The Landscaper

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Jaguar women unexpectedly discovers latent desires.
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I lost my Mexican handyman who kept my sprawling property so neat and tidy. Out of the blue, Javier simply announced he was going on to other things. Shit! Now I have to look for someone new.

Cruising back home through our small gated community, I don't know why, but I stopped in front of a neighbor's property to ask for a business card. Maybe I was intrigued by the massive Ram 2500 Heavy Duty truck with its large utility wagon companion in tow. This behemoth piece of silver metal was parked quietly on the far edge of the property like a dutiful servant awaiting a call to action.

I didn't know who the boss was, so I rolled down my window and shouted to the nearest landscape guy dressed mainly in tattoos blanketing muscular arms stretched out from his well-worn work clothes.

"Who's in charge?" was my shout out.

"Just a minute, I'll get him" was Tattoo Man's reply, heard slightly above the engine whine of leaf blowers crisscrossing the property.

The owner of this small landscape company stepped from the backside of the house with a lit cigarette in hand, strode towards me, and then leaned against the passenger side of my vehicle.

I powered down my right-side window.

"Yes? You want something?" were the initial words from his husky, deep baritone voice.

"Do you have a business card?" was my question, followed by an inquiry as to if he had time to stop by and give me some estimates, as a potential new client."

"Exactly where do you live? Oh? Just down there." Phone numbers were then exchanged. "Let me text you. OK, in about a half hour."

I awaited his text: "Pulling up on property now." From my front window, I watched that behemoth Ram 2500 carefully maneuver into my circular driveway, with his half-asleep workers resting in the back of his cab.

He rang the front door bell and I promptly answered. I was most anxious to try out a new landscaping service.

There stood Josh at about 5' 2" -- shorter than I am, but as stocky and square a body frame as I had ever seen. Square? Heavy set, short legs, but a voice that any woman could easily get ensnared in. He tipped his baseball cap to reveal what must have been recently buzz cut hair, with slight greying around his goatee. I noticed a fairly evident scar on his right cheek.

From his first words at my door, it was his larger-than-life personality that unexpectedly caught my attention. "What can I do for you, Madame?" was his opening question.

"Let's walk the back property and you give me some quotes for clean-up" was my reply.

"Please...after you" and his calloused hands made a sweeping, gentlemanly gesture for me to lead the way and him to follow. He was smiling.

So began our conversations.

Have you ever had someone that you immediately just clicked with? It's as if two souls have been in dialogue forever. Looking back, maybe I was fortunate to experience the sensation of seamlessly being with another person just one time -- almost from a straight away introduction. That was with my late husband.

Other women have confided that they never ever had that sensation with a man -- even the man that they eventually married. It's the kind of feelings where sparks of unseen, but certainly felt energy are flinging recklessly all over the place instantaneously between two people. You also notice that your heart beat has picked up its pace.

As we walked my property, very unexpectedly that sensation has struck me again. In his late fifties, I suspect Josh felt it, too as he was close to my elbows, very chatty and most certainly extremely attentive. For a large, kind of awkward man to now move with such grace, it was as if we were in a heated, sensuous tango -- but only with our words.

Preposterous that my innermost lustful desires were awakening! From the moment of these very first conversations, Josh and I shared the splendid gift of repartee, punctuated with double entendres. On the surface, our words were about landscaping; but on the underside, it was all about carnal implications. No explanations were necessary. We clearly understood one another.

Josh and I were now feeling each other's boundaries regarding sexual appetites. But business remained at hand. I was given a fair work estimate; and, subsequent to our meeting, Josh did the clean-up landscaping work.

I couldn't wait to text him for another job. What? Am I blushing? You betcha! And even then, the very thought of him was making my woman parts secrete wet spots against my panties. Most certainly, this was capricious behavior -- I must say at my age!


Josh did return for another work estimate. On our property walk about, he stretched his massive arm out for me to wrap myself around. Unthinkingly, I did! God, this guy's biceps are solid muscle. So we walked and talked and laughed and teased.

I had done my research on Josh and, as we crossed my backyard bridge spanning a dry rock river bed, I brought the subject up.

"Why didn't you tell me your background?" was my opening volley.

"Why, is that so important to you" was his somewhat agitated retort.

It seems that Josh had spent well over a decade incarcerated on numerous charges -- mainly drug running and a couple of DUI's.

"I'm clean now and trying to make up for lost time in my life. That's why I started this landscaping company. In additional to residential work, I'm going after some steady commercial contracts to grow my business."

I welcomed the fact that Josh was willing to talk. He was quite open about his past -- the wife who divorced him and the baby that he was never allowed to be "Daddy" to. Of course, there was a sprinkling of past girlfriends that he also alluded to, but he still remained a bachelor attempting to pull his life back together.

What he really didn't want to talk about were the details of his criminal charges.

"That is all behind me now, and I earned a degree in the process of living out my hard life lessons," he added determinedly.

There was not much else to be said at this point. I couldn't imagine such an intense attraction between two quite opposite souls. My upbringing was solid middle class, college degrees, career and faithful husband. Josh's checkered past? Anything but!

Yet the chemistry was flowing as a river of imagined passion passed between us. I surmise we were both feeling the forceful magnetic draw to each other.


I needed a bid from him for my next landscaping job. The bell rang, and I anxiously opened the door to see him causally standing there in shorts, a muscle-bound t-shirt, and a favorite sports team baseball cap. Once again, his broad smile reached out to me.

"Come here" Josh beckoned in his deep, throaty voice. I need a hello hug from you." This was certainly a lingering bear hug, with his arms carefully wrapped around me and the strength of his hands traveling down my back. I could feel his nose nestled against my perfumed neck. His hug was just a bit too long, but I certainly didn't pull away.

Is it insane to think that anything physical could actually happen with such a span of years between us?

Landscaping business was attended to and he gave me a decent price for the required work. We also set the date for his return to my property. Leaving my front door, Josh turned around with his arms invitingly wide open. I stepped forward and his body momentarily pressed firmly against me. We both felt that energy, but it was time to part.


Josh's artic blue eyes are possessing me. He intrudes in my private thoughts throughout the day. But it is at nighttime that my imagination becomes laser focused on my body's erogenous areas and what his touch might -- I say might possibly feel like. I am certainly experiencing a deep, hormonal awakening which I thought improbable for me, as a seventy-something woman.

Quite often, daydreaming of him makes me simply ache in all those private woman places. Stretching on my bed, I tug my panties down and slowly apply lubricant to my vulva. I have to be most careful how my fingers stroke around my clit, to prolong the pleasure of climaxing. It is a turn on to glance down my torso, between my breasts, and see my hands in the crescendoing rhythms of masturbation. I desire to spend this time savoring what I would very much like to become reality. My favorite dildo and some finger fucking eventually makes me cream, with wetness trickling down my crack and onto my bed sheets. It's sheer ecstasy before I fall fast asleep.

I need to figure out how to make this imagined intimacy with Josh really happen. Or, perhaps, I should just keep fantasies about him intimately touching me exclusively in my mind. I just don't know.


It's been a month or so since I've seen Josh or required his landscaping know-how. When I did text him for a bid on tree trimming and a yard clean up job, he rather conveniently came that same afternoon.

The doorbell rang, and I immediately answered it. At that moment, there was nothing to be said except for his motion to come hither into his outstretched arms. Whoa! The flashpoints of electricity charging unseen between us was just as I recollected. No feelings on my part had diminished. I felt the greeting of his lips nuzzling on the side of my neck. Would a first kiss be next?

With the conclusion of our business discussion, he quickly changed the subject over coffee. "I've been thinking, and I guess I need to ask you something directly -- and something very personal," were Josh's deep voiced, nervously spoken words. "I just don't know quite how to ask."

"Ask what?" as I smiled and encouraged him to respond.

The next sips of coffee were downed in an awkward silence. However, our eyes said it all. The back of his calloused hand came up to gently stroke my reddening cheeks and, with his other hand firmly pressing at the nape of my neck, he swung his coffee bar stool around to be directly in front of me and leaned his head in. There were his lips enveloping mine. At first, his kiss was light and dry; then suddenly his lips parted to engulf my mouth and his tongue pushed deeply towards the back of my throat. Oh god! Our kissing felt so wet and messy, as we surfaced for air, then plunged back into some really passionate necking. We had played with these arousal feelings for so long, that I could feel my womanhood absolutely aching for his touch. I went completely wet down there.

But it just wasn't the right time to go further.

"Josh, we simply have to talk."

At this point his mouth was lightly nibbling at my neck and headed down in the direction of my shoulders and breasts. My gasp was that of pure pleasure, as he planted a hickey on my neck.

"We have to talk! Please!"


You don't enter this kind of arrangement without a thousand questions first being answered, ranging from expectations to STDs. So, over the next few weeks, there was certainly a lot of dialogue and sensuous kissing and touching over coffee, both in my home and at one of those intimate out-of-the-way coffee shops. The spark of our repartee only served to kindle both of our shared libidinous desires.

Does this make me a Jaguar woman? Embarrassingly, that just may be the most accurate term! However, becoming ensnared in a May-December relationship sounds a bit less edgy! Afterall, it has been several years since my husband's passing, and Josh had definitely ignited my craving to be touched.

It was time to make something happen -- or leave it alone.

Which would it be, Jaguar Woman?


I made the travel arrangements for several days in the islands. It would be luxury all the way, as I can afford to both pay and play. I hadn't realized it during our many coffee dialogues, but this adventure careened to the top of my life bucket list. Not only was I excited to be alone with Josh, but I wanted him to experience island culture, as he had never been out of the mainland -- or even to all of the contiguous states outside of where he lived! Talk about a heady mix of sex and luxury and adventure!

I couldn't wait for the travel date to arrive. I was packed and ready to go! Yes! There was sex paraphernalia tucked carefully into my cosmetic bag. I planned to arrive a day early and get the beach rental house in order. Josh would arrive the following day.


Bottled champagne was on ice when Josh's island ride pulled up. I just couldn't believe we were, at last, together and alone to explore each other. Josh's prolonged kisses felt warm and penetrating, as we stood clinging tightly to each other, savoring these first moments of real intimacy.

Unpacking could wait until later, as the bubbly was uncorked and drinks readily poured.

"I love being here with you privately" was his breathy greeting in my ear. May I caress you -- I mean, really touch you after waiting all these long months?"

"Of course. Yes!" was my spontaneous response. I was so ready. With that invitation, his hand slipped under my cocktail dress and his fingers pressed against the inside of my thighs. He quickly found the elastic of my sheer panties and pulled them aside. Actually, in the aftermath of undressing, I noticed that his strength had torn them.

"I want to taste your slit elixir" as he scraped my cunt's moisture and then returned his fingers to his lips, before pressing them against my mouth.

"Let us together taste and lick your nectar" he murmured.

I could feel Josh's erection bulging underneath his shorts. This would be the first time to see his cock and I was frenetically grabbing at his clothing to be able to touch it. He made it easy for me by arching his back and scooching his pants down around his knees.

That silky, baby skin smooth shaft stood erect, as I slipped down across his broad chest to stroke it; to kiss it; and to suck it dry. With my fingers pulling back his foreskin, my lips enveloped his glans with a seemingly thousand tongue strokes amidst his deep voiced moans of delight and outstretched legs. It was my pleasure to build a rhythm of cock sucking followed by intermittent long strokes of his dick to the back of my throat. Josh's hands then took over, clasping my head and guiding my open mouth into his desired rhythms. We came to the precipice of climaxing multiple times.

It was then my turn for discovering the pleasure of his cock's rhythms. In an instant, all our clothing was discarded and we found ourselves rolling nude on the floor.

"What will it be, my lady, to best service you?" as Josh held his pecker straightaway.

"How do you want to be fucked for our first time out?"

It certainly didn't take me more than a few seconds to raise up on all fours and back onto his erect manhood. Josh carefully guided his prick in and it felt as if that extended cock had plunged so deep in as to touch my ovaries.

"Are you ready" was his whispered question, then his penetration in slow stroking movements began. I could feel both his hands grip deeply into my buttocks, with his thumb in circular motions around my asshole. The smells of sensual oils were in the air and lubricating every part of my body. The lavender scented oils were his gift to me.

"Gawd, you're such a tight, pulsing cunt" he blurted out, not knowing how long he could hold himself without ejaculating. His fingers buried into my flesh even further, leaving visible bruise marks. Then Josh's pussy pounding moves got even more intense. Lordy!

"I'm gonna cum, I really am!" he moaned breathlessly.

That's when it happened.

The first pre-cum squirts were creampied deep inside of me. Quickly withdrawing, his hands-on-the-cock took over, pumping whitish, gooey semen all over my upturned ass and letting it slowly dribble down the back of my thighs. As if this whole scene were a melting ice cream cone, his broad fingers carefully gather this heavenly liquid up, and, he then motions for me to pivot on my knees, directly facing him.

Like a meat hook, his left arm slips under mine, with his hand firmly bracing my backside. I can feel my titties hardening, as he slides his moistened right hand down my torso, pushing apart my pubic hair and folds of labia skin to trace my inner slit. There's a bit of finger fucking to move his sperm deposit up, thereby lubricating my pulsing, erect standing clit. That is when Josh's hand teasingly manipulates my labia skin folds wide open. Diving deeply into my moisture, Josh's arm-rocking petting the length of my womanhood begins.

Talk about ripples of ecstasy to the very last orgasm! At the end, my body simply collapsed onto the strength of his outstretched arm. And, yes, Josh's second cock hard-on was now most evident and I was ready to sixty-nine with that bad boy. Afterall, we are on island time and there was so much more to explore between us.


When all was said and done, Josh has successfully created his business by integrating key principles of landscaping -- balance, focalization, variety, and rhythm. Why would I not think that principles such as these could also be applied to the sensuous contours and folds of the female body? He ultimately proved to be a master of both. I had a hunch from the very beginning of our relationship that that was certainly the case. I observed him going about his profession on my property. Now, my delight is to experience Josh in the intimacies of this sexual encounter.

There are no regrets on my part!


When my younger women friends gather for a cup or coffee and a healthy dose of neighborhood gossip, men and sex are invariably topics of discussion. For middle age women, it's about openly sharing, including detailed dissections of any recent sexual encounters.

As for me? Well, I just lean back, quietly smile, and carefully listen. This seventy-something woman's fantasy has served me well. I have no need to discuss it with anyone. And certainly no one would ever suspect what I have been thinking -- or doing for that matter. It's all a matter of a most intriguing business arrangement!

Ah! Ask me about the return on my personal investment in landscaping services!

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