The King's Way


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Mrs. Visa turned her head in shame. She held her cloak up for me to see. Her thin fingers gripping the black fabric so I could see her private legs. I eyed Abby turning to look at what Lady Visa had to offer below her cloak. Lady Visa's white face was a crimson red. Her eyes scrunched up and closed. The wire glasses she wore hung sexily over her distraught face.

What a lucky husband she had. I wondered if the old economic minister ever truly enjoyed what the Honorable Visa had to offer. I couldn't imagine the old man ordering her about, or taking notice of her long legs encased in nylon. I couldn't imagine her husband being able to pleasure and ravish her in the right way.

How the bands at the top of her thighs pressed deep into her flesh. I wanted to rub my cock over those legs. I wanted to run my lips over the material. Up from her feet to her knobby knees. How would that feel? How would it be to slide my tongue up and down those nylon stockings?

Above the nylon stockings, her flesh was pale white. That skin, so soft and fragile, had probably never seen the light of the sun. No other male had likely seen the flesh of those thighs either, except that old husband of hers. I hungrily took her in. Her exposure to me was like some sort of petrol fueling my desire for this woman.

"That's it, Lady Visa. Show your King what you have under that cloak. How sexy you look right now showing off under your skirt. Put one leg up on the couch."


"Leg up."

She did so. Lifting her left leg and resting it on the red velvet cushions. I saw her right leg flex. The harsh morning light from the tall windows illuminating every inch of her nylon encased leg. Every shadow darkened. Every inch exposed to light for me. Her legs were perfectly toned. Her thigh hardened and moved. As she turned to lift her leg I saw that butt of hers. That's what I wanted. And Abby, beautiful Abby, it was as if she sensed what I'd just seen. She began to hammer away at my cock. Her hand slid up and down and the sound it made was the only noise in the room.

"Pull your cloak above your butt so I can see the shape." I told Lady Visa.

"No, sire. Please, you wouldn't ask that of a married woman. You are shaming me."

I finally reached out and pulled her cloak up myself.

Lady Visa gasped and almost pulled away. She turned away from me, but in doing so her butt turned round to face me. Almost at eye level. Yes, it was completely plump. Just as round as I'd seen in that hallway at the theatre. Hidden for so long under that loose academic cloak. I'd freed that luscious white ass of hers. It moved and jiggled as she adjusted her footing. The red silk panties were wedged up the deep round cakes of her white butt cheeks. Small dimples formed and unformed like swirling magic as she stood for me, her rounded cakes exposed to me.

"How does it make you feel, Lady Visa? How does showing your bare butt to me make you feel?"

"I hate it, your majesty." She whispered.

"Do you feel free? Be honest."

"I feel...ashamed."

A married lady of high class. A law professor who fought hard against any act of indecency was now showing me her ass, cloak skirt pulled up. Red silk panties. I couldn't believe she wore that around the palace, and in our moral court! What indecency.

"Can we stop this now? Have you not shamed me enough?" She sobbed. Her voice cracking as she spoke.

I don't know what over came me, but I slapped her butt. A hard wack that filled the hollow room.

Lady Visa shrieked. "Oh. Oh my. That hurt. You said you wouldn't touch me."

Abby started pumping me, her hand barely able to wrap around me. I took hold of Visa's right butt cheek. It was so soft and full. I gave it a squeeze, then grabbed another part of her secret soft mass above her thighs and below her back. How it just molded to my grasp. There was so much flesh. I shook it and her entire ass jiggled lasciviously.

It moved as if it wanted a cock to enter it and ravage the soft warm delicacies it must hold within. I thought to the ancient Adema text and the picture of the sodomy scene. Her butt was so fleshy, so round, so supple, it made my mouth water. And with Abby jacking my cock, it satisfied me to no end. I'd never felt such a rush of excitement. Even as King, I felt no greater sense of power than I did over the prude Lady Visa. A woman I'd known for years as nothing more than an old uptight woman.

What a great wonders life had in store that I could have her in this study, bent over, cloak up around her waist, round jiggly ass wagging before me, while a dark skinned servant from the south milked my cock.

I slapped her butt again. Her flesh absorbing my smack. Again she jiggled and wiggled her butt. A small red handprint formed from where she'd taken the spanking.

"You've been a bad Lady today, Mrs. Visa. A very bad Lady. In court with these stockings. Prosecuting a woman for showing her calves, while you show your entire length of legs and backside to another man? Even letting a man grab you. One more spanking for you. Bend over."

She shook her head, but bent over. Putting her leg on the ground so that both legs were now on the wooden floor.

"Spread your legs, Lady Visa and bend over more. Grip the edge of the couch."

She did so. It was as if she were in a trance. Every word I spoke she obeyed. What if I asked her to do more? Do something extremely indecent?

Her legs widened. The space between the full thighs opened up to daylight. As she did her butt opened up. That thin line that divided those soft round mounds of flesh opened. Below this crack, I saw the bulb of her sex hidden behind the red silk of her panties. A slight line down the middle of that too where her lips must be. How this bulb pushed at her panties. How it looked like a flower on the verge of blooming. And just above it were two perfect round pillows that couldn't stop moving.

I wanted to penetrate her. I wanted to take her right then as my first, but I couldn't. The gods wouldn't allow that. I looked up to Degenet, the god of royalty who stood on a pedestal near the door. No not in front of her.

I gave her ass another smack. Not too hard, but enough to give my hand a shock. The slap filled the silent room again. Her cheeks jiggled from the impact like a gelatin cake. I put the palm of my hand over her cheeks and moved them left to right, watching her cheeks sway in rhythm. How her butt called to me, inviting me to explore. And I did.

"Abby. Look at the way her butt moves."

"Lady Visa turn and look at what Abby is doing." I said.

Lady Visa turned and I saw her green eyes, red and water filled, look at my cock being pumped. Her face flushed with embarrassment.

"What do you see, Lady Visa? Tell me?"

"I see a filthy barbarian committing a filthy act."

"Do you see my penis?"


"Say it. Say you see your King's penis."

"I see my King's penis." She whispered.

"Turn back and bend over. It's time."

I stood up. Abby stopped pumping me.

"Sire. What are you going to do?" Visa looked shocked. Her eyes were still on my throbbing cock. It swung about like a weapon. Heavy. Thick. Veiny. Dangerous.

"Bend over." I grabbed her by the waist and pushed down on the small of her back. She fell forward and gripped the couch again.

I laid my cock over her butt. Dropping the throbbing thing onto the object of my desire. Onto the backside of a moral court lawyer. She moved away from me as she felt it hit her. But I kept a good hold of her hips. The soft silk of her red panties were a nice bedding for the underside of my cock. I moved my cock about, using my hand, first over her panties, then her bare warm soft skin.

"You feel that Lady Visa? You feel your King's hungry cock on you? Tell me this is for the Great Good of society."

"This is for the Great Good, sire. Please my King. Have you had enough? I must get to court. Your slave can finish you. I won't say a word. Let me go now."

I pulled at her butt cheeks, opening them and pushing my throbbing cock between her cheeks. Then I squeezed her cheeks together so that they hugged my raging erection.

I began to thrust. It felt natural, this jacking motion that I knew so well from Abby's touch. Yes, I used Lady Visa's round soft butt cheeks to jack myself off. But this was much better. She was so soft and warm. The heat coming up from her crack was intense, like a small furnace.

"Move forward and back, Lady Visa. Rock back and forth on it."

I stopped thrusting, and a moment later she began to rock just as I obeyed. Yes, Lady Visa would do exactly like I asked. She would do whatever I pleased. I would sodomize this woman, I told myself. I would force my hungry cock into her ass.

I kept squeezing her cheeks together while she bounced.

"Squeeze your butt cheeks together."

Like magic the soft flesh of her butt suddenly hardened. The two globes became rigid and she squeezed my throbbing cock between her cakes.

"Like this, sire?"

"Yes. Ah."

Then I came.

Me penis between her fertile butt did it. The slight sensation of stretched silk on the underside of my cock did it. Having the Honorable Mrs. Visa bent over with her skirt up did it. Her stockings did it. Her wiggling endless butt did it.

"I've been bad, sire. I've been bad." The Lady Visa spoke, her voice a whisper.

It burst out of me. A long thick rope of white seed. The stream of cum landed on Lady Visa's butt. A lash across the reddened cheek and red satin panties. Then I felt another release coming and I shot down across the back of her full thighs, over her nylons. Another shot over her exposed butt again. I grunted as the last of it shot and my cock twitched trying to spill more, but I was emptied.

I was breathing hard. The room was dreadfully silent. I heard my heart thumping away in my chest. Immediately I felt guilt wash over me for what I'd done to the Honorable Lady Visa. Abby was frozen in her seat. Her hand wet. She didn't know what to do next.

Lady Visa remained bent over. Her black cloak scrunched up around her waist. White ropes of cum over her ass cheeks and stockings. Her butt cheeks red from being spanked.

We stood there for a moment. None of us moving or dare saying a word. Lady Visa must have known I'd just spilled my seed over her butt.

"Lady Visa, I'm quite sorry. I don't know what overcame me. Quick, we must clean you up. You have court you must attend to. Abby, hand me that towel. Don't move Lady Visa."

Abby gave me the towel and I smeared my cum over butt. Rubbing the white seed deep into her skin, saturating her red satin panties. Her butt took on a kind of sheen from my cum. I watched her flesh move this way and that as I pushed into her. Then I moved down to her legs. I rubbed my cum into her nylons. The sticky liquid soaking into the ribbons that held them up. I rubbed the cum down her legs and behind her knees.

All the while Lady Visa remained bent over allowing me to clean her. When I was done I pulled her cloak back down and she stood up. Her back as straight as stone. Her round humps of ass suddenly hidden by the academic cloak. Her cum stained panties and nylons now only hers to own.

"Do you forgive me Lady Visa?" I felt truly sorry.

"It was lust, sire. That filthy book Adema did it. Now do you see the evil powers of liberalism?" She still wouldn't turn to look at me.

A knock at the door.

"Sire, may I enter?"

"Yes. Enter." I called out.

The tall wooden doors creaked open and in walked Adolfo and Lady Visa's husband the economic minister. He put his finger to his forehead as did Adolfo.

"Ah, Keira, my dear. Didn't think I'd see you in here. Another study session?" Her husband spoke. Then he saw her eyes. Red and wet. He looked at her, then to me, then Abby on the couch. I handed Abby the soaking wet towel covered in my seed. Abby took the towel and casually put it in her pocket.

"Keira, is everything quite alright?" The economic minister Dr. Hun asked.

I was breathing quite hard, and luckily had tucked away my softening cock. But my buttons were undone.

"We were just speaking about an emotional part of the play we just watched. A true tragedy of a play, my dear." The Lady Visa finally spoke.

"Right." Dr. Hun said, but he looked at me in a way I'll never forget. Accusing, bewildered, and hurt at the same time. Then he looked down and I know he must have seen my unbuttoned crotch.

It was as if he knew that his wife was covered in my cum below the cloak at that exact moment. That her stockings and panties were just soaked in my seed. That a few moments before I'd gripped his wife's bare ass like I owned it. I'd ordered her about, to pull her cloak up and expose herself to me like one of those fabled prostitutes of years long gone.

"Adolfo, you weren't in here with them for the study? I know you love these things." Dr. Hun asked.

"No, sir." Adolfo answered. And I could see the look in Adolfo's eyes too.

Lady Visa cleared her throat. "Well, now. I must be getting on to court. Dear were you here to speak with the King or escort me to court."

"I'll escort you to court, of course." Dr. Hun said. "Sire, there's a few matters I'd like to discuss about the new tariffs to go into effect. Maybe this afternoon we can talk?"

"Of course, Dr. Hun." I said. My heart was pounding with excitement. I hadn't expected to be this excited about what I'd just done. I'd gone from guilt to a sense of mastery. Could this be what I'd been told to be wary of as power from my Kingship comes to fruition? If so, who cares? There was nothing I'd ever experienced quite like this.

"I'll walk with you to court. I'd like to watch the proceedings. Honorable Visa had just explained the most recent case to me." I said.

With a wave I dismissed Abby and followed the two out of the study. They walked in front of me, and I couldn't only hear what they whispered to each other. Adolfo was beside me, calling out to passerby's my arrival, and I would call out to carry forward.

Walking behind that married couple, knowing I'd just made his wife do such indecent things with me made me feel as if I were floating through the grand halls. Lady Visa was just covered in my cum and Dr. Hun had no clue, or maybe he did, but he dare not say a thing.

Later I watched as Lady Visa began her court proceedings. Speaking in front of the judges and jury, and other palace officials about the dangers of indecency. How completely corrupt the defendant's morals were for showing a bit of leg in a cafe. The courtroom was as old as the kingdom, a thousand years old with frescoed domed ceilings, marble statues of the gods of good and evil, courage and shame. The floors were polished stone. The place felt solemn and serious, as a court should.

Visa spoke with such conviction. Her voice booming in the great hall. She really was such an amazing speaker. So confident. So eloquent. It was amazing to see her in action. She truly deserved an appointment to the high court.

Then I remembered how meek she'd sounded just a few minutes earlier. I remembered how ashamed and husky her voice had turned as she bent over before me. And here she was too, in court, covered in my seed. Nobody but Lady Visa and Abby, my servant knew of the cum that stuck to her skin and soaked her panties and stockings. Nobody knew that another man, the King, had just laid his erect cock between butt cheeks and used them to orgasm. That proud woman had just been spanked and humiliated just a few moments earlier.

I felt a wash of guilt and pleasure at thinking about what I'd just done. One moment extremely satisfied and covered in a warm glow. The next I felt like a miserable human. A bad King. Ashamed. I contemplated leaving the palace. I couldn't. There was a dinner tonight with Visa. I'd completely forgotten. Then again, pleasure washed over me.

Lady Visa went about her proceedings in an admirable manner. Walking back and forth, using her hands to speak. A proud woman. A beautiful woman. A woman of the empire who held up the conservative standards of our times. A woman who truly sacrificed for King and Country.

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AnonymousAnonymous3 minutes ago

Loved the story but a shame he didn't push his cock right up lady visas rectum.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Finaly after 3 years 😮‍💨🥳👊

longknob14longknob145 months ago

Good to have you back!

Amazing story. I do wish you write more often 🙂

bertldbertld6 months ago

Please continue this story. Very well written, excellent pace.

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