The Journey Home

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Helping with a broken down Harley brings pleasant surprises.
9.1k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 08/25/2011
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It's been one of those days. After being at work all morning, then driving a couple of hours to your appointment, you had originally planned on meeting with the client for only about an hour, but their constant indecisiveness and wanting to have things their way, and their way only, has turned your one hour meeting into an all afternoon event. Your high level of professionalism and business ethics prevents you from just wanting to say "fuck it" and walking away, especially since you drove over 2 hours to meet with them. You tolerate their indecisive behavior and pain in the ass nature as you know this business opportunity will open more doors in the community and allow for more business to come your way.

After finally advising the client of your long commute home, and telling them to make a final decision and FAX it to your office, you eventually manage to get out on the road. Looking at your watch, you sigh loudly as you think about the long drive ahead of you. Since you have been up for almost 16 hours already, your first thought is of stopping for a cup of coffee for that familiar caffeine jolt, but think twice when you remember your last late night coffee experience...wide awake until almost 4 in the morning unable to sleep with several early morning appointments set for the next day. Nope, this time you will have to find other means of keeping yourself awake.

With 30 minutes of your over 2 hours drive complete, you feel the onset of the sleepiness begin. Turning up the volume of your radio, you open the two front windows and feel the rush of cool evening air blowing inside your truck and hear the constant whirring loudness of your tires on the road surface. It only takes a few minutes before you opt to close the windows most of the way to tone down the tire noise but still leave the volume up for the audio stimulation. You eventually find yourself humming along with some of the tunes on the radio, the classic rock tunes of The Eagles, Fleetwood Mac, Journey, Boston...songs that actually mean something to you.

The music only keeps your mind fully alert for another 10 minutes or so before you feel the effects of sleepiness creeping up on you again. Remembering there is a rest stop a short distance ahead, you decide to stop in and take a short nap, just enough to get you the small amount of sleep you need to make it the rest of the way home. Seeing the road sign for the rest stop 10 miles out, you let out a loud sigh of relief. This day has been very trying, to say the least. A couple of miles past the rest stop sign, you see some orange hazard signals flashing on the side of the road. Seeing how close together they are, you immediately recognize them as being on a motorcycle. Slowing down for safety reasons, you see the outline of a person leaning against the motorcycle, and to your surprise, the outline belongs to a tall and seemingly voluptuous woman.

With darkness looming, you quickly decide to pull over and see if you can be of any assistance. Coming to a stop you have to slowly back up on the shoulder, the tires loudly vibrating the truck on the deep rumble strips. As you near the woman and motorcycle, you see her stand up and turn to face your direction. As she does so, you see her silhouette more clearly, her long flowing blonde hair, her obviously well developed chest and long legs. You grin to yourself as you admire her appearance for a couple of seconds before putting your truck into park and getting out.

I take a moment to admire your shiny red Chevy Dually, and watch you carefully as you exit your truck. I smile to myself as I see you walking towards me, and as much as I appreciate you stopping to hopefully help me in my moment of need, I am still wary as I study you. As you get within a few feet, I am immediately attracted to your tall stature, your broad chest and strong arms, your short dirty blonde hair, moustache and beard, and your incredibly alluring blue eyes. I have always been very attracted to men taller than me, because I am so tall, and I am guestimating you to be at least 6', maybe 6'1". I can't help but think to myself how lucky I am to have such a handsome man stop instead of someone who would usually not even rate a second glance.

You stop a few feet away from me, my Harley in between us, "Are you OK?" you ask with a friendly smile.

"Well, I was," I reply.

You immediately notice my English accent and a big smile creeps over your face.

"I am not quite sure what happened. One minute she was running like a dream, the next minute she is coughing and sputtering. There's plenty of gas in her tank, so I don't know what she's thinking." Being a bit cautious and I step back a little, one hand casually moving behind me, ready to pull out my concealed weapon if need be. My eyes move up and down your body, admiring your tall and muscular physique, carefully scrutinizing you, and in particular looking for any other identifiable features. Call me paranoid, but I have always been a little overly cautious, especially when I am out riding my Harley by myself.

"Maybe I can take a look," you answer as you give me the once over...again.

I tilt my head and smile back at you, running my fingers through my hair. "Thanks...that'd be great."

"Yeah, I know a thing or two about engines...hopefully it will be an easy fix and you can get back on and get to where you're going," you say as you bend down next to the bike, looking over your shoulder at me. As you turn your attention to the bike's motor, you move your hand near it with your fingers extended and slightly separated, checking to see how hot the engine block is. I can't help but notice that you have very large and strong hands, and with my attraction to you already, I have to make a conscious effort not to imagine them on me, moving all over my body. You take a few seconds gauging how hot the block is before you turn your head and look at me over your shoulder. "This thing is almost completely cold. Just how long have you been out stuck out here?"

"Oh heck, I don't know...about 20 minutes or so? Could be more..." I reply shrugging my shoulders.

"And no one bothered to stop to see if they could help?" you ask with a disbelieving tone.

" one stopped. Had plenty of vehicles drive by...even had a few semis honk their horns at me...but that's about it."

"Damn...I find that hard to believe," you say as you shake your head in disbelief. "Do I detect an English accent?"

" do indeed," I reply. You take a few seconds to look at me, smiling and taking in as much of me as you can. I feel a wave of nervousness sweep over me as you study almost 5'10" height, my near waist length hair, my black jeans and black leather jacket. You grin at me as your eyes land on my large breasts, somewhat concealed by my leather jacket before you turn your attention back to the bike and begin diagnosing what the problem may be. I stand back and watch as you move around the bike, taking your time carefully checking the wiring, trying a to restart it, doing your best to figure out what's wrong with only checking a few of the more simple and quick fix measures. After several minutes, you stand up and turn your attention to me. "I think I have an idea on what's wrong, but with it getting dark there's no way I can fix it out here without my tools."

"Great...just what I need," I mumble sarcastically. I pull my cell phone out my pocket and check for a signal. "Damn signal out here either."

"No, not out here. But if you want, we can load it into the back of my truck and I can take you to the next town, of where ever it is you are going, if it's on my way. At least you won't be out here in the middle of nowhere in the dark...and you won't have to leave your bike out here either," you say with a kind smile.

"Oh that's so good of you....I mean, if it's not too much trouble..." I reply moving closer to you and resting my hand on your arm, "I would really appreciate it."

You look down at my hand on your arm, "It's no trouble at all. It would be my pleasure," you say as you look into my eyes. Both of us give each other a smile with a brief moment of shyness and mutual arousal. "I am sure we can get this thing loaded and then be on our way." I watch as you open the tailgate of your truck, and move a couple of things around making room for the bike. I position the bike behind your truck, and wait for you. "No offense, but this would be a lot easier if you were a guy," you say with a chuckle.

I rest my hands on my hips, and tilt my head, "No kidding," I reply with a slightly sarcastic tone. Thinking about my comment and tone of voice, I realize how it just sounded. "I'm sorry...that was out of line. I am just frustrated at this damn thing..."

"It's problem. I would be frustrated too," you respond reaching towards me and squeezing my hand. We position ourselves to grab ahold of the front end, and just as we do so, a semi truck slowly passes us and then pulls over. "Looks like we have some help," you say with a smile as you peer around your truck and see the driver exiting the cab and jogging back towards us.

"Cool...I didn't feel like trying to lift this thing," I chuckle.

"And you shouldn't have to," you answer as you wink at me.

"Can I help you guys with this?" the truck driver asks as he rounds the end of your pickup. I quickly assess his physique, which is much like yours, and I immediately imagine the both of you lifting my Harley into your truck with relative ease. Mmmmm, broad shoulders, well defined arms and thick muscular chests. I am very quickly brought back to my senses when I hear you answer him.

"Yeah, that'll be great. This young lady's bike quit on her, and we need to get it and her back to town," you say as you motion towards me.

The truck driver looks me over with a huge grin on his face, "Yeah no kidding...definitely not a place for a lady out by herself...this road can be a bit dangerous sometimes." His words make me take a couple of steps away and again I position my hand behind me. He turns his attention back to you and my Harley, and grabs the handle bars, "OK, let's do this."

"Hold on just a sec," I say as I move in front of you so I can climb into the bed of the truck to guide the bike in. As I lean forward and pull myself up and into the bed of your truck, you both watch me initially checking out my ass as I bend forward, but then you see my jacket slide upwards above my waist exposing the handle of my handgun to the both of you. As I turn to face you, I can tell you are both surprised at what you see. Without saying a word, you glance at each other and then lift the front end of the bike into the truck. I guide it in straight as you and the truck driver muscle the rear of the bike up into the bed. I know the bike is heavy, and this is one time that I am glad I only have the 883. Anything much larger would be a lot more difficult to load into the truck without a ramp.

The truck driver steps back and rests his hands on his waist, "Are you guys good from here?"

"Yeah, we got it," you answer. "I've got some tie downs to strap her in, and we will be on our way. Thanks for your help, man." You extend your arm and shake hands with the truck driver. He looks me over and then smiles at you.

"Thanks so much," I say smiling at him, lean over and offering him a hand shake as well. As he takes my hand, I notice his eyes diverting downwards and admiring how my blouse falls open a little, offering him a quick peek at the roundness of my breasts.

"No problem," he responds giving me a wink, as he turns and walks back to his semi.

"OK...let's get her tied down, and we can be on our way," you say as you climb into the bed of your pickup. We don't say anything as you complete your task at hand, ensuring the Harley is secure, checking for the tautness of the straps. "Alright, we're good to go."

"Great...I really appreciate this," I say quietly as I step by you and climb from the bed of your truck. As I turn around, I see your eyes staring at my lower back. "I know what you're looking at...I hope it doesn't make you nervous. I just take's kind of a necessity, ya know?"

"Oh no, you're fine...just a little surprised to see a girl packin'," you respond as you jump from the tailgate of your truck, then close it. "Ready?"

"Absolutely...and thank you, again," I say tilting my head and smiling at you. I walk to the front of your truck and take off my leather jacket before opening the door and climbing into the cab, tossing my jacket into the back seat. You climb into the truck and look over at me, your eyes getting a better look at me now that I have taken off my jacket. I notice a sly grin on your face as you glimpse my large 38D breasts loosely covered by my button up blouse. I feel my cheeks flush as I buckle my seat belt and get comfy in your truck.

"So, just how far are you headed?" you ask as you pull back onto the road, occasionally looking over at me.

"I'm headed into Phoenix...I've been out on the road all day, since it was perfect riding weather, but I obviously didn't expect to have any problems. I just got the Harley back from having it serviced about a week ago. I should have known better than to take her out for such a long ride."

"I's a nice lookin' bike. I can't think of anything else more intriguing than a woman enjoying her ride on a Harley. That's a real pretty Sportster," you say grinning and looking over at me. "Forgive me for being so direct, but is it true what they say about Harleys and women?"

I chuckle at your question, because I know exactly what you are referring to. I pause for a few seconds before answering, remembering on more than one occasion how my Harley has been my source of some very pleasurable moments. Rather than skirt the issue, I figure I may as well tell you about what my Harley does for me. "Well, I don't know about other women, but mine has certainly been awesome for me." You take your eyes off the road and look over at me, holding my stare for a few seconds. "You had better keep your eyes on the road," I say with a giggle.

"Yes, I probably should, but with that comment, I am just imagining seeing you taking full advantage of that Harley. A beautiful woman experiencing the most incredible of sensations on her Harley." You smile and wink at me before taking a look at my chest again, then return your attention to the road ahead of you. "Damn! Where are my manners?" you blurt out. Extending your hand towards me, you finally introduce yourself, "I'm Dennis. And you are?"

"Jane," I respond taking a hold of your hand, gripping and shaking it firmly. This time I am really conscious of how large your hands are, and it immediately gets me thinking again. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

The pleasure's all mine, Dear. Ooooh, nice grip," you say holding my hand for a few seconds longer than a handshake usually lasts. "Guess it helps with what you've got tucked in your jeans." You finally release your hold on me and return your hand to the steering wheel.

"Well, I guess that all depends on what you are referring to what I have tucked in my jeans," I reply playfully. "If you're referring to this," I say as I reach behind me and pull my ParaOrd P-14 out from my waist band, "then yeah, it helps to be able to hold onto it when the occasion arises." I handle my weapon with the skill an experienced gun owner possesses, and I see you glancing over at me as I eject the clip, clear it, then place it and the loaded clip on the floorboard just at the base of the seat. "Don't worry, I have the necessary permit for carrying a concealed weapon. Now, if you are referring to other things I have tucked in my jeans, then there are times when a more gentler touch is needed...that is unless, the occasion calls for something a bit more intense."

"I bet," you reply with a chuckle. You don't say anything else for the moment, but I can tell from the grin on your face you obviously have some very intriguing thoughts going through your head.

"Care to share?" I ask.


"Penny for your thoughts....I have a few quarters with me so I've got you covered." You laugh at my statement, but just take another look over at me and smile then turn your attention back to the road ahead. I eye you up and down several times as you seem focused on your driving, and I notice the occasional smile creep over your lips. "No comment?"

"Sweetheart, I don't know you well enough to say what's really on my mind," you say with a mischievous grin. "And I really don't think it would be appropriate at this time."

"Try me," I quietly reply as I shift in my seat turning my body more towards you. You look at me, your eyes slowly moving over me, stopping and staring at my large breasts once again.

You open your mouth to speak, but wait for a few seconds before you do. "I was just thinking about what a tall sexy girl like yourself was doing out here, all by yourself, no riding buddies with you, stuck on the side of the road, her Harley broken down..." You pause briefly, then continue on, "...and how fortunate I am for being the guy to stop and render assistance."

"Ohhh, nice save," I say sarcastically. "Now instead of giving me that polite gentlemanly bull shit, why don't you tell me what's really going on in that head of yours?" My outspoken and direct manner causes you to look at me again, but this time not with the same polite and friendly smile, but instead with somewhat of a desirous leer.

"Is it true what they say about English girls?" you ask with a grin.

"And just what would that be?"

You aren't quite sure if you should actually tell me what is really going through your mind or not. As you turn your attention back to the road, you see out of the corner of your eye my hand move from resting on my thigh to between my legs. As I bring it closer to my body, I open my legs wider and scoot my ass across the seat just a couple of inches so I can more easily rub my hand up and down over my crotch.

I have always been told I have a very sexy voice, so I decide to see how you will react to me and my teasing. "I don't know what they say about English girls, but since you asked about what my Harley does for me...Well, I won't lie to you. It arouses me, it stimulates me...that rock hard all-American Muscle that I love to climb on top always, and I do mean always, makes me very, very wet...and in particular when I am not wearing anything under my jeans..." You look over at me, and your eyes immediately divert downwards to my crotch, watching as I continue to very slowly rub my hand up and down over it. I let out a very quiet moan as your eyes slowly move upwards, and when they meet mine, I bite my lower lip. "I can tell you that I was more than disappointed to have my ride interrupted when she decided to break down...I was well on my way to becoming so..."

My words trail off as I notice you are watching me intently, "You know, you really should keep your eyes on the road."

You smile at me, then turn to look ahead, "Do you actually think I can keep my focus on the road when you're sitting just a few feet away from me, rubbing yourself, alluding to how your Harley arouses you?"

"I think you should...but we can still see just how much teasing you can take," I giggle as I slowly move my hand upward and let my fingers graze over the front of my breasts. You can see me out of the corner of your eye, my fingers moving in small circles, and know from experience how a gentle touch can stimulate nipples to an incredible hardness. You look over at me again and can easily make out my hard nipples pressing against the confines of my bra and against the thin fabric of my blouse. Your first thought is if they are that hard and can stretch the fabric of my bra as tight as it is, you can just imagine how hard they actually are when not concealed by a couple of layers of clothing. I see your eyes transfixed on my nipples, your hands gripping the steering while a little tighter. "The the road, Baby," I whisper as I reach for the buttons on my blouse. Turning your attention back to your driving, you now make a point of looking over at me every few seconds. Unbuttoning my blouse, I look at you, knowing that you want to watch as I slowly reveal the delicate and pretty purple lace floral print bra that I am wearing. I unlatch my seatbelt and lean towards you, my blouse opening more as I do. I rest my hand on your shoulder for a second before running my fingertips through your hair, "I hope you like what you see."