The Jabberwock's Treasure Pt. 02


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Naveen's member pressed hard against the jabberwock's thighs and he felt the slick heat there. Released from her garment, the jabberwock's scent was thick and powerful. There was so much of her! And all of her was pressing against him, her huge breasts, exquisitely soft but for the rock-hard points of her nipples, the expanse of her flat stomach. Shyly, his hands slipped down her across her shoulders, down and around her side to find at last those gorgeous wide buttocks he had desired to touch for so long. His fingers brushed the base of her tail and he encountered the firm but smooth scales there. Ah, so that was what they felt like!

But he could not be distracted from his desire and he squeezed first one and then another generous buttock in his hands.

Vorpal closed her eyes and moaned against his mouth. His hands! So agile and gentle with the lyre, and now they explored her body. Those beautiful hands, which her body had ached to feel caressing her. And now, at last, it was happening. She was melting below the waist, her sex hot and hungry and dripping with desire.

Pleasure surged anew through her body and she felt her knees almost give way.

She could no longer wait. With her tongue still dipping deliciously into his mouth, Vorpal bore him backwards with all her naked weight. The prince could do nothing but fall back onto the grassy verge on his bare buttocks as Vorpal covered him. She tore her mouth from his bruised lips, leaving him gasping, and arched back as she straddled him.

A lewd smile flashed onto her face as she looked down at the slender youth lying beneath her. With his sweaty blonde hair tousled, his lips moist with their commingled saliva, his shirt torn, his chest and lower belly bare, the prince looked every bit the picture of a ravished youth.

That mischievous and bullying need, fresh-kindled in Vorpal's heart, took over her now. She had delighted in the gentle loving of their shared kisses and spoiled him with her mouth, but now he would fulfil her needs! And what she needed now more than anything else was for the splendid hardness squashed beneath her thighs to be plunged deep inside her.

Naveen stared up at Vorpal, hardly believing what filled his sight - the full length of her torso on full display, her large breasts bare and bobbing as she positioned herself upon him, her eyes wide and glowing with her hunger as she bit her lip in concentration.

He could have gazed upon her forever, but Naveen was a gentleman to his very core and he knew he could not leave her in this state any longer. He placed his hands on her wide hips and with a wiggle of his thighs brought himself against the boiling entrance of her sex. He cried out at the sudden spark of pleasure that arced through him and Vorpal echoed his voice with her own desperate cry.

He eased himself forward, intending to enter her slowly. That... that was the right thing to do, wasn't it? Especially with a girl who was a virgin.

But Vorpal had other ideas. With a lusty forward roll of her hips she thrust herself onto the prince in a single movement, sending his rigidity plunging right up into her. There was the slightest give as he broke her maidenhead and then he was enveloped in the honey-slick heat of her.

He gasped and Vorpal gasped, too.

"Oh my prince! My prince!"

He gouged his hands into the thick flesh of her hips as she began to hump him. Every movement sent a flood of delight through his body and he soon could not stop from filling the forest with his lewd cries.

"Vorpal! Vorpal!

The sound of her name, repeated with every eager thrust up into her, brought tears of joy to the jabberwock's eyes. From the first moment his erection had pierced her, ploughed into her virgin sex and opened her up to these amazing feelings, Vorpal had known this was her husband. Yes, this beautiful boy-prince, her husband! Her body adapted to his, instinctively meeting his every eager but inexperienced thrust. The air was filled with a lewd slapping and the thick scent of the juices pouring between them. He still hadn't come, thankfully. A prince - a stallion in such a pale, slender feminine form!

Sex was all so new to Vorpal, but her body knew what to do. Was this because she was a woman? Or because of the lewd demonic spirit within her? Panting, she lifted her wide hips and ground them back down again and again against the moaning boy's, her tail whipping the air. She knew with her dragon's pride that she was a sight, with her big-boobed, wide-hipped overgenerously curved body towering over the prince's beautiful, slender one, smothering his, her boobs swaying wildly as she humped him. But she no longer cared. The fiery pleasure pumping through her with every thrust of his member deep into her hungry body drove every thought from her - every thought except for the tightness in her chest as she gazed down at him.

Her treasure. Her boy-prince. Her husband!

Vorpal ground herself against him faster. No, she could wait no longer! His hands gripped her thighs even tighter and a cry burst forth from between the lips she had bruised with her eager kisses. Her own cry met his as she felt his erection - even harder still! - throb deep inside her.

"Vorpal... I'm... I'm going to..."

Was he warning her to stop? As if she could! As if she would stop! No, his soft, pleading voice merely awoke the dragon in her, that bullying streak all monstergirls have, and licking her lips with her long tongue she lifted her hips one last time and then slid down swiftly until he was in her up to the hilt. Then she covered him, her glistening breasts smothering his face.

"What's are you saying, my love?" she grunted. "That you're... you're going... to come?" She grasped the earth with her claws on either side of his body and rolled her hips forward. "Then come!"

There was no gentleness now. Vorpal would have her release and no one, not monster or human or Queen or god, could stop her. She humped him wildly, driving his shaft into her again and again, all elegance forgotten. There was no more chance for words, for soft words of love - her tongue lolled out, dripping saliva, as hot pleasure hissed through her teeth. Every part of her tightened, tingled with the rising star of her pleasure, and the boy's moans and cries, his nails scouring her hips and buttocks, at last drove her over the edge.

She smashed down on him one last time, her moaning mouth filling his with plunges of her slick tongue as her mighty body shuddered. Her tentacles twisted around themselves, and her fully splayed wings shivered.

And then she was coming, her vision turning white from the pleasure bursting up along her spine, sparking from the centre of the two of them, from her swollen sex. She pulled her mouth from his and screamed out and his cry met hers, but his was calling her name.

"Vorpal! Vorpal!"

Her name!

The ecstasy in her redoubled and all thought was burned from her as she came a second time.

Naveen gaped up at her. A thin line of drool trickled from the jabberwock's slackly open mouth and her eyes, hooded with pleasure, were raised to the sky. Her whole body, flushed and glistening with a sheen of sweat, shuddered atop him.

So this was what making love was. And now she was coming, and he was the one who had made her!

Barely rational with the ecstasy coursing through him, Naveen held onto the desperate, squirming jabberwock and plunged once, twice, and a third time up into her. And with his last thrust he came with a cry, his mind reeling as he exploded deep inside her. His first spurt was a torrent, and the second just as copious, and soon he was pouring back out of her, filling her womb to overflowing, as he continued to thrust, desperate for the pleasure to continue forever.

Fire filled Vorpal, the white essence of the prince's sexual energy. It spiralled up inside her, filling her womb, and her mind was driven further away. His energy poured through every part of her and with it came an exquisite pleasure that brought tears to her eyes.

She collapsed on top of him, their hips still weakly meeting together, not wishing to be parted even though a languid exhaustion had conquered them both. But then, at last, his member, soft now, popped out of her with a final jet of delight and Vorpal, sobbing, rolled onto her side, releasing the prince of the crush of her body and pulling him into her arms.

She had only enough energy to clutch him to her, but the prince, her husband and stallion, kissed her still, her neck, the ample flesh of her still-heaving breasts. She lay there, a mass of sweat, sore and tingling between the legs. Sleep pressed down upon her and she desired more than anything to just lie here with the prince crushed to her, the grass of the verge their make-shift marriage bed.

But she forced her hooded eyes open and met his kisses, tasting the delightful salt of his exertions in his saliva as their tongues came together.

At last Naveen broke the kiss. "Vorpal," he said.

She knew she would never get sick of him saying her name. But as the pleasure of their lovemaking ebbed away, the reality of the situation forced itself upon her. She kissed him and gently rolled away from him, fishing her garment from where it lay not far away upon the grass. She slid back into it, feeling suddenly cold, and this time her claws felt large and clumsy as she tied the thongs.

Pleasure still pooled inside Naveen. So this was what it meant to make love! So different from the pale, clumsy pleasure gained from one's own hands. He lay there, his body aglow, and watched Vorpal dress.

His heart was filled with the sight. She was so tall, so imposing - frightening, actually. But now, after living together, and after laying together with her, sharing pleasure with her, she was just a woman, a woman like any other.

No. Not a woman like any other. His lover. His wife.

Her tentacles helped her to tie the thongs closer to her bust. She glanced back at him and he saw the seriousness of her face.

A horrible thought struck him then.

"You're... you're not leaving, are you?"

Vorpal turned to face him. She sighed. "No," she said. "No, I cannot leave you. You are my husband now. But..." And here she frowned. "But there are many things I have not told you."

She sat down beside him. "Get dressed, my darling, and I'll tell you everything."

At the end of it, the prince stood up. "So we must escape, then. Every minute we linger here is folly!"

Vorpal reached out and touched him. "No. We can't escape. The door to Wonderland opens and closes at the Queen's pleasure. She would know what we were attempting."

We. So small a word, but such a delight passing her lips!

Naveen slid to the ground in despair. "Then we can do nothing?"

Vorpal laughed. "Oh, of course not. Do you really know so little about me?" She lifted him up and hugged him to her. "No. I shall go and explain myself to the Queen."

"Will she listen?"

Vorpal clutched him closer and said nothing.

She must, she thought to herself. There is no other way.

Vorpal shook the twigs from her hair and dusted off the grass stuck to the hip of her garment. "We will return to my lair first," she said. "I cannot go to the Queen looking like this. She would refuse to see me."

The air surged past Vorpal as she flew, the prince clinging to her like a child. Just like that first day, she thought. When I first brought him here and thought he was a princess.

She glanced down. The boy was holding on to her for dear life, his face pressed against her chest, unwilling to look down on the treetops fleeing beneath them.

Ah, but there was still much of the princess about him, Vorpal thought. A blushing, timid princess. But not just a princess. The space between her thighs still ached deliciously at the breaking of her maidenhood.

Naveen sensed her looking at him and glanced up at her. He smiled, masking his fear well, although it still manifested itself in the wideness of his eyes, the rapid beating of his heart pressed against her.

She, too, was masking her fear. There was no guarantee the Queen of Hearts would listen to her. She crushed her husband closer. No. She would not give him up without a fight.

Her wings splayed out to their full breadth, Vorpal came in to land. She let the prince's feet touch the earth and then let him go and landed beside him. Her lair was nearby, the stone still rolled away, just as they had left it.

"Come," she said. "We have no knowing how long -"

The quiet of the forest was suddenly broken with the sounding of a horn. It was immediately met with another and Vorpal and Naveen turned, horrified. It was coming from the forest, from along the path that led into it.

"What is it?" whispered the prince.

"The Queen," said Vorpal, taking his hand. "She's here."

Two were-rabbits burst hopping from the forest, dressed in red and white livery and carrying long horns, which they brought to their lips as soon as they came to a stop and sent another shrill note blaring into the air.

Naveen stepped back, but Vorpal grasped his hand, as much to steel herself as to console her husband.

The two were-rabbits began to play a fanfare as a group of little monster girls skipped out of the forest. Dressed in lacy sundresses, their black hair worn in pigtails, they looked just like young human girls except for their long, pointed ears. They were carrying baskets filled with rose-petals, which they scattered them behind them, leaving a red and white carpet in their wake. Then the girls broke their formation and ran giggling around Vorpal and Naveen, hopping up and down and trying to touch them.

"Hello Vorpal!"

"Yes, hello Vorpal!"

"Such a beautiful big brother!"

"May we touch him? Please? Pretty please?"

Vorpal, as gently as she could, warned them away with a sweep of her tail.

"Alices," she muttered.

The were-rabbits blew a final flourish which resounded around the grove and a third rabbit, dressed in the red coat and tails of a herald, hopped out of the forest and stopped at the end of the path of flower-petals. She adjusted the pinc-nez on her nose and unrolled a scroll.

"Hear ye! Hear ye!" she cried. "Presenting her most mischievous and prankful lewdness, ravisher of boys and deflowerer of girls , the lewdest and most gorgeous -"

She was interrupted by loud laughter as a litter exploded from the forest, held aloft by four blonde-haired Trumparts. The over-burdened girl-soldiers surged forward with it, forcing the herald to toss the scroll aside and leap away to avoid being crushed. The litter came to a stop just before Vorpal and Naveen. There was no one on top of it. But still the laughter came, resounding about the grove.

The herald dusted herself off, retrieved her scroll and with as much self-collection as she could muster, cried:

"The lewdest and most gorgeous monster of Wonderland -

- Dovedale the Cheshire Cat!"

It was Dovedale! The Cat appeared from nowhere on top of the litter, standing at her full height, and with another burst of laughter she bowed low.

"Dovedale?" The name burst from Vorpal's mouth, which remained hanging open as the Cat, with a even wider grin than normal, leaped from the litter and floated down before them. "You're - you're the Queen of Hearts?"

The grin fell from the Cat's face and was replaced again with uproarious laughter.

"Oh, of course not, darling!" She pounced forward and hugged the dazed jabberwock. "Such blasphemy! Her Majesty just let me borrow some of her servants for my grand entrance."

"So the Queen," demanded Naveen. "The Queen isn't here?"

Dovedale smiled playfully at him. "Oh no, my beautiful prince. She is much too busy. Although she does send her congratulations and promises to send you both a gift as soon as she is able."

"A gift?" spluttered Vorpal. "What for?"

Dovedale turned to her. "Why, to celebrate your marriage of course!"

The cat grinned as all the assembled monsters exploded into laughter and applause. Vorpal wheeled about.

"My marriage! Is this some sort of joke?!"

The laughter fell away as the monsters were confronted by the flashing eyes and whipping tail of the increasingly annoyed jabberwock. The were-rabbits all took a hop backwards in alarm, while the Alices burst into tears and hugged each other.

Dovedale grasped Vorpal's claws in her paws. "Darling, please! Don't lose your temper at our little game, especially at such a happy time as this."

Vorpal blinked her wide eyes. "Then the Queen... the Queen knows about us?"

Dovedale nodded. "Of course she does, darling. You know as well as I that nothing at all happens in Wonderland without her knowledge. Besides, this was all her idea."

"The Queen's idea?" repeated Naveen, still reeling from confusion and relief that the dread Queen of Hearts was not in fact present.

Dovedale giggled. "Of course, darling. She was so thoroughly sick of having such a prudish and gloomy jabberwock as a servant that she devised this little scheme. She knew, of course, that your dragon's heart would covet the boy as soon as you laid eyes on him. I mean, what female could resist such a naïve and pure creature as him?"

The Cat leered at Naveen. His eyes fell on the great number of monstergirls surrounding them in the grove, all of them smiling lasciviously at him. He slipped closer to Vorpal, who instinctively drew him protectively against her.

"But the ale," blurted Vorpal. "You spiked my ale!"

"I did no such thing," laughed Dovedale. "It had nothing to do with the ale and everything to do with a horny wyrm denying herself for too long. The only aphrodisiac you needed was the sight of this one, here." She vanished, only to reappear beside the prince and make a grab for his butt. Vorpal, scowling, batted at the cat with a wing-tip. Her friend vanished, her mouth quickly reappearing to the left of the blow, sticking out its tongue.

"Oh, you really are silly sometimes, darling," said the mouth as the rest of Dovedale reappeared by degrees.

Vorpal wrapped a wing about Naveen. "This is my husband," she hissed. "And any monster who thinks she can steal him from me will soon learn that's its not just steel and stone which these talons can rend!"

She lunged at the group, who fled screaming away. Only Dovedale remained, floating out of reach above the two of them.

Naveen looked up at the jabberwock, breathless - well, she was crushing all the air from his chest, after all. Vorpal, despite her boasts, seemed unaware of her own strength.

She noticed him looking at her and met his gaze. Her huge amber eyes glistened with sudden emotion. Yes, he was her husband.

And this great imposing and beautiful monster is my wife, thought Naveen. He hugged her closer, delighting in the great warm sweep of her wing enveloping him. His face was level with her breasts and the soft, fragrant flesh rose and fell with her breathing.

With tears in her eyes Vorpal hugged him back.

"So what now?" said the prince. "I've - I've never been married before."

"Well," laughed Dovedale. "Surely next should come the Honeymoon, no? And from the waves of lewd energy pouring off the two of you, there's no time like the present to celebrate." A little smile played across her lips. "But perhaps you'd like an extra player, to add some spice to the celebration?"

Naveen blushed and Vorpal, with a roar which masked her delighted laughter, leaped at the Cat. Dovedale vanished in a flash, leaving only her mouth which danced away through the air as though lifted aloft by a sudden breeze.

"Once a spoilsport, always a spoilsport. Farewell, dragon and prince! And my most heartfelt congratulations on your union."

And with that the mouth vanished too.

Vorpal hefted Naveen up, one-handed, slipping her other claw under his knees so that she held cradled against her.