The List Ch. 01

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Siblings discover each others' lists.
3.7k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 12/09/2007
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It all started one night when I was out for dinner with my family. My wife Lana and I, along with my brother and his wife, two sisters and their husband and fiancé, were celebrating my birthday. We all get along well, and we have a good time when we're out. This time, however, my wife and my older sister were pregnant, and they ended up leaving after dinner. The rest of us went upstairs to a Jazz bar.

After a few drinks, the others had left, leaving just me with my little sister Lisa and her fiancé, Todd. We ordered a bottle of champagne, and after drinking one glass, Todd suddenly looked a little green and excused himself. We both laughed, knowing that he was likely in the bathroom returning his champagne.

Moments later he came back, said a quick goodbye and left. My sister and I sat next to each other in our cozy booth and listened to the music, sipping our champagne. I looked over at my little sister.

Lisa is 11 years younger than me, and was the result of our father's second marriage. She was now 22, and was absolutely gorgeous. What made her even sexier was her personality – she loved to have fun, which is why we got along so well.

As you may have guessed, I had a little bit of a crush on her. It wasn't something I'd ever act on, and it didn't affect our friendship, but it was definitely there. She looked over and saw me watching her and smiled.

"What?" she asked?

"Nothing," I said. "Let's dance." I grabbed her and pulled her onto the dance floor.

We danced with each other and other people, having a great time. Occasionally we'd rub our bodies against each other, and once she started grinding her ass against me, but it was all just her being playful. We danced and drank for hours, and when we finally sat down we noticed we had finished our third bottle of champagne.

We were sitting very close to each other, and I could feel the heat coming off her body. We were talking about general stuff, nothing earth shattering, when her friend Alissa came over. She was a waitress at this club and one of the hottest girls I'd ever seen. She and Lisa had been friends for a long time, and I had always wanted her. She slid into the booth beside me.

We talked for a bit, though it was mostly Alissa and Lisa leaning across me to talk to each other. Both of them placed their hands on my thighs for balance, and after a minute, Alissa said she had to leave, kissing me on the cheek and rubbing my thigh softly. I watched her go, admiring her ass swaying as she walked. I turned to see Lisa smiling at me.

"What?" I asked, knowing I had just been busted.

"You're married, you know," she said.

"I can still look," I said, grinning.

"Just don't do more than that," she said, but she was still smiling.

"Yes, mom," I said. She hit me in the shoulder, hard.

"Seriously, you wouldn't cheat, would you?" she asked, now more serious.

"No, never," I replied. "Well, almost never." The champagne was having a definite effect, loosening my tongue.

"What do you mean, almost never?" she asked. "Have you? Cheated?"

My wife and I had been married for three years, and I had never cheated in that time, and really never expected to. But I had my 'List', a small number of women that I would make love to if given the chance. I had never told anybody about the List.

"No, I haven't," I answered.

"But you would?" she asked. She wasn't angry, but seemed curious.

"Listen, we probably should stop talking about this before you get me in trouble," I said.

"Why? Tell me, would you cheat?"

I sighed, knowing I'd give in eventually. "I might, if it was the right person," I replied.

She looked at me, her eyes wide. "Really?" she said. "Who's the right person? Is it somebody specific?"

"Yes," I said. "But I'm not telling you who they are."

"THEY?" she said, grinning again. "There's more than one? Oh my god, you have a list!" She grabbed my thigh just above the knee and squeezed. "Come on big bro, tell me!"

I squirmed as she ticked me, trying to resist. I knew that between the alcohol and her persistence I'd give in anyway, so I decided to tell her one of the names.

"You have to swear not to tell anybody," I said. "Not Todd, not anybody. Ever. Promise?"

"David, I have secrets you would not believe," she said, using my name as she rarely did. "I promise, I won't tell a soul."

"And just because I say a name doesn't mean that I'd really ever do anything," I said.

"Okay," she said impatiently. "Just tell me!"

"Alissa," I said. Her eyes went wide.

"Really?" she asked. "You want to fuck Alissa? My friend Alissa?" Her hand was back on my thigh, not tickling anymore, just resting. "Yes," I said. "I have for a while. But it's not just fucking. It's..." I realized where I was about to go and stopped.

"What?" Lisa said. "It's what?" She was getting excited, I could tell.

"Nothing. Listen, we should stop talking about this," I said.

"Why? Are you embarrassed?" she asked. "Come on, bro, we've always been friends, just pretend I'm one of your guy friends and tell me. I can promise it's nothing I haven't heard before." She rubbed my thigh softly and I felt things stirring down below.

"Okay," I said, taking a deep breath. "It's not just fucking. I feel like I have a spiritual connection with her. It's not love, but it's not just sex. I can't really explain."

She looked at me and was smiling even wider now. It was kind of freaky.

"What?" I asked her.

"She wants to fuck you too," Lisa told me.

"What? Really?" I said. I was truly surprised.

"Really," she said. "She has for years. When she used to sleep over, she'd watch you shower."

"What! How?" I asked, incredulous.

"The attic was above your bathroom, and if you looked through the light fixture you could see everything. She would go up there and wait for you to shower. She'd watch you and masturbate. You probably made her come two dozen times."

I was stunned, both by what my sister had told me and the bluntness of her statements.

"She told you this?" I asked.

"Not at first – I mean, she couldn't hide that she was watching, but I used to watch her watching you." As I realized what my little sister was saying, I felt my cock grow hard. She was watching my reaction.

"So you used to watch your friend masturbating?" I asked. I couldn't believe we were talking about this.

"Hold on," she said. "We're not done talking about you. Who else is on the list?"

"No," I said, smiling and shaking my head. "That's all I'm telling you. I've already told you too much." She put on her fake pouty face.

"Pleeeeeeease?" she said in her practiced whine. It made me laugh. I shook my head.

"Okay, then how about this,"" she said. "Tell me who else is on the list and I'll let you watch the video I took of Alissa masturbating with a dildo that she's pretending is you." I spit my drink across the table.

"WHAT?!?" I yelled. Several people looked over. Lisa just nodded. What she suggested, if true, was so completely offside, but irresistible at the same time.

"Really?" I asked. She nodded, and I could tell that the video was real, as was her promise to show me. I came to the only decision I could.

Okay," I said, and took a deep breath. "Sara."

She looked at me for a minute, and then her eyes went wide. "Our sister Sara?" She said.

"Sister-in-law," I corrected. Sara was my brother's wife, and I had wanted her since the very first time I saw her.

"Holy shit," she said. "We need some shots." She called the waitress over and ordered six shots of tequila.

"Sara, really," she said. "That's pretty hot." She saw Alissa walk by and called her over as the shots arrived. We each did two shots, and Lisa whispered something in Alissa's ear after the first one. Alissa did her second and whispered something back in Lisa's ear, and then turned and left without looking at me.

"She's embarrassed," Lisa said. "I told her I was going to show you the tape."

"What!" I said. "Why?" I was worried that Alissa would be upset with me.

"Don't worry," she said. "She wants you to see it, that's why she made it. She's just a little embarrassed that you know."

"So when do I get to see it," I asked.

"Is that it for your list?" she asked. I hesitated before I said no, and she knew there was more. "No movies until you tell me everybody."

I realized that I'd never see the tape, because the third and final person on my list was the little sister that was sitting across from me, and I could never tell her that.

"That's it," I said, trying to bluff my way back.

"You're lying," she said. "You should reconsider, really. The tape is totally hot." She paused for a minute to let that sink in.

"Really," I said. "That's it."

"Why won't you tell me?" she said. "I mean, it can't be worse than Sara, can it?" I suddenly felt totally uncomfortable, and couldn't look my sister in the eyes. She suddenly realized what she had said, and what it meant. She was looking at me, and leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"Is it me?" she asked. I felt paralyzed with shame. I thought that I had just ruined my relationship with my little sister, and was on the verge of tears. She sensed my distress and placed one arm around my shoulder and the other on my thigh.

"David, please don't be upset," she said. "It's okay." I shook my head.

"It really is okay," she said. "I've got a list too, except there's only one person on mine." I wasn't really paying attention, thinking she was just trying to make me feel better.

"Just one," she whispered, her lips grazing my ear. "And it's you." I jumped a little and turned to look at her. She was smiling at me, and nodded as if to answer my unasked question.

"What..." was all I could manage. She leaned in to whisper to me again.

"I want you, big brother," she said, her tongue teasing my ear. "I want you to fuck me. I've wanted you to fuck me for a long time. I want you to fuck me right now." I thought I must have been dreaming. I couldn't believe my ears.

"Don't you want to fuck me?" she asked, her tongue continuing its work. "Don't you want to put your big cock inside your little sister?" I groaned. I knew I shouldn't respond to this, that the safest course of action was to go home, but I couldn't. I simply nodded in response to her question.

"Good," she said. "Then pay the bill and let's get out of here." She got up and went to the bathroom. I got the bill, threw down a pile of cash, and stood up. Lisa was coming out of the bathroom, and stopped to say goodbye to Alissa. She walked towards me, grabbed my hand and led me outside.

We kept our cool, not acting in any way other than brother and sister. We walked away from the club, holding hands like we normally did, both stumbling more than a little bit.

"Where can we go?" she asked. "Somewhere close. Really close."

"I know where," I said, knowing that my biggest fantasy was about to come true.

About two blocks from the club was a luxury hotel. The top floor of this hotel was set up for banquets and events, and was empty after about 2am. It was now close to 2:30, so I knew there wouldn't be anybody up there. We walked into the lobby like we were staying there, and weren't stopped. We entered the elevator and I pushed the button for 32. The doors closed and I turned to Lisa.

"Listen," I said. "We should probably think about what..." I was cut off as she grabbed my face and kissed me.

Her lips were soft and tasted sweet, like the champagne we had been drinking. We kissed deeply for the entire ride, and when the doors opened, she broke the kiss and walked out. I followed, my legs shaking.

The floor was dark. I opened the doors to one of the smaller rooms. Each room had floor to ceiling windows, offering a breathtaking view of the city. This room had a small chair, a table, and most importantly, a couch. As I closed the door, I noticed that it had a lock, which I turned.

Lisa was standing by the window, and I stopped to admire her from behind.

"Nice view," she said.

"It is," I whispered.

"It gets better," she said, and pulled her sweater off. She had half turned, and I could see the swell of her breasts in the light from the city. She popped the button on her jeans, unzipped them and let them fall to the floor. She wasn't wearing a bra or panties, so she was completely naked. Her mound, completely bare, was visible, and a small amount of moisture made it glisten. She leaned her back against the window and reached for me. I grabbed her hand and she pulled me to her.

She kissed me slowly but passionately as she fought to pull my clothes off. I helped her and soon I was naked, my hard cock rubbing against her smooth stomach. I ran my hands down her back and cupped her ass. It was smooth and firm, and fit perfectly in my hands. I started to slide one hand around to her front when she stopped me.

"No," she gasped. "Later. We'll take our time later. Right now I want you to fuck me. Hard." She walked over to the couch and knelt on the cushions, her hands on the back of couch. She looked over her shoulder at me. "Do you think you can manage that?" she asked.

I was in a state of total confusion. I was standing, naked, looking at my sister's perfect ass and bald pussy. I moved, not knowing how, towards her, until I was behind her, the head of my now glistening cock less than an inch away from her glistening pussy.

"Please, big brother," she begged. "Put your cock in me now." I couldn't help myself. I grabbed her hips and positioned my cock against her lips. She shuddered, and I pushed. Slowly I slid into her warm depths, not stopping until my balls were touching her pussy.

"Oh God," she grunted. "Fuck, I'm going to cum. Don't move," she said. I didn't. She was still watching me, and I watched her start to convulse. I could feel her vaginal walls contracting, and her whole body was shaking gently. Here eyes were half closed, and she licked her lips.

"Well," she said, catching her breath. "That's never happened before. Not so quickly. That was fantastic." She started moving slowly back and forth, and my cock slid in and out of her. She had closed her eyes and was biting her bottom lip. I could not believe how sexy my little sister looked, naked in the dim light of the city. I started to thrust now, knowing that I would not be able to last more than a few more seconds.

"Oh God David," she said. "I'm going to cum again. Oh my God!" She was almost screaming now, he head down as I fucked her as hard and fast as I could.

"I'm going to cum," I said. She seemed to snap out of her trance.

"Not in me," she said. "Please don't cum in me. You can't... oh fuck, I'm cumming, oh God oh God." She was nearly incoherent, and that pushed me over the edge. I thrust all the way in, and then pulled all the way out, planning to cum all over her ass, but she quickly turned, grabbed my cock and pointed it at her mouth. Huge jets of cum shot into her waiting mouth, and she eagerly swallowed it all. When I was done, I collapsed on the couch. She lay beside me, tracing circles on my chest. We were both still panting.

"Fuck, that was amazing," she said. "Better that I had ever dreamed."

I was at a loss for words. I had just fucked my little sister. The excitement was now overcome by shame. She seemed to sense this.

"David, don't feel bad," she said. "I've wanted this for a long time. Believe it or not this isn't the first time I've tried to seduce you."

I looked at her, shocked. She smiled back and then kissed me, slowly and deeply. I could taste myself on her lips, and I felt my cock start to stir again. It was hard quickly, and I rolled on top of Lisa, guiding myself into her as I did.

I fucked her slowly, savoring the entire experience. We kissed while I slowly moved in and out of her, and she came again, not taking her mouth off mine. We kept going, locked in this incestuous embrace, for what seemed like hours. After a while it seemed like she was orgasming almost continually. I felt myself building again, and I broke our kiss and raised myself up.

The sight that greeted me was almost indescribable. My sister, her perfect body covered in a sheen of sweat, my cock disappearing into the folds of her warm pussy, it was too much. I pulled out, and before I could grab my cock she had, and was rapidly jerking it. I immediately began shooting my second load all over her belly and her tits. The amount of cum was amazing, especially given that it was my second time in less than 30 minutes.

She slowly finished jerking me, then ran her fingers through my cum, then raising her fingers to her mouth to lick them off. I fell beside her on the couch. I felt myself dozing off, when suddenly I heard somebody try the door. I got up with a start, threw Lisa her clothes and got dressed. She tried to wipe as much of my cum off her as she could with a pillow from the couch, then threw on her clothes.

We tiptoed across the room to the other door. We opened it, went through and closed it just as the other door was opened. We ran quietly back to the elevator. The doors were open, and there was a service key under the panel. I turned the key from 'service' to 'run' and the doors slid shut. Just as they closed we heard a man yell "Hey!" as he tried to get to the elevator. The doors closed and we were alone.

Lisa was leaning against the corner of the elevator, and I thought maybe she had passed out. I called her name and her eyes opened.

"I'm still here," she said. "Just basking in the afterglow of an awesome fucking. God, you were amazing." With this she grabbed me and kissed me. The doors opened at the lobby, and we dashed out and out of the hotel before anybody could stop us.

We were standing on the street, and suddenly everything seemed like a dream. I hailed a cab for Lisa, gave her a hug and put her in the back. She smiled at me and held my hand for a moment longer, then I closed the door and she was gone. I was in another cab and home in short order.

After I got home, I stumbled around for a bit, trying to be quiet. I went down to the couch in the basement, which was usual for me when I get home late. I tried to think about what had happened, but passed out before I could.

I woke up the next day at about 1pm, with a mouth full of fur and a splitting headache. I went upstairs to get some aspirin and water, and saw a note from my wife on the counter. She had gone to visit her parents and would be home after dinner. At the bottom was a reminder that my sister was coming by later to pick up some clothes, so make sure I was home.

Last night came flooding back to me, and I was suddenly filled with dread at the thought of seeing my sister. Surely what happened was just because of the booze. I hoped that she didn't feel like I took advantage of her. I spent the next few hours trying to do work around the house, but my mind was constantly distracted.

At about 4pm, the doorbell rang. I froze. The doorbell rang again, about 5 times. Lisa. It was her trademark ring. I slowly walked to the front door and opened it.

Lisa was standing there, wearing tight cotton yoga pants and a tight fitting long-sleeve t-shirt. This was typical attire for her, but now I saw her in a whole new light. My cock stirred.

"Hey bro," she said, punching me in the shoulder as she walked by me into the house.

"Hi Lisa," I said. She walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge and grabbed a Coke.

"Man, I was hung over this morning," she said. "How 'bout you?"

"Yeah, I've felt better," I answered. I grabbed a Coke too.

"Where's Lana?" she asked.

"At her parents," I answered, taking a big sip.

"Really? When is she back?

"Probably after 7," I answered. I was still feeling pretty awkward, and was trying to figure out how to start a discussion about last night. Turns out I didn't need to, because Lisa walked past me, lifting her shirt over her head as she did. I watched her walk down the hall to the base of the stairs, where she quickly dropped her pants, stepped out of them and ran up the stairs. I could hear her giggling, and it made me smile. I didn't know what I was in for, but I followed her up the stairs.

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oldwayneoldwayneover 16 years ago
Good Tale

This was so good it deserves at least another chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Great Story

Loved the story. Reminded me of my sister!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Very well done. Kudos!

Very well written, and a very enviable experience. I tip my hat to you, sir.


AnonymousAnonymousover 16 years ago
Damn Good

Damn, that was a good one. This is the way a story should be written... something that's lacking by most entries here on the Lit.

Orion623Orion623over 16 years ago
Really Good

The nightclub scene was very well done. The dialogue was realistic and flowed naturally. It will be interesting to see how well David does with the rest of his list.

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