The Lady and the Cowboy Ch. 04


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"Tripp...please..." I moaned as his hands massaged my inner thighs.

" want this, Kira. You want me to look at you, to touch you." His fingers moved to my dripping snatch, and as if he were caressing a kitten, he peeled back the slick folds, exposing me fully.

"My God, look at that. That's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen," he said in awe as one finger pressed against the top of my slit before making a journey down. I moaned as he slowly moved over my exposed clit, and then down to caress the wet opening of my love canal. I lay there, naked and panting, overcome with desire. His hands were gentle but demanding, as if I was an untrained horse who needed taming. Slowly, he moved up and down along the outside of my sheath, but then, just as I thought he would push a finger in, he traveled back upward, juices dripping from his fingers, to press sternly against my clit.

"Oh!" I moaned deeply as his middle finger began to slowly circle my swollen nub.

"Have you ever been touched like this before?" he asked breathlessly in my ear.

I couldn't form words at that moment. All I could do was shake my head back and forth against the pillow, crying out in pleasure.

He moved his other hand up to my breast and in parallel motion, began to circle around my nipple with his thumb, once in awhile grazing over it and plucking it between his fingers. It was almost more than I could stand, his hands moving expertly over my soft, naked flesh. Then he replaced the hand on my breast with his mouth, suckling a nipple as if his life depended on it, as he positioned himself between my open legs.

I had never had sex before, but I knew I wanted it, I knew if he didn't enter me soon that I was going to go permanently insane.

"Tripp...please! I need you inside me..." The way I sounded, one would guess that I was being tortured...and it was true - tortured with pleasure.

His mouth left my aching nipple and rose to kiss me gently, his hard, callused fingers still enveloped in the folds of my pussy. One finger slid inside my tight cunt as he gazed into my eyes, watching the effect he was having on me. "Not yet, Kira," he murmured against my lips while giving me brief, soft kisses. "There's something else first." I moaned and rocked against his finger, gripping it with my inner muscles.

His mouth made a slow descent down my body, kissing and sucking everything he came into contact with. His tongue bathed me while I tried not to shatter into a million pieces.

"There are many ways to love a woman," he spoke to me sensually as he trailed kisses up my inner thigh. "And this is one of my favorites."

And with that, he dragged his tongue over my slit while his hands parted me open, making me vulnerable to his exploring mouth, which made an effort to taste every soft, yielding inch of flesh between my legs. He circled my clit with his demanding lips before drawing the hard, little nub in and sucking gently. My fists gripped handful of bed sheets as I cried out in ecstasy while he made love to me with his tongue.

"You taste amazing," he moaned as his lips caressed the slick, pink tissue. "Like milk and honey...and heaven."

"I'm...oh Tripp, I'm gonna...oh...!" I couldn't see straight, I couldn't think straight. He knew every sensitive spot, knew exactly what to do. It was as if everything around me had disappeared and the only thing that was left was his mouth against my pussy.

"Yes baby, come for me. Come for me with my tongue inside you." The part of his mouth he spoke of entered me at that moment while a thumb came down to harshly stroke my clit.

I was sent over the edge. Thank goodness his cabin was far enough away from the main spread, otherwise I was sure I'd have woken the entire ranch. Even I was surprised by the scream that tore from my lips as the throbbing in my loins exploded and tore my body in two. He rose and stifled my yell with his mouth, which descended down onto mine, enveloping my cries. As I rode out the pleasure, he softly kissed along my cheek and neck. One hand still cupped me between my legs.

I still wasn't completely aware of my surroundings, still was locked away in a euphoric haze when I heard Tripp sliding his jeans off. Breathing heavily, I opened my eyes to see him gazing at me with a look of starved hunger as he sat in front of me on the bed. My eyes traveled downward and widened as they saw the proof of that hunger. I should have known...was I expecting him to be small? Of course that part of him would be just as powerful as the rest of his body.

Tripp saw my look of fear as I took in his size, and his male arrogance kicked in for a moment while he gave a small chuckle. "Don't worry, Princess, it'll fit," he reassured me, as if reading my mind. He tucked a lock of hair behind my ear while giving me a heartfelt look. "You're wetter than a summer storm," as he said it, the hand that cupped me began to once again start carressing. Dear God, how was it possible that this was happening again in such a short period of time? His fingers worked on me and I melted, giving a soft moan.

As pleasure began to course through my body once again, I barely heard the sound of Tripp opening the night stand drawer next to us and unwrapping a condom. I felt a finger enter me, probing deeply before a second finger joined it, stretching and filling my pussy. Just as I was beginning to float away in bliss, the fingers left me, and I opened my eyes in frustration at the lack of pressure down there. Tripp was nestled between my legs, his face inches from mine as a hand caressed my cheek softly, and he leaned down to give me a lingering, gentle kiss.

"Kira, it's gonna hurt," he whispered as if he himself were hurting with the thought of having to cause me pain.

"I know," I nodded as my hands wrapped around his neck. "It's okay, it's worth it," I sighed as more of his weight came upon me. Being underneath his powerful body was more wonderful than I could have imagined. I knew that after the pain, I was going to be flying to the moon.

He gave me a small smile, appreciating my courage. It was time, and he positioned himself at my slick entrance, waiting for me to give the go ahead. I pulled his head down to mine and our mouths met as he pushed into me in one quick motion. His hands gripped my head as he moaned against my mouth. In truth, the moan was louder than my small cry of pain. After a couple of seconds, he opened his eyes and looked down at me, checking to see if I was alright.

It had hurt, but the feeling of being filled so completely with him was quickly relieving the pain with a pleasurable ache. I stared into his eyes, which looked as though they were trying to see into my soul. In that moment, I swear, his gaze was more penetrating than his thick cock inside me. We both simply looked at each other for a minute before he began to move.

There was no pain now, only a powerful, all-consuming satisfaction between us as slowly but deeply, he rocked against me. Our eyes were locked on each other, never so much as blinking. I was in his arms, and I was his as he filled me, over and over again. Now that he was finally inside me, I never wanted him to leave. He brought his forearms down to rest on the bed and his mouth gave me a single, passionate kiss before he grabbed the back of my head in one hand, holding my face in place, inches from his, as he thrust into my body. He stared at me as his other hand firmly sought my left breast. Feeling content as he took total control, I let him have me, completely, as I let go of everything I held onto and surrendered to his power.

The pleasure was so intense that it would have scared me if Tripp hadn't been holding me so tightly. His movement was incredibly sweet, and I panted and cried as he rode me. In his eyes was a ferocity that matched the forcefulness of his member, which was plunging into me so deeply that I thought I would rip. As he increased his tempo, our breathing became ragged and wild, like animals in heat. A thin layer of sweat covered us at this point, as our bodies strained to become as close as physically possible.

It was then that I felt it, clearly building from inside of me, an explosion of dynamic proportions. My breathing stopped, and Tripp could tell what was about to happen. In his eyes, I could see the same fire that was moments away from consuming me. I lost control and my eyes closed as I floated away into that world where I would find release.

"Look at me, Kira," his voice was harsh and commanding, filled with a desperate need that matched my own. He brought me back and forced me to open my eyes. I had never seen such intensity. "Right here," he pointed to his eyes with two fingers. "Look at me while you come."

And in that split second before it happened, the calm before the storm if you will, we shared something beautiful as our eyes locked on to each other's. There was a deep understanding between us, and I knew in that moment that my life would never be the same. He pulled out once more, and when he entered me again, my body went wild and I shuttered and shook beneath him. It was then that I saw heaven and the stars, and from the sound of Tripp above me, I knew he had gone there too. Our world came crashing down upon the two of us, and nothing else mattered at that moment. Nothing. There was just Tripp and Kira.

A tear rolled down my face, not because of a particular sadness that had descended upon me, but rather because of the greatness and intensity of what we had just experienced, both mentally and physically. With the last tremors of orgasm running through us, he lifted me against him and sat back, cradling my face to his chest while he buried himself in my hair. I felt his soft lips graze the top of my head as I collapsed against his body.

He turned on the bed and propped himself up against the pillows, bringing me atop him, my face still resting within his hands, against his hard torso. A few minutes went by without us saying a word to each other. Unlike moments before, the room was still now, and the sound of musical crickets outside and Tripp's slowing heartbeat serenaded the silence.

"I didn't think it would be like that..." I whispered softly against his skin.

"I didn't think it could be like that, Kira." his voice was a mix of wonder and confusion.

I was expecting myself to be amazing at what had just passed, but I wasn't expecting the same feelings from him - someone so skillful who had obviously done this so many times before. The confirmation that it wasn't always this amazing gave me a warm feeling inside as I lightly ran a hand along the crevices that separated the muscles on his chest and abdomen. Our sweaty, naked bodies lay there, spent. Both of us were absolutely exhausted.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered it more to himself than to me as he gazed down and gently played with a piece of my hair while running his fingers up and down the smoothness of my back.

It was the type of thing you typically heard before the sex, during the seduction. He didn't need to say it now...but he did. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't hide my smile, and I lightly kissed his chest to show my appreciation.

"How is it that you've never done this before?" His voice was gentle, but curious.

I wasn't particularly thrilled about discussing my virginity, but I supposed it would make sense to open up to him at this point. "I never had found anyone who I wanted to do it with. I hadn't found the right person."

He rolled us over so that we were on our sides now, facing each other. A hand came up to softly caress my cheek. "And I'm the right person?" he asked in amazement.

After what we had just shared, I felt no shame in letting him see inside me. "I knew you were the right person since I first saw you atop that black mustang the night I arrived," I whispered shyly.

His grin was enormous. "You saw that?"

"I hid behind the barn and watched you..."

He chuckled and kissed my forehead. "You sneaky, little mouse, you. Always seem to be in places where you shouldn't be."

I smiled. "I couldn't help it. I saw you off in the distance and I had to get a better look."

"Were you disappointed?" his voice was playful as we lay there.

"No..." I whispered. "I wanted to be that horse. I wanted to be the one you were on top of, riding, working your hands against..."

A hand shot up and quickly covered my mouth. Tripp's face was playfully stern. "If you keep talking like that then I'm going to be unable to stop myself from doing something that you're undoubtedly too sore to do again right now."

He was right. While we were together, joined, it was magnificent. But now that we were bathing in the afterglow of ecstasy, my body began to feel the consequences of our passion. There was a noticeable ache between my legs, and it wasn't the pleasurable kind.

I smiled and apologized as he removed his hand. Then he flipped me over and nestled his head in the cradle of my neck and he wrapped an arm around me. I knew he was tired, not just from the sex, but from the long day of working the ranch as well.

"I should let you sleep," I said softly, knowing he was starting to doze off.

"Mmm, stay right as you are and I'll be asleep in a couple minutes." His voice was sleepy and content.

"Tripp, I can't stay tonight..."

"Yes you can, California," he whispered in my ear.

I smiled at his use of the nickname. "I had to sneak out. My family thinks I'm sleeping, and there will be hell to pay if I'm not there when they wake up."

Tripp groaned behind me. "Nineteen years old...your parents don't allow you to make your own decisions yet?"

"Of course, but that doesn't mean they wouldn't disapprove of me running off in the middle of the night into some guy's bed who I just met. Not to mention someone who's older than me old are you?"

"Twenty-seven," he said dryly.

Well that wasn't that bad. "I wish you'd stop thinking of me as a child," I said, referring to his comment on my age.

"If I thought of you as a child you wouldn't be lying here naked in my bed." His hand cupped one of my breasts, as if to further his point. Even his lightest touch was electric.

I sighed. "Tripp, when you touch me, it makes me weak..."

At that point he shot up out of bed. "What did I say about talk like that?"

I giggled and turned around to look at him. His back was to the bed, and he was running his hands through his hair. Muscles rippled up and down his entire body, and I drank him in with my eyes. My God, I wouldn't doubt that the man had the nicest ass in the history of humankind.

"I swear, you're going to be the end of me, girl," he said teasingly as he pulled on his jeans before turning to smile at me. "If you must get back to your cabin though, I'll walk you there."

About ten minutes later, after Tripp had refused to let me dress myself, murmuring something about my wearing clothes being a sin as he slowly and quite agonizingly ran his hands across my body while putting back on my underwear and dress, we were walking back to the guest cabins.

"Favorite color?" he asked as we took our time.



"Like your eyes," I smiled. "Favorite food?" This had been going on for a couple of minutes.

"Chili...although after tonight I think that's changed. I'd much rather eat you..."


He laughed. "What about you?"

"Mmm...chocolate covered strawberries, most definitely."

It went on like this as we walked. I wanted to learn him, know everything about him, read him as if he were a book. I wanted to know what he loved and hated about the world. I wanted to know what he was afraid of, what type of car he first drove, and the name of the street he grew up on.

But for now we had this, our hands intertwined and our bodies embracing in the night. It took us awhile to get to the main ranch. He kept stopping to kiss me and hold me. By the time we were approaching the cabin, I was dizzy.

"Spend the day with me tomorrow," he whispered as he nuzzled my neck, pressing me up against the back of the house.

"Yes...oh yes..." I sighed as his hands cupped my face and his mouth once again slashed over mine. I'd do whatever it took to see him as much as possible in the upcoming days. This was no longer a family vacation, it was a time for me to explore my inner most desires. He was my drug, and I planned to overdose.

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dirtyoldbimandirtyoldbimanabout 2 years ago

a little off? about the sex or not the way I imagined it but your story

LilacQueen15LilacQueen15about 4 years ago

Awesomely beautiful!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Loved the description of their sexual adventure! Love his shadow of hair on the gorgeous and muscular chest! He is a real "catch" for her, and such a gentleman!

Nice But !!!

Nice story so far,but unless you're a house you shudder not shutter. But as I said to start with nice and i'll keep reading so I can see where you're going !!!

OldfatanduglyOldfatanduglyover 9 years ago
A fire???

OK, perhaps I just don't have enough romance in my soul, but logic and practicality force me to ask: Who has a fire in the fireplace in New Mexico in the summer? If the story was set in 1875, I could buy it; he might need a cooking fire. But you said they traveled 800 miles in 12 hours and arrived in a van, and mentioned her carrying a cell phone, so I'm pretty sure the time setting is current day, which in turn leads me to believe Tripp's cabin most likely has electricity. Sorry to be a party pooper, but logic errors drive me nuts!

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