The Insemination Cell

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Futuristic cell forces Dad & daughter to have sex.
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The Insemination Cell:


I woke up from what felt like the deepest and most restful sleep of my life. As I yawned and blinked, looking down, I saw my completely naked body bathed in a bright green glow. I wondered where my clothes were and how, on Earth, I could have slept so well standing up.

Where the hell was I?

Looking around the room lit by that bright green light, I immediately spotted my daughter, Julia, standing across from me, not more than eight or ten feet away. She blinked repeatedly, looking down at herself, like she was just waking up, too.

Her completely naked, twenty-eight-year-old body was a spectacular sight for any fifty-two-year-old man to see, even for her own flesh and blood father.

Julia's large, amazing tits were even bigger than her mother's, which made them look enormous on her five-foot tall, athletic frame. In contrast to her slender and toned tummy, those spectacular tits of hers stood out like a set of large honeydew melons and were the first thing my eyes focused in on after seeing her there. I couldn't look away from them and I felt my penis pop up with a morning wood throb that brought it to fully erect status in one surge of lust.

I had been sexually attracted to my own daughter ever since I saw her flashing those giant tits of hers on a porn video of drunk girls going wild on spring break. I had recognized her long Marsha Brady blonde hair and that cute little gap she had in a slight overbite. Julia was cute as hell and she swore like a sailor, which I thought made her even sexier.

Tearing me out of my titty worshipping lustful fog, I saw Julia notice my cock when it bounced.

Her big blue eyes got bigger, and she gasped, staring in shock at my fully erect, exposed penis. Then a smile began to creep onto her face until she looked up at me. Seeing who owned that big cock she had just begun to admire, my daughter let out a loud gasp and shrieked, "Oh, fuck me! Daddy?!"

Jerking her forearm up in a futile attempt to cover both of her giant, beautiful breasts, and moving her other hand down in front of her exposed, cleanly shaven pussy. Julia cried out, "What the FUCK, Dad! Stop staring at me like that! And go... go put on some frigging shorts!" She glared back down at my cock, and sneered, her eyes glued to it. "That thing... is so... frigging... enorm--" Julia shot a frantic panicked glance up at me, blinked repeatedly, swallowed hard, and sneered even sharper than before. She said, "It's frigging... abnormal... and obnoxious!"

I quickly turned my head away, embarrassed, but when I tried to step to the side nothing happened.

I couldn't move. My legs weren't responding. My embarrassment at getting caught ogling my daughter's tits was instantly replaced by terror. "Shit, Honey!" I said, "I can't move!" I shouted, "I can't move my legs!"

Still struggling to move, but only being able to move from the waist up, I felt something attached to the small of my back and my ass cheeks. It was holding me up and keeping me immobilized. "What the f--," I started to curse, but my daughter's frightened cry cut me off.

"Daddy, help!" she said, sounding and looking terrified. She burst into tears. "I can't move, either! My legs are paralyzed!"

I noticed my daughter was standing in an egg-shaped recess in the wall with an edge all around it, sort of a half-pod, and then, once I had thought of that word, 'half-pod', it made me think of something I had heard on a podcast. Suddenly, I thought I knew exactly what was happening.

"Calm down, Honey," I said, wanting to both calm Julia down and to share my suspicions about what I thought might be happening. "We need to think this through. Stop panicking!"

My daughter's sobbing paused, and she took some deep breaths.

"That's better, Honey. Now what is the last thing you remember?"

She shrugged, sniffled, and shook her head, adjusting both her arms by folding them in front of her naked breasts. "I'm... I'm not sure. We were driving home, I think."

I nodded. "That's right. Brandy left you stranded at the club. I went and picked you up. What is your very last memory?"

"We were talking... and then... and then there was a bright, flashing light and you hit the brakes."

"Yes!" I shouted. That was the last thing I could remember. I wanted to see if Julia remembered anything after that. "Do you remember anything else, Sweetheart?"

She shook her head. "No," she said, "Nothing."

I released the breath I had been holding. "Okay," I said, "I think... I think... we've been abducted, Sweetheart... and I think... some bad things might happen to us... but that in the end... we are going to be okay."

"Going to be okay?" she shouted, starting to cry again. "We're both frigging paralyzed!"

"No," I said, in a calm voice, attempting to keep her from getting upset again. "No, we're not paralyzed, Honey, just... immobilized, I'm certain of it... with drugs, like at the dentist... I really think we have been abducted... for a reason. So.... they are going to need us healthy, Sweetheart. That means they won't physically harm us. They need us healthy."

Julia grimaced, shaking her head. "Need us healthy? Why? How the hell would you know all that? What fucking reason would they have to need us healthy?"

"I heard a podcast about this... this exact scenario.... in a room just like this one... with a green light... attached to these half pods... all of this. So, if I'm right then this is called a pleasure room."

"A pleasure room?" Julia said, her tears abating as she listened. "What the fuck is a pleasure room?"

I love to watch and listen to podcasts about strange occurrences, the supernatural, alien abductions, that sort of thing, but especially eyewitnesses being interviewed after seeing something they can't explain.

About three months back I had listened to an online podcast interviewing a married couple who claimed they had been abducted and forced to have sex over and over again inside some futuristic, automated "pleasure room".

I shared this information with my daughter. Julia's mouth dropped open. "But... but you're my fucking father."

I shrugged. "How would they know that?"

"Jesus! But... but, Dad... They wouldn't really try to make us have sex, would they? When they come in here we'll just tell them I'm your daughter. They won't make us do anything then, right?"

I shrugged and shook my head. "I don't think anyone is coming. It's all automated.

They said the room had like... tentacles that came out and forced them into sexual positions... like some kind of robot tentacles. They said they had no choice at all.

They said the room actually forced them into having sex with each other."

"Robot tentacles?!" Julia looked around, sneering in disgust. She shook her head and said, "Anyway, even if some robot tentacles forced us into positions we just won't have sex. We can't have sex anyway. That's too disgusting, right? You wouldn't even be able to get it u--" Julia stopped talking, her eyes widening. She gasped loudly and looked down, horrified, at my still somewhat erect penis. "Oh my God, Dad! You wouldn't get hard, would you?"

I winced and gave her a guilty little shrug.

Julia gasped again. Then she screamed, "Oh my God, Dad, if you get hard I will fucking punch your dick right off! Do you understand me? You disgusting, fucking perverted SICKO! I'm your fucking daughter!"

I averted my eyes.

"Promise me!" Julia screeched. "Promise me you will not get an erection, Daddy!"

"Honey," I said, "Men can't really control--"

Julia cut me off, shrieking so loud it hurt my ears. "YOU FUCKING PROMISE ME! YOU SICK FUCKING ASSHOLE!" She burst into tears, sobbing loudly and hysterically, shaking her head from side to side.

"Okay!" I shouted. "I promise! I promise!"

Julia kept shaking her head and crying, occasionally shouting obscenities at me and just going hysterical.

I stood in silence and just watched her complete meltdown. It took maybe ten minutes before she was calm and quiet again.

We stood there in complete silence afterward, saying nothing and not even looking at each other.

"Okay," Julia finally said in a completely flat voice. "Tell me everything you heard about this fucking room in that podcast, and don't you dare leave a single fucking thing out."

Julia stood there listening with her lips pursed and her arms covering her naked breasts.

As I tried to recall everything they said, I wondered where I had gotten that link. Someone had sent it to me. Then it occurred to me that Julia had sent it.

"Wait, Honey," I said, "Didn't you send me the link to that podcast? Yeah, you did. I remember. You sent it with some stupid cooking shows. I hate cooking shows. You must have seen it if you sent it to me."

She shook her head. "I don't know what you're talking about, Dad. I never saw any podcasts like that. Now just tell me about it."

I shrugged and told her everything I remembered about the podcast, summarizing what I remembered.


A Few Months Earlier:

Tom listening to podcast in car...

I clicked on one of the links my daughter had sent me while I was driving home form work. It looked like something I'd like, so I played it.

This married couple claimed they had been kidnapped while driving home after seeing bright flashing lights and passing out in their car.

They had both woken up in a room 'bathed in a green light', and were then forced to have sex for several weeks, over and over again.

When asked by the host how they were forced to engage in sex, the wife said the room put them into positions and then made them actually do it with these things that came out of the walls and stuck to their skin like glue.

She referred to them as sticky tentacles.

Then the host, a podcaster named Reggie, asked, "Like what, octopus tentacles?"

"No," the husband said, "More like segmented... and metallic, you know, sort of... robot tentacles?"

"Robot tentacles?" Reggie said, practically laughing and in obvious disbelief. "How do robot tentacles force you to have sex?"

"Well," the wife said, "They have these really skinny ends like string that sticks to your skin. They stick everywhere even in your mouth and make you move like a puppet. You can't resist them, but it was more than just the tentacles. There were these pods against the wall, sort of half-pods, and we were both attached to them by a long tube in our backs. That tube would also move us around and make us... you know... move us into each other."

"So," Reggie said, "These long tubes and the sticky robot tentacles, working together, made you two have sex over and over again for two weeks?"

"Three weeks," the husband corrected, "And hundreds of times a day."

"Hundreds of times in one day?" Reggie said, sounding skeptical. "How is that even possible?"

"Well," the husband explained. "The room fills you full of drugs of some kind that sort of resets your whole system. Right after I would ejaculate I could actually feel my whole pelvic region produce just as much semen as I had ejaculated. It was the strangest feeling. Then it would make me orgasm in my wife again, over and over and over."


The Insemination Cell:


"STOP!" my daughter shouted after hearing me summarize the part about the husband cumming repeatedly. "You do realize that's complete bullshit, right Dad? You don't believe any of that, do you? Those people were nutcases."

"That's what I thought at the time, but look at where we are."

"Yeah, but tentacles that make a man cum over and over again? That's ridiculous!"

I shrugged and frowned. "Do you want to hear the rest, or not?"

"No," Julia said, "I haven't seen any fucking tentacles and everything you're saying is just pissing me off. There has to be someone coming to feed us, or to talk to us, or even just to set us free so we can go to the bathroom, right?"

"They said they never had to eat or go to the bathroom for the whole three weeks they were there."

Julia snickered and shook her head. "And you believed that shit?"

"Not at the time. No. Now... I'm not so sure."

"Well," Julia said, "I'm starving, so I guess they'll have to feed us soon."

"That's funny you should say that," I said. "The wife mentioned that the only time she ever got hungry was right before the room made them have sex."

Julia clucked her tongue and frowned at me, shaking her head. "Such fucking bullshit. I bet they said it must have been aliens that abduct--"

A loudspeaker crackled and the high-pitched whine of feedback interrupted Julia in mid-sentence. Then a loud, robotic sounding female voice spoke, lacking emotion or inflection. "Welcome to the insemination cell. You are scheduled for..." A different, more human sounding male voice spoke, saying, "Nine Hundred" and then the robotic female voice continued, "...Forced, internal inseminations."

The robotic voice paused.

Julia's eyes were wide as quarters as she looked up toward the source of the voices. "What the FUCK?" she said, looking worried, "I thought..." She looked at me and said, "I thought it was called a Pleasure Room?"

I shrugged and shook my head, at a loss. I hadn't heard the term insemination cell in that podcast.

"Insemination Cell?!" Julia yelled, her eyes searching the ceiling. "What the FUCK is an Insemination Cell? I'm his frigging DAUGHTER! You can't have my own father inseminate me! You can't FUCKING do this! LET US THE FUCK OUT OF H--!"

The robotic woman's voice boomed out. "Insemination Cell purpose: Male unit: Tom Bradley, heterosexual, fifty-two, Mechanical Engineer, single, physically fit, fertile, sexually well-endowed, and sexually adventurous is the father of two girls and one boy, including eldest daughter, Female unit: Julia Bradley, heterosexual, twenty-eight, Health Instructor and Aspiring Actress, single, physically fit, fertile, sexually well-endowed, and sexually adventurous, no offspring. Male and female units have been selected from a long list of possible father/daughter candidates as ideal subjects for forced copulation and insemination. All inseminations will be recorded for clinical research and entertainment value of Insemination Cell's advanced technologies by various researchers, investors, and other interested parties. Thank you both for your cooperation.

A bright white light flooded the room, replacing the dim green glow. Julia had stopped shouting, her mouth in a sneer as her eyes darted wildly around. She looked like a cornered rabid animal.

Several orbs that looked like camera lenses shot out from the ceiling and floor, hovering around us and shining their own beams of light from a ring of LED's around their lenses. Then dozens and dozens of long, segmented metallic tendrils slithered out from the walls behind both me and my daughter.

Julia shrieked at the sight of them, burst into tears and screamed, "Oh, no, Daddy! They're real! They're fucking REAL!"

The robotic woman's voice said, "Female unit is allowed to choose the orifice to be inseminated. Female, please indicate your preference by saying orifice one, orifice two or orifice three."

"None of them!" Julia screamed. "This is a fucking rape room, you bitch!"

"Response not understood. Please indicate your preference by saying orifice one, orifice two or orifice three."


The robotic female voice said, "Response understood and accepted. Cunt. Orifice two selected. Prepare for forced insemination of orifice two."

"OH MY GOD, NO!" Julia screamed. "MOUTH! USE MY MOUTH!"

"Would you like to abort the forced insemination of your vaginal canal and switch your choice to orifice one?" the robotic voice asked.

YES! PLEASE!" Julia cried. "Use my mouth! Orifice one!"

"Response understood and accepted. Orifice one selected. Prepare for forced insemination of orifice one."

Julia shouted, "Wait! Use orifice three!"

This shocked me. Why the hell would Julia choose the orifice that was obviously her ass. I have a rather large penis and my daughter is a small girl. I looked at her and grimaced in confusion.

She saw my face and gave me a lopsided smirk. "Watch this," she said, "I'll just keep switching it up."

"Would you like to abort the forced insemination of your stomach and switch your choice to orifice three?" the robotic voice asked.

"YES!" Julia shouted, smiling. "Use orifice three!"

"Response understood and accepted. Orifice three selected. Prepare for forced insemination of orifice three."

"Wait!" Julia shouted. "Use orifice two!"

"Response rejected," said the robotic female. "Requests for aborted inseminations have reached maximum allowed. Orifice three selected. Prepare for forced insemination of orifice three."

Julia's smile vanished, replaced by a look of sheer panic. "NO! ORIFICE ONE!" she shrieked. "ONE GOD DAMN IT! PLEASE! WAIT! INSEMINATE ONE OR TWO, NOT FUCKING THREE!"

"Commencing forced insemination of orifice three. Please try to relax and refrain from exertion. Resistance could result in injury."


I wondered why Julia would stupidly assume she had another chance to switch up. I thought she was smarter than that, but let it go as dozens of tentacles flipped around and landed on every part of both our bodies.

There were tentacles on every part of us from our heads and faces to our feet and toes.

Suddenly, they jerked us both forward. It felt exactly as if I had stepped forward on my own, but I hadn't.

Julia was shrieking and crying louder than she had since we woke up, but she was walking toward me in a normal gate, as well, as if her body was calmly taking a stroll on its own.

We stopped in front of each other and paused there, our arms at our sides. Julia, sobbing uncontrollably, said, "Don't you-hoo-hoo... get har-hard, Da-had-dee! Plee-hee-eese!"

I said, "I won't, Honey. I promise, I won't." And I meant it. There was no way I could or would get excited by my completely hysterical and traumatized little girl.

Julia nodded, trying to catch her breath through her sobs.

The robotic female voice said, "Commencing induced foreplay in preparation for insemination of orifice three."

I saw tiny string-like tendrils sprout and spread from the tips of the tentacles on my daughter's face, going into her sobbing open mouth and spreading onto her tongue.

Then I felt my mouth open of its own accord and my head and body moved on their own. My daughter and I immediately came together in a lovers embrace and began kissing each other as if we both meant to do that. Neither of us had.

Only my daughter's wild eyes betrayed her true feelings. They were wide and filled with terror, but Julia's entire body told a different story. It was caressing me with her hands, kissing me with her mouth, swirling her tongue around mine and even breathing as if Julia were eagerly engaging in this frenzy of foreplay with her own father.

As we kissed, Julia's hand found my penis. She let out a little squeal of distress as her hand greedily grabbed it and began stroking it.

Our mouths parted, and my hand pulled her breast up. Before I could say anything, my mouth was tonguing and sucking her nipple. Julia cried out, "What the FUH-HUCK, DAD! STOP SUCKING MY TIT LIKE THAT!""

My mouth came off her nipple and as my head turned to suck her other tit, I shouted, "STOP JERKING MY COCK--" My mouth sucked in her other nipple before I

could say 'like that'.

My penis was quickly getting hard from her long, eager strokes. Julia groaned aloud; her nipple had grown hard as an eraser tip in my mouth.

My cock throbbed. It had become hard as a rock in her stroking hand.

Julia shouted, "You fucking PROMISED, Dad! It's fucking hard as hell! What the fuck!"