The Locksmith


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He looked around. He was in a strange couple’s bedroom, not something that was totally new to him in his work, but not something that was totally comfortable either. The bed was made with a featherbed and comforter, judging form the massive hills and valleys in the lush looking softness of it. There were several pillows at the top and a few spread around the huge space of the king sized bed. There were two walk-in closets in the wall at the foot of the be, and a couple dressers and night tables to either side. This was by far the biggest room he had seen so far in the house and obviously a place where they spent a lot of time. It had a large screen, flat panel tv on the wall directly at the foot of the bed, and a mirror behind the head. Ben then glanced upward and surely there was another mirror, nearly the size of the footprint of the bed.

Ben suddenly snapped too and marched immediately out of the bedroom. He started down the hall again toward the stairs, and then remembered he had to check all the doors. Stumbling in his abrupt turn, he caught himself before a fall and quickly raced through all the rooms to gather the information he needed to replace all the locks. More than once he bumped into walls or doors and felt like a fool for being so much on edge. Somehow he knew he had to have this woman, whether her husband liked it or not, and despite the risk he faced at home if discovered. He had to have Anita, in the worst of ways. Nothing could be allowed to stop him.

Finished with the first and second floors, note book in hand, Ben suddenly realized there was a basement door between the kitchen and lower hall. He turned and pulled the handle, also noting the locking device, and found the light switch.

There was no surprise yet, for which Ben was somewhat relieved. Just a set of two-by-ten construction type stairs with a two-by-four railing supported on smaller styles. This could be no more than perhaps an outsde lock on a cellar door. He descended and found another switch to light the rest of the basement.

Surely, there was only one entry way visible, that of a backyard cellar walk-down. Approaching it he could see it was locked form the outside, probably a hasp and padlock, and he decided immediately to upgrade the system with a full access assembly. As he was returning to the base of the stairs, he noticed something odd about one wall. The basement walls were all concrete block, and showing the usual cracking seem here and there, but in one section, there seemed to be a contiguous seem around an entire section, floor to ceiling and varying in width from about three to four feet, depending on which pattern of blocks the crack followed.

Ben knew immediately this was a false wall. It was his business. “What could these two have to hide?” He wondered out loud. Without thinking about it, he quickly set about discovering the way in. He checked his watch again and saw that only fifteen minutes had passed so he took his time. This enabled him to quickly find the “switch” he was looking for hidden above a cross brace in the floor joists behind the stairs. It was apparent that someone would be able to find the device with no lights on simply by following the right rafter from the stairs with their hand. Clever.

There was a click and the door glided open about a foot, also releasing a door jam light switch like those in some closets. Ben edged over to it and pulled it slowly the rest of its range. At about 90 degrees to the wall, the exceedingly heavy door fetched up and he stepped into the room.

Bright red cushioned walls were covered in a felt like material and highlighted by a variety of silver and black leather bondage devices. There was a rack on one wall, like at a school gymnasium with several horizontal bars and a couple of soft ropes hanging from several symmetrical places. Another wall hosted a few sets of padded handcuffs in various places about the surface from floor to ceiling. There as a table in toward the middle of the room, more like a hospital berthing table, stirrups and all. It appeared to be hydraulically hoisted and lowered to any position, and on a swivel as well. A swing made of several straps hung near one corner and a set of stocks near another. As Ben looked around he could see every manor of paraphernalia that he could imagine, and several he’d never thought of. He was so sure they had it all that he didn’t even have to try to guess what might be missing. This was the most well equipped bondage chamber he’d ever seen. Hell, he thought. It was the ONLY bondage chamber he’d ever seen!

Ben looked around some more, touched a few things here and there, and suddenly realized he was fantasizing what it would be like to have Anita tied up in some of these devices. There were hoods and gags hanging on a kind of “tools” rack. The floor was a soft rubber mat, like a wrestling surface. He then saw his shoes had been leaving imprints in the material and he scooted out the door.

It was several minutes that he had to watch to make sure his imprints finally erased themselves, and he used the time to examine the locking device on the door. In addition to the rafter switch, he found a lock inside the door so people inside could prevent access from someone who found the switch outside. Additionally, he looked around the chamber more carefully and spotted air ducts and other lights to make this room totally customizable and survivable for long periods. What a couple this must be, he thought. She dresses to the nine’s to pick him up at the airport after flirting maddeningly with Ben, and then they come home and whip each other into a frenzy in the dungeon. Ohhhhhh… he thought. What he would give to have her in this chamber for even an hour, let alone a night.

Ben pulled himself from the basement and finished his inventory of locks in the house. He would replace 18 in all. Big job. That was just the gravy on this situation. Looking at his watch, he saw only 45 minutes had past since Anita’s departure. The temptation was too great to resist. He stepped slowly back up the stairs to the master bedroom.

Ben looked around and picked out which dresser was his and which was hers. He walked straight to the latter and pulled the first drawer open. It contained a series of belts and sashes and the like. Not too interesting. He pulled the small drawer next to it and found the costume jewelry. Again, not interesting.

Ben pulled the next tier’s left drawer and hit pay dirt. Though he had no idea what he was looking for from the start, he knew he’d found it when he saw the pile of panties filling the drawer. Some were silk, some cotton, some all lace and several completely plain. There was probably every combination in between, he figured. Involuntarily, he leaned forward and sniffed the drawer. It was woman all the way, scented with perfume not bodily secretions of course, but woman all the way anyway.

His head suddenly turned toward the dressing table Anita had been standing at. If she wasn’t wearing panties when she had left for the airport, perhaps she had discarded a pair getting dressed. Then he snapped around again and took a sanity check on himself. “What the fuck am I doing!?” He exclaimed out lout. “Fishing around in some strange woman’s underwear? Damn! This woman is driving me crazy!”

But crazy as it was, he continued rummaging around the dressing table. He found the drawer beside the panties contained her bras. Lifting one out, he could see the “38D” markings to confirm her earlier disclosure and the intimacy with this knowledge excited him further. This particular bra was of the type that offered some transparency. One could easily make out the areola of it’s occupants, even distinguish the nipples in color, as well as in form. The softness of the material would be life-like, as if there was no bra at all, if worn under something like a button down shirt.

The tug of war in his conscience was growing. One head was telling him to get out of that house and forget this whole deepening affair before he risk his marriage, and his career. The other head was saying, “See what else we can find!” He closed all the drawers and entered the huge bathroom. The bidet stood out immediately once inside. It caught his eye and distracted him from his search only for a second or two though for he was now like a bull on a mission. Laundry basket. Where the hell was it?

Pay dirt came once again when Ben found the rollout bin hidden in the wall behind the bathroom door. He pulled it open aggressively and there they were. Pink, silk, smooth, medium coverage panties. They would have looked perfect under her leather skirt. And now they were his. He didn’t even think of the fact that taking them was theft. He’d never taken a think from a client’s premises before and suddenly all that honor and loyalty was about to fall to a moment of thinking with the wrong head. He was embarrassed at himself, but not so much so that he didn’t pick the dainty under garment up and bring them to his nose.

THIS, was a woman! He thought while smiling his appreciation of the scent of Anita. It was intoxicating. She smelled of her perfume and her fluids of desire. She must have been wet while speaking with Ben and secreted sufficient amounts to wet her panties and leave plenty of her scent for the now insanely horny man. Ben’s cock was bursting in his pants.

He put the panties between his teeth, gently, and used his hands to loosen his fly and let his cock stretch. It wasn’t huge, or long like some, but it was extremely hot and stiff right now. With one hand on his cock, and the other holding the panties, he draped them over the head and slid them around to sense the silky smoothness of their touch. He was in heaven and leaned his head back and opened his mouth in a kind of submission to desire. Ben was beside himself with lust and capable of almost anything in this state.

Finally, he ceased massaging his cock with his hand and the panties long enough to step out of the bathroom. Upon entering the bedroom, he saw himself in another mirror, with the panties hanging on his cock. It was too much and without knowing what or why, he loosened his belt and slipped his pants down to the floor. His loafers kicked free and the pants followed. Then he pushed his jockeys down and slipped them off and tucked them into a pocket in his jeans, just so he wouldn’t forget them.

Instinctively, he slipped the panties onto his legs and forced them up his thighs. Fortunately, they stretched to fit him, albeit snuggly over his cock and ever so tightly around his ass. He leaned back again in the luxurious smoothness and intimacy of wearing this hot piece of Anita so soon after she had taken it off. This was far too good to be true – yet far too good to be anything but real.

Chapter Three

Anita stood by the side of the car. The small regional airport was just outside of town and Ron was due ten minutes ago. The meeting with the locksmith, Ben Jarvey, she liked the name, had stirred her up. She had wanted to seduce him then and there in the bedroom earlier but she had to pick up Ron. Ron was good to her, catered to her every wish, bought her whatever she wanted, and tolerated her sexual appetite in every way. She smiled as she thought of how he most often joined in with her games and enjoyed them nearly as much as she did. Could life get any better, she wondered.

The two engine King Air charter plane pulled up in front of her on the other side of the fence. The stairs were down nearly the instant the engines stopped, and certainly before the props had ceased to turn. Ron was a shorter man than Ben, and just a bit stocky in frame. His hair was slicked back, black as night, and he carried himself with the pride of a successful businessman.

“Honey!” Anita was a picture of beauty for Ron to come home to. She stood on one foot, leaning against the car, and waving excitedly to get his attention. He smiled and waved with his free hand and walked quickly to the opening in the fence to join her.

They kissed deeply, Ron with one arm around her waist, pulling her up to him, and Anita with one foot kicked back to show her true devotion and love for her man. They remained in this embrace for sometime.

“Ron, I simply have to tell you about our locksmith!” She was bubbling with excitement. “He is so handsome, and soooo nice!”

Ron knew what was coming eventually and had gotten used to his wife’s sexual demands. One man was simply not enough, no matter WHO that man was. She was one of those people who simply had to have new partners frequently in order to be totally satisfied. And Anita’s total satisfaction was far more important to Ron than a little thing like ego. Of course, he had thought many times, if the outside partner had been more successful than he, well, the story might be different, but Anita never brought home someone like that. Funny, he thought. Wonder why.

“He’s changing all the locks on our house for us, just like you asked last month. I finally got around to looking for someone and you won’t believe how nice he is. I sure hope you will like him as much as I do.” She was visibly shaken by this guy more than the others, he sensed. There was a note of danger surfacing, but each time that had happened in the past it had proven to be false. Anita was true to him and would not forsake him. He forced the feelings down.

“I am sure I will, Baby. I am sure I will.” Ron smiled. There were times that he actually got into the games Anita played. Who knows, this could be one of those. He was not a closed minded man. “Let’s get home so I can see and touch and gobble you up.” They hugged and got into the car.

Ben was totally naked now except for his watch and Anita’s panties. He was looking at himself in their bed head mirror and playing with his hands around his cock and balls and Anita’s panties. The feelings were exotic, tantalizing, burning embers of combustion that his mind was having more and more difficulty managing.

Suddenly, he heard the front door open. The sound of the key in the lock was as unmistakable, as the following noises of entry. The sounds of two people entering… the door closing behind them… footsteps coming up the stairs. Ben was panicked. He instinctively grabbed up his clothes and rushed for the nearest door. It was one of the walk-in closets, obviously the man’s, and he tried to crouch down behind the entrance, pulling hanging suits in front of him.

As he awaited his fate, he realized he was curled up in the closet like a kid, wearing nothing but Anita’s dirty silk panties, and suddenly felt his well thought out, comfortable life slipping away. He was cowering like a naughty child in a corner, totally at a loss as to what to do. Footsteps entered the bedroom.

“I’m soooo glad you are home honey,” Anita was saying.

“Me too, Baby, I don’t like to leave you alone.” There was some rustling of clothing. “You know I wish you would come with me on those trips. There’s plenty of room on that company plane.” More rustling, as if they were undressing, faster and faster.

Ben felt the cramp beginning in his knees. He had to get some relief. The couple just yards away was making some noise still with clothing, but he didn’t feel it was sufficient to mask his own noise if he started to shift in the closet. Besides, he thought, how long could he wait them out? How long would he HAVE to wait them out. His mind began conjuring up worst case scenario’s. Hell, he thought, they could be in here all night!

“You know I don’t like to fly Baby.” Anita was saying between kisses. “I just wait for you to come home.”

“Yeah, right,” Ron said sarcastically.

“Really, Ron. You know I don’t fool around without you.”

Ben’s eyes blinked wide. She WAS coming on to him, and WAS looking to get laid! His beautiful, hot little tomato at the office was in heat for him and would have let him have his way with her if only this husband hadn’t returned when he did. Or would she? She just said she wouldn’t fool around without the husband?

“I know baby. I know.” Ron added confidently. “Well, I’m here now and there’s no need for anyone else to help you out. I can take care of your every need myself tonight.” He chuckled under his breath and there was the sound of more rustling. It could easily have been from the bed clothes, thought Ben.

Anita knew that Ron knew better. Yes, he was a great lover and could do a terrific job in bed. The trouble was not the need for hotter sex from him. The ever insatiable need was for different partners, like the locksmith. Even now, as her husband was massaging her breasts through the knit dress, Anita was thinking of the locksmith, wishing he were here to show her his cock, to let her play with it, to let her pull it into her in every way imaginable. She would have that man eventually, or die trying.

Ben’s cramping was getting critical. He had to do something soon or his legs would go limp and drop him on the closet floor like a stone. And then he would be caught. Thoughts of his infidelity continued to creep into his mind. As much as he wanted to shift and look out of the closet at his intense desire, he was shamed by the thought that he was in her closet, wearing only her panties, and not at home with his faithful wife.

“Honey, I need a drink.” Ron announced abruptly. He rose from the bed and started for the door. Still partially clothed, but somewhat hotter now thanks to the opportunity to play with his wife’s tits and have her rubbing his buns. He asked on the way out the door, “Want anything?”

“Sure baby, how about a little red wine?” And then there was silence in the room.

Ben didn’t know why, but he let his instincts combine with his intuition, and moved quickly. He rose and stepped into the doorway of the closet.

“Oh my God….” Anita was sitting up, against the head board, and put her hands to her mouth in apparent fright.

Ben put his finger to his lips to shush her. He was standing there in a half crouch, wearing only her panties still, and gathering up his clothes in a neater ball under his arms.

“Ben! What are you doing here?” Anita whispered the words, but with all the surprise one would expect. Curiously however, she also smiled. She was not the least bit frightened, and now oddly curious about what Ben was wearing. “Why Ben, are those my panties?” She was smiling broadly now. “Ben darling, those ARE my panties, aren’t they!”

Ben kept putting his finger to his lips, trying to shush her before she exposed him to her husband. Anita acted as if she didn’t hear him.

“Well I’ll be. You have been here the whole time, while I was gone.” She rose from the bed and walked deliberately to him. When directly before him, she reached down and grabbed a handful of cock and balls through her panties and smiled cockily up at her latest conquest and said, “Why Ben, you are truly happy to see me. And I you, you see? Feel me greeting you in my panties? Ohhhhh.. what a nice present, to have you waiting for me!” She continued to fondle his balls. The sound of glasses clinked downstairs, a cabinet door opening, a few other noises to indicate that Ron was still not coming back.

“I.. I’m so sorry, Anita…” Ben was trying to apologize, hoping beyond hope that there might still be a way out of this outrageous situation.

“Oh, Ben.” She rubbed him more, sliding her hand up and down the panties covering his cock. The sight of Ben in her own dirty underwear was driving her crazy. She wanted him desperately at that moment. “I am so HAPPY you stayed. Don’t you worry, I am going to make this all right. Here, come into my closet. You will be safe here.” She shuffled him over to the other closet, packed with far more clothing, and pushed some aside for him to get behind.

Ben reluctantly followed her lead and scooted down into a more comfortable position near the door but behind a variety of dresses. Anita fussed over the presentation to ensure he could not be seen by Ron, and then surprised Ben yet again. Pushing one garment slightly aside, she said, “Here, hold this over just a bit. There. Can you see the bed now?”