The Jock and the Virgin Ch. 01


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"Making fun of you? What?" Caleb frowned in confusion. "What are you talking about, mate?"

"Yeah, don't gaslight me now. I don't know what your goal is, but find yourself someone else to bully."

"My goal...? To bully...? Bruh..." Caleb wiped his face using both of his hands. "Bro, I was just..." Caleb hesitated to say it out loud. "I was hitting on you... I'm bi and you're cute, so I thought..."

Lucas' face almost immediately went red with a blush, while his eyes nearly jumped out of his eye sockets, going so big and terrified. But then he tried to keep composure.

"Yeah, right. Leave me be, man," he said and left to his friends.


But he didn't really go to his friends, he went to his tent, hid under a blanket and died from cringe.

There was no way this hot jock was into him. Can men like him be even bi?

No. Nope. No way. It must've been some prank attempt. And he just dodged a bullet like a champ.

But then he remembered the puppy eyes Caleb gave him, when Lucas told him to leave him be. Could he really be this good of an actor?

Maybe it was worth to try and give him a chance? Even if he clowns on Lucas eventually, it will say more about him than about Lucas.

But there was yet another problem...

"Oh my god, no, stop it, don't think about it, oh my god, it was so cringe!" Lucas covered his head with a pillow, frowning and whining from pain caused by said cringe.

He really didn't consider himself as a potential romantic partner for anyone. He never had a boyfriend and he was still a virgin. Frankly, he didn't mind that at all. He found the idea of being in relationship with someone as... overwhelming.

He punished himself for thinking that Caleb wants a relationship. He surely just wanted to hook up. If it wasn't a cruel prank.

With closed eyes, Lucas tortured himself with thoughts. It didn't help that there was some part of him totally enjoying this. Caleb was fucking hot and yet he made it seem like he wanted him bad.

But then, almost immediately, he thought that he must've pissed Caleb so much that he went straight to fuck some girl, as a mean of cheering himself up.

He opened Instagram and looked at the posts Caleb liked. All were shameless thirst traps that Lucas enjoyed as a celebration of all the harsh workout routine he put himself through. Lucas assumed Caleb's comments were sarcastic, but what if he truly meant what he wrote...?

"Hot. *fire emoji*, *red heart emoji*, *smiling face with heart-eyes emoji*"

"*drooling emoji*, *kiss emoji*"

"Daddy *eggplant emoji*, * sweat droplets emoji*"

"Damn rizz *call me hand emoji*"

Lucas closed the app, left the phone on his chest and considered how fun it would be to have a handsome jock boyfriend like Caleb. But then, it would also mean having to interact with his jock friends, visiting matches, probably partying a lot... Which basically meant: even more overwhelming stuff...

The problem was, he couldn't just move on from this. Everything in him was twisting and urging him to not let this fire die. He even considered unblocking Caleb... but the implications were terrifying. It would've been like an invitation to continue... this. Whatever it was.

"Why can't I be normal just this one time?" he asked himself and then attempted to suffocate himself with a pillow.


Caleb was so disappointed, he agreed to wake up early in the morning to drive his friends to a place where they could buy tickets for a concert that he personally didn't give one fuck about. He let them go stand in line while he waited inside the car.

One of the girls returned, as she 'forgot' to take her sunglasses with her.

"Why are you so sad, cutie?" she asked Caleb and gave him a quick pec on the cheek.

"I'm fine. I just slept poorly."

"That's great to hear from our driver..." she giggled.

"Uh-huh," he mumbled, hoping it would be enough to make her fuck off. Just in case, he pulled out his phone to pretend that he was using it.

The sight of 47 fresh IG notifications didn't impress him too much, but what caught his eye was a very specific profile pic. He opened the app and made sure he was not mistaken.

One of the last notifications was referring to a thirst trap post he made recently. He immediately recognized Lucas' profile pic and username.

His comment said: "*hot face emoji*, *weary face emoji*."


Sadly, the thing didn't look so well on the other side. Lucas' heart longing for love and his dick longing for reasons to cream his pants, made him unblock Caleb and make a move. But when he woke up in the morning, both of his major, irrational fears: of being a victim of a cruel prank AND of actually allowing himself to be vulnerable by engaging into something serious with someone took over.

He started panicking and searching for a way to get himself out of this situation swiftly. He even considered if going home and then ghosting Caleb was not the best option, but he doubted he would find anyone willing to drive him back, especially for such silly reason.

Aware of the fact that Caleb drove their friends to get tickets, he stayed in his tent, overthinking and daydreaming. He went through Caleb's Instagram posts, torturing himself. Some pics made him crave Caleb so much: like the one where he was petting a cat, or the one where he was just smiling in such a sexy way... the one where he was holding a trophy after some won tournament was both heartwarming and dickmoving -- you could see Caleb's joy and pride, but you could also see his body and clothes drenched in sweat and his hairy legs just... existing and looking so masculine.

Pics that he took with his friends made Lucas feel a bit insecure, though. He really knew quite a lot of people. They all would probably think that Lucas is an underwhelming partner for someone like Caleb. And Lucas would probably agree with them.

"Hey!" Lucas screamed like a girl, his phone fell out of his hand and he literally jumped inside of his tent, when without any warning, Caleb's handsome face showed up in the tent's entrance. "Whoa, brother. You good?" Caleb asked in a worried tone, seeing Lucas' hysterical reaction.

Lucas was currently occupied by freaking the fuck out inside of his mind. He wasn't mentally prepared for meeting Caleb yet. He assumed they wouldn't be back for hours. He didn't even hear the car! What the hell?!

"T-That was fast," Lucas said in a shaky voice.

"Yeah, well, what can I say? I'm this good at driving. Can I come in, so we can talk?" he asked with a goofy ass smile.

Everything inside of Lucas screamed "NO!" and he agreed. This tent was the only safe space he had left.

"Perhaps it would be better if we talked outside," Lucas responded nervously.

Caleb shrugged and moved to the side, offering Lucas a space to leave.

Lucas was still dying, knowing very well that regardless of result of this conversation, it would haunt him before sleep for years to come.

"What would you like to talk about?" Lucas asked, playing stupid.

"I noticed you unblocked me on Instagram. Can I assume it means that you changed your mind about me?" Caleb smiled. It was just a normal, friendly smile, perhaps just a tad bit cocky, but for some reason Lucas found it so incredibly sexy, seductive and flirtatious...

Lucas panicked, because watching this smile made him forget the question.

"I just did the same thing you did," he answered carefully. "Nothing to get excited about," he added, just to make sure Caleb doesn't think Lucas cares.

"Why? You didn't have to. You already blocked me, remember?"

"I wanted to show you how nice it feels when someone gives you sarcastic compliments."

Lucas almost gulped when he noticed change on Caleb's face. From playful, he turned annoyed and disappointed.

"I wasn't sarcastic," he said and Lucas' heart almost broke, as he never heard a hurt jock before. "You know, for a guy who is afraid of being made fun of, you can be surprisingly cruel."

And with that being said, Caleb turned around and left.


Caleb was so sad and grim again, almost every female he encountered in the camp tried cheering him up. With Adam's encouragement, they all tried to convince Caleb to go to the concert with them. Tonight, their big group would split into two. The major part would go to that concert, the rest, with a better taste in music, would stay and probably have a smaller campfire party.

For a moment Caleb considered to go, even though he didn't like the band, but sitting, brooding and making everyone notice his bad mood was kind of therapeutic for him, so his final choice was to stay and dump trauma.

It got a little bit colder this night, so he put on some socks and a hoodie. He decided to stay in his tent for a while and browsed videos of cats playing in boxes to try and cure his depression.

"Caleb? Can we talk?"

Caleb frowned, seeing Lucas peeking inside his tent. His sight confused Caleb, as he made a pretty good research on Lucas and knew from his friends that this concert was the main reason why he came here.

"What are you doing here? You didn't go to the concert?"

Lucas made a sad face, like a cute puppy. Caleb might've been disappointed in him, but his soft spot for him remained and was now being exploited greatly.

"I stopped thinking about this concert a while ago," Lucas revealed. "Can I... come in?"

Caleb invited him in with a pretty indifferent gesture. Lucas chose to sit beside him, crossing his legs.

"I wanted to apologize you for the way I've treated you today. My fears got a better of me..."

"Why did you even fear that I was pranking you?" Caleb asked, frowning once again. "I just like you, man..."

Lucas blushed and nervously looked away.

"I'm sorry. I didn't have the best experiences with... sport guys like you." He found the courage to face Caleb, but it made him blush even more. "But it's not just... that. I'm really not a hook up or a boyfriend material. I'm very flattered that you showed me interest, but you're better off finding someone else for yourself."


Lucas' face made it very clear that this topic was not easy for him.

"I never had a boyfriend... I never done... anything with anyone... I didn't even kiss anyone. You would just laugh at me... And above all else, I'm afraid of opening up to someone. What if you lose interest in me? That would probably crush me."

Caleb's heart almost broke. Lucas was sooo cute... Why would he think that Caleb would lose interest in him? He was already sure this was the man he will marry.

"Luke, you're shaking," Caleb noticed, which shouldn't be surprising, considering that Lucas was wearing just a t-shirt and shorts. "It's pretty chilly this evening. Come on." He grabbed the covers of his sleeping bag and opened them. "I borrowed this from my parents, it can easily fit two people." Seeing how Lucas' face changes colors again, Caleb snorted. "I'm just offering a little snuggle. Nothing dirty."

Lucas agreed but his scared face implied that he wasn't entirely sure if he's not entering some kind of rape trap. Caleb closed his tent with a zipper and readjusted his position inside of the sleeping bag, creating space for his guest. He noticed that Lucas shyly took place on the very side of the bag, quite far away from Caleb.

"Wow, it's really warm and cozy here," Lucas said a bit nervously, enjoying the work of Caleb's body heat.

The bag, the tent and Caleb himself all smelled amazing. Weirdly enough, this smell didn't give Lucas a boner. But it filled his brain and made him think of nothing else but of how beautiful it would be if Lucas could smell it every night to the end of his life.

"It could be even warmer if you would lie beside me," Caleb suggested, moving his arm and inviting Lucas closer.

Lucas' heart was going crazy. He was afraid but listened; he moved closer to Caleb and shyly rested the side of his head on Caleb's pec. It was indescribable how cozy and safe he felt in that moment. And yet when Caleb closed his arm around him, it became even thousand times better. Never before in his life, Lucas felt this safe, secure, good and simply happy. Never before he felt so right.

Caleb looked at him with a smile and noticed that Lucas' big dark eyes were still kind of terrified.

"There's nothing shameful about being inexperienced," Caleb whispered, gently massaging Lucas' shoulder with his thumb. He loved the way Lucas smelled. It was some delicate, fresh cologne for men. Quite different from his scent that he could only call as 'dominant'. Lucas' smell seemed free, in the sense that it didn't get lost just because Caleb was here. Yeah, Caleb didn't know where he was going with this thought chain either.

"Men shame each other for this all the time," Lucas whispered back.

"Only jokingly," Caleb chuckled. "Or at least, that's the case most of the times."

Lucas seemed so vulnerable right now. He might've been only a little bit shorter and thinner than Caleb, yet in his arms, the difference was much more visible.

"Caleb... if you just want to have sex with me, please, just tell me right now," Lucas whispered with sad, almost tearing eyes. "I promise, I will give it to you. I'll do what you ask for. But please, just tell me the truth now, so I don't fall for you completely..."

Caleb's heart melted once again. He kissed Lucas' forehead and hugged him tighter.

"Come on, man... I already told you: I like you," Caleb reassured him. "I'm out of my hoe phase. For a while, I've been searching for something real."

"And you went for an immature, unexperienced walking red flag who doesn't know what he wants," Lucas sighed.

"Yeah, that's kind of true," Caleb admitted and they both giggled.

With the heavy stuff out of their way, they both were surprised how easy it was for them to talk and connect. At first, Caleb was leading the conversation more, as the natural extravert and a generally open person. They spoke of music, then sports, then video games. It turned out they have a lot in common especially in that third field. This discovery was what made Lucas much more active participant. Soon they began joking around, laughing so hard that Lucas almost died from asthma and only after a while, they fell asleep.

They warmed each other up and brought each other a sense of safety and security everyone could use during a night time in the woods. At one time, in the middle of the night, when the last of their partying friends were going to their tents laughing loudly, Caleb briefly woke up. He looked at Lucas calmly resting on his chest and immediately felt like a total alpha omega gigachad male capable of protecting his man. It took him a while to calm this excitement and fall asleep again. He spend this time watching Lucas' slow breaths.


When Lucas woke up, it was morning already. The birds got quite ridiculous with the chirping and it was still pretty cold. To be honest, Lucas had a difficulty believing it all really happened. Right now he had his entire arm resting on Caleb's chest. It didn't matter to him that Caleb still was wearing a t-shirt; never before he touched another man's chest this way. It was so trivial, yet somehow it brought him so much joy.

Caleb's handsome face didn't lose any appeal from the fact that he was asleep. Lucas really enjoyed the privilege of being able to stare at him without any consequences or shame. Each time his eyes would fall on specific element of Caleb's face, he would continue to grow more surprised by how gorgeous this man was.

His fears completely disappeared during this night. It was quite refreshing, because Lucas was serious when he offered to just give Caleb sex and be done with it. He was actually ready to do it, if it would turn out to be true. But Caleb didn't want anything from him. Or rather -- wouldn't trade Lucas for it.

Lucas closed his eyes and smiled. For the first time in his life, he fell for someone. Only now he understood why so many people referred to it as the true purpose of life.

Thanks for reading! Feel free to share your thoughts and critique in the comments! That way I know whether to continue something or not! You can be sure of the next chapter coming out very soon!

If you liked this story and you would want to read something similar, you can try out my other series: Paying Debts to Horny Jocks!

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AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

I liked the story, different from the other stories I've read here. With out all the fucking and sucking. Different, good job.😊

Blackbear7Blackbear75 months ago

Sucker for a romantic buildup relationship. If I ever get to that phase, I will know what it fills like.

Exluke1Exluke16 months ago

Agree that this is a sweet story. I’m not sure about why they are camping out and what it is that brought both of these different people together. It is not critical but would add to the plot and character development.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Super cute 🥰

Ih8biggotsIh8biggots6 months ago

I’m with the others making comments -sweet and please give us more. You caught how easy it is to make inaccurate assumptions based on superficial observations and what positive can happen when the risk of being more direct is taken.

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