling her heat. "And the finals, all that energy. Did you win?"

"Fucking slayed them. Did them like a dinner. That night, though, good god, my coming fantasy went on forever. By the time I was done, I must have fucked him five times, every which way. Well, every which way an eighteen year old super straight girl can think off, which probably isn't many.

"But you, Adam, look at you with your hand on my breast. Are you going to kiss me, or what?"

* * * *

That night, Adam sat quietly reading a book, the big old cat lying along the back of his chair. He put the book down, stretched out his legs, and played back the afternoon in the garden in his mind. The delicious heat of Maddy's body, the way she'd taken his hand in hers, giving him permission to caress her breasts, to feed her arousal as she recounted the sweet, mundane little story. Her interest in his Floating World stories, her interest in him, was self evident, and the story reinforced it.

Her Alex, old enough to be her father, had evidently been a good man - letting her test her powers as a young woman to entice, to get a male reaction, but not to take advantage of their difference in age, nor her naivety.

Maddy's kiss had been oddly chaste. She'd invited him to kiss her, but her kiss had been tentative, as if she wasn't quite sure what she was doing. There was an innocence about her, but at the same time, a willingness to take the running. That made for a pleasant change. There was an unaffected simplicity, an honesty, about her. She intrigued him.

Her dancing around the edge of Jillian, that intrigued him too. He'd not met Jillian other than the tap of her long red nails on the café's window, but she was regularly in Maddy's conversation; and whenever Maddy talked about sex, which was often, Jilly was always there. Maddy's sweet kitty and the light in Jilly's eyes.

Maddy had been wearing jeans in the garden, so his hands had wandered only over her upper torso. He'd drifted a finger along the waistline of her jeans, but she'd quietly moved his hand back up to a breast. Nothing said, but she wasn't ready for that quite yet. He liked that, a woman giving herself up slowly, giving herself plenty of time. He wondered if she'd fantasise his fingers going further as she lay in her bed, and thought she probably would. 'Jilly was right. All I seem to talk about with you is masturbation, isn't it?'

He'd wait till the end of the week, and if he hadn't heard from Maddy by then, he'd get in touch.

* * * *

"All I ever seem to do with Adam is talk about masturbation. Is there something wrong with me? Anybody would think I was starved for sex." Maddy sat with Jilly in their favourite lunchtime café.

"But you are, Mads. You've not been with a bloke for years. Not since you took up weights. You've frightened them all away, babe, with that Amazon body of yours." Jilly took a bite from a piece of chocolate cake, accidentally smearing a bit on her chin. Maddy automatically licked her finger and wiped it off.

"Mads, let's go on a picnic. I'll drop some cake on my thigh."

"What are you on about, Jilly? You really do drivel on sometimes."

"Mads, did you even know you wiped that icing away?"

"What are you on about? What icing?"

Jillian looked at her friend with speculative eyes. Were they really so familiar with each other that Maddy didn't consciously know she'd tidied her girlfriend up?

"Nothing, no, it's nothing. Don't mind me," Jillian replied.

"Don't lie, Miss Jillian. I know you're up to something. I can always tell. You always twitch your nose. That cute little nose, right there." Maddy touched the tip of Jilly's nose with her finger.

"But seriously, we should," Jillian said. "Have a picnic, I mean. It'll be fun. We can invite Adam. He likes picnics, remember that one he wrote in the garden? You can play Madelyn, I'll be Juliette."

Maddy sat there for a moment, speculation in her eyes too. "He'd like that, wouldn't he? Two women. That has to be every man's fantasy, doesn't it? Two women?" She looked at her friend. "You can wear a tight bra, really show him some cleavage."

They finished their drinks and gathered their belongings together.


"Yes, Maddy? What's up?"

"You might want to wipe that icing off the tip of your nose." Maddy winked.

"What the fuck? What icing?" Jilly pulled a compact from her bag and inspected her face. "Jesus. You bitch!"

"Gotcha, Jilly!"

* * * *

To: writingbyaacain@notarealemailaddress

From: JillianJones@notarealemailaddress

Date: August 5, 2019, 7:48 PM

Dear Mister Writer Man,

Miss Jillian "Jilly" Smithers (Lady's Maid, Confidante, and Wonderfully Good Girl) and Miss Madeleine Anne CrustelQuim de la Tour (Spinster and Old Maid yet far too good looking for her own good) seek; nay, desire; nay, crave the company and affection of Mister Adam A. Cain for a gathering on grass, at a place to be determined but preferably between the Garden of Eden and Paradise (but just down the road will do), this coming Saturday. If the weather is inclement I have a suitable bay window with cushions (although it is rather small) in a mews in the better part of town.

Do say yes, Mister Cain, but don't tell Maddy. I shall tell her I'm taking her shopping.

Sincerely Yours (oh, my aching heart, I shall faint when you ask me to marry!)

Jilly Smithers

* * * *

To: Jilly

From: Adam

Date: August 5, 2019, 10:36 PM


I am shocked to think you would contemplate kidnapping Miss Madeleine, but I would be delighted to join your conspiracy. I have a fast car with room in the back, and room in the boot for a folding table and chairs. I shall bring wine. Send me an address and I'll drive by at an agreeable time.


* * * *

"And that, Maddy, is how it's done." Jillian didn't show Maddy the email exchange until the Friday, but she thought it wise not to frighten the kitten too much. "It's all organised. All you have to do is decide whether to wear jeans or an easily accessible dress. I'll wear a suitable skirt; you know, one with pleats and a flouncy bit at the front."

"Oh good God, why did I even tell you that? And CrustelQuim. You're a complete bitch, Jillian Jones, you know that? What's he going to think?"

"Think, Maddy? Think? I think he knows enough already, Miss stinky fingers. Past worrying about that, Mads, don't you reckon?"

Maddy was secretly pleased Jilly had even contemplated doing what she did, let alone carried it out. She supposed Jilly was, in her inimitable way, fast-tracking what she'd started with the first message to Adam. She was used to being in a whirlwind whenever Jilly took control of her social life, but so far she'd been kept out of trouble, even if she rushed to keep up.

Sometimes, being out of control stopped her thinking too much, and she thought that was probably healthy. Besides, Jilly always seemed to "know" what was going on when it came to sex and relationships, despite her ditzy façade, whereas Maddy knew that most of the time she herself didn't have a clue.

And Adam. Well, she thought, I did place his hand on my breasts, and I didn't seem to have a problem with that. And he was rather like the character in his stories; even more believable in real life because he was from the suburbs like she was and lived in the same city she did, not Paris or London or somewhere fantastic.

She realised, too, that somehow Adam and Jillian were kindred spirits - this was the man who'd written a wise fool in that long myth story of his, and his stories constantly revealed a man with many faces, many sides. Jilly often played the fool, but she too was snap-trap quick with her intelligence.

Maddy knew she was made of simpler stuff, but the idea of falling into one of Adam's worlds intrigued her. And if Jillian was there to hold her hand, what could go wrong? She thought about Jilly some more. Maddy wasn't stupid, she'd not come down in the last shower - she knew Jilly loved her, the idea of her sweet kitty, anyway. Maddy thought her gaydar was beginning to softly ping, and she realised she wasn't fearful of that.

She'd wondered what it would feel like to be looked at through Adam's eyes, but also to be the object of Jilly's desire. She remembered Adam's words in the garden: 'Two of us waiting. Does that make it twice the time, or half the time?' Did desire work the same way? Could she handle twice as much attention?

"Penny for your thoughts, Maddy?" Jilly had been watching her, all along.

"Oh, nothing babe. Just day-dreaming, that's all."

"That's not like you, Mads."

"No it's not, is it? I wonder what's come over me?" Maddy sounded a little bemused.

"That Adam fellow, I'd say. Have you decided yet, jeans or a dress?"

* * * *

Adam turned into the lane and was informed by the Google Maps Girl that, "Your destination is fifty metres on the left." Sure enough, he could see the two women ahead of him, standing on the pavement. Maddy was dressed in a tight pair of jeans and a short coat, and Jillian wore a knee length skirt, a pair of black leather boots, and a longer coat. They'd both dressed for the weather, which was turning cold.

"Ladies," he said, after the passenger side window slid smoothly down. "Your ride."

"Jillian, this is Adam. Adam, Jilly." Maddy introduced them both, as they'd not properly met, Jilly's red fingernails on the café window notwithstanding.

"Ah, the divine Miss Smithers. Madeleine has mentioned you once or twice." Adam smiled up at her. She stood with her hand on hip, appraising him, looking down at him with curious, confident eyes.

"Only once or twice? How disappointing. I shall have words. She should be talking about me constantly. It won't do, Mister Cain, it simply won't do." Jilly leaned in through the open window, her arms artlessly squeezing her breasts together so that her cleavage was deep and delectable. "But now we've properly met -"

"Oh Jilly, stop wasting time. Get in the back and behave." Maddy studied the car. "Adam, can I drive? I've not driven one of these before, I'd love to give it a go. Can I?"

"What's so special about the car, Mads? It just looks big and long, and a very dark blue to me. Is it... big and powerful, a man's car?" Jilly, who knew nothing about cars, did know that Maddy was an excellent driver, and hoped Adam would say yes.

"Why not?" he replied, and got out of the car. "Here, put that basket in the boot." He walked around to the passenger side, opening the rear door for Jillian. "Milady..."

The laugh lines around her eyes creased in response. She liked him already; he was playful, and Jilly liked that in a man. It meant he wasn't too serious. And giving himself up to Maddy like that, to her whim to drive his car. She didn't think many men would do that. "Why, Adam," she said, "I'm honoured." And I like your attention, and your kindness to my friend.

Meanwhile, Maddy had placed the picnic basket in the boot and got into the driver's seat. Given her height compared to Adam's, she didn't need to adjust the seat, only the mirrors. She replied to Jilly's earlier question. "It's a supercharged Statesman, Jilly. Oodles of power. Goes really fast."

"Does it mean you've got a little cock then, Adam?" Jillian asked. "That's most disappointing, isn't it?"

"Actually, no, I don't," Adam replied, "since you asked." He smiled, seeing he'd called Jillian's bluff and rendered her temporarily speechless.

"Goldfish mouth, Jilly. Not your best look," Maddy observed.

"Good God, I'm sorry, Adam. That wasn't a clever thing to say, was it? Not when we've only just met."