The Jersey

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He was taunting me.
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It was 9:00 Saturday morning when I was awoken by one of my favorite songs being played much too loud, but that's what it's like when you have kids. The song was "Jump" by Van Halen. My kids will never admit to it, but they like my 70s and 80s music.

Van Halen was a great band and Jump was on the album 1984. It was the last Van Halen album that included David Lee Roth. It was also the year I graduated high school. Yes, I am getting older. Not old, just older. Once you hit 50, it's all downhill from there. That's when all the aches and pains start. So, at 57, most mornings I feel like shit. For me, the aches and pains are a little worse. I've done construction all my life. But I would never change it for a moment.

The other thing that I would never change is my life, my wife, my daughters our family, my friends, and the memories that we have shared. I'm getting older but looking forward to spending every minute I have left with my wife and children. Are we perfect? No; but we learn from our mistakes and move on.

So, it was 9:00 am, and I was still lying in bed, partly because my back was hurting so bad this morning that I didn't feel like getting out of bed. That's when I heard my bedroom door open. I kept my eyes closed as I heard my wife shut and lock the door. I assume it was to deter the girls if they came looking for my wife. We have twin 17-year-old girls, Tina, and Gina.

My wife slips her hand under the covers and starts giving me a handjob. "Are you getting up this morning, I was going to start breakfast." I knew I wasn't getting laid, because my wife Laura was already up, showered, and dressed for the day, but maybe she would finish me off with a blowjob.

"I'm already up and you have me standing at attention," I said and with that, I received a morning blowjob to start the day.

"Hurry up and take a shower Jim and come down for breakfast."

I slowly got out of bed and did that back stretch that old people do thinking it might jar all the muscles and bones back into place and headed for the shower. As I got undressed, I looked at myself in the full-length mirror attached to the bathroom door. I was getting older. The grey hair was showing, I had more wrinkles than I would like to see, and while I was still in decent shape, I could see that the chest, arms, legs, and abs weren't as toned as they once were. 'I may need to start working out again.' I thought to myself.

I strolled down to the kitchen for breakfast and there were the girls with my wife talking about some girly thing that didn't pertain to me and my opinion was therefore not required. I was only summoned into the conversation when there was a need for money.

"Honey," my wife says to me, "the girls need money to go shopping, there are big sales this week. Which credit card should I use?" That's why I received a blowjob this morning.

"Use the Chase card," was my response.

After we finished breakfast, my wife asked if I could do the dishes while she went off to the stores with the girls. I did as I was asked, still moving very slowly, my back was hurting more this morning than usual. But I knew it would pass, it always does once I start moving around.

I've done construction since I was 15 years old. I went to a local college for landscape design and business management. I started with a small landscaping route, and it grew from there. I now own one of the largest landscape design businesses in our town. I have built a reputation for being fair and honest. If a client wants to haggle my price, I show them the numbers, so they understand my pricing plan. My company's projects range from lawn care, and landscape design, to patio installations. We do decks, patios, and outdoor kitchen design and installation. If it's outdoors, let us do it for you.

I've hired a lot of characters over the years. Some have been good workers while others just needed a little chance to prove themselves. I have never fired anyone without giving them a chance to show me they could do better. That doesn't mean I wouldn't cut them loose if I weren't happy.

I do more managing of the business now than actual labor. I talk to the clients and make sure they're happy, I drive to all the worksites wearing my Timberlands, jeans, and my "Let us do that for you," tee-shirt. The company's name is Island Design. I like to go with a lot of tropical theme designs, it's kind of my trademark look.

I'm a big football fan. My team is the Pittsburgh Steelers. I was lucky to see them at Super Bowl XLIII against the Arizona Cardinals. And, besides winning, the halftime show was Bruce Springsteen and the East Street Band. Truly a great band and Springsteen is such a great storyteller. My wife, being 10 years younger than me, and my kids don't appreciate his music like I do. One of my favorite songs is Born to Run from his 1975 album, also called Born to Run. It also featured Thunder Roads, Backstreets, and Jungleland.

My wife and I have stadium field tickets too. Jerome Bettis, who is one of the all-time best running backs had already retired, but he was on the field shaking hands and giving out autographs along with other former Steelers. Well, he saw me wearing my number 36 and he walked up to me and signed it. One of the most memorable days of my life.

Now I have it hanging in a Steelers memorabilia case, with a few signed footballs and autographed pictures. The case sits in my den on display. But the signed jersey is my prize position, and my family and friends know it, and no one touches that jersey.

But sadly, it appears that someone had.

When my wife and kids came back from their day shopping, I asked if anyone had been in the memorable case, I got a bunch of laughter out of the three of them.

"No Dad," my daughter Tina said, "Gina and I don't feel like being grounded for life."

"Honey, I don't even dust in that case unless you are there to put everything back in its proper place," my wife shared. "Why do you ask?"

"Some things look out of place," I responded, and I saw a look of concern on my wife's face. I let it go, for now. But I did reach into the case and rehung my Jerome Bettis signed jersey. The only way it would have been skewed in such a way is if someone had loosened the fastener that holds it in place.

I just played the happy father. "So how was the shopping today, do we have a second mortgage on the house now?"

The rest of the evening was normal, we watched TV, some comedy special and the girls were out with their friends, teenagers.

That night, my wife 20 years treated me like I was a God. First, she messaged my shoulders and back, and then there was the sex. Sex is good between us, but tonight I thought the sex was going to kill me.

Laura is 47, but you wouldn't think it looking at her. She takes care of herself and hits the gym at least four days a week. She has much more stamina than I do, which was so noted as she was riding me like a stallion in the Kentucky Derby.

"I love you, Jim."

Sunday morning, I was up early, doing the same back stretches.

"Do you want me to fix you a quick breakfast, Jim?" Laura asked.

"No, I'll just grab a bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich on the way to the course." A bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich are a staple for anyone living on LI.

I was on the way to the club to play a round of golf and have lunch with a few buddies. It's our Sunday thing unless we have other plans. Family always comes first.

Every Sunday, we meet at 8:00 am and draw straws to see which foursomes play against the other. Me and my friend Tom play together. We all meet at the club restaurant after and compare scores, laugh at each other, and listen to each other's stories. How many balls did you lose? is always an amusing one. It doesn't matter how many times we play this course; we are always bound to lose a ball or two in a water feature.

I like all the guys except for Jerry. Most of the guys are in their 40s and 50s. I'm the oldest at 57. Jerry is the youngest at 32. He's a good-looking guy, he's in sales and does well for himself. He has a nice house and a few sports cars. But I guess when you're single with no kids, you have money to buy toys. The thing that pisses me off about Jerry is that he always had something to say, old man this old man that. Jim has to get home for his nap or needs Bengay for his pains. He also talks down about women and tells us how he is fucking club members' wives.

"It's like a meat market here," Jerry would say. "Right now, I'm fucking a hot MILF. She got a hot body for a 40-something-year-old lady."

I was wondering which MILF, he was referring to, and it got me questioning Laura. Laura and the kids said that they weren't in my memorabilia case, but if not them, then who had messed with the jersey? I don't know if I was being paranoid, but Jerry was talking about a hot MILF which could be Laura. Jerry is always flirting and hitting on Laura when we are all together too.

I'm not naïve. They say a woman wants an older more mature man, but as a woman is getting older, she starts looking at the younger man.

So, on my way home from golfing, I made a quick stop at an electronics store and picked up a few surveillance cameras to put around the house.

Once I returned home, I had to take a quick shower and we went off to Laura's parents for dinner, which is always a fun time. Laura's dad is a retired electrician and now he plays around with computers and software. He's a smart old guy. He helps me out by wiring accent lighting, which is a big thing these days. Laura's dad is also a big cigar and whiskey guy, which I enjoy as well.

The girls are older now so they get bored at grandma and grandpa's but tough it out as best they can. Laura's mom is a retired high school teacher with a lot of stories that she shares with the girls.

It was 9:00 when we said our goodbyes and headed home. We watched the news while the girls finished the last of their homework. I had no proof that Laura was screwing Jerry, so I didn't act any differently toward her. It was close to 10:30 when Laura and I went to bed.

Laura works for a title insurance company and has always had flexible hours as we had the girls. She was always there to put them on the bus in the morning and get them off the bus at 3:00. Laura's hours have always been 9:00 - 2:00. I asked her if she wanted to work more hours now that the girls were getting older, but I guess five hours a day is enough work for Laura. It also gave her the afternoons free once the girls were older and into after-school activities.

Monday morning, the girls were off to school and Laura was off to work before me. I told Laura I was moving slowly today, swinging the club may have been too much on my back.

Once they left, I got up, showered, and had my coffee as I walked around the house looking for the best places to hide the surveillance system. It was a nice little system. They are motion activated and have a long battery life. I just had to link it to my computer, and I can view it in real-time and the video is also saved to my hard drive. It didn't take me too long to place the recorders around the house.

It was a normal day for me, I stopped at the job sites to make sure they were running smoothly and answer homeowners' questions or deal with other builders on the bigger jobs. I used my phone as a hotspot a few times to check on the activity going on at my house and my suspicions were correct. Jerry stopped by that afternoon to see Laura and was in my memorabilia case again.

He was taunting me.

Was I mad and feeling sorry for myself knowing that Jerry was fucking my wife, yes, I was mad, but I wasn't going to start crying or get drunk.

I swung by the office so I could watch the recording and listen to the audio.

"Jerry, not today, please. I think Jim knows something is going on. He was acting strange this weekend."

"He probably noticed that I moved his stupid Steelers jersey around to mess with him."

"Why would you do that Jerry?"

"Because I can. Now get on your knees and suck me off."

And she did as she was told. As I listened to the recording, I heard Jerry bad-mouthing me, as I would have expected, and Laura was standing up for me.

"Jerry, please stop saying things about Jim. He is not a cuck and we are not cuckolding him either. This has nothing to do with Jim and you know it. One more word and this ends now."

"Shut up and turn around," Jerry lifted my wife's skirt, pulled her panties down, and just started fucking her. I heard the cries of discomfort and pain, but that soon turned to pleasure. But she did force Jerry to wear a condom even though he protested.

'Well, I guess I have a few options to think about,' I thought to myself. The first and most obvious is to confront Laura. I'm not going to sit back and plan some elaborate revenge tactic. But I had to decide if I could live with her or if we would divorce. 20 years is a long time to just throw away a happy marriage. I printed out a few still shots and it was time to confront my wife.

I left my office and got home around 5:00 to my wife cooking dinner. "Where are the girls?" I asked.

"They won't be home until around 7:00 tonight," Laura responded.

"Laura, can you sit down and talk, please."

"What is it Jim, you look concerned."

Laura sat down at the breakfast table across from me as I slid a manila folder to her. I could see the concern on her face and a tear in her eye. She knew something was up.

Laura opened the folders and gave a deep breath. "I knew you would figure it out. Jerry was so arrogant, he had to move those things around in the memorabilia case."

"Neither you nor the girls admitted to moving anything in the case and Jerry was talking about a MILF he was fucking, so I put a few cameras around the house," I said.

"You watch us having sex; oh my god Jim I'm sorry. But I'm also glad you found out. It was let Jerry tell you what he knows about me, and I live with the consequences, or let Jerry fuck me and he wouldn't say anything to you, the girls, or my parent. I am truly sorry,"

"Laura, what's going on."

"I guess it doesn't matter anymore," she said as she started to cry, "as I suspect you'll be divorcing me anyway."

I was expecting more remorse and begging me not to divorce her, but I wanted to hear where this was going.

"Jim, when I was in college, money was tight. Dad didn't always have work, so I found a job to help pay for college. My parents knew I was working but not what I was doing. I worked in a strip club Jim."

"Who cares about that? And how did Jerry find out?"

"Jim, I was an escort at college too."

"How can Jerry have pictures," I asked, "he's 15 years younger than you, he wasn't even there."

"I don't know, maybe they were old pictures that ended up on a porn site and he recognized me."

"Laura, I think your looks have changed since you were in your 20s."

"Jim, he said he has videos of me having sex. There were a few guys that would pay me a lot of money to record me fucking."

"Have you seen the pictures?"

"No, but he knows the truth about me, I'm sure he has pictures too. Jim, I'm sorry." Laura was in tears again and battling to get her words out.

"Laura, I don't care what you did before we met, started dating, and got married, all I care about is what is going on now. Give me some time to think about this."

I knew the only way to stop this was to turn the table on Jerry. I needed incriminating information on him.

"How often does Jerry come by and make you have sex with him?" I asked.

"He just sends me a text and shows up after I get home from work," Laura responded.

"And how long has this been going on?" I asked.

"I've only been with Jerry three times Jim. I'm sorry. Please don't divorce me."

"Okay Laura, just stop. Listen next time Jerry comes over I want you to tell him that "it's over and you will not be blackmailed any longer." I'm sorry to say this, but we need him to be forceful with you. We need non-consensual sex on tape."

"I can do that Jim, and please forgive me."

"It's okay Laura. I wish you had just come to me first, but we'll be fine. And one more thing Laura, you will never again have sex with anyone but me or I will divorce you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Jim. I understand and I will never chea.. I love you."

Laura texted me and told me that Jerry was on his way over and our plan worked. We now had Jerry on video. "Jerry, I can't do this any longer, I can't do this to Jim. Show the pictures to whomever you want, but I will not let you blackmail me any longer."

"Shut up you stupid bitch, you'll do what I say. I don't care if Jim knows or not. But I will let your children and family know. Now, suck my dick."

Laura tried to fight Jerry, but he was too strong. Laura sucked him off and then Jerry dragged Laura into our bedroom and fucked her like an animal. But I could see the pleasure on Laura's face, which concerned me a little.

"Jim, do you think we can get Jerry to stop blackmailing me? Can we stop him from sending the pictures and videos to the kids and my mom and dad now?"

"Yes, we have what we need to go to the police and have Jerry charged with rape."

"Jim, you know we can't go to the police with this. If we file rape charges against Jerry, he will still be able to send the pictures and videos to the kids and mom and dad. There would no longer be a reason for him not to. And I doubt he would even give us the pictures and videos."

"You're right. All we can do is threaten him. He either stops or we take the go to the police and live with the consequences."

"Thank you, Jim. I just want this to be over so we can move on with our lives. Jim, I will always tell you the truth and never again keep anything from you."


It's been a year now and Jerry has left us alone. I still have the surveillance system throughout the house. I told Laura I took them down and just left the few cameras outside the house and around the yard, I lied. The other thing I left in place that Laura didn't know about, was the tracker in her car and the software on her cell phone that allows me to read her texts and listen to her phone conversations.

I've learned a lot about electronics over the years from Laura's father. He's into all kinds of gadgets. He's the one that told me you could hack into anything nowadays. I saved this conversation that Laura had with Jerry.

"Jerry you arrogant bastard. Why did you have to move things around in Jim's memorabilia case and why would you tell him you were fucking a MILF."

"Calm down Laura, he doesn't know about us."

"Yes, he does Jerry. I should never have let this start in the first place."

"Listen to you. You may have been drunk the first time we fucked, and I may have taken advantage of you, but Laura you never complained when you came back for more."

"Well, it's over now Jerry; I can't believe I had to lie to Jim. I'm not losing my husband and family over sex with you. I may have discovered that I enjoy rough sex, but it won't be with you. I don't even like you."

"I know you hate me Laura and that's what makes it so much fun."

Laura went on to explain that she had lied to me and that I had a plan in place and begged Jerry to play along and never bother us again and he agreed.

Why didn't I just divorce Laura? Because I didn't. Laura and I are happy together. Sex is fantastic. Sometimes we make love and other times, I give Laura the rough sex she found she desires. Maybe one day I'll let her know that I'm not dumb and that I knew there were no pictures or videos. Or maybe I won't. Who knows.

Look she made a mistake and she worked with me to fix it. We're happy together and there was no reason to ruin a perfectly good marriage and family. And besides, I'm too old to start all over again.