The Lewd Hollistic Ch. 04

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Becca returns but needs Dr. B's help with something...
13.3k words

Part 4 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 03/06/2022
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It's been several months since he last seen Becca. He kept rewinding that session over and over in his head; did he do the right thing? You have to wonder, can she be trusted with my secret? My gut says, she can be trusted. There's a glimmer in her eye that wants more. Just before I kissed her forehead, Dr. B witnessed it. Becca wants to be desired and to be loved. Hmm, she received a lot of orgasms from that massage. Tough to be beat from my other patrons; she is definitely orgasmic. There's just something about her that I find fascinating; other than the great body she owns. Oh well, another time perhaps, days are numbered for them. No new calls as of late. Life is getting boring here; perhaps it's time for a change of scenery. Hmm, perhaps another month, if things don't change, then it's time to move on.

Well business has been good, not in pain but in financial regards. All the investments made here in the Midwest have started to increase: restaurants, banks, condos, and etc. Even the investments made at Edward Jones, are slowly trickling in with money. It's a good feeling that business is booming but on the pain front, not so good. Having some downtime is great but having a long life, gets boring fast. Most of my properties are well maintained on the outside as well as on the inside. Everything is stocked for his needs. Not tonight they don't. I need a chaser, something to keep me from going insane. It's time for a drive, to the city. Dr. B, walks down the hallway to his garage, opens the door and see's his four cars: the Jag, BMW M, Land Rover Sport, and Honda CRV. He would love to take the Jag into the city but it's too flashy at night; the Beamer and Rover too. I guess it's going to be the CRV tonight. He open's the garage door, slides into the Honda and backs out of the driveway and closes the garage door before he goes. Time to find that chaser, and hope it's unique.

Most big cities never sleep, not just New York City alone. All the fast food restaurants are open but are run by mostly kids. They have an easy night cleaning but it's boring as hell. I bet most of them are on their phones talking to their friends or watching porn. Kids these days are unique, I will give them that. Not like the ones in the past. It seems that the responsibilities growing up are slim and they're not turning out right; being around for over 1000 years change your perspective on kids growing up in these times. However, some will shock you and become great men and women. Not all are bad; depends on their upbringing and the people involved. Hmmm.

No, I won't stop at any fast food places; most of you don't know, kids are resilient to pain. It's because they are young and their bodies are constantly fighting against it.

Dr. B looks at the time on his dash and its after 3am. Hmm, that counts out the bars; they close up shop an hour ago. Wal-Mart and some of the pharmacy places are open all night. Wally World is great during the day but at night, that's when the weirdo's come out to shop & play; that's a definite pass. Guess I will check out a Rite-Aid or a Wallgreens for my chaser. Let's stop at this Rite Aid and see if there is anyone of interest. He pulls up and gets out of the car; looks around and see's some cars in the parking lot besides his own. Guess there are people up at this hour shopping. Let's keep our fingers crossed and hope someone within needs some natural pain reliever (wink/nudge).

I need to go in there as if I am looking for or in need of something. Don't want to be some weirdo, harassing the customers. Hmm, so many aisles, so little time, lol. Let's try dairy and frozen foods...ah nope, nobody shopping there. I see someone in the Craft section but not getting any reading on them. Guess it's best to check Pharmacy/HBA section; there are several people there. A gentleman looking at ace bandages, looks like he has an ache but no pain in his ankle. There's a woman checking out the pads; she is on her cycle at the moment and it looks like she has some cramping. Those are easily fixable and not the chaser I am looking for at the moment. There is a woman looking at the antacids; she looks like she is definitely in pain of sorts. Let's head down and take a closer look. He walks behind her and gets a reading, she is suffering from GERD; she is holding her stomach, sweat is brimming on her forehead and it looks like she is trying to control her breathing. Dr. B approaches her and asks if she needs any help.

"Are you ok, do you need any help miss?" Dr. B asks.

The lady straightens up a bit but her sickness prevents her a bit. She is covered up in a hoodie, trying to conceal her identity; she is from Asian descent. When her face comes into view, time slows down for him; he instantly recognizes her, she is a celebrity and did a tv movie way back, called 'Samurai' something. She was amazing in it and wished that it turned into a series but it never happened. Time starts up again... and she asks, "do I know you?"

Dr. B looks at her and begins with: "Not at the moment Jamie, but I do know you and I am a fan of your work; oh, um, I am Dr. Brynmor Lewdenski but you can call me Dr. B".

She looks worried and turns her head from side to side and says, "can you keep your voice down, ah, Dr. B, I don't want people to recognize me or want any trouble".

With a nod, he understands but to his chagrin says, "it's after 3am in the morning, I doubt anyone will recognize or know who you are". She rolls her eyes and says: "ah, you did and your someone".

B thinks to himself and says good point. He then says, "perhaps I can be of service to you" and places his hand on her shoulder. She sees it coming and tries to move her shoulder away from him but he makes contact and the golden aura of his power seeps into her body... providing warmth and pain relieving power. A calm comes over her and she begins to stand up in awe.

She looks up at Dr. B and tries to stop what she is about to say to him but it comes out garbled:"Don't touch meh.."

Dr. B apologizes for his harm once again; he forgets sometimes that this simple act can be seen as an assault and removes his hand. The pain in her belly resumes and she is hunching over again. She reacts, grabs his hand and places it back on her shoulder... And she breathes a sigh of relief and says, "This feels amazing; I don't know what this is but don't stop ". Instantly the pain is off her and she resumes standing up.

She mumbles something under her breath about dinner but inquires what this feeling. Dr. B then tells her about his ability to take away a person's pain for a period of time and the costs. Jamie immediately offers money to get rid of this pain for the next few days but Dr. B shakes his head that he isn't interested in money. He slowly begins to tell her of the 'Lewd Holistic' and what he has asked in the past. She immediately shakes her head that she isn't interested in anything like that. She tells him that stuff like that can be seen as a scandal of sorts and that can jeopardize her career.

He smiles a bit and says to her, "Let's take a walk around the aisle and see if anyone can see/hear us". They walk down the aisle and the lady is still looking at the pads. Dr. B asks Jamie to talk to the lady about which pads are best. Jamie asks but the lady doesn't reply or look at her. She is confused of sorts until Dr. B shares his other power, "Jamie, I also have the power to create a bubble around us; they can't see or hear us".

Jamie is dumbfounded and tries waving her hands around to get the lady's attention but it goes unnoticed. She even tries to touch the lady but the barrier prevents contact. She looks up to Dr. B and ask, "Ok, you got me there; I know these antacids will help get rid of my symptoms but it will take some time and I have a photo shoot in the afternoon and then a movie screening tomorrow night. What do I have to do, for you to get rid of this pain for little over a day?"

"Well Jamie, it's your lucky day! Literally. Your helping me out today, it's been awhile since I feasted on pain for one and I am a fan of your work. I know that you have a boyfriend and that your moving up in the world. I won't ask for much today... What I want is a kiss!".

She is taken aback by this request and tells him that is reasonable, 'A peck on the cheek'.

Dr. B laughs and shakes his head and says, "Ah no peck, I want a full blown kiss on your lips; and trust me, you will enjoy it". She then smiles and accepts the flirt but wonders why and before she is able to ask a question, he begins to speak.

Dr. B then tells her, "I have a thing for beautiful Asian women" (with a smile). She returns it and begins to lean forward and up but Dr. B waves her away. He then shares with her about the contract and what happens if she breaks it, yada yada. She then agrees and then he asks her to repeat after him, "My oath is my bond" and the pact has been sealed. He then leans forward, places his right palm on her chest, just below her breast bone, fingers pointed to her left; with a twist of his wrist, he counter clockwise his hand by 90 degrees. He then looks at her, and a clock appears, and he moves the big hand, 28 hours ahead. He then lifts his hands and the pain has stopped.

He looks at her and asks, "how are you feeling?", she replies: "much better, thanks".

He then looks at Jamie and says, "Now payment... Just stand there and don't fight me. Let it happen and it will be over...quickly". She licks her lips as Dr. B caresses both checks with his thumbs, using his fingers, he tilts her head ever so upwards as his head descends. His lips touch hers, chastise at first, she tries to fight it a bit but then gives in because it's so soft. She slowly gives in and opens her mouth; his tongue darts inside to taste her and when their tongues collide, and a chain reaction begins. Electric heat bounces from his tongue to hers, and once her tongue absorbs the heated sensation, it explodes within her mouth, travels down her throat then expands from there. Every cell in her body reacts, her eyes light up from the sensation and she can't control herself. She reaches out to the doctor and digs her nails into his shoulders, bringing him closer... The need of wanting more of him and his taste; the kiss is electrified. She loses herself, combing the doctors hair with her fingers. Twisting her head to the side, which drops her hood and miraculously her hair is flowing down her back and B cradles her head with his fingers and ravishes her mouth.

The kiss itself feels like eternity but it's only been a couple of minutes. Dr. B comes to his senses, tries to control his sexual urge to go further and starts to pull back. Jamie, wants more and fights to keep him closer but once their lips break contact, she gasping for air, like she just ran a marathon. She turns around and swears: 'Holy Fuck' trying so hard to get her composure under control. She slowly turns to Dr. B, and says, "I have never had anything like that before, the heat & passion in an instant; I so wanted more". She keeps taking deep breaths in and out. She is literally shaken; but then adds, "I am literally soaking wet! Wow, from just a kiss".

Dr. B looks at Jamie, and bites his lip; thinking to himself (I still have it and yet I almost lost control). Jamie begins to move forward and backward; she is clearly dizzy from the experience. Dr. B instantly grabs both shoulders with his hands and steadies her. He pumps his golden aura into her to give the necessary stabilizers she needs to function. Once he feels she is out of danger to herself, he lets go.

Reality hits her like a ton of bricks. The pain in her belly is gone, however the longing is still there. She is happy that her composure came back but feels kinda embarrassed a bit. Dr. B sees that look and tells her: "I would love to give you my business card, however since you're a celebrity, I can't risk my exposure. I will however, remove your longing and embarrassment. You won't remember what happened but you will remember who I am next time, if we ever meet again"...

She is taken aback by his words and feels kinda sad but understands. Dr. B leans forward, says a few words in Latin and then kisses her forehead. All the longing and embarrassment is gone. She is in a daze of sorts for several minutes, giving Dr. B time to break contact, shrink the bubble and leave her in peace. He walks past her and turns the corner but stands there to make sure she is ok.

Jamie, finally comes to her senses; forgets what she was doing at the moment but is clutching a bottle of Tums in her hand. She remembers: that she came to this Rite Aid for antacids for her GERD but is feeling much better. That's weird but what else is odd, why is her underwear totally soaked and I can still feel the juices running down my leg. Then it dawns on her, that she is exposed. The hood is no longer on her head and her hair has broken free from her bun. She immediately puts her hood back on, places the Tums back on the shelf and heads down the aisle for the exit. Dr. B, watches it all; happy that she is alright and gotten more than just a chaser. He also got a kiss.

Dr. B, feeling great with himself, heads to the counter and purchases a cold bottle of water and then heads for the exit. Time to go home and reflect He wakes up late in the afternoon; still buzzed from the kiss with Jamie and the chaser of pain received keeps him floating for a bit. He walks to his bathroom and turns on the shower; lets the spray warm up the tiles before stepping in and immersing himself in the downpour of water to wash away the dirt & effects of the day, past. He stands there, letting the hot droplets of water beat onto his skin, soothing his mind. He thinks to himself (it's time to leave, can't be in one place for too long; people will begin to ask questions. However, I have a feeling something is going to happen soon. With that instinct, I will give it 2 more weeks; if nothing changes, then I will leave this place and be done with it). He comes back to his senses. Turns off the water and stands there dripping. Breathing the hot moisture air and reflecting on the year past. Something will happen, I know it... my instincts are never wrong.

A week has gone by with no calls or summons; what a pity. Only one week left... The chaser did help for a couple of days of the week but he is starting to feel hungry again. Need something different. If someone doesn't call soon; then I have no alternative, I have to leave. Just when he is about to leave the room, his cellphone begins to vibrate. He reaches into his pocket and sees that it's Becca calling. A smile touches his lips and then he picks up the call and says, "Hello Becca, how are you today?"...

"B, I don't have much time but is there a way I can see you for a quick second?", she says over the phone with a shortened breath. B is begins to get concerned and ask where she is located and she says, "I am downtown. Where can I meet you at?".

It sounded urgent. He checks his watch and it's after 3:30pm; getting downtown will be a bitch but it sounds like an emergency. Hmm, think B, where is the best place to meet with privacy. Hmm, I got it (with a snap of his finger), he tells her, "Can you meet me at Cafe O'Let on Springer Street, I can be there (looking at his watch) in an hour. When you meet the Concierge, tell them 'Dr. B sent you', they will understand. Becca, it will be alright, I will see you in an hour!".

With that, he hangs up the phone, grabs his leather jacket and heads to the garage. This time he will take the Jag F-Type Sport Coupe (300hp, Rear Spoiler, Fixed Panoramic Roof and in Santorini Black Finish); this will do nicely. He grabs the keys off the hook and presses the key fob, the driver's side door is unlocked, opens automatically and the car purrs to life. He slides in and takes a whiff of the leather interior; pushes another button in the center console and the garage door opens up. He backs out of the garage, hits the button to close the garage and puts the car into gear. Let's see how long, will it take me to get downtown in this car. Once he is on the highway, he floors it and the Jag takes off. He turns on the radio and cycles through the options and hits Spotify; immediately Enigma starts to play and slowly the music with the base, calms his nerves. Let's focus on driving and not on Becca...

B gets downtown in 47 minutes, with 13 mins to spare; he parks the Jag around back. He walks around the building and sees a line is starting to form for evening dinner. He walks around them and all the people in line stare after him; he can feel their energy, most of them are there to eat but a couple of them are there for other forms of sustenance. He walks to the head of the line and see's the Major Domo, aka the muscled bound Jackson at the door. He greets Jackson with a smile, some small talk is exchange and the MD opens up the door to let Dr. B into the restaurant. Once inside, the Concierge is waiting behind the desk, she greets him and says, "It's nice to see you again Dr. B; your table is ready..."

He greets her with a smile and asks, "Has my guest arrived yet?" and she quickly says, "Yes, she arrived here about 15 mins or so; Dr. she looks distraught and broken."

"Thanks for your concern", Dr B says before he turns to leave but Concierge Penny stops him by placing her hand over his and informs him, Llet us know if you need anything, doctor". It's a split second but she can feel the golden energy flow into her and she smiles. Dr. B then grabs her fingers with his thumb and index finger and gazes into her eyes and says, "Thanks Penny"...

He releases her and heads to the back of the restaurant to his private booth.

As he walks through, he remembers how he met Penny; she was an addict to drugs. Not by choice but her boyfriend at the time, and then... used her to get more drugs. He passed away from an overdose and she was left alone. She wanted out but had no means or money to get straight; until she met me. With my help, I was able to curb her addiction, stop the pain and help her turn her life around. Within that time frame, he learned that she was an empath and a good one at that. She knew that only I could help her; she felt my energy a block away. To break an addiction, takes time and money. With me, it's a bit faster. Curbing their addiction to drugs to something better: life and a purpose; with some healing energy of course. It took Penny less time than at a rehab clinic to curb her addiction. She needed a job and I gave her one; and ever so often, I will visit and give her a little tease/taste of my energy now and then. I think it helps and sometimes, I feel she is a little addicted to it. Going 'cold turkey' is the toughest thing to do but if you can find something else to be addicted too that's not life threatening, then you can curb that addiction faster. I just helped her along.

He manoeuvres himself around the tables and the staff. Every staff member, nods their head to greet him as he makes his way to the booth. It doesn't take him long to get there; and then their eyes meet. She pushes her chair back and is about to get up, but he motions for her to stop with his hand. He takes long strides to get there and tells her, "You don't have to get up, it's nice to see you again, Becca; have you been served already?" as he takes his seat.

She looks at B, smiles a bit and says, "Yes, the staff here are amazing; I thought I would have to wait in line but when I mentioned your name to the Major Domo, they rushed me in and the service is impeccable. Are you famous here?".

He clears his throat and smiles, and says: "Not really, I am one of the owners or should I say, co-owner of this establishment; it comes with some perks. I called ahead to inform them that you were meeting me here, that's all".

She reaches for a drink of her water when he drops the co-owner on her, and her jaw drops. She knew B was rich but not this rich. This restaurant just opened a couple of months ago and is the talk of the town. You have to make reservations at least a month in advance and this man has his own booth, damn.