The Legend of Rosewood House


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"Hang on, Enaia, I'm coming." He said as he guided his horse back the way they had come. Stefend was right beside him as they rode and he sent a prayer up to the goddess that none of them had come to harm while he was away from them.


Ailianor sat looking into the fire, relaxed in her seat. She felt warm and safe and comfortable there, her head a little muzzy with the warmth of the room. She looked over at Soran where he relaxed in his chair just as a rumble of thunder rolled across the skies outside. She looked up at the ceiling and felt her heart racing for some odd reason. Had she dozed off while talking with him? The room was so warm and close, warmer than she had been in some time. She shifted in her seat and adjusted her skirts, pulling down the sleeve on her left arm, which had bunched up around her elbow.

"My apologies, Soran." She said with a smile and a small laugh. "I seem to have dozed."

"It is of no concern, Ailianor." He said, reaching across to pat her hand comfortingly. "With the travel that is behind you, I doubt you have slept particularly well of late and I know that marriage, particularly an arranged marriage, can be a stressful and trying time." He said and she smiled in thanks.

She could remember that they had talked, but the details escaped her and trying to remember them was like grasping at threads in the dark. She suppressed a yawn and instead smiled again.

"I can only hope that something more than obligation and duty will grow between us with time." She said softly as heavy rain rattled at the eaves, wind rattling the shutters and thunder rolling across the sky, dwindling with distance only to return just as fierce. She glanced upward and shivered a little.

"Does the thunder frighten you?" He asked and she shook her head.

"No, I have always loved the rain, the harder the better." She said with a fond smile. "I used to sit in the solarium at home and watch it through the open doors. My mother was always annoyed that I let the rain in, but I couldn't help it. I always feel so comforted by it."

"Yes, I too find the rain comforting unless I am out in it." He said with a smile. "Soldiers have a very different relationship with ran than farmers or even old men sitting at their hearth."

"I can imagine." Ailianor said with a smile. The idea of having to slog through the rain, the road turning to a mire under your feet, churned up by the men ahead of you... She shivered at the thought as a tap came at the door and it opened to admit Danilia, who curtsied to Ailianor as she entered.

"Forgive me, your Grace, but it is time that Master Lerient rested." She said, hands folded respectfully before her. Behind her Eilleth peeked out of the other room, her face a bit flushed and then she emerged, her dress looking a bit rumpled as she stood respectfully behind the Mistress of Servants, Cagan appearing as well to stand near the door.

"Of course. I had not meant to tarry so long, but I found the company very enjoyable." She said honestly as she rose, Soran rising as well, leaning on his cane for support as he bowed to her. "If we are here still on the morrow, perhaps I can return and we can talk some more, Master Lerient." She said and Soran bowed again.

"At your pleasure, your Grace." He said with his warm smile and she felt good as she left the room, Eilleth and Cagan trailing in her wake.


Adleth's heart was hammering behind her ribs as she adjusted her clothing. She had had to duck into the room she shared with Eilleth quickly and Riar was standing out in the hall with his back to the door. She could hear Ailianor out in the hall talking with the two guardsmen, giving them permission to take their meal and to bathe in the springs downstairs. Adleth knew that one of them would remain in the hall and she felt her heart race again. If Cagan stayed in the hall, she might be able to slip down to the baths and have some alone time with Riar again, to act on the promises that they had both made. She felt the ache that he had started in her belly and pressed her thighs together unconsciously.

Then she looked up as thunder rolled across the sky and the rain settled in and really began to pour. Aeren wasn't back yet; he would have come to check on the Lady and Enaia if he were, which meant that he was out in the rain and when he did get back he was going to be in a foul mood to say the least. That meant that she would have to be quick and they would have to be discreet; after the punishment Iavris had earned for trying to peep on the Lady, none of the guards wanted to cross their captain right now and she and Riar had already done considerably more than just look. If they got caught it would go the worse for both of them, what with Enaia being the captain's lady.

So she listened at the door and heard the two men acknowledge Ailianor's orders and one of them moved off. Adleth ducked back as the door to the room opened and her twin stepped in.

"Who's out in the hall?" Adleth asked in a whisper and Eilleth quirked an eyebrow.

"Cagan." She whispered back. "An Riar's gone down ta th' baths. The lady gave us the evenin' ta rest. I'll listen 'gainst her needin anything, you hurry an go." Eilleth said.

Adleth smiled and hugged her sister tightly then ducked out of the room, past Cagan who shot her a smile and a wink as she fled down the hall to the back stairs. She was excited, more than she had ever been in her life, and she could feel some of the wetness that Riar had awakened in her as it ran down her leg, making her shiver at the sensation as she came to the back stairs. It had only taken the twins a few minutes to learn the layout of the house and to find the servants' stairs that led down to the lower floor and the baths. There was a stretch of dark hallway that she had to traverse and another short stairway before she was down to the baths and she went without even thinking of anything more than the man waiting for her below. As she moved into the dark hallway she was smiling, but then something grabbed her and she barely had time to gasp. She vanished up, into the shadows near the high, vaulted ceiling without even a chance to scream. A moment later a slipper fell from above, landing in the hall with a soft thump.


Eilleth felt a giddy rush of excitement as she tidied up the room. It was an automatic habit, something she did without even needing to think about it. She was a bit jealous once again of her sister, who was likely in the baths with Riar at that moment while she was here with Cagan just on the other side of the door and there was nothing she could do about it. She bit her lip and squirmed a bit, thinking of the time they had just spent in the sitting room while Ailianor was in with Master Lerient. He had kissed her and touched her body, sliding a hand up under her skirts to feel that she was indeed wearing nothing under them. He had denied that himself or Riar had had anything to do with the twin's missing smallclothes but he also hadn't been too sorry that they had gone missing. And he certainly knew just what to do with his hands once he had them where he wanted them. It had felt amazing and her heart was still racing, the memory of his touch burned into her mind and her skin and she could feel the ache between her thighs, her belly fluttering, more from his words than his touch.

He wanted to bond with her, wanted to make her his wife as soon as they reached Braidor. Her heart raced again at the thought, at the memory of him saying he would speak with the Captain as soon as the other man returned and get permission to court her from the Lady. She could scarcely hold her smile in and she waited eagerly for Aeren to return. She knew that he would be in a foul mood for the rain and the long time spent out in it, and she knew that likely Cagan would have to wait a day or two before he could ask, but she could be patient... couldn't she? She had wanted to do more, wanted to do everything but there hadn't been much else they could manage in so close a space, not with the Lady so close to them. But her time would come, she knew; her sister would return the favour and she would have some time alone with Cagan, likely this very night once the Lady and Enaia were sleeping. A tap came at the door and she hurried over to open it and Cagan was there.

"The Lady needs you." He said, giving her a look that spoke of his own need. She thanked him and stepped across the hall to tap at the door before she entered.

"Your Grace?" She asked, curtsying and Ailianor paused for a moment, looking at Eilleth as if she couldn't remember her name.

"Ahh, Ellie." She said, her voice soft and a bit distant. "My... my apologies for disturbing your rest, but would you be so good as to fetch up some tea for us? I'm feeling a bit light-headed, I think I may have caught a draft when we were riding in the rain last night."

"Of course, your Grace." Eilleth said with another curtsy before she left the room.

Ailianor watched her go, a slightly puzzled expression on her face, and that was where she was when Enaia found her some minutes later.

"Milady?" The Lady in Waiting said softly and when Ailianor didn't respond, Enaia stepped closer. "Your Grace?" She said, a bit more loudly, and when Ailianor still didn't respond, Enaia grasped her shoulder and gave her a little shake. "Allie." She said firmly and Ailianor looked suddenly startled.

"Oh!" She turned to look at Enaia with a momentary look of startlement, her eyes wide in fear. "Oh, Ennie, it's you." She said with a nervous laugh, a hand pressed to her chest for a moment. She shook her head and sighed. "I fear I may have caught a draft when we were riding in the rain yesterday."

"You should rest then." Enaia said, perching on the other chair and taking Ailianor's hands in her own. She was positively chilled. "Why did you allow me to sleep for so long? Now I'll be up most of the night and sleepy tomorrow when I should be getting us ready to leave again." She glanced at the door, her brow furrowed, then she rose and walked over to open the door. Cagan looked up, coming to attention as she focused on him.

"Has Captain Aeren returned yet?" She asked and the guardsman shook his head.

"No, Mistress. No sign of him yet, nor of the others." He said and Enaia felt worry rising up in her breast.

"I want you to let me know the moment he returns." She said, trying not to let her worry show.

"Aye Mistress." The guard said with a nod and Enaia closed the door and turned back to Ailianor. She was staring into the distance, her face slack and her eyes unfocused. If she caught a bad cold or worse on the road they could be delayed for weeks and Enaia couldn't allow that to happen. She bustled over to her Lady and took her by the hands again, drawing her to her feet.

"Into the bed with you." She said briskly. "The space is still warm and I want you to remain there for the night. First thing tomorrow you are going to soak in the springs until you are as wrinkled and pink as a dried apricot and then you are going to rest again until you are feeling better." She led Ailianor toward the bed chamber and got her out of her dress and into a dressing gown before she tucked her in under the covers and within moments she was asleep. Then Enaia sighed and turned back to the other room and walked to the door again. Cagan came to attention then stood aside as Enaia crossed the hall and stepped into the other bedroom only to find it empty. With an exasperated sigh she turned on Cagan once again.

"Where are Adleth and Eilleth?" She asked.

"The Lady sent Ellie, err, Eilleth, down to get tea some while ago, mistress, but she hasn't returned yet." He said, trying to dodge part of the question, but Enaia was having none of it.

"And Adleth?" She asked.

"Err... I think..." He stammered, trying to come up with some plausible excuse.

"Spit it out man." Enaia said firmly. "Where did she go to meet with Riar?" From his sudden blush she could tell that she hit the nail on the head.

"The baths, Mistress." He said finally. "She went down to the baths."

"Of course she did." Enaia said with an exasperated sigh. Then she turned on her heel and stalked down the hallway toward the main stairs and the baths beyond. It was past time to put an end to this behaviour.


Eilleth shared a momentary glance with Cagan before she went down the stairs to the kitchen, padding silently along. The way was faster by the front stairs and with no one in the house to say otherwise, she went that way in case her sister and Riar were making use of the servants hallway. She could hear talking from the main hall and peeked in to see Morroy and Edra sitting at a table and tossing dice as they talked. She smiled a bit at not seeing Riar there and went toward the kitchens. She stepped into the warmth of the room and felt a sudden, inexplicable quell of nausea at the smell from the pot on the fire. It was just stew but there was something about it that turned her stomach. She thought that it was perhaps old meat, left hanging too long in the larder, and turned away to look for the cook. There was no sign of the stout woman so Eilleth found the teapot and lit one of the stoves and put water on to boil before she cast about for the leaves.

Mint and chamomile would serve her best, perhaps ginger if any could be had. That would calm and soothe the Lady and help her to sleep. Eilleth found no tea in the cupboards nor the jars and pots on the shelves so she turned to the door of the pantry and pulled it open. The smell from inside added to her nausea and she opened the door wider to let in some fresh air. The light filled the room and she froze as she saw what was hanging there. Her stomach turned in knots and her bladder emptied down her legs and a moment later what she had in her stomach emptied as well. It was Iavris, the guardsman who had so foolishly thought to peek at the Lady as she bathed. He was stripped to his skin and hung from the ceiling by a meat-hook that was stuck in his neck. He was clearly dead, but the worst of it was that his legs were missing. She turned, numb, and saw the bones resting on a counter, the meat cut away from them and she thought about the stew and the odd, nauseating smell. Had she anything left to sick up, she would have done so but only bitter gall stung her throat. She gasped for air and took a step back. Behind Iavris were other forms and she knew that they would be Emain and Rald, who had remained with the coach after it had gotten mired.

Her heart was racing as she took another step back and backed right into someone. She turned and saw the plain, sour face of the cook.

"Little mouse can wait for Nellin to fetch meal, yes?" The woman said, hefting a huge cleaver in one hand. Eilleth felt a shrill scream start in the back of her throat and turned to flee. If she could make it to the great hall, Morroy and Edra would protect her and they could all go to the Lady together. But then a small form leapt between her and the door. It was Rika, the cook's daughter, and the child bared yellowed teeth that did not look human at her and Eilleth turned and fled, her legs pumping for all she was worth as she ran to the servants stair and up; Cagan would protect her, Cagan would know what to do and she would be safe then. Behind her the cook watched her go and smiled, setting the cleaver aside and going to the stew pot where she ladled out a generous helping into two bowls, added some freshly made bread, and gave the tray to her daughter to carry out to the men at the table. To Eilleth she gave not another single thought.


The rain slashed at them and turned the ground into a churning mire if they went too slowly, but the horses slipped and slid and the pair of them had to fight for every inch if they went too fast which meant that they were slogging through mud up past their ankles as they fought their way through the storm and back toward the manor.

"This bloody rain can stop whenever it wants." Stefend snarled as he yanked his foot out of another sucking mudhole.

"Just keep going, lad." Aeren said, pushing on grimly.

They were both soaked to the skin and had mud all over themselves and their horses but they were pushing on. The washouts and gullies and other obstructions kept pushing them far afield but they weren't going to give up. They would get back to the manor and the women in their charge or they would die in the attempt. And with every step, Aeren was kicking himself for so quickly and easily trusting Master Lerient and the staff of his house. And if a single one of those women had so much as a hair out of place on their heads, he would burn that place down with them inside and listen to those old bastards scream and he would piss on the ashes when it was done.

"I'm coming, love... I'm coming. Just hold out until I get there." He said and he pushed his way up a slope and when he made it to the top he paused to catch his breath and released it with a groan. There was no sign of the manor or anything other than trees and mud, and directly before him was a small river of runoff that they would not be able to cross, not safely. How far out of their way were they going to have to go, and would they be able to find their way back? He sent a prayer up to the goddess and asked for protection for those in his care that he had so foolishly left behind. Then he sent a prayer to his men that were still at the manor.

"You better protect them, lads. You better ward them with your bloody lives." He said before he turned to lead his horse upstream and search for a safe place to cross.


Enaia padded down the stairs, her face grim as she prepared herself for what she might see and what she was going to have to say when she got there. At least the pair of them were thinking enough for one of them to be available, though Enaia had the feeling that it had more to do with Cagan being on guard duty than anything else. She sighed and went down the last set of stairs and pushed through the door into the baths. Morroy looked up, startled by her sudden appearance, and he ducked back down into the water again.

"Mistress... is aught the matter?" He asked as she turned away abruptly.

"I am looking for Riar and Adleth." She said, her face flushed with embarrassment.

"Ahhh." He said and she heard water splash as he moved. "Riar's up't the hall for his supper and as touchy as a wet cat. I'm guessing he was waiting for a while but by hisself."

"I see... thank you." She said and he said something that she didn't quite catch as she was already retreating, her mortification melting away in the face of her ire as she climbed the steps once again, turning out into the main hall where she saw Riar sitting across from Edra at the table. The slight form of Rika, the cook's daughter, was just passing him a bowl of stew and a heel of bread.

"Riar." she called as she approached and he stood, as did Edra.

"Mistress." Both men said with a small bow.

"Where is Adleth?" She asked and the two men glanced at one another. Edra turned his face away to hide his grin and Riar sighed and couldn't meet her eyes.

"I dunno, Mistress." He said.

"I know she was to meet you in the baths, and likely for more than to help with washing your hair. And I know that once Cagan is relieved he likely has the same promise from Eilleth. But I can find neither Adleth nor Eilleth."

At this the guard looked startled and a little afraid. He looked to Edra and the footman shook his head, his face also filling with worry.

"I'll go and stand guard at the Lady's room again." Riar said, ignoring his bowl and Edra nodded, stepping away from the table.

"I will as well." He said

"No." She shook her head. "I'll go back up and get Cagan to remain when Morroy comes up to relieve him. I want the two of you to stay together and go and look for Eilleth or Adleth. If you find them, bring them up right away." She said and the two men nodded and she turned away with a sigh, almost tripping over the little girl, who she hadn't even realized was there. She paused and crouched down a little to be on a level with the child.
