The Interpreter Ch. 02


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Vlad sensed Valerie's urgency as she began to buck underneath him and rise off the bed to meet his thrusts as she clung to him and whimpered and moaned with desire.

She felt Vlad's cock balloon to full girth and shudder as he ejaculated deep inside her tight anus and her own penis quivered as she released and the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced wracked her body.

They clung to each other, thrusting, and mewling, moaning and nipping; Vlad's cock filling her with his hot load as he jackhammered it in and out of Valerie's tight hole. He was almost overcome with the pleasure of it as he felt Valerie's anus squeeze his rampant cock and milk every drop of his issue. He felt her slippery semen spread across his belly when Valerie filled her panties with her searing load.

They lay in each other's arms afterward without speaking, just kissing and canoodling for about thirty minutes until Vlad's refractory period expired and Valerie felt him becoming tumescent again. She made her way down his body and began to suckle him and Vlad gave her directions on how to do it better, with variations of technique.

The final instalment of Valerie's education had begun.

Novogorbovo, Russia -- June 1985

Valerie fell asleep that night, her anus a little sore and her jaw aching but fully satiated and content, cuddled up in the arms of Vladimir Golubev and dreamt of the cocktail party she had attended as her first night as a woman, interacting with other people without the constant fear and shame hanging over her head.

Vlad was correct about all the men looking at her at the cocktail party and some of the women did stare at her with open jealousy. Valerie had been terrified but she was accompanied by Yuri Godekin who told her to relax and to try to enjoy herself. They drank champagne and Yuri led her around the room introducing her to the other members of the delegation and eventually Valerie became more confident.

"Remember your backstory. Practice it with them. Also try to identify the man I have planted here as your target and use your skills to entice him up to your room," Yuri whispered in her ear and sent her on her way.

Valerie chatted with as many members of the delegation as she could. It was relatively easy because most of the unaccompanied men formed a circle around her and competed with each other to talk to her. It was good to be using her native tongue again and she was genuinely interested in what some of the men had to say.

She identified Vladimir Golubev as the KGB plant early on because he stood out like a sore thumb amongst the middle aged besuited Russian delegates. When he came over and introduced himself as a member of the security detail that would be accompanying the delegates, Valerie used her new-found feminine wiles to engage with him, leaning in to listen to him so he could look down her décolletage and smell her perfume, standing with one foot forward so the split in her dress remained open showing off the acres of nylon-sheathed perfect leg and her apple-bottom, touching him gently and smiling when he made a witty comment.

Valerie doubted it would be this easy in the field but she had to admit to herself that it was fun. When she leaned into him conspiratorially and whispered in his ear that he was welcome to come upstairs and join her in her room she knew she had the right man but she was suddenly filled with dread. She was actually relieved when Yuri Godekin came over and interrupted them.

Yuri was with a bespectacled man wearing an ill-fitting suit whom she guessed was nearly twice her age. He was gangly-tall and balding but with a protruding pot belly; his teeth were yellow and there were tiny food stains on his shirt. He was quite repugnant and he glared openly at Valerie's legs making her feel uncomfortable and causing her to self-consciously put her feet together and close the split in her dress.

"Valerie Sokolova, this is Professor Mikhail Blavatsky but of course you know each other because you work together," Yuri said winking conspiratorially, grinning at the entendre he had made.

"Follow me both of you," Yuri took on a serious tone and led them both to a small ante room off the main hall and closed and locked the door.

Valerie could feel Mikhail Blavatsky's eyes on her legs and her ass during the short walk and even thought she had just met the man she felt revolted by him but decided then and there that she would force herself to be pleasant and accommodating to him because that was her job. Well to be entirely accurate it was her cover; her job was to be a seductress.

When the three of them were alone in the room Mikhail approached Yuri and glared at him.

"I am Professor Mikhail Blavatsky head of Moscow University's Cultural Development and leader of the academic contingent of our glorious leader's cultural exchange delegation to the United States of America and I will not be ordered around by an underling," Mikhail spat.

"This tchotchke in a red dress cannot hold a candle to Petra Donevski. I can tell that she doesn't have the intellect or the experience for the position in which she has been placed," Mikhail pointed a dirty fingernail at Valerie who just stood there saying nothing.

Yuri grabbed Mikhail's outstretched finger and bent it back. The pain was excruciating and Mikhail fell to his knees begging Yuri to stop but he didn't. He bent it further and Valerie watched, cringing and waiting for the finger to snap but it didn't. Yuri stopped when Mikhail began to cry.

"Get up you buffoon!" Yuri yelped.

"The only reason you are going to America is as a ruse for our agent provocateur. It was to be Petra Donevski but as you know she met with an unfortunate accident so we have replaced her with Valerie Sokolova. Unlike Petra, Valerie has not been tasked with seducing you to keep you trained and under control. There will be no need. Despite your peacocking you know that you are a mere foil. Valerie is an officer in the KGB's Fifth Directorate and you will respect her authority," Yuri's face was so close to Mikhail's that his spit flecked Mikhail's glasses.

"Valerie will play her role in public pretending to be your aide and interpreting for you but if you so much as try to touch her I will cut off your dick and shove it down your throat you puffed-up baboon," Yuri took a step back from Mikhail, repelled by his rancid breath.

"We leave in three days. The two of you will spend two hours a day getting to know each other better so you can both play your parts and so Valerie can better understand her duties," Yuri straightened his jacket and glared at Mikhail.

"You may return to the party Professor," Yuri unlocked and opened the door and indicated for Mikhail to leave.

Yuri and Valerie could feel the resentment radiating off Mikhail like a heat lamp. Yuri closed the door and turned to Valerie.

"You have identified your mark?" Yuri asked her.

"It was easy. It's Vladimir Golubev who claims he is providing security for the delegation. I doubt it will be that easy in America," Valerie said.

"Of course not and Vlad's role was not to make it difficult for you. It was for you to practice your skills on an easy target. Just pretend he is some American who is taken by your beauty. Set the honey trap. Use the camera to take incriminating pictures of you both together. Just remember this is just a practice run," Yuri took out cigarettes and offered her one and lit it before lighting his own.

"There is only one problem," Valerie took a long drag on her cigarette.

"Your seductress doesn't know how to seduce," Valerie blew smoke from her nostrils.

"Don't do that, it isn't ladylike," Yuri said, and reached out playfully tweaked Valerie's pretty nose.

"Vlad will take over once you have lured him to your room. His job is to teach you how to... how to..." Yuri seemed lost for words.

"How to fuck?" Valerie said coldly but couldn't help breaking into a grin.

Yuri said nothing so Valerie broke the silence.

"You told the Professor that we leave in three days. Am I to take it that you are coming with us?" Valerie asked.

Yuri did not reply. He opened the door for her and stood aside.

"Thank you," Valerie whispered as she slid past him.

Yuri looked around the room and saw that no one was watching. He playfully slapped Valerie on her behind.

"Go get him you vixen," he whispered and quickly closed the door.

Valerie's confusion mounted. Sometimes Yuri treated her like dirt and other times he was pleasant, almost playful with her. She couldn't work him out. She saw Vlad smiling at her from across the room and put Yuri out of her mind and concentrated on the task in hand. She was about to be deflowered and she had to go over and lure the man who would do the deflowering up to her room.

J. Edgar Hoover Building, 935 Pennsylvania Avenue NW in Washington, D.C. -- June 1985

Special Agent Vince Gruffalo sat at his desk. He was bored. He had reviewed the files on all of the members of the Soviet academic contingent and with the exception of the file on Petra Donevski, whom he found fascinating, they were boring. They were as likely to be spies as his lunch in the cafeteria was likely to be appetising.

"Enjoying your work?" the Special Agent in Charge, Mike Shilling, parked his ass on the corner of Vince's desk.

"A babysitting shit sandwich. Just like I thought it would be," Vince looked up at his boss.

"The Russian's have made a change to the delegation. The Donevski broad isn't coming. She's been replaced," the SAC dropped a slim file in front of Vince.

"Jesus, she was the only person in the delegation that tickled my toes," Vince whined.

"Never mind Vince. The new broad is a looker too. We haven't got any surveillance footage of her because she's a last minute replacement but if the picture the Rooskies supplied is anything to go by she's a stunner. Far out of your league," the SAC chuckled and lifted his ass off Vince's desk and walked away.

Valerie Sokolova's CV read pretty much the same as Petra Donevski's had. Sokolova was also employed at the Moscow University in the Cultural Development department and was to be Professor Mikhail Blavatsky's assistant and interpreter. The CIA and FBI had, just like they did with Petra Donevski, assessed Valerie as low risk.

Vince carefully studied the portrait provided by the Soviet Embassy. The woman was indeed stunning. The Rooskies, through the Soviet Embassy in Washington, had provided a colour photograph of Valerie Sokolova to the US State Department who was responsible for convening the conference.

Vince stared at Valerie's heart-shaped face with its flawless alabaster complexion; her bright emerald-green eyes, her perfect cheekbones and full sensuous lips red lips. Her jet-black hair was striking: worn off-the-shoulder centre parted with severe straight bangs cut across her brows.

"Ok squirrel -- where is moose?" a voice from behind Vince said in a pitifully bad Russian accent.

Vince tuned around and saw Bob Munsen, another agent assigned to the conference, looking over his shoulder at the picture of Valerie Sokolova.

"What the fuck?" Vince looked up at Bob like he was insane.

"The chick in the photograph," Bob pointed to Valerie Sokolova's portrait.

"She looks like the chick in that old cartoon 'The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle'. What was her name? Natasha Fatale! Not quite Betty Rubble in my 'chicks in cartoons who I'd fuck' spank bank, but right up there," Bob chuckled.

"Let me get this right. You keep a list of female cartoon characters who you'd fuck if they were real and you rate them?" Vince said incredulously.

"A threesome with Jane and Judy Jetson is currently on top of the list but I'm thinking of moving up Betty Boop because she's got great legs," Bob Munson chuckled.

"Get the fuck out of here," Vince grunted and turned back to the picture of Valerie.

But Bob was right. Valerie did kinda look like Natasha Fatale but this girl was no cartoon. In the portrait he could just make out her tits in the tight suit jacket she was wearing. They looked small but perky. Vince was a leg and ass man but he liked perky tits too. Maybe this detail wouldn't be too bad if he could make an excuse to follow this chick around?

Novogorbovo, Russia -- July 1985

For Valerie, the next three days seemed to race by. Most of the day was spent with Yuri Godekin, fine tuning her tradecraft or in the facilities conference room where the delegation was briefed on travel and accommodation arrangements, the cultural exchange programme and of course security. She sat beside Professor Mikhail Blavatsky throughout the briefings and had lunch with rest of the delegates sitting beside him in her role as his aide. She spent most of the meal slapping away his hand as he tried to fondle her legs under the table.

Valerie knew that if she told Yuri he would take retribution on Mikhail but she was smart enough to know that whatever Mikhail did he would still get to attend the conference because they needed him to give Valerie validity. As she had to work with Mikhail every day she put up with his persistent groping.

Valerie and Mikhail spent two hours together every day away from the other delegates so that Mikhail could explain to her the intricacies of the Cultural Development Department at Moscow University and provide insight that was not available to her through the dossiers that she had read.

She was always in the company of Anya or Yuri during those sessions so Mikhail had little opportunity to try to grope her but when they sat together he seldom looked her in the eyes but allowed his eyes to wander over her body, lingering on her breasts and gazing for long periods at her legs.

It was uncomfortable for Valerie because she was now wearing the wardrobe that she would take to America and the business suits she would wear to the conferences and meetings during the day had been deliberately tailored to show off her assets. They were tight-fitting with the blouses cut low and the hems of her skirt cut high.

As much as Valerie tried, it was difficult to keep her skirt down and Mikhail spent most of the their time together staring at her thighs, making no attempt to hide the erection in his trousers, adjusting his pants to hide it only when Yuri or Anya were near.

Evenings were spent with Vladimir Golubev who educated her in the delights of uninhibited sex. He taught her every perversion that he knew and if Valerie was honest with herself there weren't many that she didn't like. She was a quick learner and after three evenings with Vlad she was an accomplished fellatrix and an even better practitioner of coitus.

On the final day Anya helped her pack. Valerie was both nervous and excited and she was a little surprised when Anya took her in her arms and hugged and kissed her and wished her luck.

Yuri came to her room to escort her to the waiting convoy of vehicles that would be taking them to the airport where an Ilyushin Il-62 long-range jetliner, specially fitted out for the delegation, was waiting on the tarmac. Her suitcases would be looked after by a valet.

Professor Mikhail Blavatsky had carried his own suitcases downstairs to the lobby and then humped them out to the truck that would deliver them to the airport. He stood at the door to the bus he would be boarding, crowded with other delegates and watched Yuri escort Valerie to a black GAZ Volga sedan where he helped her into the back seat. His anger seethed.

His beautiful Petra had been taken away from him. Yes, he knew that Petra despised him and only tolerated him because it was her duty to do so but this bitch Valerie behaved as if she was his superior rather than a mere underling. She was being given preferential treatment and Yuri Godekin had belittled him in front of her. He would have his revenge!

To be continued

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PinkPanties4mePinkPanties4meover 1 year ago

Great build up to your story! And the attention Valerie is getting from Yuri and Vlad is very good!

Either one could fall for her…except the professor Mikhail looks like trouble…

Please continue!

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