The Last Summer of Its Kind


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"I'm fine, Tom. Just leave us alone, okay?" She didn't look fine but she did stop squirming once the damage was done and I saw her panties.

"Gladly," I said, and I turned and continued along my way to the bookstore. I heard enough of her laughing behind me to figure she really wasn't in any trouble that she didn't want to be in. Since the loudest burst of laughter was accompanied by an empty beer bottle that one or the other of them hurled at me (it missed and shattered on a rock a few feet to my right), I didn't regret my decision in the least.

Jen wasn't in the bookstore. Another brunette was browsing the nonfiction section, and I guessed she was the one I'd seen. Since I was still feeling last night's revelry, I bought a black coffee and took a seat by the window, and hoped Jen might yet turn up. She didn't, which left me free to keep an eye on Rocky's car. I couldn't really see what was going on there, but I did see well enough when Shelly climbed out and stumbled onto the pavement. I think she was brushing herself off from the fall when Rocky leapt out after her. He grabbed her arm but there were others out and about and he let go and got back into the car.

I watched Shelly walk off around the corner, back towards the cabins. I kept my gaze there in case she came back (which she didn't), so I didn't see Rocky chugging around the square until he drove past the bookstore. We made eye contact too late for me to avert my eyes, and his were locked on mine as he pointed at me and mouthed the words "dead man".

I didn't pay him any more mind -- I'd learned everything about dodging bullies back in Iowa -- and decided to spend the day in town rather than trying to bother navigating any further with Jen for the time being. I found a greasy spoon for lunch and a drugstore with a classic soda fountain where I got dessert, and a couple of junk shops where I danced off an hour or two flipping through the records and books and CDs. It was just about three o'clock when I finally gave in and headed home.

The yelling could be heard from just off the main road. One of the voices was definitely Jimmy's, so I figured it was in our cabin. When I got closer, I realized it was next door. I stepped inside our place and found it empty. Doing my best to avoid overhearing anything, I changed into my swimming trunks and headed outside.

I didn't even get to the water before they spotted me. "Tom!" came Jimmy's anguished voice, the kind I'd hardly ever heard before."

"Cool it, man, he didn't know," Scott called after him

But Jimmy didn't pay him any mind as he marched down after me. "The hell were you thinking, asshole?!" he demanded.

Having stared Rocky down earlier, I had to struggle not to laugh -- Jimmy could never be that intimidating, even in his dreams. I turned to face him and saw Angela was coming after them, looking concerned. "Jimmy, there's no need to get violent!" she called.

"Violent!" Jimmy spat the word out in his most sarcastic tone. "You think you're worth fighting over?!"

"Shelly did, apparently," Scott pointed out.

"Fuck you!" Jimmy snapped at Scott. Then he turned to me. "What the fuck did you let that barbarian do to Shelly?!"

"Nothing she didn't want!" I said, not at all surprised to learn the cause of the argument.

"You think she wanted him to try to rape her in broad daylight?!" Jimmy demanded. "Don't you remember those safe sex workshops the campus feminazis made us sit through?!"

"The ones you made a point of skipping out on?" I asked. "Yeah, of course I remember. But I asked if she was all right and she said yes, and told me to get lost."

"And you believed her," Jimmy snapped.

"Jimmy, it wasn't his fault!" Angela said. "That's what I've been trying to tell y'all..."

"When did you try to tell me anything?!" Jimmy whined. "Both of your friends in there giving me the evil eye, hollering at me about what a scumbag I am, and I wasn't even the one who saw them!"

"Well, I didn't yell at you, did I?" Angela demanded. "Look, guys, Shelly likes to play games, and she likes dangerous guys like Rocky. But she really likes you, Tom, and after you wimped out on her last night --"

"Wimped out?!" I snapped. "I just didn't want to get beat up or thrown out of the bar, or both! And she could've said no to the guy, too."

"It was a test, numb nuts," Jimmy grumbled. "She just wanted you to be a man and stand up to him.

"Like I said, she likes to play games," Angela said.

"And this morning was another game?" I asked.

"I think it was just Shelly trying to let him down easy," she said. "She barely fought him off last night before we came home."

"Yeah, we had to clean up your mess there, too, man," Jimmy said.

"Jimmy, that's not fair!" Angela snapped. "Besides, it's not like you had any other plans for the night, did you?" She looked almost teary-eyed on that one. "I'll see you later. Maybe." And she turned on her heel and marched back up to their cabin.

"You asshole," Jimmy said under his breath. "Tonight was the night I was going to let her fuck me, now she'll probably never want to."

"What makes you think she would've wanted to tonight?" I couldn't resist asking, though I was quite sure of his answer.

"She was all over me at the bar, that's what! Hands everywhere, and I did my usual, hold it, I'm not quite ready for this, and I swear you could see her eyes were on fire. She'd have ravaged me next time I was alone with her!"

"And I was supposed to let that guy beat the crap out of me so you could get laid tonight, when you could've last night anyway?" I laughed and didn't give him another look as I waded into the water.

Jimmy yelled some more of his nonsense after me as I kicked off and swam out into the lake. I ignored him, feeling disgusted with the whole lot of them, even Jen a little bit. I poured my angst into my swimming, and stayed in the water for what felt like hours, but it probably wasn't much more than one hour. When I finally climbed out, feeling delightfully sore, I kept an eye on the girls' back door as I walked back up to ours, but there was no sign of anything.

There was also no sign of Jimmy and Scott inside. They'd gone off somewhere to blow off steam and I clearly wasn't invited, wherever it was. So I dried off and put my clothes back on, and put on a Readers' Digest movie score album and settled myself on the front porch to read my Carl Hiaasen book.

I was just thinking of going inside to make dinner when it roared off the road and across our front yard. Rocky's convertible. I tensed a bit but did my best to hide it. "I'll deal with you later!" he snarled, and I guessed it was at me but I couldn't see for sure as I kept my nose buried in my book.

I also didn't see who came to the door next door, until I heard Angela's voice. "You've got some nerve coming here!"

"I just want to talk to Shelly. Please?"

"She doesn't want to talk to you, Rocky. Ever."

"I don't blame her. Look, I know I was out of line. I just want to apologize!"

"I'll tell her you did."

"I want to tell her myself!"

"I told you, she doesn't want to talk to you."

"Look, I fucked up and I know it. But I'm in love with Shelly and I just want to make things right!"

"In love?! You just met her last night. Besides, she likes someone else."

"She knows that little wimp doesn't care about her. Look, I just want a chance -- "

"The answer is no, Rocky."

"You bitch, let me see her or I'll kill myself! See if I don't! And I'll take that little wimp of hers with me."

Pregnant pause, and then I heard a rattle -- Angela locking the screen door? "Get lost or I'm callin' the cops, Rocky." Then I heard a door slam.

It took every ounce of resolve not to follow her lead, but I figured I was too old to run away from a bully. So I stayed where I was and kept my nose buried in my book as he roared, "I'll be back for you, you little shit!"

I did finally go back inside as soon as I'd heard his tires peel off back onto the road. I locked both doors, turned the air conditioner on, and made dinner. Still no sign of Scott or Jimmy by the time I finished and set to washing the dishes, and I wasn't particularly sorry.

The knock at the door -- just as I was washing the last of the dishes -- didn't sound like anything I'd expect from Rocky. Firm but not angry. Still, I snuck a discreet look from behind the curtain before I dared open the door.

It was Jen.

I wasn't sure how I felt about seeing her just now but I opened the door. She was clutching a single red rose, which she thrust at me. "Peace offering?"

"That's beautiful," I said, taking the rose. "Thanks. Come in."

"Listen," she said as I took the flower out to the kitchen to put it in some water. "There's a place on the other side of the lake I've been hoping to show you. Want to walk over there with me now?"

"I'd love to," I said. "But just tell me, is this just a way of getting me out of the house in case Rocky comes back?"

"It's not just that, Tom."

I chuckled.

"Look, he really can be dangerous!" Jen said.

"No, I get that. You're right. Let's go."

"It really isn't just about Rocky," Jen told me as soon as we were off on our way past the row of cabins and around the lake. She slipped her hand tentatively in mine, then squeezed it pleasantly when I didn't pull away. "I really am sorry about what I said last night."

"God, it feels like ten years ago, doesn't it?" I asked.

"Not to me," Jen said. "I was cooped up in there all day, listening to Shelly and Angela yell at each other. I don't know why Angela's surprised, really, she's been watching Shelly play stupid, dangerous games like this for three years. Really, I think she's just frustrated. She is still considering Jimmy, you know, and it's all I can do to keep my mouth shut about him."

"She must see him for what he is by now," I said. "I mean, you know what he's up to, right? Forcing her to come on to him before he'll sleep with her?"

"Gah, that doesn't surprise me at all," Jen said. "But no, I didn't know. Must be a new trick of his."

"No, I've been listening to him spout off about it since freshman year," I said. "But I didn't think he really did it until now."

"Since freshman year," Jen repeated. "So you never heard him talk about it in high school?"

"I didn't know him in high school." I'd only just let it slip before I remembered his lie about us all being bosom buddies.

"But Angela said --"

"I'm sorry, Jen. The man is a fantastic liar."

"Then his father..."

"Alive and well. He was in Zurich on September eleventh. I don't think Jimmy even knows anyone who died."

"I really shouldn't be surprised," Jen said. "But enough about him. Did he ever tell you about Fulbright's Cove?"

"Never," I said. "Is it nearby?" The sun was sinking and I didn't fancy being out in the woods without her knowing where we were.

"Just up here around that bend in the lake. You know how it bends off to the left and you can't see what comes beyond from the cabins?"


"That's right about where we are now. And over this way...come here!" Still holding my hand, she pulled me off the path and across a vast patch of matted leaves that had me glad I'd worn my sneakers. She was wearing the same, I noticed for the first time, along with shorts and a tight blue t-shirt that left no doubt as to her best features. As much as I hated Jimmy's attitude, I found myself wondering how dramatically her popularity with the boys must have gone up from elementary school to high school.

We emerged into what I thought was a clearing, then I saw it was an inlet from the lake, surrounded on three sides by woods that came up to maybe five feet short of the water, which lapped gently just beyond our feet. The final rays of the sun glowed beautifully on the water, and there was no sign of anyone but the two of us.

"I was afraid someone else might have beaten us to it," Jen said. "But they'd have left us alone if we left them alone anyway."

"It's beautiful," I said. "Thanks for hiding me out here," I added with a grin.

"I told you, that's not the only reason!" she reminded me, and she slid her backpack off and rested it on a log. "Let's go swimming."

"I didn't bring my trunks," I said diplomatically, figuring the alternative was too good to be true.

"Very funny!" Jen's laugh was genuine as far as I could tell. "What do you think people come here to do?" She raised her arms. "Don't be shy, I know you've been dying for a look at them."

"A closer look than last night," I quipped.

She laughed harder as I pulled her shirt gently over her head. "I was hoping you were in there. You'd have been welcome to join me, you know."

"I was tempted," I said, admiring her in her pale blue bra -- the supportive kind rather than the decorative kind, but it was beautiful just the same. I raised my arms to let her return the favor. She pulled it halfway up and then left it covering my eyes. "Well, this is quite a view," I joked.

"I think it'll be worth the wait," she said. Then a moment later she finished pulling my shirt off, revealing that she had removed her bra. "Well?" she asked with a grin, hands on hips and her beautiful breasts on full display.

"Well, hello there!" I took them both in my hands and caressed them while she helped herself to unbuttoning my pants. We were both laughing like a couple of kids by the time she got my pants off, and I finally stopped playing with her breasts to finish undressing her. "Like the view better from close up?" I asked her as I pushed her shorts and panties down triumphantly.

"And how!" she opened her arms and I felt absolutely elegant as she embraced me. I rubbed her back reverently, barely suppressing the temptation to rub elsewhere and not really sure why I was being so reticent. Whatever my reason, she did the same.

We stood there entwined together naked with the water lapping at our ankles for a few minutes. "Ready for that swim?" I asked at last.

"Let's go!"

We waded in, hand in hand, deliciously aware of the lingering glow of the sun on our bare bodies, and laughing like the shy kids I suppose we still really were. The water was warm after the long bright day, and we splashed about without a care until the sky was dark and the stars were shining bright. There was a little talking and a lot of laughing, and plenty of easy silence as we enjoyed the heavenly scene.

"You're going to law school in the fall?"

"Yep, UVA."

"Oh! Beautiful, I've heard," she said.

"Where are you off to?"

"Wherever I find a job," she said. "No idea yet. Angela wants to go to New York, you know."

"Maybe she should take up with Jimmy."

"God! But if she's dumb enough to fall for him, she deserves him."

"Think she will?" I asked.

"She does have a thing for rich guys from the East Coast," Jen mused.

"Can't get much more that type than Jimmy," I said.

"That's what I'm afraid of," Jen said. "But look, forget them and forget Shelly especially. Okay?" As if to force me to forget Shelly, she stood up in the water and took both breasts in her hands, and grinned at me. "I've got a blanket in the backpack," she said.

There was a patch of moss not far beyond the first couple of trees. Despite Jen's advisory that it wouldn't do any good, I pounded at the moss with my sneakers to scare off or kill any bugs that might be waiting to sting us, and lay the blanket on top of it. Gingerly I lay on my back, relaxing only when I was flat on the blanket and still uninjured. Jen crouched above me, letting her breasts hang enticingly in my face, and I leaned up and latched on to her left one and took the right gently in my hand. She let out a howl of pleasure that scared off something perching somewhere in a tree nearby, and we both laughed through our passion at the sound of it scampering off.

With the woods around us quiet again, I turned my attention back to kissing her breast and, now, rubbing my hand down her side and her belly until I felt the first wisps of her bush. I ran my fingers through them, tentatively at first and then more playfully, and Jen let out another shriek of joy.

"That tickles!" she exclaimed.

"I know," I whispered with a triumphant flair that made her give me a scandalized look, but then she spread her legs out farther and welcomed my first reach all the way inside.

"Ohhhhhhhhh." Jen arched her back and I looked up to see a picture of absolute bliss on her face, and I knew I'd never be able to think of her as 'the ugly one' again. She was magnificent.

It was fast work for me to finger her into an orgasm, with her rocking back and forth on her knees to help me along. Almost as soon as she'd caught her breath afterwards, she pinned me down on the blanket and guided me inside her with both hands. "Make me come again and again," she whispered.

And for ten minutes or so, I happily obliged. I had no idea who or what else might be out there in the woods with us, for we were in our own little world with Jen bobbing in lovely rhythm above me, her breasts bouncing in their own elegant anarchy along the way as she clutched me within her hot, wet embrace. She came at least three times before I could finally hold back no longer, but she had no complaints about that as she slowed down at last and watched me come with a grunt.

"Oh, that's beautiful," she said as I came down from my cloud and relaxed on the blanket. A thousand thoughts roared through my mind in that tender moment as she lay back down on top of me and kissed me -- mostly about how it could never work out, and just how safe were we out here in the woods? -- but none of that mattered right then.

"Is this what falling in love feels like?" I asked.

"Hasn't it ever happened to you before?" she asked.

"I thought so, once. Couple of years ago."

"It doesn't feel like a crush," Jen said. "I know that much."

"That's good enough for now, isn't it?"


When we finally got our clothes on and returned to the cabins, Jen revealed, "I've already talked to Angela about it, and she thinks you should stay with us. Rocky won't think you're here."

"Then she and Shelly know what we've been up to?"

"They know we spent the evening together. Angela doesn't know anything for sure besides that, and Shelly...Shelly doesn't want to know."

I nodded. "I never did consider myself a heartbreaker."

"No one who really is ever does, I don't think," Jen said.

Their cabin was laid out just like ours, and Shelly and Angela were asleep on a queen-size mattress on the living room floor. Jen explained they'd been taking turns having the bedroom, and it wasn't her turn yet but Angela had volunteered to let her have it "just in case," as Jen whispered with a laugh as I helped her off with her clothes once again. She put on a nightgown and found me a long t-shirt to wear, and soon she was snoring away in my arms.

I did not fall asleep for quite a while, as I couldn't stop wondering what Shelly would say if she saw us there together in the morning. Besides, my heart was bursting for Jen now. But if nothing else, I was over my heartache at last. Maybe that's why I did ultimately fall asleep.

I was right to be worried about Shelly. When I awoke, it was to the sound of her and Jen hissing at each other. "It's my family's cabin, isn't it? And it's not like you really wanted him for yourself! You were just playing games!"

"I was just trying to avoid Rocky murdering anyone! Including me! Some friend you are!"

"You had your chance with him, Shel!"

I opened my eyes. "Should I get out of the way for you two to finish this?"

"Oh, screw you!" Shelly stomped off.

Angela appeared in the doorway a moment later, looking resplendent in a short nightie. "Sorry about that, Tom," she said. "She did agree it was best that you spend the night here, really."