The Light in the Cabin


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"Least I could do for the other night when I hurt you. Really did not mean for that to happen."

Shaking her head and sitting at the small table in her cabin she said, "Be honest with did not hurt. It's just a woman thing. You did just fine for being a man. That's all you need to be concerned with. Let's just forget the whole thing."

She knew it bothered him and being honest with him made her feel less guilty for having him think he did something wrong. It would be a shame and a sin to destroy his fragile and kindhearted nature with a lie.

Tom did not leave and looked at her with his soft blue eyes as if he was wanting to ask a question, but was too scared to commit to the question.

She felt deep down it was wrong to want a white man to please her sex, but knew the feeling was like none other. With his youth and stamina, it was no use for her to fight it as he would pester her until she gave in anyway. A feeling of giving up and letting it happen came to her.

"I guess you be wanting it again," she stated trying to sound bothered by it, but knowing it was an act.

"Said not to ask again...but yes," Tom replied finally looking her in the eyes.

Wanting to hate what was going to happen still resounded in her as it openly fought with the sensation of sex she knew was coming. She knew it had become a taboo lust for her to have a white man inside of her now.

Nancy got on the bed and knelt over the edge presenting her dark-skinned backside to him. It was the first time she knew he was seeing her sex too. "Go ahead, do your business."

She looked away and stared at her bed. The pounding anxiety of her heartbeat grew more intense. The sense of wrong doing was in her and she knew she needed to stop letting him have her. She figured that at least this way she did not have to look at him when he was doing it.

She heard him undoing his pants as she tried to put herself in the mindset of not enjoying it in a vain hope that she could say no next time. She reached down with some salvia on her fingers to help ease his member for the journey inside of her.

Tom had his hands on her hips and the moment was about to happen. She breathed in readying herself for what was about to penetrate her sex. Her hands grabbed the blanket on the bed as she felt his tip trying to gain entrance inside of her.

She breathed in quickly and then felt her vaginal muscles give way to his erection splitting her sex petals gaining access to her insides. He slid only half way in but she felt the fullness in her sex already. The worry of enjoyment was still mixing with the sense of wrong.

He was almost rocking his body back and forth as she felt his burrowing erection go far in her female depths. Her own body once again betrayed her as she breathed in heavy again knowing she was giving into the sensation of it all.

Tom's hands gripped her hips harder pulling her towards his body. Each time he pulled his erection hit home right where she wanted it to go. She closed her mouth hating herself for enjoying what was happening and then happy that he could not see the pleasure on her face with each thrust.

His body was pounding against her now making her feel just how far his male member could go inside her female canal. Nancy could not believe she was enjoying just how hard he was pounding against her from behind. Never before did she have a man have his prick so far into her depths while using so much force without feeling any pain.

She bit on her blanket to muffle her moans as she felt her sex generate wetness helping his member on its journey. Her muscles contracted trying to push out his erection too, but to no avail as it only coated it with her own sex fluids allowing him to slide in even faster.

Fighting her own sexual need was no use as her only hope was not to let him know she was enjoying it so much. In her mind a white man should not know a slave is enjoying their sexual interlude.

Nancy had to bite even harder as her muffled moans began to escape each time his thing went far into her sex. He was not slowing down either as she felt his body slam again and again against her backside. Her sex muscles continued to grip and expel his intruder while still coating it with more and more wetness.

His thrusts against her body grew more forceful as her own body was almost shaking. She felt his member twitch a few times and knew he was about to finish in her yet again. She knew he did not need any more instructions and just let go and waited for him to finish inside of her.

Tom finally stopped thrusting as his shaft pulsed and jerked inside of her. It was soon followed by a warming feeling inside of her sex as she knew his male fluids were being released inside of her. A guilt then came to her as she felt her own sex grip against his erupting shaft while a euphoric feeling came to her. She hated herself for enjoying it, but she could not help but give in to it.

Tom pulled away and she quickly pulled down her dress. She did not want him to see her sex as it was indecent for him to see the repercussions of bedding a girl from behind. She then quickly turned around to see Tom still naked as his erection was still there and right in front of her.

"Best you get going now."

Tom nodded as his face looked guilty for what just happened. She knew he probably felt guilty too, but she did not want to encourage him to come back and ask for more. In the end once he left, all that was left was to clean up his male seed that dribbled from her sex.


The next day Nancy cleaned herself from last night's sexual encounter. The entire time she thought about why she let him and how her weak will was the culprit. She promised herself not to give in again no matter how good the memory was.

Once at the house she saw her Misses there waiting for her. Her deep look of concern on her face made her worry as well. She walked right over to her sounding more worried than anytime she could ever remember.

"Mr. Jacobs took a turn for the worse last night. Doctor says he might not wake. I need you to go with Mr. Williams to town. Just give Mr. Harold the list and he should take care of the rest."

Nancy took the piece of paper that was given to her and then made her way to the barn to get Tom. Her mind was filled with thoughts of the unknown but then always knew the Misses was able to run things on her own. She was years younger than her husband and much keen on running a business. The more she thought about it the more she thought that if the Misses were to run things she could be reunited with her Henry.

Tom was in the barn brushing a horse when he turned to see her. Nancy held up the list to him. "Misses wants us to head to town."

"Okay let me get the wagon." He answered quickly without hesitating or asking questions to the health of his employer.

Nancy watched as Tom brought over another horse and hooked them up to the small wagon. He got up on the front and then offered her a hand to step up too. Nancy got next to him as he called for the horses to move.

Nancy looked ahead and then back as the plantation disappeared. It was not her first time leaving the plantation, but it had been awhile. She knew it was Monday's task to get supplies, but she thought that he would be looking after Mr. Jacobs as he was his most loyal servant.

Once out of the view of the plantation Tom turned to her. "I hope it did not hurt you again last night. You rushed me out the door before I could ask."

Nancy figured Tom would bring up last night and she knew it was something she had to deal with. The memory of how great it felt came back, but so did the guilt of allowing it. She then thought about being honest and telling him what she felt.

Nancy gave a stern look over to him. "Be rushing you out because it's not right is all. Can't be laying with me and thinking it's right."

Tom broke the mood and smiled at her making her more upset. "Did feel good though. I just wanted to know if you enjoyed it too."

Nancy tried hard to keep her face from showing expression as he smiled at her. "Best be keeping your mind on other things."

"You know we are all alone out here. The woods is just up a ways," Tom said with a wide bright smile.

"Mista Tom," Nancy shot back, seeing that he seemed happy about being with her.

"At least the whole thing did not happen with Miss Willa, or Miss Mary," Tom once again joked.

Nancy knew that Sue, and Mary were older and much larger than she was. They both had a deep Gullah accents and were known to scare men with their strong personalities.

"Mista Thomas Williams," Nancy said as to reprimand him for the joke he just told.

"Don't get mad at a man for knowing what is attractive and being happy that a pretty girl be with him."

Nancy bit her tongue not wanting to reply to his compliment. She knew that he honestly meant that, but also knew if she spoke it might seem to him as her allowing them to be together again. Her face could not hide the smile from his words though as she felt his words tingle throughout her body.

The rest of the trip Tom talked about his books and how he planned to move away and open up a bookstore once he saved up enough money. Nancy listened and asked only a few questions about how he would run his store seeing that he lacked the authority his father had.

Tom laughed at her few questions but she could tell that he was bothered at her comments about his lack of authority compared to his father. She thought back to the few times his father would beat him for being soft and knew it still lingered in him today.

Once in town Nancy gave the storekeeper the list and waited for the items to be loaded in the cart. It took almost an hour to gather what was needed and before long she and Tom were off back to the plantation.

The ride back was silent and Nancy felt the guilt for bringing up his father in such a way to make him feel belittled. The urge to say something built in her, but she knew it was best left unsaid too. In the end, she just sat and enjoyed the ride back to the plantation.

Nancy helped Tom unload the supplies and then went with him to put the wagon back in the barn. She knew he needed help and all of the other hands were in the fields. He unlatched the horses and moved the wagon to the side near the hay.

Tom then wiped the grease from his hands on a rag throwing it to the ground as he approached her. She could see determination in his eyes and wondered if he was going to say something about the comment before about his father.

"You know we are alone in here."

Nancy looked around and then realized he was right. His comment made her think that he was going to ask to be with her again and that he was asking for consent.

"You serious...we get back and all you can think about is doing your business in me?"

Tom took a step forward and then put his lips right onto her in a quick but passionate kiss. Nancy's eyes shot wide open as she pulled back. "What you doing...what was that?"

"You think I should be more demanding like my Pa...I just wanted to do that so I did," Tom said as his face held firm with conviction.

"Not be like your Pa...I just said that you are not like him in a good way is all. Be sweet and kind...been that way since you were a youngin and I always be liking that about you."

Tom's face finally broke and he showed some remorse of kissing her. She smiled back knowing that he mistook what she said.

"Thinking that first time with me got you all messed up and confused. We needs to keep things right and you need to get what you want and all too. Bookstore is a fine idea, and I be loving it if you get it."

"Is it wrong for me to want to be with you again?"

"You really needs it that bad?" Nancy replied, looking at his harmless face and soft eyes.

Nancy quickly looked at the barn door to see if anyone was coming or near. She knew giving in was a little bit for her own need as well. "Fine...but you needs to be quick about it. Just do your thing so we can get back."

Tom's eyes opened up a bit as she walked over to a stack of hay on the side of the barn. Tom followed right behind her as she knew she was giving in to her sinful desires. The guilt was there, but she could not help but feel her sex already getting ready for him.

She got to the stack of hay which was only a couple of feet high and turned back to him. "Need to listen out for anyone coming too."

She sat on the haystack and quickly pulled her dress up to her waist exposing her dark sex to his eyes. She did not see the point in holding back modesty at this point as she knew he was looking right at it. She then opened her legs giving him an even better view and target for his manhood to enter.

Tom undid his pants and let them slide to his ankles. Nancy only got a glimpse of his member as she leaned back and rested on her elbows. Her eyes were on Tom's face and chest as she did see him look around before putting the tip of his member at the entrance to her sex.

Tom easily slipped in and she could feel the familiar and pleasuring opening of her vaginal muscles. Her only surprise was how her body was so ready for his member because he slid in deep with ease once again.

He grabbed the sides of her hips and pushed in sending her mind to a place of carnal delight. The whole care about the taboo of giving in was gone as his male shaft began to glide in and out of her as his body slammed against hers. She just opened her legs more feeling him go a bit deeper.

Tom was hitting the spot in her love canal that she wanted hit and he was doing it with each slam of his body. His male stick continued to stretch and open her closing sex muscles causing her mouth to let escape moans.

The internal fight she had before about wanting a white man between her legs succumbed to the erotic sensation of love making Tom was giving her. She decided not to even hold back her soft moans of euphoria his male member was giving her.

Tom bucked his hips harder as she felt her body take his love rod with pleasuring ease now. She could feel her insides enjoy the moment with him and the idea his warm finish would be inside of her pleasing her own needs as it journeyed into her womb.

Nancy could see a bead of sweat on his forehead as he began to moan a little louder. His body was slamming hard as she felt her body taking what was being given by him. She knew he was close and the end to her was going to feel even better.

"Just do your thing in feeling good for us both too," Nancy admitted as she gave up on denying her sexual needs any further.

Tom grunted loud and slammed hard one last time. Nancy knew he was done at that moment. She could feel his bloated manhood far into her and waited for the second she could feel his warmth erupt inside of her yet again. She could not deny it anymore as she felt a peace and happiness as his male fluids now flowed into her sex.

Nancy moaned herself as her love muscles collapsed around his intruder. His warm ending was still spewing inside of her letting her know a man was copulating with her. She did not know why it was so satisfying to have him finish his sexual deed inside of her belly, but her body was feeling blissful when he was doing it.

"Good lords...we are being bad," Nancy called out as she pushed Tom back and stood up. She could see him smile, but also felt a glob of his seed drip right out of her.

"That was good not bad. Felt so right to me," Tom answered back smiling.

"Always feels right for a sticking into anything and it be feeling right," Nancy joked as she straightened her dress the best she could.

"Does feel right when the girl is awful pretty though," Tom replied as he pulled up his pants.

"You're sweet but we got to be back now. People be talking if we found out in here too long."

Tom nodded and left through the main barn door. Nancy took the small side door and headed into the house to check on her Misses.

Once inside the main house she did not hear anyone and decided to check upstairs and see if she was by her master's bedside. The supplies were in the house like she wanted and Nancy only assumed she might want something else from her due to what was happening.

Once upstairs she could see Mrs. Jacobs leaving the bedroom and instantly walking up to her. "Nancy...he is still not awake, and the doctor says it can be at any time he passes."

Nancy felt a little bit of sadness as she had known her master her entire life. It was upsetting because he was all she had known her life. There was also a feeling of sadness for Mrs. Jacobs as her husband was on his death bed.

Mrs. Jacobs face showed no remorse of any sign of being upset at all though. Not a tear near the eyes or a shake and pause of her speech. She was as steady and even not wincing at the tragedy about to befall her soon.

"Monday is going to take charge as a freed paid hand. I know it's what he wanted and Monday wants it too. Mr. Williams Jr. can still be on as an overseer, but I want you inside all the time. I am going to need help keeping this house in order."

"Yes ma'am."

Nancy now wondered if she was in the Misses' will to be set free since she was closer with her. There was also the worry that if she was freed what would happen to her son Henry, would he be freed? Her mind was racing, but things needed to be done.

It was well into the night that she finished what was needed before she headed back to her own cabin. Tomorrow was another busy day and Mrs. Jacobs told her of all the work she wanted done. To her it was like she was waiting for him to pass so she could clean house.

Nancy thought about turning the lantern on and wondered if Tom would come by. It was late though and she wanted rest more than his manhood inside of her. The memory of it was not without a sensation though as the mere thought of what they did made her ready for more.

The morning was rough as the rain came down early and hard. Nancy made her way to the house to help the Misses knowing there was a lot of work she wanted done. Once inside, she could see the Misses getting ready to leave. Monday was inside as well as he was helping her sort through a trunk of her masters.

Nancy walked up and was acknowledges by both of them. Mrs. Jacobs gave a look of disappointment though and she wondered if it was her quickly. "Drasted rain. Monday and Mr. Williams are going to go into town to prepare. I need you to go into the kitchen and prepare for guests soon."

Nancy had a few other questions but it did not seem the right time and she knew the guests were going to come for her master's funeral. He was a well-known member in the county and also an officer during the war.

She walked down to the kitchen and proceeded to help Mary get supplies ready for the guests. Mr. Jacobs had not passed but the Misses wanted everything to be in order for when it did happen. Mary seemed heartbroken and Nancy knew why. She was his favorite house hand, while Mrs. Jacobs preferred her over any other hand.

Nancy made herself busy throughout the day getting things ready as the rain beat down hard. Even into the night she could hear the rain falling down. She made her way back to her cabin and wondered if tomorrow was going to be any different.

With the lantern on, Nancy needed to mend a dress she was going to wear for the church service that would be coming up with the passing of her owner. It had a series of tears at the bottom from use and it was an easy fix with lantern light.

When the door opened she looked up startled as Tom was walking in both wet and covered in mud. "Oh scared me half to death...what happened?"

Tom took off his soaked hat. "Misses wanted a casket right quick. Wagon got stuck and had to budge it out."

Nancy got up and instantly began to take off his rain coat. "Well you got the brunt of it."