The Last Nice Guy in Town


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"I haven't slept with a woman in over a year, I'm pretty sure I can empathize with your horniness."

"I bet you can," she replied, her mouth curling into her trademark teasing smile. "We're going to have so much fun together, but to do that we're going to have to remove these pesky clothes you're wearing."

While Connor undid his belt and took his pants off, Sophie unbuttoned his shirt and slid it from his shoulders. When they were both totally naked they stood in the centre of the room and admired what was on display. For the most part, her gaze lingered between his legs, the blue light managing to illuminate his cock just enough so that it was visible in all its hardness. Connor, however, couldn't keep his eyes on any one aspect of her body. It was all too exceptional for any one part to be devoted more time over another, she was simply stunning.

"C'mon, let's get on the bed so we can be more comfortable," he said, grabbing his flute from the desk and climbing onto the mattress.

Sophie slipped onto the mattress next to him, both of them laying on their sides and looking into one another's eyes. She grabbed her own flute from the bedside dresser and raised it in the air.

"To us," she said, tilting it against Connor's glass to produce a small 'ting'.

"To us," he repeated. They both took a sip of wine and then placed their glasses back on the bedside dresser.

Not wasting any time, Sophie shifted so that her body lay completely on top of his, her breasts pushing against his chest and the tips of her toes touching his ankles. It hadn't occurred to him earlier but Sophie was a great deal smaller than him, he'd been so engrossed with the rest of her that he hadn't even noticed.

The entire length of his cock was wedged tightly between her thighs and a grin spread across her face as he squirmed around underneath her. The lava lamps, the soft music, her body – it all made him so hard that even the warmth of her smooth thighs could make him cum if he wasn't too careful.

"I'm not too heavy for you, am I?"

"Hell no, your body feels great, Sophie."

"So does yours. I have to tell you, I really can't wait until your cock is inside me. I've never met a guy like you, Connor. Last week, no guy would've done what you did. Do you know how utterly rare you are, forget seven months, I've been waiting a lot longer than that to be with someone like you."

"I think you give me way too much credit, I'm not that special."

"Well, I don't think you give yourself enough credit, and what I think is all that matters."

Connor laughed softly and kept her unwavering stare. He liked the fact that she didn't beat around the bush, that she said what was on her mind and didn't mince words. It was a quality that many people, if not all, severely lacked.

Instead of sliding herself onto his erection like he'd anticipated, she brushed her lips against his and kissed him softly. There was an undercurrent of sensuality in the kiss, her tongue stabbed against his gently and sucked lightly, while her hands caressed his body lazily. It wasn't like before when he'd been fingering her, now it was all slow movements, each sensation was to be savored and explored instead of being unnecessarily rushed.

Taking a leaf from her book, he slipped his hands around her waist and stroked the small of her back, letting his hands caress her smooth, warm skin with lazy circles, before finally sliding southward towards the curves of her ass.

The torture of being kissed and touched in such a sexy way caused him to start rocking his cock back and forth between her thighs, allowing him to gain a certain amount of pleasure from the friction. Sophie's wet lips eased away from his and her tongue slid out of his mouth and down his cheek, licking its way along his jaw line until her lips made contact with his ear. Then she talked dirty to him, so dirty that it definitely made a deadly impact on his heart-rate and intense state of arousal.

"I want to suck your cock," she breathed into his ear. "I want to suck it into my mouth and then, after I've licked and sucked it for a while, I want you to climb on top of me and fuck me with it. How does that sound?"

"So delightful that wild horses couldn't drag me away from you."

Laughter filled his ear and she began to make her way down his body, kissing and licking his tingling skin as she headed for her goal. As well as stimulating him with her mouth she was also rubbing at his body with her hands, one hand heading towards where her mouth was going and the other tracing its fingernails over his chest, lightly pinching at his nipples and playing with them. Finally, after torturing him with her tongue for a couple of minutes, Sophie nestled herself between his legs and gazed affectionately at what lay between them.

"You have such a nice cock," she gushed, the poor light from the lava lamps had obviously thus far hindered the finer details of his anatomy. "Oh God, you poor bastard. I just realized that it must be aching, my pussy's been satisfied yet your cock has received almost no attention."

Her right hand slid over the top and stroked it softly; rubbing back and forth like she was patting a small puppy. With almost no warning her hand dropped to the base and her hot mouth fell towards his lap, sucking in a substantial amount that left him gasping with pleasure. A shudder passed through his body and he had no choice but to drop his head back to the pillow and close his eyes – if he watched her doing it he'd fill her mouth with sperm in two seconds flat.

His ass began to squirm around as her lips tightened around him. It'd been over a year since he'd been touched by a woman and the sensation of Sophie's mouth left him reeling. Her tongue flicked against his cock as she sucked, lewd slurping noises rising above the sounds of waves and he could feel her lips sliding up and down his length; she was almost taking his entire cock deep into her throat.

Before Connor was even half on his way to cumming Sophie removed her mouth from him, which caused him to look up. From tip to base his entire shaft was coated in a fine layer of saliva, the aquatic light from the lava lamps causing his cock to glimmer and shine.

"Don't you even think about cumming in my mouth," she said breathlessly. The fact that her hair was still in a pony-tail made giving a blowjob easier, too many complications and annoyances arose from a girl having her hair down while performing the art of sucking cock.

"You don't like the taste of cum?"

"No, I like the taste just fine. The thing is, I need to get fucked pretty badly and I don't think I could stand having to wait around for you to get hard again.

"I'm okay," he said, trying to keep the tremor out of his voice.

"So it's alright if I keep sucking?" she asked, licking her lips suggestively.

Connor nodded and she devoured his cock without hesitation, sucking it back into her mouth with a loud slurp. He felt more in control, so he left his eyes open and watched as the beautiful strawberry-blond in front of him bobbed her head up and down, her long pony-tail flipping in time with her mouth's rapid movements.

What really turned him on was the fact that her eyes were trained on his, staring at him as she slid her mouth to the tip and flicked her tongue against the head. A sudden involuntary jerk from his hips sent an inch driving back into her moist mouth, causing her to giggle around his cock.

"You think that's funny, do you?" he groaned, grinning.

"Mmm hm," she moaned, being a good girl and not talking with her mouth full.

"What's really funny is the fact that I'm about to cum."

This produced a stifled gasp, which he felt shoot along the length of his cock, and her eyes leapt wide in horror. Sophie immediately removed her lips from around him and leaned her head back, staring at his dick in the hope that she hadn't sent him over the edge.

Connor began to crack up and she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Oops," he said, still laughing, "I guess I must've been wrong."

With the speed of a cheetah she raced on her hands and knees up his body. Straddling his stomach, she playfully slapped his chest and started laughing, her sultry frown still pasted to her face but her mouth was stretched open into a wide grin.

"You bastard, you really had me going for a second there."

"You're so gullible, how could I resist?"

"Well that's it now, I'm not sucking your cock again until you've fucked me. I'm not taking another scare like that, no sir."

"Aw, not even a little bit more?"

"Nope, you blew it, you can't be trusted."


Sophie smiled and leaned forward, her medium-sized breasts rubbing against his chest as she kissed him. As she continued the kiss she eased her body down until she was completely on top of him, their warm bodies flush and joined together by the laws of gravity.

"Yes, you," she replied, her soft lips still moving against his.

They both sat there for a moment and looked at one another, sharing the silence in complete and utter comfort. That was one thing that he couldn't help marveling over, how easy it was to be in her presence and have fun. It wasn't primarily because of the sex stuff that was happening between them; Connor sensed that no matter what they were doing he would love every moment he spent whilst in her company.

The contact between their bodies caused his cock to get trapped between both of their abdomens, which meant that even when he began to rub his body against hers the relief was minimal.

"Getting antsy, are you?" she teased.

"Hell yes."

"How about you introduce your cock to my pussy? I have a feeling they'll get along superbly."

Sophie rolled off his body and landed next to him with a small yelp, and following her lead, he positioned himself on top of her with his erection pressed between her legs. So that all his weight wasn't on her slim body, he distributed a large portion of it onto his left arm which was lying above her head.

A small shudder raced up his spine when his cock slapped against her pussy lips. That limited amount of contact was hotter and sweeter than any sexual experience he'd ever had. He reached down between their bodies and grabbed his cock, placing the tip to her opening so that he could ease into her efficiently and fumble-free.

"Wait," she said. "Shouldn't we formally introduce them first?"

"Oh, how utterly rude of me. Sophie's pussy, I would like you to meet my cock."

"Connor's cock, I would like you to meet my pussy," Sophie replied, her grin so cute that he could definitely get used to waking up to it every morning. Although, it wasn't the only thing he would enjoy waking up next to, the list of things would be too long to even contemplate.

"Now, let's consummate this friendship, shall we?"

"Go for it, my pussy's been looking for a best friend for quite a while."

As with everything he did regarding the vagina, Connor went about sliding his cock inside it as gently as he possibly could. At first there was some pressured resistance but once the tip slid past her entrance it was smooth sailing. Sophie's insides were slick and he drove effortlessly into her body as far as he could go, savoring the wet, warm climate of her most private area.

"Oh fuck yes, this is exactly what I've been missing," she groaned, wrapping her arms and legs around his body and grinding him tight against her pussy.

"I know! I've almost forgotten what this felt like."

He lay still inside her as her pussy adapted to his intrusion. Everything in the room suddenly faded until only Sophie remained. She was looking at him with her large brown eyes and her lips were quivering slightly, her pink tongue darting out every now and then to lick them.

"Fuck me," she finally whispered, loosening her legs around his waist.

Connor didn't need to be told twice. In the time it takes to blink he'd already removed his cock until only the tip lay between her lips and thrust deep into her again, groaning as her pussy clutched at him. The initial strokes in and out of her pussy were long and slow, both because he didn't know how hard she liked to be fucked and generally he wanted the experience to last as long as humanly possible.

Soft throaty sighs began to flow forth from her panting mouth as her body began to rock in time with his, her ass leaving the bed to meet his thrusts, sending his cock driving into her body harder and faster. Then she kissed him, a passionate and hungry kiss that was all tongues and soft lips. Both of them were moaning loudly, the glorious sensations from between their legs the culprit, but Connor couldn't tell whose gasps were whose; they mingled into one giant moaning hybrid as they sucked at each other's tongues.

"Oh, it feels so goddamn good," Sophie whined.

Each time their hips slapped together they made that unmistakably loud people-in-this-room-are-fucking sound. The mattress's hinges began to squeak with each pump, and as they fucked each other faster and faster, the time between squeaks closed in until it was a continuous, never-ending 'squeaksqueaksqueak.'

Every time his cock banged deep she would let out a low, guttural grunt. Her eyes were screwed shut and her brow was creased, sweat forming on it as they continued to pound their bodies together.

"I'm not hurting you, am I?" he teased.

Sophie didn't open her eyes or answer him, she just continued to shove her hips upwards and pull his body down against hers. The warm confines of her pussy were driving him insane; she was so wet that he almost slipped out of her.

"Sophie, am I hurting you?"

"Oh, I'm sorry," she moaned, letting her eyes flutter open. "I wasn't aware that your question warranted an answer."

"I better pull out then, just in case," he said.

Her eyes flew wide and her entire body tensed. All four limbs that were wrapped around his body suddenly exercised furious strength and drove him completely into her pussy, not letting him move an inch.

"You're not going anywhere my friend. You know what happens to a baby when you take away its pacifier? It screams its head off, that's what. Your cock is my pacifier and I'm going to wake up the entire building if you take it away from me."

"So you want me to keep humping your brains out, then?" he asked.

"Uh huh, I want you to hump me so hard that I wake up the building anyway."

Sophie's legs unclenched and they resumed their fucking, grinning at one another and laughing softly.

Some of the girls he'd had sex with had gone about it extremely seriously, as if they were high divers in a tournament and were being graded by a slew of judges. There was none of that with Sophie. She was fun, sweet and sexy as hell, with enough self-confidence to be uninhibited, though not to the extreme where she was arrogant or bitchy.

"I don't know how much longer I can last," he gasped, his cock beginning to get that familiar ache as he slammed in and out of her.

"It's okay," she whimpered. "I'm going to cum pretty soon, so don't hold back, keep fucking me as hard as you like."

"Where do you want me to cum?"

"I want it in my body, deep down inside my pussy."

"Are you sure?"

"Oh baby, I'm absolutely positive," she said, bringing a hand to his face and stroking his cheek gently. Her trembling lips found his and they kissed, while his cock continued to repeatedly impale her.

In the morning, when he'd had time to analyze everything, he would probably be wondering why a woman as gorgeous as Sophie would pull him into bed with her. It was surreal at the moment, like a dream but only better. Sweeter. Hotter.

"Make me cum," she breathed. She was thrashing around underneath him, slamming her hips into his in an attempt to drive his cock further into her body. Her arms tightened around his back, the cries of delight escaping her lips became shaky and her entire body was quaking – it was clear she was close to going off soon, very soon.

"That order," Connor groaned, his own orgasm so imminent that he could only stammer out his words in spurts.

"Good, because that's what it was."

"As we're clear...about it."

Then Sophie came. At first her body hardened against his and her mouth opened into a soundless moan, and then, her beautiful brown eyes went wide as her pussy exploded into a ball of pure pleasure. Her body suddenly went as soft as margarine and melted into him, her hips jerking against his with involuntary thrusts and grinds.

"Oh shit!" she squealed, moaning and groaning as the pleasure between her legs shot through her entire body. This was why Connor positively loved the vagina, to be able to create such a powerful reaction in a woman, how could you not like it?

"Fuck Connor, oh my God, don't stop."

While her body shook with the intensity of her orgasm, her sopping pussy clenched at his cock and every few moments it would spasm and twitch at his continuous invasion. More squeals came from her throat as he kept fucking her, each hard stroke bringing him one step closer to reaching his own climax. All of a sudden she pulled his neck down to her mouth, clamping her teeth around his skin in an attempt to smother the loud cries. The vibrations and muffled moans that passed through her teeth to his skin, coupled with the effects her pussy was having on him, sent an intense shudder of pleasure through him.

It wasn't quite the ultimate bomb orgasm she'd talked about before, or like Meg Ryan's over-the-top theatrical 'orgasm' from the famous café scene in When Harry Met Sally. It was somewhere in between, some sweet halfway point that left Connor yearning to pleasure her more, to make her feel as good as she could ever possibly feel.

After getting herself under some form of control, Sophie removed her mouth from Connor's neck and attacked his face with her lips, kissing his mouth, cheeks and forehead with quick, wet pecks.

"Oh wow, that was so good, Connor," she sighed, her voice husky and trembling. "Now it's your turn, cum for me, cum in me. C'mon, give Sophie's pussy your cum, it wants to taste it so badly."

Sophie's words drove him right over the edge and shot him into outer space. Her soft, warm body was still writhing against his and the cum began to build up, getting itself ready for release. The room suddenly swam into focus and the aquatic light that splashed across her face made her look serene and content, even borderline angelic.

"Oh Sophie..." he sighed, slamming his body down against hers for the last time and pushing her deep into the mattress, letting his entire weight rest on her body.

"That's it, give me your cum."

Seconds later he began to throb and spurt, shuddering as he shot sticky streams of semen deep inside her body. Connor's lips found hers and he kissed her passionately, moaning into her mouth as he filled her slick, twitching pussy with his seed. It all seemed so incredible – the smells of sex mixed with incense, Sophie kissing him hungrily, the pulsing blue light that could be seen behind his closed eyelids, the sensation of her tight pussy milking his cock, dolphins calling, warm skin touching warm skin, wet tongues, soft breasts, stroking hands – in fact, it was all so incredible that he began to shake like a leaf and couldn't stop.

"Connor?" Sophie asked. "Are you alright?"

"I'm f-fine," he stammered.

"You're not fine, you're shivering."

"It's just th-that what we j-just did feels s-so..." Sublime, perfect, sensational, too good for human description? Pick one.

"I know," she whispered. "Words could only bring down what we just did."

They kissed again, this time a sweet kiss with one of her hands tenderly caressing his cheek, while the other roamed his smooth back. It took almost five minutes of soft kissing and gentle stroking for Sophie to calm his nerves, her patience and warmth so evident that he couldn't help but feel his heart turn to mush – he never wanted to forget this moment, ever.