The Island Ch. 02


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"I think we can afford you honorary enlistment in the navy and assign you to the PT 991. What do you say Chief?" Petty Officer John Fitzgibbons spoke for the other enlisted men at the table.

Ray just grunted and pushed his food around his plate.

"To Seaman First Class Bobbie Bingham," John smiled and raised his glass.

Bobbie entertained the men with stories about her performances in the USO shows. She stayed well away from any tales that involved Robert and recalled only those stories where she had performed as Bobbie. She kept any references to her past gender neutral and it was easy for the men to forget that Robert had washed up on their shore as a half-drowned young man and think of only of Bobbie the WAVE.

To anyone looking into this world it would appear bizarre but these were four men who had seen no one else for five years and they yearned for companionship, especially female companionship. Bobbie was attractive and feminine and the year she had spent portraying her character on stage meant that she could take on the role easily and with grace. She was convincing and very welcome.

For all intents and purposes Robert Bingham disappeared that day and was replaced by Bobbie Bingham.

The furthest out into the Pacific war theatre that women had been allowed to serve in the military was Hawaii but in the closing stages of the war they were stationed at bases that were considered 'safe'. Mirrocau Island was just such a place and there had been a contingent of Women's Army Corps and Women's Auxiliary Volunteer Service stationed there. There had been nurses, clerical staff and cooks and Bobbie found women's uniforms in the Q store and accessories in the commissary.

She selected an appropriate wardrobe: the uniform white skirt and blouse for everyday wear, khaki fatigues for dirty work and when she was entertaining the men and on weekends she wore civilian attire. She was always stylishly dressed and wore full makeup. The warm weather and sandy soil were not conductive to the wearing of nylons so she wore them only in the evenings and on weekends.

As strange as the situation might seem, within a few weeks it had become normal. Bobbie was their token women, their mascot, their darling who they adored and protected. She always felt safe around the men except for Ray when he was drinking.

Ray had begrudgingly allowed the men to have their way and to let Bobbie present as a woman, even he began to think of her as a lady although he still didn't like her. To him she was driving a wedge between him and his men. She didn't belong. He preferred it when it was just the crew of the PT 991 on the island; everyone knew their place and he was in full control. Bobbie was breaking down five years of learned obedience and strict discipline.

Bobbie grew out her hair and within six months had a neat bob that she wore when in uniform. When she dressed in civilian fashion she usually wore the Lauren Bacall wig which she carefully maintained.

Things changed quite dramatically one day when Bobbie was taking inventory in the Q store. The rest of the men were busy. Ray and Craig had gone hunting on the other side of the island looking for a pig to shoot to stock up the meat larder and John and Steve were supposed to be tending crops and conducting some maintenance on the quarters.

Bobbie saw John and Steve enter the old radio shack. She wondered why they would go in there, the radios and code machines had been ripped from their mounts and taken away when the base was abandoned. Anything of use had long been salvaged.

Bobbie knew that she should probably just leave well enough alone but her curiosity got the best of her. She crossed the runway and approached the radio shack from the shade of the encroaching jungle. As she got nearer she took off her low heels so she could walk easier in the sand.

She heard murmuring coming from a missing window. It came from deeper in the building and Bobbie stepped inside, carefully avoiding any trips or snags in the abandoned building. She didn't know why she was sneaking around but she knew that there was something secretive in John and Steve's behaviour so she felt justified in doing so.

Deeper in the building was a small office that looked like it had been set up as a love nest. There was a made-up cot against the wall, some rudimentary furniture that appeared to be well looked after; small trappings of comfort.

Bobbie saw all this by easing aside a privacy curtain that hung over the doorway. She opened the curtain only a crack so she could just see inside the room.

What she saw next shocked her. John Fitzgibbons and Steve Ford were naked. They were embracing each other, kissing each other passionately. They each had their hand on the other's privates, caressing and stroking each other, fingering their penises to full tumescence.

"How long do we have?" Steve whispered.

"Long enough honey; now do that thing you know I like," John pushed down gently on Steve's shoulders, encouraging him to kneel on the rug.

To Bobbie's amazement Steve took John's phallus into his mouth and began to suckle it. Steve was obviously accomplished because John threw back his head and groaned as Steve used his lips and his tongue on John's hard cock.

John put his hands on Steve's head and guided him, slowly fucking his moist mouth while Steve slathered at the engorged appendage with delight. Bobbie could see that Steve was rock hard and a string of silvery precum hung from his glans, he might be the submissive in the act but he was relishing it.

To John's dismay Steve got back to his feet but John was soon appeased when Steve kissed him lovingly and fondled his throbbing organ.

"I'm not going to last long honey, it's been a while," John gasped.

"Then do that thing you know I like," Steve smiled longingly into John's eyes.

He led John to the cot and climbed onto it, offering his soft pale buttocks to his lover. Bobbie supressed a gasp when John lubricated his engorged manhood with Vaseline and slid it into Steve's tight anus. He took Steve's hips in his hands and began to fuck him.

Bobbie carefully let the curtain fall back into place and tiptoed out of the radio shack. She put on her heels and ran across the runway to the Q store and disappeared into the dark cool depths of the racks. She hiked up her khaki skirt and freed her hard cock from her non-regulation pink satin panties. She only just touched it and it erupted, streams of hot semen spattered on the hard packed floor and Bobbie fell against the racks to stop herself from fainting.

When she had cleaned up and regained her composure Bobbie went to her little office and sat at her desk and pondered what she just witnessed. Over time she had sensed that John and Steve had a special bond, they often did things together and were quite inseparable.

But this! What was this?

The longer she thought about it the more it made sense. Being in the world of the theatre, homosexuality was not something new to her. She had seen older actors leaving the dressing rooms of younger good looking men. She had even caught two chorus girls together; one with her head under the other's skirt. But these men were military men! They were disciplined, rugged and manly. But did that really make any difference? John was married with a kid but that really matter?

Five years with no other form of companionship, relationships were bound to develop. She just wondered why she hadn't noticed before. It certainly explained to some extent why neither John nor Steve had hit on her. Craig Bowen was besotted with her and sometimes followed her around like a lost puppy but she only felt brotherly love for him and slapped his wondering hands away when he'd taken a drink too many and fancied his chances.

Ray just despised her, she was sure of that and she doubted he had a romantic or sensual bone in his body.

She supposed the men had to find solace, companionship and gratification somehow. Craig had his girly magazines and the crusty stocking that he kept hidden under his mattress which she found more times than she wanted to when she made up his rack. Ray had his booze and his hatred for his wife and John and Steve obviously had each other.

She wondered if Ray knew? How could he not?

Over the next few days Bobbie paid more attention to John Fitzgibbons and Steve Ford. Why hadn't she noticed before? They were almost inseparable, unless their duties required it, otherwise they did almost everything together. There were also little glances and little discreet touches. It was obvious that they were being very discreet but now that she knew about their relationship, behaviour that before had appeared innocuous took on a new light.

Ray had to know!

Bobbie finally couldn't stand the suspense and she approached Ray one day while he way on Lookout Hill attending to the signal pyre.

It was Sunday and she was wearing a light summer dress and sandals, her makeup was not quite as heavy as she usually wore it in the evenings and during her weekly performances. It was a beautiful summer day and she was carrying a basket she had woven out of palm fronds. She wore a sun hat of woven pandanus leaves. Bobbie had become quite adept at weaving.

"Lovely day," Bobbie approached Ray who was stacking dried limbs on the pyre.

He was wearing khaki pants he had cut down to shorts, work boots and a peaked cap, his shirt hung on the branch of a nearby tree.

His tanned muscles were sheened with sweat and perspiration dripped into his eyes and he wiped them with a crumpled handkerchief and turned to look at Bobbie.

His face broke into a scowl.

"What do you want?" Ray concentrated on moving a limb into a better position on the pyre.

Bobbie was used to him being surly around her. She shrugged it off.

"Why are you working on the weekend Chief?" she asked, smiling pleasantly.

"The Army doesn't recognise weekends, there could be a passing flight any time and we have to be ready to signal the aircraft," Ray continued to rearrange limbs that didn't need to be rearranged.

Bobbie had told them that US Air Force had been established in 1947 as a separate arm of the military but Ray refused to be educated about the military by a civilian.

Bobbie knew that Ray was performing nugatory duties just so he could be alone. He had always been a solitary man with his thoughts and emotions but since Bobbie had started presenting enfemme full time he had withdrawn further.

"I think you just like your own company Ray. I think you like to be alone," Bobbie challenged him.

She didn't know why she did this; probably because the other men adored her and Ray ignored her. Was she that insecure? Whenever she thought about it, it gave her a headache so she tried not to.

Ray leapt down from the pyre and approached Bobbie. He saw how beautiful she was in her summer dress. The men were tanned and leathery but Bobbie went to great pains to keep her pale skin out of the sun and her skin was smooth and creamy, today tinged pink by the sun. Her hair had grown out nicely and framed her face in a layer-cut bob with bangs, it was a rich brunette colour that suited her striking features. Her strong, thick brows were expressive and she could express anger with a faintly menacing arch. Her bones were exquisite, her mouth was wide and full and she possessed a glamour that was womanly never girlish.

The one thing Ray tolerated about Bobbie was that she didn't present herself as a helpless girly-girl. She was confident and relaxed in her femininity, even though he knew that underneath her lipstick, powder and skirts she wasn't all woman. He stepped in close to her and smelled her flowery perfume.

"I keep telling you, it's not Ray, it's Chief," he growled, but he couldn't hide a wry smile.

He knew that Bobbie deliberately tested him, trying to get under his skin. Over the last few months it had become obvious that they were competing personalities, the men being fiercely loyal to both of them.

"Even on weekends?" Bobbie gave him a cheeky smile.

"Every day of the week Seaman Bingham," Ray returned her smile.

"But I'm not really am I? Seaman First Class Bobbie Bingham is an honorary rank the guys made up," Bobbie gave him a coquettish smile.

"And I go along with it to keep them happy. I confirmed you in rank as a navy WAVE. As ranking navy representative at Harris Field I guess I have the authority to do so... Seaman Bingham," Ray rose to the challenge.

"Then I guess, as a member of the Women's Auxiliary Volunteer Service I should bring something to your attention," Bobbie eased into her segue.

"Although I doubt there is anything that happens on Mirrocau Island that you don't know about," she said provisionally.

"Get it off your chest Bingham," Ray grunted.

Then they both laughed at the unintended gaffe.

Bobbie was flat-chested. She wore the smallest size brassiere that she could fit into which gave her a little shape but she refused to wear the cosmetic prosthetics breasts except for when she was performing to entertain the men.

"Look Chief, I don't want to be branded a tattletale but I saw something in the old radio shack last week while you and Craig were out hunting," Bobbie suddenly became serious.

Ray suddenly tensed.

"Let me stop you right there Bobbie. You're right. There is nothing that happens on Mirrocau Island that I don't know about. John Fitzgibbons and Steve Ford have developed a special friendship that I don't know how to describe and don't want to," Ray sighed.

"If we weren't where we are, living like we do, I would have them both drummed out of the navy. I would have them dishonourably discharged," a mild look of disgust crossed his face but quickly disappeared.

"But we live in a unique situation and have done so for years. Chances of rescue are slim and grow slimmer every day that we remain on this rock. You were possibly our last chance," Ray said.

Bobbie was about to counter with her usual excuse that it wasn't her that the Air Force was looking for but Ray pressed a finger to her lips to silence her.

"Craig and I know about John and Steve. They have what they have and we don't judge them... but we don't condone it either. They keep it out of sight... they don't flaunt it and we certainly don't speak about it. We don't ask and they don't tell," Ray rumbled.

"Stay away from the radio shack and keep what you know to yourself ok?" Ray surprised her when he reached out and gently stroked a stray bang out of her eyes.

Ray Millward confounded Bobbie Bingham. He was an angry drunk who could be surly and hateful but he genuinely cared for his men. He treated Bobbie with disdain and loathing but then he could take the time to explain a delicate situation to her and express an affectionate gesture.

"Thanks for explaining that Chief," Bobbie smiled at him and took the hand that he used to stroke her hair.

He snatched it back and his pleasant demeanour soured in an instant.

"Anyway Bingham, who are you to tattletale? You're... I don't know what you are. You're certainly not a woman even though you present yourself as one. I tolerate you like I tolerate those two faggots," Ray snarled.

As much as she wanted to be angry, Bobbie knew that Ray was right. What right did a transvestite drag performer have to call out two men who were having an intimate relationship? There was nothing overtly sexual in how Bobbie presented herself but she dressed provocatively to titillate the men when she performed.

"I'm sorry. You're right Chief," Bobbie bowed her head and picked up her basket.

"Get your ass off my hilltop Seaman Bingham; I've got work to do," Ray growled and climbed back on his pyre and began to rearrange limbs on the wooden pyramid.

Bobbie actually felt relived. Now that she knew she was not keeping a solitary secret, a weight had been lifted off her shoulders and she made her way down the sandy path and took the turnoff to the freshwater pool.

She stopped in a clearing to pick some papaya and put it in her basket. A yellow and red variegated hibiscus was in full bloom and she sat down in the sand and made a delicate garland out of the sweet-smelling blooms and removed her sunhat put it on her head.

She heard a rustle in the bushes and tensed. The wild pigs on the island usually ran away when humans approached but the boars could become aggressive. She sighed with relief when she saw Ray Millward making his way down one of the adjacent paths that crisscrossed the island. It looked like he had the same idea and the thought of swimming in the cool clear water suddenly didn't sound so inviting. She was hoping to have the pool to herself.

"Fuck him!" she whispered and continued on her way.

Robert's path came out on a small sandy beach on the southern side of the pool whereas Bobbie's path came out near a rocky outcrop next to the waterfall. This was her favourite place on the island and she put down her sunhat and her basket and kicked off her sandals, feeling the warm white sand between her painted toes. She ducked behind a copse of bushes and shucked out of her sundress and shimmied out of her frilly white panties and matching bra.

Naked she was stunning. Her svelte figure emphasised the curve of her hips and soft buxom buttocks. Except for not having any cleavage to speak of and having contrary genitalia she had a body that any woman would envy.

Bobbie had found only three ladies swimsuits left in the commissary and one of those was a bikini which just wouldn't work. The remaining two were one-piece. One was two sizes to small but the other fitted her perfectly. It was white with pink polka dots and the top of the swimsuit resembled a full-coverage bra. It was snug fitting around the hips then flared into a swing skirt which covered her backside completely. The suit enhanced her figure and the skirt hid that part of her that she didn't want to display.

Bobbie wriggled and waggled into the tight fitting swimsuit, hung up her dress on a convenient branch and neatly stowed her sandals, sunhat and tote bag under the same tree.

She carefully picked her way between the boulders and approached the water's edge. She loved the sound of the small waterfall that supplied the pool but it meant that the water was cold. She dipped her toe in and shivered. Bobbie knew better than to try to edge carefully into the water, it was best to dive in and swim out to the middle of the pool where the water was warmer.

She did exactly that and delighted in the feel of the warm water that caressed her upper body. She pulled her legs out of the cooler layer below and lay floating on her back. She could hear Ray splashing and braying on the other side of the pool near the beach and she deliberately ignored him.

Bobbie did a few laps across the pool swimming east-west so as to stay away from Ray who also seemed to be intent on ignoring her. It went quiet for a while and she stole a glance in his direction.

Ray was lying on the beach sunning himself, his muscled body already brown as a berry. He was toned, fit and she couldn't help but admire his washboard stomach, well-defined pectorals and his strong legs. He was naked and his long thick penis lay across his thigh. Even flaccid he was enormous and Bobbie snatched her eyes away before he saw her looking.

To counter the thoughts swirling in her head she dove deep down into pool. The warm layer of warm water disappeared as she broke through the colder layer of water that lay below it. She swam deeper and suddenly found herself in an icy band of water that was frigid. This was the water that collected under the waterfall spread across the bottom of the pool and was never warmed by the sun.

Bobbie knew that she was in trouble when her legs began to cramp. She began to strike for the surface but her legs were useless, she was pulling herself through the water using only her arms. She looked up at the glittering surface which looked so inviting but seemed so far away. Her chest began to burn and she needed to breathe but the more she struggled the more oxygen she burned.