The Legend of Captain Kelly Pt. 04

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Camille finishes the story of Captain Kelly.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 01/06/2021
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It had been almost a year since I became Christine's captive. I can honestly say that description for me had changed. I and many others considered me to be Christine's wife. Before departing, Christine finally told me the story of sweet Annalise. I was almost as heartbroken as Christine after hearing the tale. Having been in that position, I probably would have succumbed to Christine's charms just as quickly as she had.

It had been two months since the Crimson Orchid finished her repairs to set sail again to plunder the unlucky ships she encounters. I missed Christine terribly, and my days consisted of maintaining the household with Mama Carmen and Eden's help. Fairly routine with various days and nights of lovemaking.

My sweet little Felicity had visited many times, spending the night in my bed. She'd changed dramatically from the sweet innocent girl to a sex-craved vixen. She even talked me into using a 'man-part' on her when she visited, taking Bella's place. It was only temporary, thank goodness, until both Christine and Bella returned from the sea.

I quite enjoyed the little games Felicity made up when she stayed over. She had such a wild imagination, and we'd pretend to be different characters playing out roles, which always ended up with either myself or Eden or both using the 'man part' on her.

One of her favorites was being the 'nice' daughter with Eden as her evil step-sister. They'd get into an argument, and Eden would use the 'man-part' on poor little Felicity to teach her a lesson. I'd walk in at some point, discovering the girls, and spank them both. Then use the 'man-part' on both of them in turn.

Eden didn't mind entertaining Felicity this way; she was such a good girl. I preferred Eden and my intimate sessions with fingers and tongues rather than artificial devices. But, it kept Felicity happy and was a change of pace for us.

I'd come to know Jacques reasonably well through my weapons instructions. It was just before Christine set sail that she permitted me to bed him. I scoffed when she mentioned that, she smiled, telling me 'we'll see'. She was right, he is very charming, and I was curious about an older man. I had discovered with Eden's help how virile some of the younger men on the island were. The times we had Jacque and a couple of men join us in the bath were enlightening. As my defense lessons continued, I came to know more about Jacque and his personal life. He was a charming man, which helped us grow closer.

I slowly seduced him, or maybe it was mutual. We'd tease each other when we were alone during my lessons. We'd seen each other bare before and in compromising positions. He wasn't shy about complimenting my body. I returned those compliments in kind. I think it was maybe a month after Christine had departed we finally copulated.

That day, I'd done exceptionally well shooting and had bested one of his boys while dueling. His compliments got the better of me, so I kissed him. From that small kiss, we went straight to copulating. He nearly tore my blouse; he was so aroused. Suckling my breasts, then turning me around after loosening my pantaloons. He bent me over one of his workbenches, taking me from behind. I thought for sure someone would hear us because I was louder than expected. He was grunting like a pig as he shoved his man part back and forth in me.

It was very intense and quite different from any of the ladies I'd been with. I was full of his seed, and that was a very different feeling than with the make-believe man parts I'd previously experienced. I rather enjoyed it. Afterward, I could see why some people switch back and forth as far as bed partners are concerned. That was the first of many afternoons of copulating we shared. I looked forward to dueling lessons after that.

Christine had been at sea for about four months when a strange ship appeared on the dawn's horizon. I'd seen it on my walk the evening before, some peculiar lights out at sea. I had been scanning the sea with the spyglass that Christine had left for me in hopes she'd return home sooner than expected. However, the ship didn't approach the harbor until after daylight. When it got closer, I couldn't see much detail due to the house's foliage, which blocked my view of the harbor. I'd seen ships visit during my stay, flags unfurled and pennants waving in the breeze. This one seemed odd like it had never been here before, and that caused some concern.

I looked and found Mama Carmen, asking her if anyone was going into town and if they could bring me news of the ship. She'd already sent someone for sugar, rum, flour, and various other items. She was sure the local gossip would return with her dry goods.

Still, I couldn't shake the uneasy feeling I had regarding that ship. But, I went about my daily duties awaiting any news from Mama Carmen. I was in the garden just before lunch. Eden found me working pulling weeds while swearing at them. She had a worried look about her as she knelt next to me, surprising me.

Whispering, she cautioned me not to go into town and that I should stay somewhat hidden while the ship was in port. I looked at her, wondering, then it dawned on me. There must be someone looking for me onboard her. She said it was Captain Del Rosa, the man Christine set adrift after taking control of his ship and rechristening it the Crimson Orchid. He had a ragtag crew of misfits and looking for me. He'd heard about me being Christine's captive and now her wife. He wanted to exact revenge on her by returning me to Montserrat.

I shuddered, wondering where I could hide. Eden told me no one in town would give them my whereabouts because Mistress Christine was the island's benefactor. I still thought people could be bribed and that I'd rather not take a chance. So, we packed some essentials and left for the island's opposite side.

We'd been hiding for a week when one afternoon I heard a shot and some men shouting. I feared we'd been discovered. I had been fetching water at one of the streams when the shot rang out. I made my way back, trying to stay as quiet as I could, my pistol at the ready. When I caught sight of our lodging, I could see a group of men carrying muskets and cutlasses. Eden's hands were bound behind her back. She was bleeding from a wound on her face. The men were milling about as some looked around, trying to find me. There would be hell to pay when Christine found out who had talked.

I watched as a couple of men came running back to talk to the apparent leader. He was an ugly brute, and I assumed he was Del Rosa. I remained hidden for a few more moments until their leader began shouting.

"I know yer out there bitch. come out, or this here young bitch gets her throat slashed and her body used for crab bait after my men have their way with her."

I could see the men smiling at that thought. I couldn't let Eden be harmed any more than she was, so I shouted at them from my hiding place.

"I'm here, ya scum. Release her, and I'll come out."

Del Rosa shouted, "Show yourself, woman!"

They loosened Eden's bindings, then slowly, I rose from behind some plants opposite of where they suspected I was. I hid my pistol in my boot in case they searched me. It might come in handy at some point.

"Here I am, ya bastards, let her go."

They turned to see me, and I counted eight, including Del Rosa. Way too many for me to deal with alone. I walked out from my cover as they eyed me hungrily. I could hear some muttering about being another fine piece of ass. I felt like dropping that one in his tracks, but that would have to wait until I had Eden safe and we had a way out.

They ransacked our little hut, then herded Eden and me into one of three yawls they had further down the beach. Their ship was anchored further out in the cove just beyond the point. Someone in the house must have told them. Eden said this was a secret place known only to a few when we set out to hide.

I comforted Eden as we rowed out, whispering to her about our betrayal, asking who she thought might do such a thing. She could think of maybe three people who might for the right price betray us. Hopefully, we'd soon find out because if Christine suspected anyone in the house, they were as good as dead when she returned.

I half expected to see the traitor onboard waiting for us. When we boarded, we were ushered below into our cabin. It was as bad as the one on the Orchid that Felicity and I endured. Before our door shut, I demanded to speak with Del Rosa. The sailor laughed as he shut us in. However, after a few moments, there came a knock, and Del Rosa appeared.

He stood in the open doorway as I asked him, "Why are you doing this? There's no reward for me in Montserrat. At least you could have left Eden here. She has nothing to do with my indebtedness."

He laughed, "Oh, it's not about you, my pretty little whore. It's about that cunt that stole me ship. I've been waiting for something to get back at her for that betrayal. Yer bait for that ungrateful cunt licking bitch. Your little friend there will add to my prize when I sell her too. That fucking cunt Kelly will rue the day she stole from me. Now shut up and make yer selves comfy. It's a long way to Montserrat."

He exited, slamming the door shut.

Eden was sobbing, she'd never been off the island, and now she was going to be sold into slavery. I comforted her as best I could. The only hope we had was that Christine was out there somewhere and would come to our rescue. How and when I didn't know, but I did know if she got word it was Del Rosa he was as good as dead. I still had my pistol on me and would use it on Del Rosa if given a chance. I'd never killed a human before, but with him, it would be a pleasure. He was an ugly wretch of a man.

I didn't know what the crew would do to us if I killed him. I assumed they'd kill us or, worse, sell us anyway. I had to find out before we got too far away from home. That in itself would be difficult, but I had to try.

I wondered if they had anyone outside our cabin watching over us. What could two women do against a full crew anyway? I tried the handle, and much to my surprise and delight, it was unlocked. I told Eden to stay as I opened it to peek out. We were left unguarded while the yawls were being stowed away, and preparations were made for getting underway.

I made my way back up on deck to look around. The crew took very little notice of me as they raised the anchor and lowered the sails. It wasn't until I walked onto the stern that I was ordered back down by the helmsman. I assumed he was the first mate and ignored his orders. I was hoping to be escorted so I could talk to a crew member. Maybe offering a small favor might get him to talk.

Finally, the order was given to have me removed and taken back to my cabin. The young man was polite, and I started a conversation with him. I thought I recognized another young man from the house while I was topside. He was standing around watching the crew until I espied him. Then he quickly turned away, not wanting to show his face.

My talk with my escort was brief but enlightening. The crew hadn't been allowed any shore time to visit the local brothels for the past two months while searching for me. They were anxious and frustrated with Del Rosa, which might work to my advantage.

Before returning to my cabin, I thanked him for being so kind to me by giving him a hand job amongst some barrels down a passageway. I promised him more if we were treated well. His eyes lit up with that thought as I finished jerking him off and his seed spilled on the side of one of the barrels. He asked about my friend, and I told him we'd see, especially if he had another friend or two that might want to sneak out once the sun had set.

He said he'd think about it because the captain had given strict orders to stay away from us. I smiled, kissing his grimy cheek, then walked back to my cabin, smiling at him before closing its door and then wiping his filth from my lips once the door was closed. I told Eden what had happened, which gave her hope. I'd seen Felicity fall into despair, and I didn't want that to happen with Eden. I told her about the young sailor, she grimaced but agreed to go along with the plan to a point. I decided we'd only do so much for the scum and then cut them off, hoping they might act against the captain.

My hopes of stealing a yawl and drifting back to the island faded rapidly as the day passed and night fell. We seemed to be making good time with a prevailing wind toward Montserrat. Del Rosa felt confident enough that we'd not attempt an escape that we had free reign topside. The night was perfect for bribing the crew, well, at least a few of them. Some preferred bugging their fellow sailors over being with a woman. I don't think I could ever work in a bordello. Men are so disgusting and very unappreciative after spewing their seed. Most wanted more, which was not part of the bargain. I did note that afterward, many wanted to go back to their bunks and sleep. If only a few more women were on board, we could get many of them to nap at once and take over. But then we'd need to release a few to man the ship and guide us.

After two weeks at sea Eden and I became more selective in our favors. We traded for food, clean clothes, and insight. The men were quite talkative about their shipmates and the captain. We managed to incite a couple of quarrels that were dealt with late at night, the loser never to be seen again. I was becoming ruthless like my wife, and it made Eden proud.

I realized we couldn't eliminate the entire crew that way. Someone would figure it out before too long. Eden and I patiently waited for something to happen. We snuggled together at night, taking each other to much better places with our tongues and fingers.

After a month, we cut the crew off completely. That caused our 'favors' to cease also. We received no more clean clothes or extra food. Our trips topside were filled with begging and or threats warning us that we were the captives and they could take what they wanted, despite the captain's orders.

We'd casually mention that if the captain weren't around, we'd have no problems bestowing on gifts on them. That got the men to grumbling and thinking. But, they were stupid and scared, so it was much ado about nothing. We did, however, talk one member of the crew into seeing if our snitch could float. He vanished quite suddenly without even a good-bye. Our co-conspirator was justly rewarded.

By week five, we'd created enough hate and discontent among the crew that we only needed a small spark to ignite a mutiny or at least apathy. That spark came when a ship was spotted on the horizon bearing down on us.

My heart lept when I heard a lookout cry out, "It's the Crimson Orchid ten degrees off the port bow!"

Eden and I ran to the railing to look, but all we could manage to see was a speck on the horizon. We were quickly ushered below while the crew manned their stations. I could hear Del Rosa barking out orders to his mangy lot, most of whom despised him thanks in part to our gifts. Luckily, it was one of the crew we'd gifted who 'escorted' us. We quickly overpowered him, tying him up with the bedsheet in our cabin. I disarmed him offering Eden his pistol and dagger. She took the dagger while I kept the pistol. We snuck back up, waiting while hiding behind some crates.

The two ships were heading for each other. If it indeed were my love, Eden and I would do what we could to help her rid the earth of Del Rosa.

It would take a greater part of the day for the two ships to come within striking distance. Indeed it was the Orchid and in full bloom. Her sails unfurled, and her flag was wafting in the breeze. My heart was skipping a beat as she approached.

I assumed Christine held off firing at us for fear of injuring Eden and me since she had no idea where we were being held. Del Rosa, however, fired a couple of volleys, not doing much damage.

The Orchid crept closer, her sharpshooters picking off Del Rosa's crew one by one until they were no longer visible on deck. Eden and I had been hunkered down hiding, waiting for an opportunity to et Christine or one of her crew know where we were.

We were close enough that Del Rosa and Christine exchanged vulgarities, with Christine demanding we be handed over unharmed. Del Rosa laughed at her calling her all sorts of names, then sent one of his cowering crew members to fetch us in the hope that the sniping would cease.

Eden surprised him with a quick slash across his throat with the dagger, dropping him in his tracks. We then snuck out, making our way to the bow so Christine could see where we were. I'd ripped open my top, baring my breasts, hoping to confuse Del Rosa's sex-starved crew. My bare breasts also served as an unmistakable sign Eden, and I were not part of the mangy pack of dogs they'd been harassing with musket fire. I picked up an abandoned rapier from a dead crew member who no longer needed it.

Along the way to the bow, I managed to dispatch two crew members who thought I didn't know how to use the rapier. I mentally thanked Jacque, praying that I would thank him properly once we returned home.

Del Rosa didn't know our whereabouts on the bow until one of the Orchid's crew members pointed us out to Christine. Del Rosa turned to see us then rushed to us from the helm, pistol in hand, shouting like a madman. Unfortunately, the sniper's bullets hit all around him, not finding their mark. He lept up onto the bow, pointing his pistol at Eden, who was a bit aft of me. At that point, the muskets fell silent.

Del Rosa aimed his pistol at Eden's head from about a foot away from her, shouting at Christine he'd kill her if another shot rang out. He looked at me, telling me to drop the rapier or the black bitch was as good as dead. After that, the only sounds I recall were the waves hitting against the ships' sides.

Eden hadn't been able to draw her dagger quickly enough to deal with Del Rosa. She stood trembling, with his gun pointed at her head.

I dropped my rapier; its clank on the deck made Del Rosa smile, "That's a good little bitch."

Christine yelled something which diverted the bugger's attention.

It was then, I reached down, hands at my sides, and began walking closer to Del Rosa.

He saw me briefly, turning his attention to me one last time. I asked him to let Eden go. Christine was the one he wanted. He told me to fuck off. I heard Christine shout something else, which got Del Rosa's attention once again.

His inattention to me allowed me to bend down to slip my hands into my boots to grab both pistols. I mouthed to Eden, who was looking at me crying, telling her to drop when I counted to three. She nodded as I took three more steps, my hands behind my back hiding my weapons. I counted each one out loud to be sure Eden heard me.

When I said two, Del Rosa turned to face me, a quizzical look on his ugly face. On three, Eden dropped, surprising Del Rosa, who briefly looked at her then back at me. I was perhaps within ten feet of him when I whipped the pistols from behind my back, pointing then firing at Del Rosa. All I could see for a few moments was acrid black smoke, but I heard a grunt and the thud of a body hitting the wooden deck as the ringing in my ears subsided.

I moved forward as the smoke cleared to see Del Rosa face up, dead. Two holes in his blouse with blood pumping out of each one. The look on his face was of shock that a 'bitch' could shoot two-handed. I smiled, then spat on him.

His crew, still in hiding, slowly realized their captain had been killed. One by one, they stood raising their hands in surrender as Christine shouted out to Bella for her to start boarding. Eden managed to get herself together to hug and thank me, tears of joy and relief on her pretty face.