The Last 24 Hours Ch. 10

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Confrontation with Lisa.
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Part 10 of the 14 part series

Updated 11/02/2022
Created 05/07/2005
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The woman has more balls than the NBA, NFL, MLB, The Canadian Leagues, and every collegiate team combined! And now she's going to trash my night with Beth… I don't think so! I took a moment to calm myself and to think for a moment.

Josh's voice brought me out of my musings, "Alex? Are you there?"

I turned back to the phone and sighed, I answered Josh, "Yeah Josh, I'm here. Do you have the paperwork I asked for with you?"

He replied "In my valise as we speak."

I told him, "Get a card from the desk and bring the skank up here and lets get this done; and Josh, I want a restraining order on her by morning. Legal contact only though you or Fred Phillips office. Ok? I don't want any more interruptions to this weekend or to have to see her period. She's had fifteen years to talk to me and all she has ever said to me were lies. Also, I'm never to be left alone with her. Period! I don't want her to be able to make any false claims about what was said or done." I thought for a moment and added, "That goes for Beth too. They are not to be left alone. Do you have a recorder on you?"

I could hear the smirk in his voice. "As a matter of fact yes I do it's on right now. As for your request I think I know someone who can expedite that for you tonight. I'll call them AFTER we finish up. We'll be up in a moment." He hung up and I turned to Beth and took her in my arms. I looked into her liquid blue eyes and said, "Promise me that no matter what you hear her say you will not doubt that I love you and will never leave you. I have an idea about what she wants but I can't be certain I'm right until she gets here so we don't have much time."

Beth asked, "What do you think she wants? Hasn't she done enough to you already?" The rage radiated from her in palpable waves. I rubbed her arms in an attempt to calm her down before her brother and Lisa arrived.

I looked into her face. I searched for a hint that she knew what I had deduced and found none. Cupping her face I kissed her on the forehead and said, "She's figured out that she's going to go to prison unless she can cut a deal with someone, and she's decided to start trying to make those deals with me." I said with finality, "Either that or someone explained to her that transferring funds you don't own to your own accounts is viewed as wrong by those at the D.A.'s office and transferring those funds out of the country gets the attention of the Justice Department. She was an integral part of a large scale fraud and grand larceny conspiracy that included that, AND an attempted murder. In this state that means she is just as guilty of the attempt on Fred Phillips life as if she had done it herself. It's considered a part of an ongoing larger crime. The fraud alone could get her seven to ten in Rockland Federal Penitentiary and the attempted murder could add another ten to fifteen years to that. Then there is the theft which could get her another five to fifteen years. Hell, the conspiracy charge alone could get her four to twelve years."

"They convict her on all charges, and the judge sentences her to consecutive terms and she's looking a twenty-six year minimum sentence and a maximum of fifty-two. One of the crimes is violent so she'll be in a maximum security facility not one of the federal country clubs. At this point I figure she's scared shitless, unless I'm way off base. She's just figured out that anytime we had a problem I handled it and made it go away. I was the one who took care of things. No muss, no fuss, just gone. Now she wants me to do the same thing again, and it is SO not gonna happen." I sighed resignedly.

"She's here now to try to persuade me not to testify, or to try to get me to drop the charges that Josh talked to the D.A. about. He has some paperwork to finish filing the complaint with the D.A formally in his briefcase. I WILL be signing that before he leaves, by the way. Her only hope at this point is that the D.A offers her a plea bargain for her to turn states evidence against the rest of these bastards. That or run, and I stripped her dry of funds to do that. Either way she is out of my life in a very permanent way very soon." I gave a dry laugh, "I'll bet you a hundred dollars cold cash she tries to use the girls to persuade me that she should be forgiven by me. That I should drop the charges because of the girls."

At the mention of Lisa in prison the look of unadulterated glee on Beth's face made me sad. I frowned and cupped her face stroking my thumb over her cheek I pulled her towards me, "Please don't be happy about her troubles. She delighted in the pain of others and I don't want you to be anything like her, not even just a little bit. She hasn't ever felt a genuine emotion in her life I don't think."

Beth turned her face into my hand and looked at me. She said, "You are far to kind for this world, my love. I will try to restrain myself but I can't help but be a little glad she is getting what she so justly deserves. I will promise to try to control the impulse to gloat but I won't promise not to do it in private. She's hurt the man I love more than life itself and I won't forgive her that. Not ever." As she spoke she stroked her fingers along my jaw and laid her hand on my chest.

With a mischievous grin I asked, "Who would that be?" She smiled and slapped my chest playfully and said, "You, you silly ass!"

I smiled, put all the joy her words inspired into my eyes and in a small excited voice said, "You said you love me!"

Beth caught the joke and said, "I've told you that several times tonight, if you had been paying attention, you horny little minx, you. And I'll have you know I've meant it every time I've said it to you." quoting my own words back at me. I smiled and hugged her tightly to me, burrowing my nose into the hair at the nape of her neck. I kissed the side of her neck below her earlobe and licked my mark on her neck. Beth purred in my arms like some great cat.

I moved us over to one of the couches and sat down. Beth kind of perched on the arm to my left as we both watched the door. Beth had not completely closed it after accepting the room service tray, so they would be able to walk right in after the elevator arrived. We sat and waited for Josh to arrive. I was casually stroking Beth's thigh and she was playing with the hair on the back of my neck, as we heard the elevator announce their arrival. Beth stood and moved behind me and put her hands on my shoulders. I took her left hand in my right and gave it a squeeze. I stood up.

Josh came into the room followed by Lisa. She was wearing a "power suit" in a light charcoal color that flattered her slight frame. Unlike Beth, Lisa is a petite woman. No conscience to speak of but undeniable fashion sense. Her pale pink blouse matched her nails. She was trying to put forth an imposing presence but I, surprisingly enough, was calm and unaffected. "Hello Josh." I said ignoring Lisa completely.

"Alex!" Lisa's voice dripped sweetness and light as she came towards me as if she would hug me and kiss my cheek like we were friends now. Like she had a right to such a familiar greeting. As she made as if to hug me she stopped cold when she saw the look on my face. A look of fear and uncertainty crossed her features and was quickly hidden. I wasn't certain what I'd have done if she'd have touched me. I just knew that she and I both would not have liked it.

I looked at her and spoke softly, "Ok Lisa, you're here; you've fouled my evening with your very presence, now state your business and get out." My tone was flat, even, and devoid of emotion. Bully for me.

Lisa looked as if she wasn't sure I was me. "A-Alex?" She had never seen me this emotionless before and it was frightening her. "I wanted to discuss what has happened. Try to convince you to change your mind." I looked at Beth her face registered the same incredulity that Josh's showed.

Josh piped in, "You have got to be shitting me?" Beth asked, "Are you out of your fucking mind? After what you put him through, you have the…" Beth fell silent as I raised my hand. Josh looked as if he was choking on his outrage.

"I'm sorry Lisa I'm recovering from surgery you'll have to say that again. I didn't quite catch it." Every eye in the room focused on me in confusion.

Lisa gaped at me, "Surgery? What did you need surgery for?" She looked at me trying to see bandages I think. She stared at me and could find no sign's of trauma.

"Oh, I had a one hundred pound malignant tumor along with the sign in bright red flashing neon letters that said "FUCKING IDIOT" removed this week."

Beth and Josh burst into laughter at my joke. Lisa appeared shocked at my crude choice of words. I had always been a gentleman with her around and rarely swore when she was near, "I want to know what you want and then I want you to leave. Period. This week you have taken everything that mattered to me, our marriage, my sanity, our… your… daughters, everything, and destroyed it. My… your daughters love is the only things I want from you, by the way, and I can't ever have that back. You've already seen to that." I spoke calmly and clearly and never looked away from her eyes. I didn't even feel hatred for her at that moment. I found myself indifferent to her. The opposite of love is not hatred, but indifference. I held more concern for a cockroach than I did her at that moment.

Lisa was unprepared for my unyielding attitude and was visibly shaken, "This isn't funny Alex! Can I talk to you alone please? It won't take long, I promise."

I laughed at her audacity, "That is soooo NOT going to happen, Lisa. You and I will never again be left alone in a room, not ever. I'm not about to give you the leeway to try to hurt me again. You are an excellent liar, and consummate actress. You've proven that well over the last fifteen years. So no, you may not speak to me alone or in private. In fact I won't be speaking to you again outside the presence of an attorney."

As I spoke I walked over to the wet bar and asked, "You want something to drink Josh? Beth?" Lisa did not miss that I did not offer her anything, implying that she would not be here long enough for a drink. She jerked like I had slapped her. "White wine if you please, Alex" Beth answered.

"Nothing for me Alex, thanks." Josh replied.

I poured the last of the white wine Beth liked so much, made a note of the brand and vintage and disposed of the bottle. I got myself a bottle of papaya juice and opened it. I took Beth her wine and sat back down on the couch.

"One last time Lisa or I'll call security and have you removed. What do you want?" Lisa was not at all certain what was going on. She hadn't realized that she had destroyed the man she thought she knew so well, and as a result could no longer predict my reactions. "I want you to refuse to press charges against me. They are going to take the girls from me if you do."

I looked at Beth and smirked saying "I told you so." Beth stuck out her tongue at me, took two fifty dollar bills from her clutch purse and handed them to me. Lisa just gaped at me and I laughed. "Why on earth would you think I would consider not pressing charges? Where does this arrogance come from, Lisa? You made sure that there is NOTHING I can legally do for the girls and even if there were they damned well wouldn't let me. I don't know why you would think I owed you a DAMNED thing." She flinched but didn't back down.

"I can't lose my girls Alex, I just can't!" She started to cry.

At one time, up until this past week in fact, this would have had me bending over backwards to comfort her. Now I just said, "Stop the acting Lisa, crocodiles only shed tears while feeding and there's no prey here, you've already got the Award for Best Actress in a long term role sowed up."

She looked at me in shock.

"I am quite certain I have never seen a genuine emotion from you. I don't think you would know what one was if it walked through that door and bit you on the ass right here and now. If I were you I would talk to the D.A. about a deal for testimony and a reduced sentence, maybe probation. They don't even need my testimony; they have it all on tape and video. I'd be talking to the D.A. about turning states evidence if I were you. If not you'll be going to Rockland Federal for a while, a long while. Maybe you can get a cell mate there who won't pimp you out too often." Lisa gasped. Beth looked shocked; Josh looked smug.

I continued, "I'd also call your parents and talk to them about a custody arrangement, they love the twins. The twins still love them, and they actually have a legal standing where the girls are concerned. You see Lisa, I have it on good authority that I have NO biological children, and therefore NO legal standing to petition for custody of anyone's children, and yours have decided that they hate me and consider me to be unfit as a father, and are glad that they need not "suffer my presence" any longer. Or so they told me… and the bailiffs… and the judge… and... Oh hell anyone who would listen to them at the courthouse, I guess. Now that I think about it, I wonder where they got that little idea from, hmm." I tapped my finger against my lip as if I were seriously pondering the question.

I looked at her and the first flashes of anger could be seen in my eyes, "I love those girls more than my own life and you have destroyed any chance I had of being their father. They told me TO MY FACE this week at court that they were happy to finally be rid of me. I would love to have my little princesses back, but now all that I have are the memories of times before you took them away." I hadn't told Beth or Josh of the depths of my anguish at the loss of my girls. I hadn't let them see the wreck it was making of me. If I refused to look at it, it wouldn't twist me into a battered shell. Now it was written there for all to see. My pain, my loss, my unadulterated shattering wretchedness. Surely I had done something wrong for them to hate me so much. (Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm dense sometimes.)

I continued my rant, "I'm sorry you had to "suffer" all these years." Sarcasm dripped from my voice like a bilious mass as I spoke, "Isn't that what you told Heather and Jacquie? That it was suffering? Well I'm sorry you suffered by being with me." I looked at her in disgust, "If that's all you want you can go now." I started to turn away and stopped, "Oh, one last thing." My voice softened, "Tell the girls that their birthday presents are coming by courier. I ordered them before they decided they didn't need me for a father and I want them to have them. And tell them that Daddy… that I… love them. They probably won't believe it or care but it is true. If they ever need for anything I'll be there for them." I turned my back on her and looked out the large window.

Lisa just looked at me in shock. "Alex, wait please, I need your help!" I turned to look at her once more but before I could speak hurricane Beth made landfall all over Lisa!

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" She stalked towards Lisa and loomed over her. The only word that came to mind was menace. Lisa quickly began to back towards the door. I moved to cut off Beth but Josh shook his head no, so I stopped. Beth closed in on her and Lisa finally figured out that Beth was not going to play nice with her the way I had. "You spent years driving away almost every friend that wonderful man has ever had, you used him to try to get your hands on his trust fund, you take away the fact of HIS children and then the love of those same children and then, THEN when your ass gets caught outright you have the nerve to ask him for help! I should cut your fucking throat right now, you BITCH! No court would ever convict me! If you had wanted the money, you sorry cunt, all you ever had to do was ask him for it. He would have signed it all over to you, he loved you so much."

She pointed at me and said "That man worshiped the ground you and your brats walked on. He would have gladly crawled through broken glass and burning gasoline for you! How did you repay that love, that devotion? By cutting his heart out. And for what? For money! You're nothing but a filthy whore. I feel defiled by your very existence. I ought to wipe the stain of you from this world." She stood there shaking in her rage. She began to advance on Lisa again.

I hurried over and put my hands on her shoulders restraining her. I guided her away from Lisa. She fought me through her tears of rage. I whispered in her ear "No Beth. Please Sweets, for me. If you hurt her I have to come and see you behind the plate glass, not her. Come on Sweets, for me, let it go. I love you; I can't loose you now that I've only just found you." This last was said as I placed a kiss on her temple and enfolded her in my arms. Beth continued to shake with rage but she stopped fighting me and gradually she calmed down.

Lisa stood there in shock gaping at Beth and me as I tried to calm her down. I looked at Josh and nodded towards the door. Josh took Lisa's elbow, "If that's all you wanted you're leaving. Now! If you attempt to contact Alex directly again I'll have you arrested on charges of witness tampering. The hotel has your photo and has agreed to have you arrested for trespassing if you come back here again this weekend. After this weekend you can come back any time IF you have a reservation. I'll be getting a restraining order signed tonight that says you must keep at least fifty feet between you and Alex. No calls, no visits, no contact BY YOU unless you go through me or Fred Phillips office. The twins can contact him at will. Violate the order just once and I WILL see to it personally that you are arrested and jailed to protect my client. Am I understood, Lisa? Oh one final thing. Michael Fowler was arrested today on charges of fraud, suborning perjury, and conspiracy to commit murder. If you want a deal you had better act fast before anyone else gets arrested."

Lisa, still shocked by the turn events had taken, nodded and allowed herself be led from the room. Two of the hotel security staff were waiting outside of the suite door in the foyer to escort Lisa from the building. Josh tried to tip them both a hundred for their trouble. They politely refused saying that security are not allowed to accept tips. They placed the money on the table next to the door before it closed behind them.

I told Josh "Call the manager and ask him to deliver checks to those two for double the amount of the tips in the morning, bill it to me. Tell him no one should have to endure Lisa's presence without bonus pay for proximity contamination."

As I finished speaking I turned, clasped my hand over my mouth, and raced for the half bath attached to the "day room" portion of the suite. I got to see what I had just eaten an hour ago once again. It looked far more appetizing the first time I saw it. I continued to vomit for several minutes, until at last I went into dry heaves as my stomach was completely emptied of its contents. Beth had followed me into the bathroom and was kneeling by my side stroking my neck, and making cooing noises, trying to sooth me, to calm me. To take from me the unbearable ache of the loss and the emptiness I was feeling. She wet down a wash cloth and lay it on the back of my neck as she rubbed my back trying to sooth my spasms.

I had spent a tremendous amount of energy the last few days trying not to feel anything about what Lisa had done to me, as if by ignoring it I could get away without it affecting me, and now all that effort was undone. My revulsion and anguish, my sorrow and pain, my abject loathing of her very existence was made manifest in my regurgitation. I had stripped her of the funds she had stolen from me, but she had taken something infinitely more precious than that from me. Something I don't think I can ever regain. The tears began to flow.