The Late Shift


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She closed her eyes briefly letting out soft moans while her body recovered from a series of small intense bouts of sexual ecstasy. She opened her eyes again to see him looking at her with something she could only describe as love. She stopped giving out her soft moans to say. "You want me as your girlfriend? Ohhh yes...if you fucking me then you are dating me."

Will smiled wide as Alicia knew it was confirmation that this was something more. He then moved forward kissing her. Even though it was during sex and things get said, the idea in her head at this moment now reassured her that this was not some fuck session and it meant something.

Over and over his cock pistoned in and out of her like he was a machine made for giving her pleasure. She had her hands around his neck as her lips embraced his feeling her nipples spray a small steam of her mother's milk from all the excitement her pussy was getting. She wanted to be afraid of his reaction but could not help the fact her body was so sexually stimulated that there was nothing she could do.

His hands finally went to her face holding it in place making sure they were not broken from each other. Her tightening pussy could not keep up as he thrusted through yet another wet orgasm. Her body was beginning to shake from the intensity of what was happening. Her mind was helping construct a final moment of glory she knew would send her quivering to her knees. She flashed thoughts and memories of Will's raging erection deep in her, planting his warm orgasm so she could get hers.

Will finally broke his momentum as she knew he had to be close. Knowing the ultimate pleasure awaited her in a warm creamy dangerous ending was going to be like a tidal wave on a forest fire. Having Will cum inside of her would soothe all the demands of the fire that burned inside of her that needed to be satisfied. Having him pull out would tarnish the ultimate act of consummation and she was not going to have the fire in her sex go unchecked again for this long.

The fear of pregnancy was there but she needed to feel the warm essence of a man's love splash inside of her and fill her fertile love tank. The warm finish a man gives a woman was an orgasm of itself and Alicia demanded her orgasm having worked it up in her mind so much. She wanted to be responsible, but could not also a girl who lived in the moment and she could not get it out of her head that this unbridled moment of lust needed a magical end. The more she fought against it the more she realized her body was hardwired to accept a man's fertile nectar inside of it and Will was going to be the man to give it to her.

Keeping her legs tight around his waist, she bucked harder and harder as she could feel the tell-tale swelling of his mushroomed tip letting her know it was going to erupt. She broke the kiss and stared at him intent on making sure he delivered her big orgasm that came with the danger of reproduction. "Fucking cum deep in me."

Will grunted and almost looked scared. Alicia thought it was him having his orgasm or him worried that he was cumming inside a girl not knowing if she was on birth control or not. She could not help but smile at him to reassure him that it was okay.

As the warmth of his sperm gushed inside of her like a soothing drink on a hot day, she kissed him overcome with ecstasy and pleasure of feeling him trying to impregnate her. She felt the throb and twitch his member did as it was followed by the utter brilliant warmth of sperm flowing inside of her like her body was finally being satisfied. Her sex muscles gripping hard, wanting more and more as she just knew her love canal was being inundated with his white swimmers hoping to find something.

Will pulled out quickly as she dropped to the floor and quickly wiped up hoping not to get caught, but also feeling that if he stayed inside of her more cum and a bigger orgasm would have resulted. The burning urge inside of her was quenched slightly but him pulling out quickly dashed her hopes of a having her big ending orgasm.

As her feet touched the ground she felt Will's seed instantly spill out like it did not have a chance to get the job done in any way. A slight bit of relief was mixed with frustration as she felt he could have stayed in longer. Her lingering orgasm was still inside of her but it was nowhere as bad as it was and fingers tonight could finish it off.

She also wondered if he really did want to date her or just wanted a booty call. The idea of having a steady fuck was great, and getting on the pill could be an option for many worriless fucks for months. It still nagged at her wanting to know more about him and if he wanted something else though.

"You still want my number or do you just want to come by every night?" she asked, knowing this was going to finally settle the question she had in her mind.

Will looked at her with a big grin. "I really want your number. I don't mind coming by every night, but I do want to date you. I am serious about that."

"So you asking me to be your girlfriend?" Alicia asked, wondering if he was truthful during sex, and feeling a bit giddy that he was really wanting her.

"Thought it was already settled when we were having sex," Will answered with a smirking grin.

"Oh my God. I did say that, "she answered, knowing it was embarrassing she let her emotions get the best of her, but in that split second she could not think of a reason to say no. The only pressing thing on her mind was making sure Julissa did not find out that she got fucked in the back.

She quickly pulled up her panties and then glared at Will. "You can't be caught back here, hurry up."

She heard him pull his pants up and put his gun belt on as she fixed herself the best she could and then walked out a minute later seeing Will at the counter as if they did nothing wrong. She walked over to him to get the coffee pot acting normal.

"Boy or girl?" he asked as she walked back to him after putting the pot back on the burner.

Alicia turned around answering him, "Sebastian is six months."

She calmly walked over to him flattening her apron, making sure there was no evidence of them doing anything wrong. "If I give you my number, this is something more than...what we did back there you alright with that?"

Will grabbed his phone that he left on the counter and swiped it on. The moment it flashed on Alicia took it from him giving him a suspicious look. "Let me put it in. I want to see what you have on here."

Will said nothing as she swiped through pictures and text messages. She quickly noticed that he texted his other cop friends a lot about work and all of his pictures were of his car and his house. There was a few pictures of what looked like to be his parents but nothing that would indicate a spouse or girlfriend. After a few minutes she put in her number and full name.

"Here...I put my name and number in."

He took his phone back and looked at it quickly and then looked up at her giving her a smirk. "So Alicia Morgan, can I take you out tomorrow?"

Alicia smiled at being asked out and knew she would have to ask her mother to watch her child if she was going to go out on a real date. She had the day off and all college work was done for a few weeks. The notion of being on a real date was foreign and yet exciting at the same time. It was a new type of feeling that she had not had since she was a teenager.

"We shall see. I need a babysitter, and will ask, but I make no promises," Alicia answered with a smile wanting to be elusive and yet available.

"Can I call you when you get off work or in the morning?"

"Text me," she answered back, giving him a grin of acceptance that he was going to get in contact with him.

A call came over his radio and Will hit the button and gave her a face that he was disappointed they could not continue. He sipped his coffee quickly and put his phone away. "I got to go, and I will text you later."

Alicia sat at an empty table wondering what she just got herself into. She let Will fuck her again and then said yes to being with him as a girlfriend, or least she took it as that. The satisfying effect of having him drain his balls into her was lingering in her system as was the feeling of having a man so desperately want her.

Julissa walked in and she gave her a guilty look. Julissa instantly gave her a suspicious glare. "You said no?"

"Wait...wait. How did you know he even asked me out?"

"Oh please girl, that man is after you bad. You can see the way he looks at you and the way he comes around here."

"Well just so you know, I said yes. I need to get a babysitter and I am going to ask my Mom if she will do it. I haven't been on a date in while though."

"Should be an easy date, he is already into you," Julissa joked as she began to prepare for the large crowd about to enter.

The door opened and both of them knew their conversation had to be tempered as it was time to get back to work. Alicia was back on her feet handling the customer but still thinking about how Will had sex with her just a short time ago. It was nonstop for the rest of the night as more people came in and her shift ended as she was replaced by two other waitresses to handle the large crowds.

She was home an hour later and saw her mom feeding her son. Her mom looked at her sonand said, "Mommy is home."

Alicia sat down next to her mom taking over the duties of feeding her son. Even though her body was utterly exhausted, she did not want to give all of her chores to her mother. Her mom was up making coffee for herself as Alicia knew she needed to get some sleep.

"Mom, can I ask you a favor?" she asked wanting for her to watch her son, but cautious not to tell her that she probably has a new boyfriend.

"Sure, you need me to pick up something for you?"

"No it's not that. I was asked out on a date," she lied but knew that she would tell her the truth later on.

She saw her mother's eyes light up and her face smile big. "Oh, who is he? Tell me about him."

"Well, he is older than me."

"That's nothing. He is not like fifty is he?" Her mother quipped back with a look of concern.

"Nooo, he is like thirty-five. He is white and he is a cop though," Alicia stated waiting for her mother to make a comment, but also not worrying because her grandparents were mixed.

"If he is nice to you and treats you right, then that's all that matters."

"So can you watch Sebastian then?"

"If you want to go out on a date then yes, I can watch him," her mother said smiling.

Alicia talked with her mother for a few minutes before she went to work. Alicia then stayed up caring for her son until her mom got back and she could finally head to bed. It was right before she went to sleep that she looked at her phone to see Will had texted her if she was free tonight.

She responded back that she was free around seven. She gave him her address and wondered in bed if it was the right decision that she had sex with him not once but twice. It then made her think about each time and before she could think of anything else, she felt her sex get wet with desire. She knew he was pleasing her sexual needs, but still felt a bit worried about who he was.

Alicia was wearing a pink top that went down covering her ass and black leggings. She wanted something good but did not want something too sexy. Her closet was not filled to the brim as it was in high school as moving in with Marcel made her toss most of her things. Her makeup was done and she spent a little bit more time on her eyes accentuating her brown almond shaped eyes that he seemed to like.

The doorbell rang to the apartment and Alicia rushed to the door hoping her mother would not be too nosey and start asking him too many questions. She opened to see him in a nice shirt carrying a dozen roses. Her heart jumped with excitement that he brought flowers and made it seem like a real date. For a quick second she thought he was just going to come and take out her out to fuck her.

Alicia quickly introduced Will to her mother and was happy that she made an attempt to ask any questions before they left. Will in turn was polite and sweet as she now thought it was going to be a peaceful real date. The act of him walking her to his car and opening the door had her thinking he was being genuine and it was the real thing.

The dinner was both pleasant and informative. She listened to how he was divorced for a few years and that he changed himself through counseling and reading. Alicia divulged about her ex Marcel and how he was great until he lost the will to work or care for her or care about being in a relationship. She even went as far as saying that she did not want her son to know that her mother wasn't going to be the best for him.

She watched how his eyes were glued to hers and that he was thoughtful and listened intently without judging anything about her. She did the same and when she brought up how he made the compliment about her he held her hand from across the table and said it again.

Will paid the bill and took her to a spot in the park that offered live music at night. When he reached for her hand she gave in. It was like he was the perfect gentleman and was really trying to be a date and not a hookup. She gave him a kiss although it seemed awkward trying to kiss a man who was over six foot to her five foot four inches. But when it happened, she felt at ease that she was having a date that mattered.

It was late and she got in the car wondering if he was going to bring up fucking her. She already let him get between her legs twice and she wondered if he thought he could fuck her at will. In her mind she came up with a plan. If he was forceful and demanded sex, she would say no and then realize that he was just a fuck buddy that she may or may not want again. He did not bring it up and ended the date as a gentleman that she would offer for him to come inside her apartment. To her it was a test to see if he really wanted to be her boyfriend.

As he was driving back to her apartment he asked for permission to call her for another date. She turned to him and did not say a word as she felt lost to his question. She did not expect him to actually ask her out again not even knowing if he was going to score on this date.

She turned to him as he pulled up to her place. "It's hard for me to get free time some nights, but I will try. I am free all this weekend."

"I have to work all weekend but I am free in the afternoon. Maybe we can go to the park...I don't mind you bringing your son either," he answered, still looking at her with his soft brown eyes like he knew it was working on her.

"You really taking this boyfriend thing serious?" Alicia had to ask as it puzzled her with each time she knew what he was going to say or do and then getting it wrong. It was like her mind was completely out of sync with what a man would want.

"Look, I am too old to play around. I don't do high school games. I really meant what I said before and if we are going too fast and you want to slow down, that is fine too. What we did before was heat of the moment and I loved every minute of it. I never did that before with anyone."

"I didn't mean that way. It was a first for me too, and it's just that it all happened so fast. I really did like it though," she admitted, wanting him to know but not telling him outright that she was not some street slut that slept around.

"Do you want to talk about it this weekend?" Will calmly replied cracking a smile, letting her know he was still interested.

Alicia felt she wanted to try the relationship and that Will was worthy of having her. She also knew that her elusive games were childish and that she would lose him. "Do you want to come up and talk about it now?"

"I would love to."

Alicia let him follow her up to her apartment knowing her mother and son were well asleep. As the door opened she turned to him. "My mom and son are sleeping so we have to be quiet."

"You wanted to talk right?" Will answered, looking at her weirdly.

"If you are my boyfriend then I want you to fuck me. Are you my boyfriend?" she shot back with a half smile and half smirk. The idea of him being her boyfriend now stuck and she kinda felt the new rush of a relationship hit her.

When they both walked in she guided him to the couch. "Sit, let me make sure no one is awake."

Will sat down and moved a few kid's toys as she walked to her mother's room, cracking the door to see them both sound asleep. She then walked back knowing in her head that she was going to be fucked by her new boyfriend and the rush of it was already building excitement in her sex.

She walked into the room to see him on the couch and then she turned on the living room light, dimming it to set the mood. She strutted in and stood in front of him like she was making sure he approved of his new girlfriend. "You ready to see your girlfriend?"

"Oh yes," Will answered as she could see the anticipation in his face making her feel like a girl who is wanted.

"Well, I figure my boyfriend needs to see all of me then." Alicia smiled and spoke in her most sultry voice she could manage.

With her hands going up and down her sides, she pulled up her shirt slowly revealing her black bra. She knew her breasts were small and that her bra was not all that but she could see in his eyes that she had all of his attention and nothing was lost on him. She then turned around and slid down her leggings to show off her black thong that she had no doubt had his full attention now. With her back still turned to him having the moment of surprise, she unclasped her bra and held her firm perky breasts in her hands before turning around.

"This is all of me," Alicia said like she was offering herself to him hoping he would approve.

"You are the sexiest girl I have ever seen," Will responded making Alicia feel that either he was being nice or possibly really into her.

She finally dropped her hands revealing her brown perky tits to him like it was a big reveal, letting her man see her exposed. "You really like them?" she asked still having a twinge of fear that he didn't like them.

"Yes...I do. I love them."

Alicia got on her knees and moved forward and put her hands on his knees. "They still leak milk, please don't be grossed out."

Will reached down and Alicia felt his fingers rub and then gently pull on her sensitive thick nipples. "Ohhh...they are sensitive," she moaned slightly.

"I love your nipples, and that they leak," Will answered her fears with a soft voice and a big smile.

Alicia reached for the zipper of his pants. "Let me see you now."

"Ohh, so now you want to see me?" Will said with a joking tone.

Alicia looked up smiling. "Yeah, I want to see my boyfriend's dick."

Not waiting for a reply, she pulled down his zipper and then unbuckled his pants before sliding them down to his ankles. She pulled them completely off and tossed them to the side as her eyes went to his boxers. She then pulled down his boxers and laid her eyes on his white member that was semi hard and leaning over to the side. The thrilling excitement of knowing she was going to get laid shuddered throughout her body.

She gave Will's member a slow stroke as she moved her mouth to his giving him a quick wet kiss and then moved down to look at his prick that was coming to life. His bulbous tip was sprouting up wanting attention as his shaft thickened in her hand. Alicia's mouth watered wanting to taste him and feel his erection pulse in her mouth.

Not being able to hold out any longer, she opened her mouth and took his now fully engorged erection in her mouth. Going almost all the way down before hitting her gag reflex, she pulled back feeling her own sex prepare for what was going to enter her. The feeling of having a cock in her mouth made her own sexual needs quicken with desire.