The Light Side of Death


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'Hi Angela, you are finally home. I was beginning to worry about you.' She said hugging Angela.

'Hi misses 'j'. Thank you very much for looking after Sarah for me. If you ever need anything just ask.' Angela said to her.

'Thank you my dear and it was no problem at all.' She answered.

'You must be this Charlie person my Johnny was talking about?' She asked sticking her hand out toward me.

'Yes i am, you know Johnny ma'am?' i asked frowning while shaking her hand.

'He is my grandson. He told me all about you even about you saving his life three months ago.' She said releasing my hand and walking out the door.

'I hope it was all good things he said about me.' I said as Angela grabbed my hand and dragged me to the kitchen.

Misses 'j' left the house and walked across the road to her own little house, leaving us on our own. For some reason i didn't trust the old woman.

'Charlie this is Sarah. Sarah this is mom's friend Charlie.' She said pointing to each of us.

'Hi Sarah, it is very nice to finally meat you.' I said bending down while sticking my hand out to shake hers.

'Hi Charlie. Isn't that a man's name?' She asked me shaking my hand.

'Why yes it is, you are a smart girl. My real name is Charlene. Charlie is just easier for everyone to use.' I said standing up-right.

'So Charlene would you like anything to drink or eat?' Angela asked me as if she just meat me for the first time.

'Hahaha, yes please, anything you have is fine.' I said sitting down at the kitchen table.

Angela opened the fridge and found two beers. Sarah stood next to me looking at me intently. Angela walked over to me handing me one beer. Our hands brushed as i took the bottle from her sending a jolt of energy through both of our bodies. She sat down across me and took a sip of her beer looking into my eyes. As i took a sip of my beer Sarah asked me a question in her most innocent voice.

'Are you my mom's girlfriend?' Sarah asked me still standing there looking at me.

I chocked on my beer leaving me breathless and gasping for air. Angela burst out laughing nodding for Sarah to sit on the chair next to her.

'Sarah, do you like Charlie?' Angela asked her.

'Yes i do like her mom. She is gorgeous.' Sarah sounded so grown-up at that point.

'Well, then yes, Charlie is my girlfriend.' Angela said hugging Sarah.

I took a sip of my beer again trying to forget about the burning in my throat. Angela just sat there watching what Sarah was doing.

Sarah looked me straight in the eyes and put her hands on my shoulders.

'If you hurt my mom i will bite you like i bit my dad on his calf.' She said looking at me with seriousness on her face.

Angela sat there giggling at what she heard. She never thought that Sarah could be so brave. Her daughter was growing up to quickly.

'I promise i will never hurt your mom. I love her too much to hurt her like that.' I said looking Sarah in her eyes.

Angela sat there smiling at us. The next moment Sarah wrapped her arms around my neck in a hug. I just put my arms around her body and looked at Angela. Angela just shrugged and took a sip of her beer.

'Sarah, do you really have to be so hard on Charlie?' Angela asked Sarah as she broke the hug and got off my lap.

'Yes i have to be mom. I have to protect you from getting hurt again.' Sarah said to her mom sitting on her own chair at the table.

'I know my baby, but you don't have to protect mom any more. That job now falls to Charlie. She is going to protect both of us from the monsters.' Angela said to Sarah stretching her arm over the table to hold Sarah's hand.

I sat there listening to the two of them talking while i finished my beer. Angela and Sarah is all i have ever wanted. All i ever wanted was a loving woman and a loving daughter in my life. I wanted to start my own family when my fiancé died. Angela gave me this in less than five days. I love Angela and i didn't even know Sarah that well but i already loved her as my own. Smiling at the thought i looked up at them both. They looked so happy together.

Angela turned her gaze at me from Sarah and smiled. She is so beautiful. Her hair waved in slow motion when she looked at me. Her smile highlighted her whole face. She looked so young at that point. Just looking at her made me fall in love with her all over again.

'Charlie can you tuck me in bed after my bath?' Sarah asked me waiting for an answer.

'Sure i can Sarah. That is if your mom will let me.' I said looking at Angela.

'I don't have a problem with it at all.' Angela said looking at the clock on the kitchen wall.

'It is time for your bath anyway.' Angela said taking Sarah by the hand and leading her to the bathroom.

While they were gone i looked inside the fridge for something to eat. Looking at the basin i noticed that Sarah already had dinner. I took out a box of frozen fish and a few things for a salad.

I steamed the fish on the stove with lemon and butter and prepared a Greek salad. I set the table and dished up three plates of food, just in case Sarah was still hungry.

I turned around to find Angela standing at the kitchen door watching me.

'I hope you don't mind me making us some dinner.' I said laying the plates on the table.

'I don't mind one bit, it smells very good.' Angela said walking toward me.

Angela wrapped her arms around my neck while i wrapped my arms around her waist. I kissed each other gently and softly.

'That is so gorse.' We heard Sarah say from the door.

We just smiled at each other and broke our embrace.

'Are you hungry Sarah?' I asked her pointing to her chair.

She ran to the table and sat down immediately starting to eat. I held a chair out for Angela. As she sat down i pushed the chair in softly. I then walked around the table to my seat.

We all sat in silence enjoying our dinner. After we the much deserved meal i went with Sarah to her room after she brushed her teeth. Her room was decorated in pink princesses. She pulled the covers open and jumped on to the bed watching me. I walked closer pulled the covers over her and sat next to her.

'Can you please read me a story Charlie?' She asked pointing to her story book on her bedside table.

I opened the book and started reading from where the bookmark was placed in the middle of Cinderella. I read a few pages and looked up at Sarah when i heard snoring. She was fast asleep smiling at her dreams. This thirteen year old girl really melted into my heart.

I got up turned the light off leaving the door open leaving a bit of light shining into the room from the bathroom. As i walked to the kitchen i heard water boiling on the stove. I got into the kitchen to find Angela making coffee for the two of us.

'Sarah is fast asleep.' I said standing behind Angela.

'Thank you Charlie. I really didn't expect her to warm up to you so quickly. After what her father did to us she actually distanced herself from strangers and men.' Angela said turning around with two cups in her hands.

She handed me one cup and walked to the lounge. I sat down on a two seater couch putting my coffee down on the table next to me. Angela put her coffee down on the other side table and sat next to me. She cuddled into my side then pulled my arm around her.


Angela felt so safe in Charlie's arms. She never felt like this before and seeing how Sarah accepted Charlie was just priceless. She never thought Sarah would ever accept seeing her mom with another person, let alone another woman.

Charlie made her feel like a real woman, like a woman should feel. Angela never even thought that she would find someone so special in her life. She felt special, safe and at home with Charlie here.


We sat in the half darkened lounge with a little light shining in from the kitchen. I could feel Angela's breathing against my body. I could feel her warmth against my body. Her breathing got slower and deeper. She was sound asleep in my arms. I sat there for a moment drinking my coffee.

I couldn't stop myself thinking about the premonition i had. It scared me to think that i could lose what i just gained.

After finishing my coffee i picked Angela up carrying her to her room. I put the light on with my elbow and set her gently down on the bed closing her with a blanket. When i turned around she grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the bed. I landed half on top of her looking into her eyes.

'Where do you think you're going?' Angela asked me smiling.

'I thought you were asleep? I was going to sleep on the couch so Sarah wouldn't be uncomfortable.' I said to her in a whisper.

'Yes i was but you aren't sleeping on the couch. You don't have to.' Angela said giving me a sly smile.

'Are you sure Angela? I mean i don't want to upset Sarah or you.' I said in a low soft whisper.

'I'm sure, don't worry about Sarah she is a sound sleeper. She won't even wake up during an atom bomb blast.' Angela said to me.

'Okay well, i guess sleeping on a bed for once would do me wonders.' I said with half of my body still on top of Angela.

Angela let go of my hand then wrapped her arms around my waist. She pulled me in for a kiss then hugged me.

'I want to make love to you Charlie.' Angela whispered in my ear.

Angela looked at me with sparkling eyes and a smile growing on her lips. I didn't know what to say, i was stunned.

I leaned in to kiss Angela then she took my left hand and placed it on her waist lifting her shirt slightly. I could feel her soft skin under my hand. I slipped my hand up under her shirt feeling for her breasts. Angela undid her pants then undid mine. She slipped my pants off over my hips. I stood on my knees and removed her pants slowly. I tossed it onto the floor then pulled mine off and tossed those.

Angela sat up removing her shirt then removing mine tossing both our shirts at the same time. She was hungry for love and so was i. I stood there on my knees taking in her body with my eyes and licking my lips. Angela lay down on her back again and gestured with her finger for me to come closer. I lay on top of her kissing her on the lips.

I woke up the next morning with the sun shining on my face through the window. I turned onto my side facing where Angela slept. Her side was empty. I could smell breakfast and coffee coming from the kitchen. I got up, got dressed and walked through to the kitchen.

Sarah and Angela were sitting at the kitchen table. Sarah sat on her chair and saw me coming in. Angela sat with her back to me. Sarah saw me coming in and i put my finger to my mouth showing her to be quiet. Angela was reading an old newspaper.

I walked softly up behind Angela. As i lifted my hands to wrap my arms around her in a hug she turned around facing me.

'Don't you even think about scaring me Charlie? This daughter of mine already gave me a fright this morning.' She said smiling at me.

'Oh that's no fare. How did you know i was behind you?' I asked her trying to put an innocent smile on my face.

'Let's just say that I've got a sixth since.' Angela winked at me.

'Morning baby, did you sleep alright?' Angela asked standing up and kissing me in front of Sarah.

'Morning my love, i had a wonderful night thank you and the sleep was just as wonderful.' I said giving her another kiss.

'Oh yes it was, i haven't had that much fun in a long time.' Angela said smiling at the thought.

'Morning Sarah, how did you sleep last night?' I asked her taking a seat at the table.

'Morning Charlie, i had a dream about princesses and ponies.' Sarah said taking a sip of her fruit juice.

'That's good, so you beat me to scaring your mom this morning, huh? What did you do?' I asked Sarah while looking at Angela.

'I did what you wanted to do Charlie. She was sitting here reading then i snuck up on her and scared her. Mom jumped higher than the table.' Sarah said laughing.

Sarah and i both laughed at that image. Angela faced us with a mock cross face.

'Are the two of you already ganging up on me?' She asked us putting two cups of coffee on the table and put her hands on her hips.

Sarah and i looked at each other than at Angela.

'Yes.' We both said at the same time breaking into laughter.

Angela lifted her hands into two claws walking toward Sarah.

'Okay that got you time with the tickler.' Angela said to Sarah.

'No mom, not the tickler. Charlie, please save me?' Sarah jumped up from her chair standing behind me laughing like crazy.

'Oh Charlie can't help you. She is just as ticklish as you are.' Angela said walking closer in laughter.

'Sarah what do you say? Shall we try and run?' I asked her standing up from the chair with her in my arms.

'Yes Charlie run, run. Mom's going to catch us.' Sarah said looking at her mom then stuffing her face into my neck.

Angela was too quick for me to get past her. She tickled me until i dropped to my knees. Sarah stood on her feet and looked at her mom then at me. She winked at her mom then both of them started to tickle me. I landed flat on my back pulling both of them down with me. We were all rolling on the floor tickling each other till we hurt with laughter.

'Hey that's no fare. You should be on my side.' I said to Sarah tickling her and Angela; pinning them on the floor.

Neither of them could get a word out, they were laughing too much. It gave me great pleasure seeing them both so happy. Then suddenly there was a knock on the door. We all froze.

'Who is it?' Angela asked trying to catch her breath.

'It's me my dear; misses 'j'.' The old woman answered from the door.

Just then Sarah got up to her feet, leaped into my arms and hid her face in my shoulder. I thought it was really weird for her to act that way because of an old woman. I saw the look on Angela's face. I just shrugged and looked at Sarah.

'I will open the door.' Angela said getting up from the floor.

'Okay, i will just keep Sarah busy.' I said standing up with Sarah's hand in mine and sat at the table.

Angela walked to the door to see what misses 'j' wanted. I looked at Sarah and rubbed her back with my one hand.

'Don't let her take me too.' Sarah said looking up at me.

I stood up placing on the chair and bending down to my knees. Sarah looked so scared when she looked into my eyes. I put my hands on her shoulders.

'What did you see Sarah?' I asked her in a whisper.

'I saw misses 'j' talking to that creepy doctor from the hospital. They were talking about taking people away.' She whispered to me so no-one else would hear.

'Did she see you watching them Sarah?' I asked her whipping her long blond hair behind her ears.

'No she doesn't know.' Sarah said looking at her hands on her lap.

'Don't worry kiddo; i won't let anyone take you away. That is a promise. Now, if misses 'j' comes in with mom you must pretend that you don't know anything okay?' I said wrapping her into a hug.

Sarah's body melted away in my arms. This girl is smarter than any other child i know. Angela walked into the kitchen door alone.

'What was that about my love?' I asked her as she sat at the table.

'Oh, she just wanted to warn me that more people disappeared last night. What's wrong with Sarah?' She said taking a sip of her now cold coffee.

'I will tell you later when she is not around. She told me now why she did that. Right now i think little Sarah should eat something before she goes to play in her room.' I said heating up our breakfast and making hot coffee.

Chapter four

After breakfast Sarah went to her room to keep herself busy.

Angela and i sat outside on the front porch swing holding hands and talking about Sarah.

'So what exactly happened in the kitchen earlier?' Angela asked me with concern in her eyes.

'Well Sarah saw misses 'j' talks to mark the other night. She heard them talk about taking people away. That is why Sarah is so afraid of her. She is afraid misses 'j' will take her away.' I said to Angela.

'Well, i never really trusted her fully anyway. I just asked her to look after Sarah because she was the only available person. She does look a little dodgy though.' Angela said with regret.

'That settles it then. I am going to patrol the town with the other guys tomorrow night.' I said looking over the street at all the other houses i could see.

'Okay, so what are you going to do today Charlie?' Angela asked out of curiosity.

'I don't really know yet, i need to find Johnny. I have to find a way into that hospital without being seen. I also need to get some spare ammunition for my guns.' I said rubbing my hands up over my face into my hair.

'You look a bit frustrated baby.' Angela said standing up from my side and sitting on my lap.

'I am a bit frustrated. Life has become so difficult and then you get people like mark who just don't give a damn about other people. I wish he and whoever is helping him would die of old age already and hurry up at it to. There are some of us that do want to live in peace.' I said tilting my head back to rest on the backrest of the porch swing.

'I get the feeling that's not the only thing frustrating you Charlie.' Angela said to me placing her hands on my face making me look at her.

'How do you know me so well woman? Yes, there is something else bugging me. I...' i froze for a second thinking of a way to say it.

Angela just looked into my eyes listening to what i had to say. I think at moment Angela knew exactly what i was going to say to her. As i swam in her blue eyes she just had this knowing smile on her luscious lips.

'It's about the premonition i had about you and Sarah. I don't think that i will be the same person i am now if something were to happen to the two of you. The real I won't survive losing you. I don't know what i can do to prevent that premonition from coming true.' I said putting my hands on Angela's hips.

'Baby somehow i knew you were going to say that. I love you so very much Charlie. I believe that we will all survive this. I believe in you and that is what i think you should do as well. You need to believe in yourself just as Sarah and i do. Sarah has grown so attached to you and she has only known you for half a day. You also need to believe in the two of us, especially in me as a mother. You won't ever lose the two of us and we won't lose you. That i promise you.' Angela said to me as she got to her feet and took my hands in hers.

'Come with me, i need to show you something.' Angela led me into the house through the kitchen into the pantry.

'What are you doing Angela?' I asked her more confused than a demon in heaven.

'You'll see in a minute.' Angela said moving a shelf out of the way to reveal a hidden basement door.

Angela switched on a light and led me down the stairs. She stood still on the last step to let me pass her. I couldn't believe my eyes after i passed her. It was like walking into a military storage facility. I saw weapons and ammunition on the one side all packed neatly. On the other side i saw cameo clothes and next to that i saw gear like straps, backpacks, camping gear and then knives. I stood there speechless then turned around and faced her.

'Where did you get all of this stuff Angela?' I asked her with my jaw gaping.

'My grandfather had his own shop; after he died he left his shop to me. I had it all moved here in secret. Not even Sarah knows about the basement. You have everything here that you can think of; from weapons and ammunition to gear and clothes. Help yourself, baby.' Angela said walking toward me.

'You mean that i can use anything of my choosing?' I asked her surprised.

'Yip, my grandfather and i shared a love for weapons; i sure would like to have someone to share that love with now that he is gone. This is all ours.' Angela said standing now right in front of me with her hands on my hips.
