The Intimacy of Eating A Creampie

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How eating a creampie is the most intimate act a man can do.
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First of all, let me start out with explaining a few things so that we can better understand each-other. This particular essay is written more for the ladies out there who might be wondering why we should encourage our husband's to go down on us after they or another man has ejaculated their sperm in or on (or my preference), both. This isn't to say that men won't be interested in this subject matter, but the purpose is pointedly aimed at women.


Second, I hope I don't have to define a creampie, but just in case:

Creampie, also known as internal ejaculation, internal cum shot and, in homosexual contexts, also known as breeding and seeding, is a slang term used in pornography to describe when a male ejaculates sperm inside his partner's anus or vagina. The term also refers to the visible seeping or dripping of sperm from the vagina.

For purposes of this essay I am speaking strictly in a heterosexual sense and only for vaginal ejaculation.

If you have read any of my other works you will probably quickly pick up on my personal sexual trigger words. I have written elsewhere about the reason why I am completely turned on by these words but will clarify it here as well for your convenience.

As a former nurse I was subjected to certain words that were used for specific purposes and because of this have found myself irrevocably attached to seeing these words in only a sexual context, and as such unable to enjoy other derivatives or synonyms. These words are 'testicles, ejaculation and sperm.'

What's wrong with balls, cum and cum you might ask? Well, I never really understood the term 'cum' since this is something both men and women do, so wouldn't that be orgasm? And does a man cum cum like a woman cum's cum or is it something different. Also, if both the man and the woman are 'cumming' at the same time are they doing the same thing or is it something different?

You see my terminology dilemma I hope. This is why I personally eschew the word cum from my sexual lexicon.

Besides, when I am whispering into a man's ear that I want to feel his ejaculation we both instantly know what that means. And if I am squeezing his testicles he knows that when I tell him that I can tell that they are full that I'm not speaking of tennis balls.

Sometimes we ladies drift into using the cruder words because it is easier to do so with our men, but if you think about it maybe making them adjust to our choice of words might make a bit of a difference when it comes to getting our way between the sheets.

Now that being said I have a particular distaste for the words penis and vagina. Good grief, can you hear yourself saying 'That's it baby, eat my vagina.' I know I would personally laugh my ass off if I tried such nonsense.

So, for me it is testicles, ejaculation and sperm. Those are just great and I know that my husband loves my use of them as well.

The Purpose of Intimacy

All women desire greater and greater intimacy from our men. Sexually, but also emotionally and spiritually.

But if we are honest with ourselves most of us are not exactly welcoming vessels of our men's sexual fantasies or fetishes. The ick factor, or worse, revulsion that a man would want such a thing is too often our initial reaction. And again, if we are honest with ourselves we would readily admit that sometimes we would rather not know what is going on up in that dank and dirty place called their heads.

So if we do not make ourselves receptive vessels for the ideas, thoughts and dreams then how can we complain when they don't open up to us? Too often we are the ones to blame for our men's propensity to shut up and stay silent. Too often we are the ones to blame when our men seek out other venues to express themselves without judgement or castigation.

Thus, I say that if we want the best out of our relationship then we must be open to hearing what is going on up in that head of theirs, even when it scares the shit out of us. Besides, just because they are thinking it doesn't always equate to them wanting to do it, whatever 'it' is. Also, just because you happen to listen to a fantasy or fetish of his doesn't mean you have to agree to living out that fantasy or fetish with him. Only that you are willing to hear such things from him in a receptive, kind and non-judgmental way.

And if you have a specific purpose for why you are seeking intimacy in a particular area of your life, then having established a track record of openness will make him much more receptive to hearing you out and being more forthcoming.

When it comes to sexual intimacy this can be one of the more thorny areas to discuss. We women have the societal norms issue and men have inadequacy issues coupled with judgmental stereotypes for both sexes. A promiscuous woman is seen differently than a promiscuous man for instance.

However, what we are talking about here is what is going on behind closed doors and the discussions we are having with our men should stay private so that they don't harm the psyche of our partners. That said, as time and intimacy grows you will find that it becomes possible to share with others more and more without doing damage to your relationship.

For example, here I am writing an essay about how much I am sexually pleasured each time my husband goes down on me post ejaculation. That said, I am reasonably anonymous here. But I have shared with several female friends of mine this particular sexual activity. To date, my husband has yet to complain that I am sharing something that he would prefer to keep private.

Early on in my marriage I stumbled across a technique that eventually led my husband to open up about his sexual desires and fantasies. I say 'stumbled across' because this wasn't even something that I was thinking about, nor had any idea that sexual intimacy was a thing. Weirdly, this came in the form of describing to my husband a sexual dream I'd had the night before.

I hadn't a clue at the time, but looking back I'm pretty sure this was a slightly ajar door that my husband tentatively stepped through. He found that I was willing to share something sexually about myself and so he returned the favor in kind. His story was a bit more graphic, but I liked it and it showed. This encouraged him to expose even more to me and since I didn't judge his thoughts he found that he could trust me with those dirty thoughts of his.

With each conversation that we had of this nature we became closer, more attached, and a deeper friendship ensued.

At this point you might be curious about my choice of the word 'friendship' here. Well, I use that word because of the notion that you can share things with your friends that you probably never would with your husband, or your wife if you know what I mean.

So yeah, we were successful in being a loving couple who were also very good friends.

Over the years we would, from time-to-time, watch a little porn together, or talk about our previous sexual encounters and so forth. Since our trust in each-other blossomed I began to notice that my husband included in these discussions his insecurities and even some of his shame. It was truly marvelous and I found myself more and more attracted to him as the man he is instead of the man he thought he should be.

And so it was that I could open up to him about my own sexual desires and fantasies, telling him all of my dirty thoughts and the things that I wanted to do or experience.

You Asked Him To Do What?

Since trust has been established between the two of you then you will find it is much easier to tell him exactly what you want. Hopefully, questions about your wants will ensue since it is very sexually stimulating to share these 'dark' desires. And surprisingly, even if your husband hasn't thought in these ways before, he will be curious enough to at least look into the matter on his own and if he can sexualize the situation then your chances of success are heightened.

I can still remember it like it was yesterday: my husband had ejaculated and I laid there for a moment a little disappointed. But then I felt his body sliding down mine and knew immediately what he had in mind. Clamping my legs shut I told him to wait for me to go clean up, pleased that he wasn't finished for the night. But he persisted, pushing his hand between my legs and opening me up for his perusal. Okay, I thought, maybe he just wants a look. But then I felt his handsome head positioned right between my legs and immediately knew he intended to go down and eat some pussy.

Truthfully, I was a bit scared at this proposition. But after about two minutes of his diligently searching out my pussy and not pulling away I knew that he didn't mind what he was tasting. So, I just opened my legs a bit wider and let him do his thing until I orgasmed.

Now, it really wasn't until the next day or two that I really gave any thought to what had happened. But when I did I know for a fact that I had a level of discomfort.

Oftentimes, our thinking isn't really our own, but rather it is the thinking of someone else. What do I mean by this? Well, was I thinking that there was a problem with my husband going down on me after he had just ejaculated or was I thinking the thoughts of someone else who is telling me that I should have an issue with my husband going down on me after he had ejaculated? See what I mean?

When I had spent some time considering this, and asking my husband about his motivations, I knew that I should have just enjoyed it for what it was: My husband desiring me to be pleasured.

And why should I accept this for what it was? Just because I had experienced something new or unusual does that mean that the experience or act is wrong? And yet, that is exactly what I did.

My husband explained to me that all he wanted that night was for me to have an orgasm, nothing more. I believed that because of the years we had spent being honest with each-other sexually. That, but then again I also wanted it to be true because it was so fucking sexy.

The next time my husband did this I purposely allowed myself to think about what was happening while it was happening. I thought to myself Mark has sperm in his mouth. With just that thought alone I nearly exploded, but clamped down on my passion to enjoy the sensation for just a minute more.

Then, just as the moment came I just thought my husband is swallowing sperm for my pleasure. And that did the trick. A massive bolt of electricity shot from my pussy right to my brain and forever more I was hooked.

Honestly, can you ladies think of a more intimate act than that of a man going down on you while there is sperm in and on your pussy? You know damn well that he has the sights, smells and taste of sex consuming his every fiber and there you lay, spread wide for his consumption.

Flash forward to today and it is nothing unusual for me to tell Mark in the morning that I want him to swallow sperm for me that night. Sometimes I will even tease him by reminding him how long it has been since his last ejaculation just so he knows that he will have a lot to swallow. This excites him to no end and he will be flirtatious and sexual with me all day, which you have to admit is always fun and exciting.

Upon those occasions when Mark tells me that he wants to go down on me it always puts into my mind that he wants to swallow sperm that night. This has the effect of making me think about some of the times that he has done this and how I was watching him do this most intimate of acts. Even now as I write this I can see in my mind's eye that one time I looked down between my legs and saw that Mark had a very large, very thick amount of sperm on his tongue before it disappeared into his mouth. Enthralled, I watched as his throat moved and knew that in that instant he had swallowed all that thick, white sperm I had just witnessed him licking up. Best of all, to my way of thinking that is, it wasn't his sperm that he was swallowing. Rather, it was my boyfriends. So hot!

Excuse me a moment, I have a giant need to masturbate!

Now, as you I'm sure have already imagined, such levels of intimacy lends itself to numerous other fun activities between the sheets. The point being, this is good for any activity you would like to occur, not just eating a healthy portion of a delicious creampie.

Direct Message To The Men

One of the things that I have found that lends itself to deeper sexual intimacy is when the man just does it. For example, if you have a desire to eat your woman's ass, take a shower with her and then flip her over and dive right in. You will find out quick enough if that isn't something that she is interested in.

Same goes for eating her pussy when it is full of sperm. Make your deposit and then open her legs to make your withdrawal. She will probably be much like myself and clamp herself shut. Just open her legs and tell her that you want to and you will probably find that she is much like myself. A little confused, but willing.

Of course there are limits with the whole just do it thing, but those should already be obvious to you and if they aren't then find a good psychologist.

That said, when it comes to sexual intimacy it is always wise to be completely open and forthcoming. Share much, share often, be truthful and most of all, do not be judgmental about your husband of wife's sexual desires and fantasies. By doing these things you open up to yourself a world of sexual possibilities that may just astound you.

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AnonymousAnonymous1 day ago

I would love for my wife to get off with another man while I watched. And if she really wanted me to go down on her afterwards I probably would if the guy had left. But I know I could never eat her out after I had cum, and he was still in the room. But anyway, I really enjoyed your thoughts on the subject.

Will527Will5279 months ago

Once again, you make the act so alluring that I cannot wait to find a way to do it.

risingaurorarisingaurora10 months ago

True. Your choice of words is often quite stimulating. Looking forward to more posts

deborahsuedeborahsue10 months agoAuthor

To Sexecclectic,

You have understood the purpose of the words. Thank you for getting the meaning. Of course I think many do on a more visceral level but I've tried, as you put it, to put a phycological angle that is both mentally and sexually stimulating on the subject. It pleases me that you were stimulated by the tactic. Then again, I love using those words with my husband and my lovers because they stimulate me as well.


SexecclecticSexecclectic10 months ago

As a fan of creampies, I say you have just the right level of decadence. You have a good knowledge of sexual psychology. And I’m amused and charmed by your technical terms and words. I think we’re so conditioned to seeing nastier nouns than yours on a regular basis, your take is pretty “refreshing.” Lol. Sperm instead of cum just puts a different spin on how one looks at it, you used that a lot in Three Weeks to really good effect.

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