The Job Offer Ch. 03

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Sam becomes cursed but it leads him to start forming a harem.
62.8k words

Part 3 of the 13 part series

Updated 04/30/2024
Created 09/24/2022
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Sam is still unconscious as his phone vibrates in receiving a text message; it is now past 10pm. Every so often, he will or actually his body will go into a seizure fit. Unbeknownst to Sam, his body is going through transformation on a cellular level because of the bite and the mix of vampire blood in his system. The vampire blood did its job in healing his tissues. However, his body is having a hard time dealing with it; in some ways he is having an allergic reaction, but the mixture of vampire blood with werewolf saliva/venom is changing his body drastically hence the seizures.

Sasha paces up and down her room; she's constantly looking at the clock; it's now 10:15pm. She knows the bar is only 10 mins away, but this isn't like him. He would of text her back to let her know he was on the way home or simply called her. She then sits on the bed and tries to calm down. Time slowly ticks by and now it's 10:30pm and no text or phone call. She has left several texts, checking up on her Master, but no replies. Dialing his number, she waits patiently in hopes he will pick it up but it goes directly to voicemail: "Hey, you reached Sam Harrington, please leave your name and a brief message and I will get back to you shortly." In her mind, she tries patiently to calm down and give her Master the opportunity to reach out to her, but her gut is saying something is wrong.

It's now 10:30pm, and Sam has been laying unconscious for over 45 mins and has had 3 seizure episodes. His phone vibrates and plays a ringtone, but it doesn't stir him and goes directly to voicemail. Every 5 mins after that, his phone continues to ring but goes directly to voicemail. Again, his body goes through another seizure episode and his whole body shakes and bounces around.

Sasha looks at her phone and she has tried desperately to reach him by leaving 5 text messages and 3 phone calls. When the clock hits 10:45pm, she listens to her gut and goes to grab her keys to her Skyscraper Grey BMW X3; she hasn't driven this car in a long time but it's this or the cargo van. Better to drive this, since it has the horsepower and it's less noticeable with the UV Tinted windows. Opening up the garage door, she hops in and presses the button; the car comes to life and slowly updates with its bells and whistles. She puts it in gear and is on the way to the bar; trying desperately to calm herself down and not get into any trouble with the police.

Sam is still unconscious and unresponsive; his body is still going through shocks often. The game is still going on and no one has left the bar after him; he is on his own.

Soon Sasha arrives at the bar and doesn't see his car in the parking lot; driving around the block, she notices that someone left their interior car light on. Getting closer, she see's that it's Sam's car and slows down. Turning off the engine, she gets out of the car and instantly her nose picks up his blood and it's revolting; thinking something happened to her son/master, she screams in her head and she's at his car instantly. She sees him there unconscious and bleeding; but before she reacts, her predator reactions kick in and scan the area for any threats. There is nothing in the area, but she picks up hints of a wolf that was here moments ago. She closes her eyes and can hear his heart beating rapidly. Kneeling down, she tries to smack his cheek a little to wake him up, but he's still unresponsive. Suddenly, she stops smacking him when his body shakes profusely for several seconds. The first words out of her mouth are: "WTF." She then lifts his bloody shirt, and to her shock, there are wounds to be had. Wondering where did all this blood come from. She looks around and notices the capsule close to his right hand. Then it dawns on her. He took her blood to heal himself, hence no wounds, but why is her Master shaking profusely?

Reacting, she reaches in his car and pulls out his keys from the ignition; closes the door and locks up the car. Then races back to her car to open the door to the second row seating; then travels back and picks up her Master and carries him back to her car. Carrying him back is tough and not because of how heavy he is, but the smell. Part of her wants to rip off his shirt cause the smell is making her sick, but knowing a bit of first-aid, ripping things off, may have an ill effect on him. Trying her best not to injure him further, she sets him down on the leather upper shoulders/head first, then pushes him further into the vehicle. Once in, she closes the door, and jumps into the driver's side and heads home. Along the way, she is praying for him to wake up soon. Keeping her composure and not breaking down, she tries desperately to keep within the speed limits. Stopping suddenly at a red light, she looks in the rear-view mirror and sees him go through yet another seizure.

Sasha is frantic and trying desperately to get him home. Part of her wishes that she can take him to the hospital but that would then cause a lot of problems; the other is to get him home and wait it out. Clearly his wounds healed, but seeing him like this tells her that something else is going on with him. Yelling at the light, "WTF, there are no other cars around; why are you still red?" Finally, it goes through its routine, and the red light changes to green. Flooring it, she makes her way home. She hits the garage door opener, pulls up and then closes the door. Heading out, she opens the garage door that leans to the inside of the house before opening up the passenger door. Slowly, pulling him out, she carefully carries him up the stairs and closing all the doors behind her; heads to his room and gently places him on the bed.

Now, since he is home, she can remove his clothing, so that he is comfortable. Taking off his skinny jeans, one leg at a time. And then ripping his polo shirt off his body. She folds his pants but then takes the shirt and dispose it downstairs in the kitchen in the trash. Then makes her way to his bathroom to get some towels, a washcloth (along with some soap and water) to clean the left over dried blood from his chest. Carefully scrubbing the area and cleaning. Amazing the skin isn't pink but healed skin. Cleaning the area is a breeze, but the smell from the blood is making her gag, however it needs to be done. Making her Master comfortable, she places a blanket over him. She then lays down and cuddles up to him. Some brief part of her is talking with him. Sharing her feelings and how this total fiasco is making her feel.

An hour has gone by and she notices Sam is sweating. She reaches out with her hand to wipe his perspiration off his forehead to find out that he has indeed felt hot and probably has a fever. Still keeping him in the blanket, she removes the blanket from his feet. Grabbing the dirty towels, she heads downstairs to the kitchen to throwaway the blood ridden towels and to grab a big mixing bowl and feel it up with some ice. Heading back upstairs, she fills the mixing bowl with cold water and grabs several more towels and washcloths to help bring down his fever. Doing her best to sponge the body to keep him cool; placing on cool washcloth on his forehead and the rests, she tries to sponge his upper body with cool towels to help with his fever. Seeing him like this is tearing her apart; part of her wants to call the doctor, but that would lead to many questions. The best course she can think of is keeping him comfortable and hope he'll wake up.

She stays with him most of the night until his fever breaks around 4 am. No longer clammy, and his heart rate has to return to normal. Grabbing the towels and placing them in the mixing bowl; she leans forward and kisses his lips then whispers in his ear, "Heading to the kitchen to dispose the bowl and drop off the towels to the hamper. Will be back shortly, your event has caused me to feel anxious and need to get a pint in me. I will be back soon, Master. Oh, I love you so much." She makes her way out of his room.

She tries to be quick, hoping he'll wake up, but is still unresponsive. She then heads to her room and tries to ease the stress by masturbating. It helps a bit, but nothing like the real thing. Checking the clock, it's 10 mins past 7am. Frazzled, she heads to his computer and goes through his email, hoping to find some answers at least. She checks his email for that blood technician, a Heather Sinclair. She gets her info and then heads to her bedroom to retrieve her cell and sends her a text, saying, "This is Sasha Harrington, you took a sample of my son's blood a while back and hoped that you can do it again but this time keep it under wraps. This is a sensitive issue and must be done discretely; hope you can stop by today anytime. Please let me know what would you like, in return. Thanks..." Immediately, she sees the 3 dots, and it sent a reply saying that she will be there around 10am. Feeling hopeful, soon the answers will come.

Sam still hasn't woken up yet; and that leaves Sasha unfulfilled. Who knew not having sex for over 12+ hours can affect you this way? Her inner slut is screaming for cream and it's finally dawning on her now; perhaps I am a nymphomaniac and need to be fucked and used to get off. Plus, she is missing Master's dominant presence; it feels odd. Fuck, she leaves the room to return to hers to masterbate again to take the edge off before Ms. Sinclair comes to take another sample. Ugh, so frustrating; thinking to herself, 'Master, I hope you wake up soon; your slut is going crazy without you.'

Time passes slowly, but the doorbell finally has rung, and Ms. Sinclair has arrived. She's let in by the butler; and soon is met by Sasha.

Heather Sinclair reaches out with a handshake to greet Sasha and says, "It's so nice to meet you, Mrs. Harrington."

Sasha shakes her head but says, "Please call me Sasha, Ms. Sinclair. We have met briefly the last time you were here."

Heather then retorts, "Mrs., ah.. Sasha, nice to meet you. From your text, it seems like this is a personal request. So since you dropped formalities, you can just call me Heather. So how is Sam these days?"

Sasha looks a little distraught, but says nothing. She walks to the staircase and looks back, hoping Heather will follow. She then says, "Please, follow and I will share what I can."

Heather picks up on the vibe from her, and proceeds to follow Sasha up the windy staircase.

Once they get closer to Sam's room, Sasha then turns and says, "Sam was... attacked last night and has been unconscious and unresponsive for about 12 hours now. When I found him, he was experiencing seizures of sorts off and on; then had a fever that lasted about 4+ hours. He is resting comfortably now. I know you're only a phlebotomist, but any insights will be helpful." She then opens the door to his room and they both walk-in.

Sam is propped up with pillows and still covered up with a blanket. Heather makes her way to look at him and the wheels of diagnosing his condition form. She then asks questions to get a better picture of what transpired. She then says, "Do you know what attacked him? Where was he attacked, and has the area been, sterilized?"

Sasha stands back to give her some space while she examines/looks down at Sam. She says, "Honestly, I don't know what attacked him, but I did smell a slight hint of a wolf. But who can say at this point? His injury was on his left mid chest area, because that is where the bloodstain on his shirt showed. It was really red, but when I pulled it back, there was no bite or injury at all."

Heather takes in the information and just says, "Hmm." and then says, "Red shows arterial blood. He's human, so how did he self-heal his wound?"

Sasha then says, "That's where I came in; I gave him a capsule of my blood just in case of emergencies." She then informs her about Sam's new job as a Vampire Bounty Hunter and the number of missions he's accomplished.

That information alone helps Heather piece things together and get her interest going. She then gets a closer look at Sam; feeling his forehead and testing his heart's rhythm. His heart is steady but not fast and his forehead is warm to the touch. She then turns around to walk back towards Sasha, but something stops her. Looking downward, she sees a silhouette of Sam's cock. It's definitely thick & erect and pushing past his briefs by at least 4 inches. The sight alone has gotten Heather titillating with hunger, and all she can do is lick her thick lips with her tongue. Thinking to herself, 'Damn. Wonder what else you're hiding underneath that blanket, cause that cock alone has gotten me hungry.'

She then takes a moment to get her composure back and then turns back to Sasha. Looking at her, she says, "My best guess is that Sam was having either an allergic reaction to your blood and/or going through a cellular change of sorts. I won't know for sure until I run his blood for analyze. His heart rate is slight high, and his temperature is normal. Give it another 12 hours, and if he hasn't woken up yet, I would contact a doctor. I think his body/mind is processing on what happened to him."

Heather walks back to Sasha and then says, "I can see that this is a sensitive issue for the both of you. As of right now, I am swamped, but I will look for you when I get a chance. It might be take a few days but I will get to it. As for payment.." She leans forward and whispers in her ear.

Sasha then looks at Heather in disbelief; then looks at Sam. It's a lot to take into consideration, but the thought is intriguing. She then looks at her and says, "I think that can be arranged. Is that all that you're asking?"

Heather feels ecstatic with the news, and then takes a moment to look at Sasha from the top to bottom then says, "I have a small request, but I will wait till I come back with the news." She says as her eyes roam over Sasha's body and bites her lip. She then makes her way back to Sam's bed and lifts the sheet a bit to expose his left thigh. Reaching in her jacket, she pulls out a container and unlocks it, then pulls out the stainless syringe to take his sample. Grabbing his leg, she then stabs it into his thigh and within seconds, it's filled with a vial of his blood. Waiting for the click to stop the flow, she removes it and places it back into the container. Before she leaves, she covers up Sam's leg and ganders one more time at his cock. Thinking to herself, 'Will taste you real soon? Can hardly wait.'

With a nod of her head, they both leave Sam's bedroom and make their way to the front door. Sasha then says, "You have my cell number; if anything arises either concerns or have problems, text me and I will find another way to get this done, but thanks for coming. It's nice to see you again." She says with concern in mind.

Heather then smiles back, and says, "Like I said, I am kind of swamped at the moment, but I don't see any issues. This happens from time to time; Sasha, you have nothing to worry about. I will get the answers you desire. It was nice meeting with you, and I look forward to seeing both of you when I get the results." She says with a smile and with a handshake. She opens the door herself and lets herself out (knowing that Sasha can't be near the front door).

The meeting with Heather was brief, but did last for close to an hour. Still feeling the itch and she then heads up to the master bath to take a shower and to masterbate again. The feel of water that cascades off her sexy body helps reduce tension in her muscles but doesn't do justice to the itch/ache between her thighs. Masterbating helps take the edge but doesn't curb her inner slut's appetite. Rubbing her clit and then inserting two fingers and moving them in and out profusely to get things along helps. But in the back of her mind, she knows that the only way to feel better is to get fucked. Ugh, she is getting frustrated; come on Master, wake up and fuck this slut, hard.

After the shower, she dries off and gets dressed; back into yoga pants and a crop top. Making her way back to her Master's room to lie down and watch him sleep. It's tough to watch him but hope that her presence will help coerce him to wake up and soon. Minutes turn to hours and still no change. Getting frustrated, she makes her way back to her bedroom to rub another one out. She is almost about to cum when she hears him say something in a whisper.

Sam smiles but doesn't fully awake yet, but then says, "You're masterbating again? This is like your fourth time today. You don't need me anymore." He laughs a bit.

In an instant, she is back in his room and sees him still in bed, sleeping. Suddenly she wonders if she imagined the whole thing. It's only been 18 hrs, but everything around her is frantic. She then turns around and heads out until she hears his whisper again, "Leaving so soon?"

She slowly walks to his bed and lays down next to him and says, "Are you there, Master?"

He then smiles and says, "I am here, baby. You have been a naughty slut; masterbating 4 times today. Clearly, you miss me." He laughs.

Hearing his whispers, make her giddy and makes her heart swell with hope. But then she says, "If you're here, why are your eyes still closed, Master?" Being concerned.

Sam smiles again, but says, "I have been trying to for the past couple of minutes. It's been tough to just speak, let alone open your eyes. I will keep trying, but I just want to let you know I am here, baby, and have missed you." Feeling sentimental.

Moving closer to him, she lays her head on his chest. Her hand strokes his chest and her left leg wraps around his as, and then says, "Missed you too, Master." As she rubs herself against his thigh. Then she asks, "How did you know I was masterbating? And what do you mean by 4x?"

He smiles yet again, but says, "Let's see, after you brought me home and after my fever, you left to ease your frustrations. Then you did it before and after Heather Sinclair showed up (first on your bed and the second in the shower). You were almost there with your fourth just a moment ago on your bed. As for how I know, I heard you for one; and I can smell your fragrant pussy all four times." He can see the shock on her face and slight embarrassment.

Then he says, "Don't feel embarrassed. I would feel the same way if things were reversed. Missed you in my arms, Sasha-baby." He continues to open his eyes. With a flutter, he opens and looks down at her.

She looks up, and it's like staring at him for the first time. Everything is the same, but his eyes are more vibrant blue than she remembered. It's like it made them from blue diamonds, cause they sparkle more now. She then says, "How are you feeling, Master?" Shock on her face.

He smiles and says, "I feel better than ever. What's that look?" Wondering why she is shocked about something.

She then says, "Master, your eyes have changed. They are brighter than before; I can't explain it but your eyes look like crystal because they sparkle now."

Thinking to himself, 'Hmm, my eyes sparkle now. Guess it's a step up from being a 'Norm' and closer to a Twilight dude.' He just smiles and tries to sit up. Once he's propped up, he motions for her to sit/straddle him. Immediately, he wraps his hands around her and brings her in for a hug, then follows up with a kiss on her lips. It wasn't a peck, but with more passion. He breaks it off and says, "I thought I was a goner and never going to see or feel your embrace again. I missed you so much. So how long was I out for?"

Being on his lap like this has made her super wet and her need for him is astronomical at the moment, but fights to keep her inner slut under wraps to answer her Master's question. She then says, "You've been out for over 18 hours. I tried texting and calling you but received nothing back; so I got worried and put caution to the wind, drove to the bar, and that's when I found you bleeding, unconscious, and unresponsive. I did the only thing I could think of and brought you home to take care of you." Recounting her steps with concern.