The Kiss


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"Okay, thanks anyway," Erin stammered, quickly standing up and offering her hand to Miss Singleton. Erin felt a rush of adrenalin when their hands touched again. It made her blush again, and her panties moist. She hoped Allie did not smell her arousal. That would only add to the awkwardness. It wasn't like Erin to give up so quickly, but she felt the need to get away before she destroyed her chances of ever successfully retrieving the information. Erin walked to the door and stopped. Oddly enough, she found herself strongly attracted to the young lawyer. Then after a little pause, she turned around, pretending she just made up her mind about something.

There was an anxious pause, then Erin without considering a possibility of rejection artfully proposed, "I don't want to be out of line, Miss Singleton, but is there a chance you would want to go have a drink with me some time?" Erin gave Miss Singleton her signature wink. It was a bold move, but she needed to regain control of the seduction.

Allie was surprised at Erin's directness. She hadn't expected to be hit on by a new client. The puzzled look on Allie's face revealed more than she wanted to be known. She was excited that this woman was apparently asking her out on a date, but she didn't want to reveal that fact. Allie didn't answer immediately. Erin held her breath and waited. Even though Erin deemed herself straight, she had once wondered what it might be like to experiment with another woman because one night while drinking with her college roommate the roommate had suggested it might be fun to get naked and cuddle. Erin briefly considered it, but it never happened. However, Erin had to admit that the temptation was there. She'd had just enough to drink that eating her roommate's pussy was beginning to make sense to her. It was exciting and different, and she almost succumbed to her roommate's urging. Now she was feeling the same excitement rushing through her again, and this time, she was secretly hoping that it would happen.

When Allie saw Erin's eagerness and the hopeful look in her eyes, she knew it was more than just a drink she wanted. With a look of skepticism on her face, she replied, "Well...I don't usually date a client, and I'm not usually a spur-of-the-moment type girl." Allie's charming smile broadened, and she hesitantly stared into Erin's eyes. Allie wanted to accept but was afraid the motive behind the invitation could be suspect.

Erin quickly countered with a wink and a smile. It was time to fish or cut bait Erin reasoned. "Perhaps I was too brusque with you. I do that sometimes when I get excited. Let me start over. First of all, I'm not a client because you just said I have no case. And...and if I may be so bold, I can tell by your expression that you want to accept my invitation."

A blush crept across the young lawyer's cheeks, and Erin held a triumphant smile back. No man could ever resist Erin's wink, and apparently, neither could young lesbian lawyers. Erin waited for another second, staring into Miss Singleton's alluring brown eyes. She had to admit that Miss Singleton really was beautiful. Every bit as beautiful as Sean had said.

Allie hesitated a bit longer, and Erin continued to hold her breath. "There is a chance, yes, but you will have to call me Allie. Miss Singleton is a bit too formal, don't you think?" Erin beamed, her face lighting up.

Sean, Zero. Erin, One. Popped into Erin's head. Not that she was keeping score, but she felt a rush of excitement that she was able to score a date with Allie Singleton and Sean couldn't.

"Great, how about you call me, Erin?" Erin replied, taking the lead as confidently as she possibly could.

In reality, Erin felt very insecure and vulnerable at that point. Miss Singleton could have easily said no. She wonders if men always had to go through that uneasy feeling when meeting a new woman? She was developing a new respect for Sean and his skills at seducing women. It's kind of daunting to have to take the lead in a new relationship and risk rejection. She had a better perception of why Sean was so down after being unsuccessful with Allie Singleton.

Allie nodded, grabbed one of her business cards from her desk, and scribbled her cell phone number on the back. Erin took the card and placed in her pocket without looking at it.

"I'll call you tonight," Erin chirped. "Just breathe. Play it cool," she told herself. She needed to make a graceful exit.

Allie nodded her head and flashed Erin a stunning smile, that made Erin a little bit lightheaded. She hadn't felt so giddy since junior high school. She turned around and tried to stride out of the office gracefully, but couldn't keep her eyes off Allie's cleavage. Wrong move. Before she knew it, she'd walked into the door frame, banging her head loudly against it.

"Ouch. Shit," Erin yelped, rubbing her head that was turning red, not from the bang, but from embarrassment. She couldn't remember being so clumsy. No, she was always the one in control, but something about this beautiful young woman made her all skittish inside.

Allie ran towards Erin and took her head in the palms of her hands. "Let me see. Are you hurt?" Allie pulled Erin's head down to check the rising knot. "It looks fine, but it might turn into a nasty bump later," Allie stated while examining Erin's head and pulling her face within a few inches of her cleavage. Erin could smell Allie's perfume and was tempted to lean the few inches further and place a kiss on Allie's breast.

"What was going on here," Erin asked herself? She had never felt like this around anyone and staring at another woman's boobs? And feeling the urge to kiss them? Completely not her thing. She was consumed with embarrassment.

"Thank you. Anyway. I should be going. I'll call you," Erin awkwardly muttered, quickly turning away and walking cautiously out of Allie's office, trying really hard not to embarrass herself further.

Allie smiled and watched her retreat down the corridor. "I'll be looking forward to your call. I'll be home around seven. Call me," Allie called to her, feeling the excitement of all the possibilities forming in her mind.

Erin returned to her office and busied herself with paperwork. It was only just three in the afternoon, but Erin was already getting nervous that she had promised to call Allie that night. But at the same time, she was certainly looking forward to it. "Yeah, I definitely hit my head harder than I thought," Erin mumbled to herself.

Erin thumbed through the file for the fifth time, thinking about the best strategy to make Allie fall for Her. Without knocking, Sean was at her desk, asking for details of her meeting with Allie Singleton.

"How did it go? Did you strike out like the rest of us," Sean asked, almost gleefully?

Erin intentionally kept her face buried in the file and smirked, "She gave me her number and asked me to give her a call. Does that sound like I struck out," Erin gloated?

Sean couldn't hide his surprise and inquired, "What do you plan on doing next?"

"Well, first of all, I should give her a call tonight, ask her out for drinks and then get her tipsy enough so I can quiz her about the information her father had."

", you get her tipsy and then move in for a kiss," Sean advised. "You want to seduce her first then quiz her for the information. You have to treat her like you would a male target. Make her fall for you and then extract the information."

"I bet it really turns you on thinking about two women kissing," Erin laughed.

"To be truthful, yes it does, but I offer the suggestion as a means to achieve your goal."

"That sounds like a plan you and your guy friends make when you go out with a female POI or with any woman for that matter. I always thought it was wicked and deceitful, but now I almost understand. Trying to get a girl to respond to your advances is difficult. Hooking up with a guy is so easy, Erin thought. You give them a brief look, and within ten seconds they come up to you. You make some brief conversation, gaze into their eyes, and lean in close. Before you know it, they would be kissing you."

"Erin...have you ever kissed a girl?"

Erin paused for a moment as though she was in deep thought and then answered in a low voice, "No."

Sean could detect a bit of regret in her reply.

"I thought all normal teenage girls had sleepovers in high school where they talked about boys and practiced kissing techniques on each other."

"I don't guess I was a normal teenager because I never did anything like that," she explained.

"Have you ever wondered what it would be like to kiss another girl or have you ever had the urge to kiss another girl?"

"Have you ever kissed another guy or had the urge to kiss another guy," she countered?

"Yuk! Guys don't do things like that; at least normal guys don't," Sean answered.

"Okay, ...don't assume I would feel any different about that subject," Erin remarked.

"Okay...I told you how I would do it, now why don't you tell me how you planned to seduce Miss Singleton," Sean urged again?

"I plan to take your advice, ply her with alcohol until she gets tipsy, then lean in and see if she kisses me," Erin smiled.

"And if she doesn't take the bait and kiss you; then what?"

"I will find a way to kiss her," Erin responded. "This is a new playing field for me, and I will try to mix my knowledge of seducing a man with what I know a woman wants during a seduction. Hopefully, it will turn out to be successful."

"When are you going to take her out?"

"As I said, she asked me to call her tonight around seven," Erin answered.

"! You need to take her out tonight. You need to strike while the iron is hot! She is obviously hot for your company," Sean argued.

"I don't want to sound too desperate, Sean. I may scare her off if I pounce too soon after meeting her."

"Trust me, Erin, you won't scare her off. I have been in this same situation many times. Pick up the phone and call her right now.

Erin held Sean's gaze for a moment and then replied, " talked me into it. Now get the hell out of here so I can concentrate on what I have to say."

Sean smiled and left the room while Erin picked up the phone and dialed Allie's cell number. Allie didn't recognize the number but picked it up on the second ring anyway.

Erin launched into an apology. "I am sorry for calling you this early. I know it's only four o'clock, but I couldn't wait until seven to call you. I am boiling over with excitement and want to see you tonight."

There was a prolonged pause from Allie and Erin's first thought was that she had angered Allie by jumping the gun and calling before seven. Erin felt a pain in her heart and was cursing herself, thinking that she had sabotaged the planned seduction. She was struggling for her next breath when Allie responded, "I am so glad you called. I have not been able to get a thing done all afternoon. I too am excited about having a drink with you. In fact, I was fighting the urge to call you when my cell phone rang."

Erin released the breath she had been holding and gasped, "Oh my, God. I feel like a school girl going to her first dance. Is there any chance we can go for that drink tonight?"

"Are you familiar with a small Bar off Columbus Circle called "Dan's Den?"

"Yes, I've been there a few times with friends," Erin answered.

"You want to meet me there around eight...ish?"

"Absolutely! I'll see you then," Erin remarked with a noticeable sound of excitement in her voice. Allie hung up, and Erin's heart fluttered. A warm wave of electricity moved through Erin and sent a tickling to her groin.

Erin spent the next three hours studying the Singleton file and planning her seduction strategy. She always kept a few outfits in her locker at work just in case she had an unplanned outing and didn't have time to go home to change. She found a short purple and white sundress and slipped it on. It was low cut and showed a lot of cleavage. She looked at herself from different angles then decided to remove her bra. The dress came down to mid-thigh and offered a good view of her long thin legs. The thought of Allie admiring her legs and breasts sent a shudder through Erin. She checked her makeup, blotted her lips on a tissue, and then set out for her rendezvous with Allie.

The music was loud, and it took a few minutes for Erin's eyes to adjust to the low lighting in the bar. The beautiful young lawyer was already there when Erin arrived. She had selected a private booth in a dark corner near the restrooms. Erin took a deep breath and moved toward the booth. Allie stood, and they went through the obligatory female ritual of hugging and kissing each other on the cheek. Erin settled in the booth across from Allie and ordered a Tom Collins. Allie ordered her second Manhattan. The music was so loud they found they had to lean in across the table to hear one another.

When the waitress brought their drinks, she pointed to a handsome, well-dressed man seated at the end of the bar and informed them that he had paid for that round of drinks. Erin and Allie smiled and then hoisted their glasses in a symbolic toast to the man. He smiled and toasted them back.

Every round after that, the man insisted on paying, so Allie and Erin decided to let him. A few hours of chit chat and more than a half dozen drinks, Erin was beginning to feel woozy. Her judgment was becoming cloudy. She knew she needed to dial it back a bit and regain control of the situation, but Allie's charm reduced her professional reasoning to pure lust. The man at the bar kept buying the rounds, and they accepted them graciously. Both Erin and Allied had consumed more alcohol than usual. Erin decided to go to the restroom and collect her thoughts. When she got up to go the drinking caused her to lose balance, and she fell back into the booth, exposing her pantie covered crotch. A wet spot was clearly visible on her light blue panties.

She looked over, and Allie was staring at her silk covered groin, and Erin wasn't in any hurry to cover it. Allie mumbled something under her breath that Erin couldn't make out. From the smile on Allie's face, Erin assumed it was something flattering. Erin struggled to her feet and said, "I have to go pee. Don't let anyone steal my seat."

When Erin returned, she slid into the seat next to Allie and said, "I hope you don't mind if I change to this side of the table. I can barely hear what you are saying half the time."

"I don't mind at all," Allie answered, "In fact, I was tempted earlier to suggest you move over here, but wasn't sure if you would take it as me being too aggressive."

"Aggressive? Never", Erin slurred.

Allie blushed and leaned toward Erin. The moment for their first kiss had arrived. Erin leaned toward Allie and closed her eyes.

Lost in the moment, Erin fought her reluctance to kiss Allie in public. This would be the first time she had ever kissed another woman. Her mind was telling her that people will see the kiss and think she is gay, but her body was screaming, "Go ahead; who cares what they think?"

Moments before their lips touched, they were interrupted by the man from the bar sliding into the booth across from them. They both turned to face him at the same time. He seemed oblivious to the shock on their faces.

"I figured since I have been sending drinks to you two all evening, it was about time I came over and formally introduced myself," he slurred.

Allie was the first to respond. "We appreciate the drinks, but we don't want or need any company."

"Now why would a couple of good-looking women like you two not want the company of a handsome gentleman such as myself?"

" you said we are a COUPLE. You we are dating each other," Allie smirked.

The man's jaw dropped, and his face turned a crimson red as Allie's words sunk into his drunken mind. He shouted, "Why in the hell didn't you tell me you were a couple of Lezzies when I sent the first drinks? Why in the fuck did you let me waste my money sending drinks all evening?"

Erin realized the man was on the verge of exploding. She slipped out of the booth taking Allie's hand and guiding her to the front door. As they made their exit, Allie looked back to see the man still spouting obscenities.

Erin was so wet between her legs that her panties were sticking to her swollen labia. They stumbled across the parking lot clinging to each other to maintain their balance. Allie suddenly paused in her steps and pushed Erin against a mini-van. They both stood there, staring into each other's alcohol glazed eyes. Erin wanted Allie to kiss her, and she thought Allie wanted the same thing. Neither dared to make the first move. Erin's whole body was aching with desire to experience her first passionate female on female kiss. Allie leaned in slowly maintaining eye contact. When their lips touched, Erin closed her eyes as an electric wave moved from her lips to her groin. Erin was weak at the knees, and Allie had to pull her close to prevent her from falling. After a moment, Erin opened her eyes and started to say something, but Allie swiftly moved in for another kiss before Erin was able to say another word. The kiss was everything Erin had hoped it would be. Erin put her hand behind Allie's neck and pulled her closer as the kiss intensified, and Erin slipped her tongue into Allie's mouth. Allie's right hand moved to Erin's left breast.

Erin's nipple was hard as a diamond as Allie gently pinched it through her sundress. Allie's lips moved to Erin's neck then to the top of her breast, placing wet kisses. Erin wanted to feel Allie's lips on her nipple and told her so. Allie brought her lips to Erin's ear and whispered, "I want you right here!"

Erin felt the same way, but was sober enough to know that wouldn't be wise and suggested they go to her apartment. Allie said, "I have a better idea. Come with me." She grabbed Erin's hand, pulled her away with her before she could respond. They moved quickly across the parking lot while they both giggled.

They continued holding hands until they found themselves standing in front of Allie's Silver Mercedes-Maybach S 560 4MATIC Sedan. There was dark limo tint on every window except the front windshield. Allie smiled and dramatically gestured while pointing with her hand, palm upward, "Madam, your chariot awaits. Or our hotel room; whichever."

Allie opened the door for Erin and motioned her to sit. Erin backed into the seat, plopped down and swung one leg into the car then her other leg, exposing her light blue silk panties for Allie to see. Erin glanced up in time to see Allie looking up her dress at her panties. Allie licked her lips and grinned as she mumbled something under her breath.

Allie walked around the car, entered through the driver's door, and sat beside Erin. Erin's pussy was still wet from their last kiss. Allie placed her hand on Erin's exposed thigh and gently stroked while gazing into her eyes. Erin closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Allie's hands were soft and feminine to the touch. Erin moaned softly as Allie tactfully advanced up Erin's inner thigh toward her soaking pussy. Erin couldn't wait any longer and grasped Allie's hand and moved it to her panty covered vagina. Their lips came together in another passionate kiss.

Allie began stroking Erin's clit through her panties and pressed a button on the side of the passenger seat, and the seat slowly moved into a horizontal position. Allie kept her hand busy between Erin's legs and started gradually increasing her rhythm on Erin's swollen clit. Erin was gasping for air and urgently needed to cum.

Allie moved onto the seat with Erin and continued to passionately kiss her while slipping her finger under her panties to make direct contact with her wet pussy. Erin spread her legs to give Allie easy access. Allie hooked her thumbs on both sides of Erin's panties and slid them down in one skillful movement.