The Initiation

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Paul's and Michelle's initiation to a very friendly group.
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Michelle and Paul have been neighbors for a few years. They were close in the sense that they knew each other and waived as they came and went from their respective homes. They were both married and the two couples had the occasional drink in each other's homes. Mostly in the summer. On this particular week they both found themselves alone as their spouses were away on business. Not overly religious Paul was considering attending a church group and he had recently saw posted on a town bulletin board. But he didn't want to go alone and the next meeting was this Thursday. As Sunday afternoon was slowly becoming night, the sun was descending behind the trees across the field behind Michelle's home Paul noticed how simply delightful she looked in the dusky light. Her hair was up, her skin had been kissed by the sun and the leggings she wore hugged the outline of her legs and hips perfectly. God, would she ever go with me he thought as he tried not to stare.

Not knowing what came over him, suddenly the words were leaving his lips. "Hey Michelle, you alone too this week, I've noticed Brad hasn't been at the gym all week?" Michelle turned to him and walked closer. Her top was spaghetti strap tank top loosely covering a tightly fitting sports bra. Michelle was no stranger to the gym like Paul and her husband. "Hi, yes" she said with the cutest half smile disguised as a pout forming with her lips. The muted pink lipstick found a way to glisten in the late sun, and her deep brown eyes sparkled. Her loose top draped perfectly over her breasts leaving little to Paul's imagination.

"Same here, Carol is away all week. I'm actually thinking about going to a church group this week, You, umm, oh never mind." Michelle kept walking closer..." you know something Paul I think I saw the same notice. It was for an adult social group in the basement of the church. They are looking for new members"

Paul's face lit up with a huge smile...she was interested he thought and then said "would you ever go with me?"

Michelle replied, "of course Paul. I'm dying to get out of this house!"

After some small talk where they both acknowledged they had no idea what exactly the group was about, they agreed to meet later that week at 7 and they would go together. That Thursday, Paul comes home from work and has an uneventful dinner, then sends Michelle a text, after spending a few minutes thinking about what to say. Thinking he felt like he was in high school all over again, he finally hit send on a text that read "Hi Michelle, are you still interested in that church meeting?" The answer came back quickly, a simple "yes" was all that she said," well, meet me outside in 15 minutes" he replied and before he knew it, they were in his car on their way to the church.

On their way, they politely talked about life that week. Their busy schedule, work, the weather, Paul kept thinking to himself how odd it felt having Michelle in his car, in what seemed like a date, but trying not to act like a goof ball. Michelle was nervous, she could feel a vibe between her and Paul, as she thought about it, she realized it must have always been there, but never gave it much attention. The church appeared on the right and they pulled in.

"Well, here we are," Paul said, wearing khakis and a logo polo shirt, Michelle wore a casual sundress with sandals, it was not very low cut, but didn't hid her cleavage either, she was in nice shape, 34c, and the size 10 dress fit her perfectly, short enough to show off her great legs, and long enough to wear inside a church.

Paul, was the same height as Michelle which helped them both feel comfortable with each other, about 5"6" and Paul was fit for his age, 55. Although Michelle was a bit younger than him, 48, she felt immensely comfortable with him. As they got out of the car, Paul could not keep his eyes off of Michelle's pale-yellow sundress, it really accented her dark tan skin well, he thought, as they approached the door to the rectory. Paul purposely wore a tight-fitting white polo to show off his tan which Michelle didn't miss. The door was just like every other church door, solid oak wood lightly stained and the scent of the church started filling the air around them.

Paul knocked as he turned to Michelle and said in a slightly nerdy way "I guess this is it." Immediately embarrassed by the way he spoke, he shyly looked down, yet for Michelle, it was a sweet moment. She thought to herself, "he is acting like this is a date, how cute", smiling, inside, without letting Paul know that she was.

Bob and Carol answered the door, Carol was immediately a gracious host, shaking both their hands, welcoming them to the church. Paul and Michelle responded in kind, but when Carol asked how long they had been together, Paul stumbled with his words nervously, and Michelle had to simply say, "Oh we are not married, we are neighbors, we just saw your poster in town and thought we'd check this out while our spouses are away."

After realizing that she sounded like they were cheating Michelle looked down, and Paul stepped in, "I hope that's ok, we have been friends for a while now"

Carol walked them into a dimly lit room with two other couples who were standing by a refreshment table, all dressed conservatively, sipping some coffee and enjoying the light snacks on the table. Bob and Carol introduced Paul and Michelle to the others. Everyone was very nice and greeted the new couple with warm smiles, soft gazes, and friendly handshakes that lasted a little too long, Paul noticed.

After the introductions were over, Carol walked Paul and Michelle to the center of the room which was framed by two couches where the other couples sat. Bob and Carol stood by the new couple as Carol explained that the group was new and they were happy to have both Paul and Michelle there. She gently placed her hand on Michelle's back as she spoke. Michelle felt the warmness of her hand on her bare skin which the back of the sun dress revealed.

As Carol spoke Michelle shyly looked down. She felt everyone's eyes on her, and Paul noticed. Specifically, he noticed her soft face looking down and thought how pretty she looked. Now, having to stop himself from forming feelings about her, he looked up at the couples who were seated. "They were all older like Bob and Carol, in their late 50s early 60s," Paul thought. But they were all good looking, aging well and seemed fit. The men were taller than him, thin, attractive, the women were busty, but in shape, Carol was thin, and wore here A-line dress perfectly, as her smallish breasts were covered neatly inside a shallow neckline.

Carol went on to say to Paul and Michelle, as she turned to them, "we are very welcoming as you can see, but we pride ourselves on the confidence and trust we build with our members; you can see we are a small tight knit group," looking directly into the eyes of Paul and Michelle and letting her hand caress Michelle's back softly, almost lovingly, Michelle however too shy and appeasing to move away let Carol's hand moved about her back.

"Are you willing to show us we can trust you Paul and Michelle?" Carol asked.

Paul immediately looked at Michelle, and Michelle returned the Look. Nervously, but curious he looked at Carol and said yes. Michelle, for her part, looked down but Carol, reached around to her chin and lifted it gently with her thumb and forefinger, Michelle, she said, "I need an answer, my love."

"My love" thought Michelle, what does that mean is she being nice, too nice, Paul seems ok with this though, he's so cute, her mind wandered for a moment, then came back to her new reality, she nodded shyly looking right at Carol. Good girl, Carol said, Paul you will need to obey me, do what I ask, and if you do, Michelle will need to follow, do you both understand? Paul and Michelle both nodded, as one of the older gentlemen stood up and locked the only door in the room that led outside, on his way back he got what seemed like six silks robes from a closet.

Carol, without hesitation told Paul to raise his hands, up over his head, Paul obliged thinking at first it was going to be a form of prayer, but that that thought was erased as he felt Bob pull his shirt up over his head and remove it.

Paul felt embarrassed as his face flushed, Michelle was shocked, neither one of them had expected that, but Paul thought now what, we seemed locked in here, looking at Michelle, he saw her mouth "its ok" and reached for his hand. That was all Paul needed, the soft and gentle clasp of Michelle's hand around his, comforted him, he felt like now they were in this together, and he felt like they could handle whatever was to come. Michelle, gave Paul a confident smile, but inside was nervous, although she felt a tingle between her legs that she had not expected, still feeling Carol's hand on her back, which lingered, caressed, and even massaged a bit, Michelle's mind started spinning. The older gentleman placed the robes with one of the women and knelt in front of Paul removing his shoes, as he did one of the women did the same to Michelle's sandals.

"We need you both to feel grounded for what is to come." Carol announced as the new couple was barefoot.

"Michelle," Carol asked, "part of this ritual is for you both to expose yourselves to us, Bob remove Paul's pants", and as Bob unfastened Paul's pants and removed them, Paul felt Bob's hands open around his tight ass as the khakis slid down his leg, Paul was wearing tight fitting sport boxers, black, nylon, revealing a forming erection which embarrassed Paul even more. As that took place, Carols hand found the zipper in the back of Michelle's dress, she held the top of the zipper and pulled gently, not down but out a little to make sure Michelle knew where her hand was.

Paul's mind had joined Michelle's state of swirling with thoughts of excitement and embarrassment, he had never felt this before, nor had he ever felt a man's hand on him the way Bob had caressed him as he removed his pants, he could feel his erection grow and knew full well, everyone, including Michelle, could see it too.

Bob stood up and gently placed his hand on Paul's back, taking Carol's lead he started caressing it, slowly and gently, making Paul feel a little more comfortable. Michelle's body started reacted more intensely to Carol's touch and movements, she started to feel sweat forming on her forehead and a small amount of wetness seemed to start sliding down her inner right thigh, that wasn't sweat she thought, as she remembered, and became horrified at the thought, she wore nothing under her dress, she always liked wearing it without a bra, that made her feel more confident and sexier, and as for the panties, well, tonight was laundry night and oh my God she thought, what will Paul think? Carol's hand started to pull her zipper down her back. Paul held her hand, responding in kind to her gesture toward him, as he saw a small tear form in her eye, he gently caressed the back of her hand with his thumb as Carol's hand made its way all the way down the back of Michelle's dress.

Carol was the first to notice that she wasn't wearing a bra, and smiled, then leaned into Michelle's ear..."do your panties match your bra honey," she asked, almost seductively. Michelle, looking down, nodded shyly.

Carol placed both her hands on Michelle's shoulders, she gently caressed them as she slid the material away from her skin, "Michelle, don't look down, it is part of the ritual for you to look directly into the members eyes, I want you to watch them faces as they see your bare body for the first time"

Michelle looked up as directed, she first noticed Paul's eyes on her which comforted her unexpectedly...then looked out at the others, as she felt the dress fall away from her body, the cool air suddenly kissed parts of her body that were exposed for the first time. The nipples of her c cup breasts were the first to react as they hardened immediately, then she felt the air on her round ass as Carol held her hand, guiding her to step out of the dress which now laid on the floor. The moistness in and around her damp pussy also met the cold as did the tiny stream of wetness making its way down her inner thigh.

Carol, without hesitation had her hand let go of Michelle's and reached around to cup one of her breasts. "You are quite endowed my dear, it is quite impressive." Feeling a woman's hand on her breast for the first time was almost too much for Michelle to take, she swallowed slowly, and found that another tear was dripping down her face, this time Carol responded, by placing a soft kiss on her cheek where the tear was streaming.

"It's joked my love, everything will be ok, you now understand the trust exam you will have to pass to be part of this wonderful group. I want you to acknowledge that you will obey me, your elder here, and do exactly as I command, you are not to ask why, do you understand?

Michelle, visibly shaking a little, and with tears now streaming down her cheeks, nodded in agreement. She couldn't believe what just happened. Inside, her mind was in complete disorder. The fear of the unknown, the embarrassment of these strangers seeing her naked, and seeing her cry, all the while, the dampness of her wet pussy leaking down her leg. Then there was Paul, was he really seeing this she thought, afraid to look at him, she looked straight ahead as commanded by Carol. The faces of the members were smiling, and almost all at once they stood and walked up to Michelle. They each laid a soft kiss on her cheek as they gently fondled some part of her body. One would touch her breast, the other her ass, the other her legs, and then hair, and of course Carol, who was the last in line now, kissed her softly on the lips and let her fingers caress Michelle's soft and now soaking wet lips.

As Carol finished having her brief way with Michelle, she told Bob to remove Paul's boxers, which he did slowly, revealing his hard cock which sprung out from the shorts. Paul was equally ashamed as Michelle, as Bob softly caressed Paul's balls and kissed him on the lips softly just as Carol had done to Michelle. Paul didn't know how to react, he felt somewhat out of control as his cock seemed to announce that he wanted Bob's touch and kiss, but those two things were never anything Paul thought would like.

Paul and Michelle stood, naked, with their hands at their sides, as the group finished with Paul. The tears slowing but still noticeable on Michelle's face. Carol turned to the new couple and said stay right here and we will be back. You cannot leave, as your clothes are being taken away and the door locks with a key on the inside, we have the key secured safely. As Carol was talking, her hands were moving to the top of her own dress, and she started to unbutton it in front of the couple, she undid enough buttons for the couple to see the outline of a white lace bra. Do not touch each other, or move at all until we return. This is the next part of the initiation and you must obey, do you both understand?

Michelle and Paul, in utter shock, nodded and watched the others walk away each with a silk robe in their hands.

Alone at last, Michelle unable to hold it in any longer let out an all outcry. While Paul tried to comfort her with his words it was no use. "I'm so humiliated, Paul, I don't understand how we ended up here, how could we not leave, and how, how am I aroused, do you see," bringing her hand to the wetness on her leg, "I'm actually dripping wet. I can't believe I just said that to you."

Paul equally shocked, "I have never touched, let alone kissed a man, but this whole scene has in some way aroused me. I can't explain it, Michelle. Whatever happens, we are in this together, and this will always stay between us." With that Paul, knowing it was a risk, reached over and gently held Michelle's hand for a moment, then wiped as much of the tears away from her cheek as he could. Not knowing where these words came from, Paul continued, "I am so very proud of you Michelle, you are a remarkable woman."

That, for the first time since the ordeal started, brought a smile to Michelle's face. She looked into his eyes and also for the first time acknowledged that feelings for Paul were forming inside her. She couldn't explain that either, but for tonight, given everything else they were facing, she decided to accept them, and accept him emotionally as her lover.

As these thoughts were swirling inside Michelle, Paul was having the same emotional roller coaster ride with his emotions. Still immensely embarrassed by the spectacle of being stripped naked in front of an audience, having everyone see his smallish 5" erection, and above all being kissed and fondled by another man. He couldn't believe that the feeling of arousal was anywhere near a possibility, yet here he was and there was Michelle watching all of it. He understood deep down that she had her own feelings to contend with, but he had always presented a masculine demeanor and this scene just shattered that image for him and as far as he was concerned for Michelle. As he heard the others step back into the room, he quickly brought Michelle's hand to his lips and kissed the back of her hand softly and smiled gently at her, whispering: "I'm here with you, it will be ok." She nervously smiled back and whispered: "thank you."

Now all dressed in silk robes, the others walked back into the room. Led by Carol, the robes were white and black. White for the women and black for the men. They were cut mid-thigh for everyone and the tops were low cut, almost as if they were too small for everyone's bodies, leaving a semi wide opening down the middle, and wrapped loosely with a matching silk belt. The men's chest hairs were visible. As Paul had suspected they were all fit and the hairs were an even mix of gray and black, matching the top of their heads. The women didn't have enough fabric to hide the tops and insides of their breasts, whether they were smaller, or like Carol a little larger, it seemed like the lapels of the women's robes barely covered their nipples which were hard and clearly poking through the material. The women were also holding a bottle each wrapped in a towel, it looked as though the bottles were hot as the towels looked more like pot holders as they got closer to Paul and Michelle.

Carol announced, "well it is good to see you too exactly where we left you" as she paraded around the couple letting her hand glide over Paul's shoulders first, then Michelle's. " We are ready for the next phase of the initiation," she continued. "Where the first part was about you two exposing yourselves to us, this will now be about how much you are willing to do for us." With that, Carol stopped in front of Paul and kissed him full on the mouth, lingering a little, her mouth opened and her tongue darted out to meet Paul's. They kissed and as they did, Michelle suddenly felt jealous, again simply accepting the feeling that Paul was her lover, she knew why and let her emotions subside. Her mind reframed the scene, and she began to admire Paul as a sexual being, noticing him for the first time, his physique, the way he kissed and how he responded to Carol's touch. She had found his balls and cock with her hand and was caressing him gently. Massaging, cupping, and stroking.

Breaking the kiss, she walked over to Michelle. "Open my robe," she commanded Michelle who instinctively tugged at the silk belt and let it fall away. The front of Carol's robe opened and revealed two large breasts with big areolas. Her nipples were equally large, and her body drew the gaze of both Paul and Michelle.

"Remove the robe," was the next command Michelle heard, and she brought her hands up to Carol's shoulders and tucking her thumbs under the fabric slowly, nervously pushed the robe off Carol's body. Her skin was pale white, and while Carol was visibly older, her skin was taught, and gave the appearance of creamy smooth skin with just enough wrinkles in just the right places to exude her maturity. Carol was obviously proud of her body as she cupped one of her breasts with her hand. Looking at Michelle, she simply said: "go on honey, you know what to do."