The Italian Job

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She strayed but can he prove it?
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British English and this time a 'proper' ending.


My name is Jack Marley and my wife is Anita. Not Jacob Marley like Scrooge's late partner -- though mates at school tried calling me that. They only did it once though; then I persuaded them not to. In our social circles my wfe is happy to be called Anita Marley. But in the business environment she prefers Ms Anita Richardson; that's her maiden name. We work for the international company Richardson Holdings, where we are both senior managers. She heads up the contracts department and I'm the production manager. Anita feels it doesn't harm her status to remind everyone she's the boss's daughter. Her father Atlas started the business and is still the CEO. He often jokes that with the name Atlas, he was destined for great things.

"Thank you for finding the time to see me sir."

"You only call me sir when other employees are around to hear you, Jack. But when there's just the two of us, it's Atlas. You have been my son-in-law for ten years after all. If you are still uncomfortable saying Atlas, then call me dad -- anything but sir!"

"OK dad. It's just the image I get makes it difficult to say Atlas. You know, the man with the weight of the world on his shoulders."

"Well, why not think of me as being the man who's strong enough to carry that weight?"

"Good idea ... Atlas then."

"So, what do you want to see me about?"

"When Anita and I got married; you drew up the pre-nuptial agreement. No argument from me I hasten to add, you needed to protect her shares in the company."

"That's precisely why I did it."

"And understandably it leaves me out in the cold if we divorce and it's my fault; and quite right too."

"Please tell me you two are not divorcing."

I paused -- not for effect, just to express myself clearly.

"I fear we may be heading that way."

"Anita has never mentioned this to me. And I'm damn sure she would tell me immediately."

"There is a reason she has not mentioned it' she doesn't know yet."

"What have you been getting up to Jack?"

"I haven't been getting up to anything -- she has."

"You're a good man Jack, and have turned out to be a fine manager and a fine son-in-law, so I'm keeping my temper under control. For the time being I will simply state that I'm quite sure you must have made a mistake."

"I understand; for what it's worth, I'm surprised too. And I must admit my evidence would be called circumstantial in a court of law. However, it is very compelling."

"What do you think she has done; surely not an affair?"

"Regrettably I do think that. I believe she had sex with Lombardi when she was in Naples."

"What, the CEO of Bonetti?"

"Yes. I'm not saying Anita having sex with Lombardi was the reason the deal swung our way; that would be immoral business practice. Perhaps she had sex with him just to experience another man outside our marriage, or for some other reason of her own. Either way, unhappy as it makes both of us, I think she has been unfaithful."

"Then you must tell me everything you know, and everything you suspect. Leave out no detail, no matter how flimsy. But you will be working on the assumption work on the assumption that I do not believe my daughter did anything untoward."

"I understand; here's what I know. To finalise our contract details with Bonetti, the Italians invited us over to Naples for three days and two nights."

"You do realise that 'contract' is not quite the correct word here Jack. They are calling it a merger, but in fact we are buying Bonetti out; it's called a friendly takeover. Lombardi himself will be stepping down. The rest of the employees are keeping their jobs. And they're all doing very nicely out of our deal, too."

"Yes I do understand the position Atlas. It's just easier for me to think of it as a contract, as Anita is our contracts manager after all."

"Sure, I was just being pedantic. It was part of her job to travel to Naples. Do continue."

"We sent Anita and Terence Green your right hand man. It was Mr Green's show and it could be argued Anita did not really need to attend. But I understand her presence would be beneficial as she is fluent in Italian."

"You're right again."

"Her language skills were honed on our honeymoon of course. And, yes, I am mindful that you paid for that trip to Rome and Venice as a wedding present."

"Go on."

"The Bonetti company put them up at the Grand Umberto Hotel. Lorenzo Lombardi stayed at the same hotel for the duration of their visit, as did their own contracts manager Romano Mattia. So my first suspicion is why did they do that? I understand why they might want to impress us with a luxurious venue for the round of meetings, but there was no reason for them to still be in the hotel when the business day was done. The company is located in the city so they are local and had no need to stop overnight. Anita has told me about her trip and made no mention of sightseeing or evening entertainment. So why were they there?"

"I must say I don't regard that as any sort of evidence at all." said Atlas. "They were our hosts; why wouldn't they stay? Having dinner with us and drinks in the evening is common business practice; here and all over Europe. Besides, those two may not live in the city. They may commute weekly and stay in hotels anyway."

"Agreed, but you did ask for all my suspicions; no matter how flimsy. And circumstantial evidence becomes more damning as all the details build up."

"I accept that; continue."

"Next there are the hotel facilities; I've read their brochure and only two rooms on the top floor - both overlooking the gardens - have a jetted bath. You know; the ones thar have little holes that force jets of bath water on you."

"I do know what a jetted bath is. We have a Whirlpool."

"Well Lombardi had one in his room," I continued. "But the other three didn't; their rooms were on the floor below. When Anita got back to England, I overheard her talking to a friend on the phone. She was saying yes she had only tried one once and the jets made her feel really sexy. She didn't know I had heard that and later she told me that same friend had just bought a Whirlpool bath. But Anita said she'd never tried one and could we buy one?"

"That's hearsay."

"It is, but I'm nervous enough telling you all this. I certainly have no reason to lie to you. But your daughter did lie to me."

"I'm still listening."

"I also find it disturbing that Terence Green retired to his room straight after they finished dinner -- on both nights. He left Anita in the bar with the two Italians. I'm aware he doesn't drink alcohol, but he could have stayed on and had soft drinks. In fact he should have done that; you said yourself it has always been common business practice. You spend some time with your customer, to oil the business wheels. But if Anita had some sort of private arrangement with Lombardi, it occurs to me that Mr Green may have been complicit; or even encouraged it. On the face of it, leaving them was impolite at the very least. You or I would never have behaved that way on a business trip. It looks very much as if he was deliberately turning a blind eye."

"I agree it looks bad; but pehaps he was feeling unwell."

"Do you really think he might be feeling ill on both nights -- at the same time of day? Did he mention illness when he returned and debriefed you?"

"Very well; that does seem suspicious."

"I believe if this was a police investigation they would look for means, motive and opportunity." I said. "Your daughter is a very attractive woman so the means go without saying. I can't come up with a motive unless Anita believed sex with Lombardi would close the deal, or perhaps improve it. And I have to say I'm not really interested one way or the other. If she had sex with Lombardi, whatever her reasons, I want a divorce. And as for opportunity; she's a thousand miles away from me and anyone else who knows her. And Terence Green quietly having an early night and leaving them to it gave her the perfect opportunity -- on both nights."

"I must admit you have described a scenario where her infidelity looks possible; even probable. Nevertheless, I will not accept it on the basis of your evidence so far. This is my only daughter we're talking about and I'd like to think she was brought up better than that. If I'm forced to choose, my loyalties will count for more than my suspicions. And my loyalties lie with Anita. Remember their contracts manager was also present."

"I understand. I would probably feel the same way if I had a daughter."

"Do you have anything else?"

"Yes, there is another event that triggered this and seems to tie all my suspicions together. It concerns Bonetti's contract manager, who you point out was also present."

I passed him my phone.

"That photo was sent to me on Anita's first night in Naples. I'm convinced it's from Romano Mattia."

"So? All this shows is your wife touching glasses with Lombardi. I imagine they're toasting a good outcome for next day's negotiations."

"You're right -- that is what they are doing. But I wonder why Mattia's and Green's glasses are not present. I think Mattia was sending me a subtle warning. Maybe his wife cheated in the past and he's showing his disapproval."

"His disapproval of what? It's only wine. And this was deliberately posed for the camera; shaking hands with their right and toasting with their left. It's the kind of photo you would put in the in-house magazine, or the local paper. Mattia's not in it because he's taking the photo, obviously."

"But look at your daughter's left hand. She isn't wearing her wedding or engagement ring. Married women do not remove their rings to negotiate a friendly takeover. They remove them to appear single, and when they're looking for extra marital sex."

Atlas stared at the photo and frowned. At last I'd served an ace. He was struggling now.

"But Lombardi could easily find out that she's married. Why bother to hide the fact?"

"True, so the lack of rings sends him a message. It says 'Look, I'm available.' Lombardi knows she's married? Well Mattia is her counterpart -- do you know if he's married? Perceiving Anita as single would have allowed Lombardi to stay in his comfort zone."

"OK, I'm almost convinced. So what do you want from this? I mean if -- and I stress if -- my daughter has been unfaithful. You started this conversation talking about the pre-nup."

"The office grapevine is hinting you may send Anita to Naples -- to set things up when Bonetti is ours. If you do that, my suspicions will fester. But whether it's true or not, I want that job. We can start divorce proceedings here, with the least embarrassment to you and the company, and I can move to Italy permanently. Out of sight, out of mind -- you won't have a daily reminder of your daughter's infidelity."

"You paint an attractive picture but I cannot go that far without positive proof. You may be out of sight but my daughter will still be here. She will know why you got the job and will wonder why I've taken your side. I cannot by-pass the pre-nup and give you what you want unless you come up with indisputable evidence

"She's due back from lunch any moment. I'll produce the evidaence this afternoon, say three?"

"She'll never admit it Jack. She'd tougher than me!"

"Why are we doing this in a meeting room?" asked Anita.

"We've something important to discuss," I replied, "and I don't want anyone to overhear. Take a seat."

"Can't it wait till we get home?"

"No, it's urgent."

"Well be quick, I have to get back to work."

"Straight to the point then; did you have sex with Lombardi while you were over in Naples?"

"You dragged me away from my desk to ask a stupid question like that? No I did not!"

"Well given that I've had less opportunity to stray than you -- do you think I've ever been unfaithful?"

"No, have you?"

"Never, do you believe me?"

"Yes Jack."

This morning I went to Doctor York's clinic with a problem; turns out. I've got syphilis, and I must have got it from you."

The silence drew out for a full minute. Then:

"Oh god Jack, I'm so sorry."

"Was it with Lombardi or Mattia -- or both?"

She flinched on the word 'both' as she was supposed to. Admitting who it was now would be marginally easier than a defence against sex with two men.


"You had sex on both nights?"


"I suppose the phone was in your pocket, recording it all?" said Atlas. "You did tell her a lie though."

"Her first answer to me was a lie; I was allowed."

"I won't fire her you know."

"I never asked you to."

"Take the rest of the week off and get the divorce paperwork started."

I stood to leave and he pressed the intercom.

"Miss Wells -- send my daughter in would you?"

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