The Live-In Chef Ch. 04

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A dinner party becomes an orgy with Kasey as honored guest.
6.3k words

Part 4 of the 9 part series

Updated 12/15/2023
Created 10/20/2022
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In the shower, Kasey attempted to process the last several days, especially the last two. There, letting the shower cool her off, she decided that while she wasn't ready to call herself bisexual, she was leaning in that direction. She also decided, in grand words, to "see this thing through." Whatever "this thing" was could be answered another time. For now, Kasey gave herself permission to use this time to continue to explore herself, her limits, and her desires. She had a vague notion of wanting a steady, monogamous courtship sometime in the future. But she was in college now and that was nothing if not a time for exploration and experimentation. Besides, she was having a lot of fun.

She got out, dried off, and dressed in comfortable shorts and a t-shirt when there was a knock on her door.

Jason stood outside, dressed in dry clothes himself.

"Sorry for interrupting," he said. "Just wanted to run something by you before it got too late."

"What is it?"

"Tomorrow we're having some friends over for a bit of a dinner party and we were hoping you'd agree to cook for us."

Kasey smiled. "That's what you hired me for isn't it?"

"True but tomorrow is Sunday and I know it's technically your day off. Obviously, we'll pay you for your services."

"I'd be happy too. How many people should I expect?"

"Oh, just a few."

Just a few turned out to be two other couples. Cooking for an extra four people theoretically wasn't all that complicated. But it was on relatively short notice and the first time she'd attempted to cook for such a large group.

She planned the menu with Jason and Charlotte early the next morning over eggs and avocado toast. It was going to be an end-of-summer barbeque, complete with grilling, use of the pool, and some lazing around the backyard firepit.

With the plan set, the three separated into their respective duties. Charlotte would stay home and set the décor, tidying up as she went. Jason would do the shopping, and pick up the food and alcohol. Kasey would do what food prep she could.

Kasey had not yet used the built-in grill in the backyard. It was a mini kitchen in itself. The L-shaped setup was just off the main patio and consisted of a sink, a mini fridge, and the grill built into a beautiful piece of granite; white speckled with black specks.

Jason said he would uphold his sacred and noble duty as grill master while Kasey would prepare appetizers, sides, and desserts.

She began preparing dessert first. Playing off an idea she'd discussed with Meghan, she started by preparing a fairly straightforward batch of brownie batter, just flour, sugar, cocoa powder, and butter. She put the mixture in the fridge and prepared the oranges. Using a paring knife, she cut the tops off half a dozen oranges and scooped out the pulp, setting that aside for another dish. Once ready, she spooned the brownie batter into what were now orange rind bowls. She covered each one with foil and set them aside.

With the orange pulp, she prepped a giant batch of sangria which would need some peaches, blueberries, and alcohol once Jason got back from the store.

Charlotte busied herself with organizing and cleaning, setting the table outside, and straightening up the area around the firepit which hadn't gotten much use that summer.

Jason returned with the supplies including several trays of New York strip steaks and several bottles of wine and liquor, including the Sauvignon Blanc and bourbon for the sangria.

The three worked in a sort of quiet, steady harmony that was easy to fall into. For Kasey, this was in sharp contrast to the house she grew up in, with her mother and stepfather barking back and forth at each other, while her step-siblings ran around like terrorists. Here, Charlotte put on a rock playlist through a wireless speaker and the three worked, bouncing between the kitchen and the backyard. By the time the guests arrived, the sangria was ready and the rest of the bar stocked, and two plates of appetizers were on the kitchen island, ready to go.

The first couple to arrive was Jessie and Duane Garrison. Jason greeted them at the door and when Kasey saw them, she instantly felt herself blush.

Though strangers, she'd actually seen them before in the Lance's home movies. In the last one she'd seen, Jessie and Charlotte had been frolicking nude around a beach in some tropical paradise.

"I'm Jessie," the blonde said, hugging Kasey before she could protest. "So nice to meet you."

"I'm Kasey," she said, hoping the recognition on her face wasn't obvious.

"You must be the chef," Duane said from behind his wife. "Jason here told me he lost ten pounds because of your cooking."

"Oh? Is that a good thing?" Kasey feigned ignorance. "Usually chefs don't want their clients to lose weight because of their cooking."

"Well, he tells me he loves it." Duane smiled. He was a handsome man. He was older, in his thirties at least, but had taken steps to not look like it. He was well-built bordering on swole, with a shaved head and a neatly manicured beard. If it weren't for the expensive attire he wore, Kasey would have thought he was an extra in a biker movie.

Jessie, in complement to her husband, was lean and muscular herself. In the movie, she had a typical blonde bombshell look, but now standing before her, muscle definition apparent, Kasey realized Jessie could probably pick her up and throw her across the room with little effort.

"It's so great to meet you both," Kasey said, leading them both to the appetizers and booze.

Charlotte appeared from the bedroom in her bathing suit and matching sarong.

"Don't you guys look amazing!" she exclaimed when she saw them. "What have you been doing?" She took turns kissing them on the cheek.

"Basically, keto and CrossFit," Duane said.

"You know the problem with people that do keto and CrossFit, right?" Jason slapped Duane on the back, who smiled sheepishly at the punchline he knew was coming. "They don't know what to talk about first."

Both Charlotte and Jessie rolled their eyes but Kasey tried to stifle a giggle.

"Well," Duane started. "Anytime you want to put some meat on your bones you let us know."

"I am perfectly okay with my gym membership. I have avoided joining cults for this long, I can maintain a bit longer."

"Whatever you say, old man."

"Hey, who are you calling old?" Charlotte interrupted. "I'll have you know we're only a couple of years apart so if he's considered old then what am I?"

"Dead sexy," Duane said, matter-of-factly. "You're a smoke show," Duane added. "You're husband, not so much."

"I think Mr. Lance is quite handsome," Jessie said, coming to his defense. "He's got that hot nerd thing going."

Kasey was enjoying the banter and busied herself by playing bartender, pouring several cups of the sangria.

"Kasey, dear, what do you think?"

She looked up at Charlotte. "About what?"

"About who is more attractive. Duane or my husband. I think we need an unbiased third party."

Kasey looked at her confused, "You think I'd be unbiased?"

"Well, less biased."

"Okay." Kasey looked Duane up and down, then at Jason with his bemused expression. "Well, Duane here looks like the rugged desperado in some western that breaks beer bottles over people's heads and throws them through windows but Mr. Lance looks like the sheriff that kills him at high noon."

The four of them burst out laughing.

"That fits," Jessie said, shrugging in agreement. "What can I say, I like the bad boys."

"Little does she know," Duane said, mock conspiratorially, "that I'm just a lawyer."

The second couple, Mark and Imani Sarcove arrived a few minutes later. They were met with a similar flurry of greetings as if they hadn't been seen or heard from in years. Mark was a tech guy, a developer for a company that Kasey had never heard of but clearly paid well. Like Jason and Duane, he was fit but he was also younger, in his late twenties. He was a nerd type: he wore glasses, had neatly kept hair, and dressed a little more conservatively in polo and board shorts. He was thin and tall, but not scrawny.

Imani contrasted him profoundly. Kasey could not immediately tell what her ethnic background was. She had light mocha skin, a lithe frame, and a mess of black curly hair. She had almond-shaped, hazel eyes and a few tattoos visible around her flowy summer dress. Kasey thought there was an equal chance of her being black or Polynesian or some exotic mix not readily apparent. She dared not ask.

They soon moved to the backyard.

Kasey watched with detached amusement how the women and men quickly formed two groups. Jason chatted with Mark and Duane around the grill while Charlotte entertained Imani and Jessie at the edge of the pool.

Clothing quickly came off.

Imani pulled off her dress revealing her bikini underneath. She kept on her jean cutoffs but Kasey suspected that was temporary. Jessie stripped to her full bikini, her visible washboard abs were a sight to behold. She looked like she was sculpted out of marble.

Kasey brought everyone their first drink and would have continued her waitressing duties until Charlotte pulled her in close to the group of girls.

"You know, sweetheart, you're allowed to relax and drink too. Even though you're underage."

"Thanks," Kasey stammered. "Just want to make sure people are getting fed."

"Nonsense, the appetizers are out, and the sides are quick. Jason has a whole ritual before he starts grilling."

Imani touched her arm lightly, "Watch. When he puts on the dorky chef apron, then you know he's starting. Now, tell me, Charlotte's been all hush-hush about you." She spared a glance at the woman in question, "Where the hell did they find you, girl?"

Kasey grinned. "I answered a help wanted ad on campus."

Imani raised her eyebrows and turned to Charlotte. "You advertised for a live-in cook on a college campus?"

"Not just any college," Charlotte replied. "The Stone Academy is one of the more prestigious culinary arts colleges in the country."

"I think it's sort of brilliant," Jessie interjected. "Maybe I should find some nubile coed to move in with Duane and me and cook for us."

"Among other things, I'm sure," Imani said playfully.

"Naturally." Jessie winked at Kasey, causing her to once again blush.

Kasey took that as her cue to duck away, to grab a cup of sangria. On the first sip, she had to admit that it turned out pretty well, not too sweet, not too much booze. She retreated into the house and did some more food prep: chopping up some ingredients for a big bowl of watermelon feta salad. She danced as she sipped her drink and worked, listening to the music from outside.

She hardly noticed when Duane came in.

"Hard at work, I see."

"This isn't work," she said curtly, taking another sip. "When you love what you do, you'll never work a day in your life. More sangria?"

"Fair enough. And no, I was hoping for something a bit... stronger."

"Jesus, let me finish my drink before you all start your weird swinger come-ons."

Duane gave her a puzzled expression. He wasn't expecting that.

"Really? You think I didn't know?" Kasey motioned with her drink. "I know you all fuck each other. It's so obvious once you know what to look for."

Duane now intrigued, "Okay, I'll play. What are you looking at?"

Kasey pointed out the big windows of the great room to the rest of the group outside.

"You guys are practically pawing at each other out there." As if on cue, Imani shook her ass as she told some story, only to have Jessie smack it.

"My wife is pretty forward, I'll admit." Duane agreed.

"So when does the orgy start?" Kasey asked bluntly.


"Look, the Lances didn't really talk about it with me but it's clear that's what is about to happen. We're all adults here and I want to know if it's going to be before or after we eat. I'm trying to time the food here."

Duane moved around the kitchen island until he was so close to her that she had to look up at him. With a considerably large hand, he grabbed her ass and pulled her a step closer.

"It can start whenever you'd like," he said, low and a little dangerous. Kasey shuttered a little, wanting at that moment for him to pick her up and ravage her with those hands.

"You're not answering the question." She held her ground.

"There's a little play before. Call it full-contact flirting. After dinner and when the sun's gone down, that's usually when it gets wild." Duane groped her ass more, almost lifting her up to her tiptoes.

"Good." Kasey abruptly pushed away from him, gliding over to the bar area of the kitchen. "Now, how about that drink?"


Jason donned an uncharacteristically flamboyant chef's apron that read, "Daddio of the Patio" and began messing around with the grill. Soon the steaks were on and grilling away. The women had all made their way into the pool along with Mark and Duane.

Kasey, done with preparing her part of dinner, retreated to her guesthouse. She found her swimsuit hanging in the small bathroom, dry after her outing the day before. She dressed in it quickly and gave herself a once over in the mirror. Nervous energy, the likes of which she'd never experienced, ran like electricity throughout her body. She had an idea of what was coming. These couples were all married, all swingers, and had formed a sort of coven with each other. She was both a stranger to them and their lifestyle.

But damn was she curious about it.

She exited the guest house and climbed into the pool herself, letting the cool water discharge some of that nervous energy.

Jessie swam over to her.

"I love your suit!" she exclaimed.

"Thanks." It was then Kasey realized that Jessie was no longer wearing her top. "I'd say the same about yours but it seems to have gone missing."

"Tan lines are the worst, am I right?" Jessie stood up in the waist-deep water, thrusting her near-perfectly round tits at Kasey.

"Fair point."

Imani had also lost her bikini top although Charlotte had not. She was in what looked like a deep conversation with Mark, both of them leaning on one edge of the pool. Imani had her legs wrapped around Duane while they floated around, not fucking, but clear that it was on their mind.

Kasey submerged herself in the water. When she came up, feeling the cool water run off her body, she faced Jessie. With one hand she pulled the string on her bikini top and in one abrupt motion, pulled it off.

"Fuck tan lines!" she shouted, swinging her top around her head.

"That's the spirit!" Jessie pumped her fist in the air.

Bare-breasted now in front of both her employers and their friends, she felt another notch of liberation. She had to admit, she liked how this felt. She liked the glances, both subtle and overt. It made her feel powerful and desired.

Jason announced the steaks were ready and they all filtered their way to the big patio table. Kasey tossed her top over one of the chairs, claiming it, and grabbed the whole pitcher of sangria from the kitchen, bringing it outside to refill everyone. She brought out the watermelon feta salad next and the bowl of homemade coleslaw that she'd prepared earlier.

They sat around the table like a big family, their banter oddly nonsexual despite the nudity. Duane regaled them with stories of the courtroom during his public defender days. He was one-upped by Jason and his own war stories of doing trauma surgery in a busy urban ER. Kasey learned that Imani was a successful artist, a visual one rather than digital, and was regularly featured in galleries. Jessie was a police detective, who balanced long hours riding a desk with a fairly rigorous workout and diet regimen.

Mark, being the techie and without the more sordid tales of Jason or Duane, mostly hung back, cracking the occasional joke and eating more than his thin frame suggested he could.

About halfway through eating, Kasey excused herself and retrieved the dessert from the fridge. The oranges, filled with brownie batter, were individually wrapped in foil, and she put these on the grill with low heat. On her phone, she set a timer for 50 mins.

"What is that?" Jessie inquired as she placed the tin spheres in the grill.

"A surprise. It's not exactly keto-friendly but I think you can afford a cheat day."

Jessie eyed her suspiciously, "We'll see about that."

Mark chuckled, "I could wash my clothes using your abs. I don't think dessert will kill you."

"Plus," Charlotte added with a suggestive wink, "you'll burn it off soon enough."

"Fair." Jessie nodded. "Are you up for that challenge?"

"Don't threaten me with a good time."

"Let it be noted," Duane interjected. "My wife wants a thorough workout. Can we add that to our order with our resident chef?" He looked over expectantly to Kasey.

She put a hand to one hip and cocked it to one side, aware she was basically naked, "How do you want that cooked?"

"Hot but raw," Jessie said with a playful predatory flash of her eyes.

"Tricky. But it can be done."

Dinner finished up and Kasey helped clear the table with Jason. Imani found her way to Duane's lap, leaning and stretching out into him as if he were a comfortable chair. Duane, in turn, found her ample grapefruit-sized tits and was running his hands up and down her body.

Dishes went into the sink to be dealt with later and Kasey found herself feeling good after the drinks and food. She considered if she were drunk and decided she was only mildly buzzed but relaxed. Inhibitions lowered as if they needed to be.

Jason wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her in close.

"Great job on the food, by the way."

"Great job on the steaks. By the way," she teased back.

She kissed him then, pulling him to her and enjoying how his hands immediately found her hips. Almost instantly, she became wet.

They parted and his hands lingered on her, feeling the curve of her ass.

"So what comes next?" Kasey asked.

"Hopefully you do."

"That'd be nice."

"We haven't explained the rules to our play here tonight, have we?"

"Not officially."

Jason kissed her again. She ran a hand over the front of his apron ("Daddio of the Patio") and felt him stiffen through the fabric.

"Rules are simple. Play with who you want, but no means no. I don't think anyone will refuse you, though. Don't feel pressure to do anything you don't want to. A simple 'no thank you' suffices most of the time."

"I don't think I'm going to be refusing anyone either."

"Attagirl." Jason cupped her breasts and they kissed further. When they parted, Jason asked, his voice playful, "Have you ever fucked next to a roaring fire?"

Kasey shook her head once.

"Want to change that?"

"Yes, please."

Jason led her back out to the patio. Now, Mark's face was between Jessie's tits while Charlotte looked on, her hand absently playing with herself. Duane and Imani were in their own world entirely, she was straddling him, their bathing suits pulled aside as if they couldn't wait.

Beyond the patio, the grill area, and the pool was the firepit. It was tucked in the corner of the yard and surrounded by high foliage. The firepit itself was a ring of stone rising out of the patio here. Ringing it was a semicircle of a stone bench. Outdoor use cushions and pillows covered the half-circle of seating and Kasey immediately began imagining the possibilities.

Jason moved to the firepit, wood already present, and quickly started a fire.

"Pinon and juniper wood. Less smoke and smells great." He told her.

He was right. Kasey wasn't sure what pinon wood smelled like but the juniper wood was an earthy cedar and gin smell. Soon the fire was crackling and Jason guided her to lie down on the bench.

He started by kissing her lips and moved down her jawline and then to her neck, she shuddered. He kissed her collarbone, then feeling the fullness of her breasts, lightly bit her nipple. He slid further down. Softly, he kissed her flat stomach and Kasey responded by running her fingers through his hair.