The Learning


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Gulping finally, I managed to get out, "Ya sis, thanks." As Amy slowly shifted positions, lying down, placing her head on my lap and a hand under her head.

"Good. I love you Rob, I always have. Change the channel, will ya?" She commented, getting herself repositioned and more comfortable.

We sat there in silence for what seemed like hours, watching the boob tube. Our only conversation being about selections to watch, or not, punctuated by slight body movements, to change position.

Near the end of the evening Amy's hand had gravitated to just below my crotch, as she gripped the inside of my thigh. My left arm ended up being stretched out along her waist and hip, my hand dropping over the back side of her ass, as we watched MTV.

Almost in unison, we started keeping time with the music beat, Amy drumming her fingers on the inside of my leg, occasionally, lightly, touching my ball sack, as my fingers kept the beat on her firm tight ass. As the song ended, my cock was about half hard, now lying against Amy's head and my hand had closed, tightly, around her left cheek. Unconsciously, I squeezed her and asked if she was ready to retire.

Amy rolled her head up and back, trapping my cock under it and kept it there, as I grew to full erection. Looking up at me and using her head to massage my cock, she said,

"See? See how easy it could be Rob? You've gotten very hard with just a little touching and in case you don't realize, I've let you sink your fingers in between my ass cheeks and you're squeezing me…and you know what? It feels good, you're my brother - but the attention feels good Rob."

Embarrassed, I quickly removed my hand, as Amy smiled at me and, shaking her head, almost starting to laugh.

"Amy – I…I didn't realize what I was doing, it was the music and…" I stammered, trying to explain away the sexuality of our closeness.

"Ya? Well thanks anyway, at least I know you're human and maybe I've answered a question or two for you." Amy responded, rising from my lap and closed her fingers around my manhood, squeezing, as she winked and said, "Time for bed big boy."

I watched Amy leave the room, her body backlit once again, off and on, as she walked away, the light hitting her differently as she moved through the room. I remained, sweating, as my cock slowly returned to normal, thinking about how close things had just got. "Or, was she just making a point?" My final thought came, as I shut down the TV and lights.

Entering my room, I snapped the light off automatically and cursed silently under my breath, as the image burned into my retinas was that of Amy's naked body, just climbing into bed.

I moved to my floor bed and as I stripped down I asked,

"You were trying to make a point tonight, huh?"

"Maybe, what do you think?" Amy replied, as I heard her shift positions, her voice becoming clearer and seemingly much closer.

"Not sure Amy, but I know you've been treating me like shit for two years now. I just figured you hated me, but after tonight…" My voice trailed off, waiting for a reply.

"Sorry – just scared I guess. Tonight kinda answered how quickly we could be like mom and dad, don't you think?" She replied to my question, her voice sounding like she was scant inches from my face.

"Are you trying to tell me - you've considered it, Amy?" I shot back, my voice cracking slightly, as I forced the question out.

After a long pause, I felt Amy's hand, as she placed her fingers lightly on my lips and tracing them asked,

"Are you telling me that you haven't thought about touching me? That you haven't wondered about what sex would be like?" Finishing, she slowly withdrew her fingers and waited for my reply.

I paused this time - in shock, my mind racing, trying to formulate an answer. By the time I had decided on the answer and felt brave enough to respond, Amy's soft, slow breathing told me she was out, fast asleep and I was about to talk to no one in particular.


I awoke to find Amy gone and a note on the desk,

"Mom had to work, dad took Frank out shopping, Aunt Jo Anne and I went to have breakfast. Thanks for last night. I think your answer is yes and I hope Aunt Jo Anne has some answers for me."

"Oh Christ! What is she gonna do? She can't mean what I think she means!" I thought, shaking my head in disbelief, heading for the bathroom, wanting very much to throw up…


… "Thanks for breakfast Aunt Jo! How about we go to the park and relax a while, before going home?" Amy said smiling and added, "I need to talk with you."

"Well you're welcome dear. The park, I guess, why not? I hope it's nothing serious dear." Jo Anne responded, rising from the table.

"No, just girl to girl – woman to woman, sort of thing. Can't really talk with mom about it, you know?" Amy added, as she followed Jo Anne out to the car.

Jo Anne was just settling down on the park grass when Amy hit her with the bomb shell.

"Aunt Jo, I found mom's diary."

Jo Anne's mouth opened, her lips moved but nothing came out except air, as Amy's comment seemed to knock the breath from her lungs.

"Soooo, you know then?" Jo Anne stammered, her eyes wide, as she obviously searched for what to say next and the best she could do was, "Oh my God child, we never meant for anyone to find out, least of all you kids!"

"I know. Mom's writing makes that pretty clear Aunt Jo. I'm OK with it, believe it or not, I've known for more than a year now." Amy came back, trying to ease Jo Anne's growing fear.

"I can't imagine what this going to do to everyone! This is going to destroy your mother…and your father, oh my God your father, he'll have a heart attach!" Jo Anne stammered, even more agitated and nervous.

"Stop Aunt Jo, there's no need for any of them to know. I chose you because you're a woman and someone I know I can trust. Don't loose it on me, but Rob knows too." Amy went on.

Jo Anne's head dropped and her hands went to her face, the shame nearly too much to bear.

Undaunted, Amy went on, determined to get the answers she sought.

"How Aunt Jo, how did it start for you and dad, your brother?"

"Oh my God Amy, you don't expect me to answer that do you?" Jo Anne nearly shouted, as her head jerked up, shocked at Amy's request.

"Yes, I do - I need to know and I need to know badly!" Amy said, grabbing Jo Anne's arm, squeezing hard, to show her determination.

Amy watched Jo Anne's shoulders slump, in obvious recognition she would have to answer, there was no way out.

"Your father – sorry, my brother was masturbating, I caught him. Oh it wasn't the first time I'd seen him naked, but it was the first time I saw him hard - rock hard, I mean. He was so absorbed in what he was doing he never saw me. I watched him through the open door crack, my breath nearly stopping as he got closer to cumming and when he raised his head, his eyes closed, ready to burst, I stepped into the room."

"You walked in on him! Oh my God Aunt Jo!"

"I couldn't help it Amy, I just had to see – be closer. I know you don't understand, but it's what happened. I walked in and John opened his eyes at the sound, but it was too late, he shot cum everywhere. His eyes were wide with terror, but he couldn't stop. I never said a word to him Amy, not a word. I just walked up to him, put my hand over the head of his – you know – penis and held it while he pumped out the last. He was speechless, let me tell you! I held his – penis - while I bent and kissed him and then turned to leave. The last thing I said to him was thank you." Jo Anne finally finished, tears starting to form in her eyes.

"Woooow, that's amazing Aunt Jo!" Amy sighed. "What happened after that, tell me, please! Why did you thank him?"

Wiping tears from her eyes, Jo Anne tried valiantly to go on, "My picture dear. He had my picture on counter and was masturbating to it, not some porno star or magazine bitch, it was me!"

Amy sat stunned, not so much about what had happened, but that Jo Anne opened up and confided in her, telling her the deepest darkest secret she had.

"After that Amy it got easy, well somewhat. We always lived in fear, but we managed some how. You know, movies, at the lake, hell anywhere we could. It started out with masturbating one another, that was the easiest and God it was so exciting!" Jo Anne went on, excited now somehow, revealing her past and releasing the fears she held so long.

"So were you a virgin when you guys finally went all the way?" Amy asked, drawn into Jo Anne's growing excitement.

"Oh heavens no, girl. But that's another story. John was 20 and I had just turned 19 when that happened, we were in college. It was before we met Frank and Alice. Being away from the family it was easy to hide our close relationship, and we explained our same last names as coincidence, no relation to one another. Everyone thought John was just my boyfriend. It was pure heaven the first time he slid into me, I thought I would faint! He was so gentle at first and then I went wild on him!" Jo Anne's eyes closed, a large smile forming on her lips, as she recalled her first penetration by her brother.

Jo Anne placed her hand to her mouth, in an effort to stop talking, but couldn't contain herself,

"God, how awful this must sound to you Amy! Here I am telling you about screwing your father, my brother! But I couldn't stop Amy, I couldn't! He made me feel like no one else and the things he did to me! Oh, and the things I begged him to do to me - I could never tell you! I can tell you this, Frank is very happy because of your father!"

Amy was astounded. She sat, knees drawn up, held by her arms, hardly breathing. Jo Anne took a deep breath and with a weak smile reached out to pat Amy's arm, when she noticed Amy's crotch, wet to the point of staining through her shorts.

With raised eyebrow, Jo Anne looked up at Amy and asked, "Amy, just what is your interest in all this, anyway? I mean besides having found the diary?"

The question snapped Amy from her dream like state and noting the implication, stuttered slightly, as she responded.

"Do you think it could be – hereditary, Aunt Jo?"

Hereditary? Oh for Christ sake, don't try changing the subject. Are you and Rob fucking?" Jo Anne came back quickly…


Arriving back home, my mind seemed a little clearer and the apprehension I had felt earlier was gone. Walking through the house, I paused briefly at the kitchen doorway, greeted everyone and went straight up to my room, not wanting to tarry and involve myself in conversation.

Although I did feel better, the site of everyone made my gut turn and I couldn't help the feeling of disgust that came over me. "You gotta get by this thing Rob – let it go, forgive if you have to, but let it go!" I thought to myself.

I entered my room and quickly closed the door and leaned against it hard, like I half expected someone had followed me up and would try to enter, unannounced. A heavy sigh escaped my lips, when Amy walked out of the bathroom.

"Hi Rob! How was your day?" She asked, a bit too cheery for me, at that point.

"Hi Amy – Ok I guess, you know, it was alright." The sound of my response coming across even worse than my words portrayed.

There was an uneasy silence before I recalled what Amy's "mission" was that morning and, looking up, I asked her about it.

"So, how was your day? Have a good talk with Aunt Jo Anne? I queried, showing a hint of fear in my voice.

"It was great Rob, you'll never believe how well it went, at least after she got over the shock!" Amy replied excitedly, and bouncing onto the bed, went on,

"Remember asking me how I thought this thing started, last night? Well, I know now, at least with Aunt Jo and dad! Aunt Jo caught…" And I raised my hand, a signal for Amy to stop.

"Don't Amy, don't tell me. I don't think I can take it right now…" And stopped, pausing, as a thought hit me and I quickly asked another question, "Aunt Jo knows you know…what about me? Did you tell her I knew too?" My eyes widening, fear starting to grip me again, concerning the answer.

"Sorry Rob – but, yes I told her you knew too. And ya know what she asked me – Oh my God Rob, she asked if we were fucking!" Amy blurted out and giggled delightfully, as my face turned ashen white.

My hands went quickly to my face, covering it, as I groaned loudly and slowly slid down the door, but hitting the floor hard with my ass. Spreading my fingers I peered out between them and asked a final question,

"And you said what – to Aunt Jo Anne's question Amy? What did you tell her Amy, and please don't tell me you said what I think you said Amy, please don't say that!" I groaned.

"Relax Rob! Shit, you'd think it was the end of the world. I told her no – and then added, not yet anyway!" Amy responded, a large smile spreading across her lips, as she added, "I know you want to Rob, even though you never said yes last night, I know you do. I'm right, huh?"

"Shit – shit – fucking shit, Amy! How in the hell could you have said that to her! I can hardly look at them now, and with this - how will I ever be able to! You're killing me here, Amy! It's bad enough with them, but now you want to walk the same path for Christ sake!" I screamed at her.

Amy jumped off the bed, her smile and laughter gone and raced to my side. Dropping down to the floor she grabbed my head and cradled me in her arms, gently running her fingers through my hair she softly went on,

"Rob, I love you and I know you love me too. They're so happy Rob, think about it! They love each other, they have sex together and share their love Rob. In this insane world, they've found a way to have the greatest happiness they could imagine, Rob. So can we, so can we Rob."

As Amy's words faded, the scent of her body invaded my nostrils. The softness of her breasts pressed to my head, stirred a deep longing in my loins. The touch of her fingers excited me, more than I ever thought possible, as my cock stirred, wanting escape. I was being drawn into a sexual conclave with my sister and there was no release for me, except to flow with the primal feelings stirring in me.

I watched, as my trembling fingers reached out and undid the buttons of Amy's blouse. I heard her breath suddenly inhale, as I slid my fingers inside and found her erect nipple and began to trace circles, finally closing around the nipple and massaging it

Amy dropped a hand and unbuttoned the last of her blouse, allowing it to open fully, exposing her large firm breasts, now blushed from my touch. Her breath even shallower than before, she waited as I bent to suck in a nipple and roll it with my tongue, causing her to softly cry out,

"Oh Christ that feels so good Rob, take the other one." And I switched, slowly tracing a line across the breast I had first sucked, with my tongue, to the other, finding the nipple and quickly sucked it in.

Amy arched her back, forcing her breasts at me, as I opened my lips and sucked in her nipple, areola and as much of her breast as I could. I sucked hard and long, like a child too long waiting for his meal, with Amy clutching my head and holding me tight against her.

I sucked and played with her nipple, listening to Amy's short breathes growing more rapid and dropped my hand to find her crotch. She was wet, soaked through and her hips shook lightly as I closed my fingers on her pussy, pressing hard through the fabric I massaged her and sucked all the harder.

Amy pulled my head off her breast and cried out as my lips stretched out her nipple, releasing it with a loud slurping sound. Rising, she grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bed and without knowing how she managed it, I watched as she sat down, totally nude, reaching out to undo my pants.

Unbuttoned and un-zippered, Amy slowly drew my pants down and caught my freed cock between her lips, as she pushed my pants to the floor. My head arched back involuntarily, as Amy sucked me in hard, bending to pull my feet from the pants.

Finished, she gently placed her hands on my cock and began to explore. One hand dropped to grasp my ball sack and massage, as the other aided her sucking efforts, roaming up and down my shaft. I tightened my ass and thrust my hips towards Amy, in an effort to get more of me inside her, as her grip tightened on my balls, causing a low dull ache to form in my loins. It was pure heaven and I begged her not stop.

Amy had my hips quivering, when she finally released my cock, by taking a few final nips on my cock head and reclined on the bed, spreading her legs and pulling me down to meet her. Holding her legs wide apart, I started at her knees and nibbled my way up the inside of her thigh, leaving a saliva trail and drinking in the aroma of her body.

Closing in on her pussy, I ran my tongue around the outside of her labia and up, nibbling gently. I worked my lips around her upper mound and then in reverse, traced another trail back down her labia and inner thigh. The aroma of her vagina was driving me crazy, now open and wet, Amy reached down and spread her lips wider, beckoning me to explore.

Ever so lightly I touched her enlarged clit with the tip of my tongue, causing her hips to violently shudder. Amy's moans grew louder, as I sucked her sensitive clit in and out between my lips and lapped it with my tongue. When I dropped to slide my tongue in her vagina, she quickly moved her hands and forced my head hard into her pussy, urging me deeper and cried out she wanted me in her.

I dropped to my knees, as Amy's hand came down and encircled my throbbing, hard, cock and guided it towards her sex hole. Slowly I pushed in, as Amy let out a soft scream. I held my cock motionless for a period, feeling Amy's vagina constrict around me and release, constrict and release, until I could bear no more.

I thrust my hips forward, driving my cock deep and watched as Amy's hand went quickly to her mouth, stifling a loud scream, her eyes wide and lustful. We worked together building a rhythm of hip thrusts that seemed to send me deeper with each stroke, until Amy grabbed my ass cheeks and held me deep inside her.

With a wild eyed look, Amy whispered, "I'm going to cum Rob, can you feel it?"

And I could, it felt like something inside her had grabbed my cock head and was rubbing it hard. Her hips started a slow shake and built to violent shudders as she came, just after grabbing a pillow and covering her face to muffle the repeated screams,

"Fuck me Rob, fuck me hard, fuck me, fuck me, OH God Damn Rob, pound me, now, now, don't stop Rob!"

Wildly I thrust my hips and pounded Amy's sweet young pussy and felt the pressure build in me. My arms shaking, I arched my back and made a final thrust as my load shot into Amy. My cock pulsed load after load, like I'd never stop, as Amy tightened her vagina muscles on me and squeezed every last drop out, that I had.

Spent, I collapsed on Amy's belly and started to cry. After shocks consumed Amy, as she gently ran her fingers through my hair and comforted me.

"It's Ok Rob, I wanted you so bad and you didn't disappoint me. I've never felt that loved, or had a cock so wonderful. It's only the beginning Rob, we have so much to explore, so many ways to make love, share love. You're the best man for this sister and I'll never disappoint you Rob, you can have me any time, any where and anyway you want me, Rob…I'm yours."

"God help me, Amy, I want you too." I cried out softly.


I never heard the footsteps, as I drank in Amy's words and melted into her body. I never saw the wink Amy gave either, as my Aunt Jo Anne silently slipped out of our bedroom door.

"Well, what happened?" They asked in unison, as they watched Jo Anne enter the kitchen.

"We're safe. Rob and Amy coupled. It's been a long time I felt this horny, they were so beautiful! I need a large dose of sex, any one else up for it?" Jo Anne answered the waiting group, with a large grin and lustful look…

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
RodimusMikeRodimusMikeover 2 years ago
Unusual outcome.

This story started out as a sibling rivalry one,Amy being the typical teen bitch to her brother,but after Rob found the diary and Amy knew he had it,did Amy start being attracted to Rob.

It was a little rushed that Amy tried to entice and seduce Rob to make love with her but overall I think the rest flowed well,and they bonded together.Now as for Aunt JoAnne and the others at the time I think she exagerated the shock and astonishment at being found out,I think Aunt JoAnne was playing possum and wanted to plant the seed in Amy to get Rob and Amy to join there incest relationships.

Lastly it would have been better if Rob and Amy had made there relationship official and became boyfriend and girlfriend in public,but denying there sibling history,that way both could be in love openly.

prop69prop69about 14 years ago

A very touching story of incest. I am interested in where you take the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 15 years ago
total bullshit

waste of time so unrealistic if they hated each other so much one of them would have found a way to stay with a friend they sure wouldn't end up fucking and when he found the diary he would have gone to his parents and thrown it at them and said i can see how much honesty means to you why don't you four go to hell then turn and leave the house and not return keep it realistic and believable and stop trying to change human nature

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
very exceptional!

Really one of the most exceptional erotic stories I've ever read! Not one of the "wham, thanks" brainless fuck stories but a very erotic and even exciting story about two siblings who are slowly becoming aware of their deep love for each other. Please write a second part! I seems it's just a question of time until they decide to spend their lives with each other as husband and wife and set up a seperate family with their first of many children.


AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
Applause Applause Applause

That was very excelent story, keep on going ch. 02

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