The Lodger from Hell


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"What if he won't take it and insists on staying," Jane asked, looking at me with big eyes.

"Then we will have to put up with a very unpleasant month but looking at it logically, he can't really do anything because once he does, the law will be on our side and we will be able to get him arrested."

With that settled we paid for cups of tea and walked to the car. On the drive home I said, "What I can't understand is how this has happened out of the blue. Did he give any indication earlier in the week that he might be like he is, by something that he either said or did."

Jane shook her head. "He was the perfect gentleman all the time, except for his eyes. I admit that I did fantasise about him a bit but everybody does that and he can't possibly have known."

The red Peugeot Max drove was still parked outside the house when we drew up, dashing any hope that he might have packed his stuff and left. We quite naturally held hands walking down the path until I stepped forward to open the door. Max was in the sitting room and he stood up as we entered. "I take it that you have come to grab me by the scruff of my neck and hurl me out into the street," he said looking at me.

"No, but I want you to leave - we can't tolerate someone who behaves as you do sharing our home. I feel that we have extended hospitality to you but it has been abused," I said coldly, standing square on to him and trying to make myself look determined.

"What happens if I refuse to go - do you plan to physically eject me?" he asked with a smirk on his face.

"It shouldn't come to that. I have the money that you gave us, all of it - so take it and please leave. I'll forget that you have already been here for nearly a week. Surely you don't want to stay where you are no longer wanted." I held out my hand holding the money but he brushed aside the proffered cash.

"I don't want your bribe and I don't intend to go, so it is either the physical stuff or I stay," he stated smiling confidently at me. "For one thing you haven't convinced me that I'm not wanted and for another, I don't think that my having simply stated a quite natural desire is sufficient grounds to terminate my contract with you. I will admit that due to pressure of circumstance I did express myself rather crudely but the sentiment was honestly intended. Phrasing it more politely, I told the lovely Jane that I would like us to put our private parts together and move our bodies with a greater of lesser expenditure of energy. Although I could tell that she wanted exactly the same thing, some mistaken loyalty to you caused your wife to overcome her natural inclinations and run from the house in fright."

"I don't understand you," I said.

"Perhaps I do need to put it bluntly after all," he grinned. "In simple terms, I still want to fuck your wife and that is exactly what I intend to do. The only point at issue is whether you and I have a quick fight beforehand. One thing is certain, Jane and I will be copulating like rabbits on this settee within the hour. We may of course seek greater comfort upstairs later on but that is where it is going to start - under your watchful eye."

"So you are talking rape," I sneered back, trying to hide how very frightened I felt.

"I don't think there will be any need for rape - just take a look at your wife's face if you don't believe me."

Automatically I turned my head and could hardly recognise Jane as the loyal wife I knew and loved. Her eyes were glittering in a way that I had never seen before and through her parted lips I could see her small pink tongue flicking back and forth along the rim of her teeth. The next moment my left shoulder exploded in agony. My knees buckled and I would have gone down had not Max stepped forward quickly to give support with his hands under my arms. "Come on Dave, get a grip - we don't want you grovelling on the floor too soon," he crowed.

Pushing him roughly away I said contemptuously, "So that's how you hope to win - by hitting me when I'm not looking."

"Dave, Dave," he murmured pityingly, "If I had really hit you then you would be stretched out on the floor with no further interest in the proceedings. That was little more than a gentle tap - a small sample to let you realise exactly what you are up against. To make that up to you, when the fight starts I will give you a free poke at me, I'll even close my eyes or wear a blindfold if you prefer. With a bit of luck you might get two blows in - but you had better make them count because I will then hurt you rather badly."

His sheer confidence was intimidating. With my chest still aching badly from his 'gentle tap', I am ashamed to say, I involuntarily took a step backward away from him. Max was quick to capitalise on this sign of his ascendancy. With an almost friendly tone to his voice he suggested, "There is no need for any unpleasantness at all if we can overcome our cave man instincts and deal with this like civilised people. Tell you what, Jane can make us a nice cup of tea to drink while we discuss it - it can be the first of many things that she is going to do for me."

Obeying his orders already, Jane moved from somewhere near my side, heading towards the kitchen. Max turned to watch her progress across the room, his eyes riveted on her swaying hips - so, with his back partially towards me and his attention elsewhere, I took my chance. Despite having berated him for a sneaky blow, I flooded power to my right arm and sent my fist hurtling towards the tempting patch of skin just below his ear. Had I connected then there would have been no more to tell but my vengeful knuckles made contact with nothing more substantial than air and as my momentum carried me forward he turned with incredible speed to grasp my upper arm. That arm, from bicep down to wrist, immediately felt both completely numb and consumed by fire.

"Naughty, naughty," he said, reprovingly as if I was a child. "I'm glad you tried it though because it shows you do have some spirit. But be warned, it's your last chance - another trick like that then I will inflict pain on you that will be in a different dimension to anything you might have experienced in your life."

The certainty in his voice told me that Max had the knowledge to do exactly what he promised and my fear of the man grew. Not knowing what else to do with myself I sat in an armchair. He followed suit and from the relaxed way he spread himself on the settee anyone would think that he was the one on his home ground and not me. "I was very surprised when Jane ran out on me this morning," Max stated quite pleasantly, "I thought she was a stone cold certainty and I'm not often wrong. Never mind - the waiting will increase the pleasure."

I had no meaningful contribution to this conversation so I held my peace. After a pause Max continued thoughtfully, "It might have been better all round if she had capitulated when I expected her to because then you would have returned home to a fait accompli, just finding yourself a new situation, where instead you face the distressing prospect of watching your wife being seduced for the first time." Once again I said nothing and after a few more moments of silence he went on, "I could be wrong saying 'seduced for the first time' -looking at your lovely wife I think it likely that she has enjoyed at least one other extra marital dabble since you two first met."

With the memory of Jane's infidelity confession, of only an hour before, still niggling in my mind, this statement almost provoked me into a retaliatory remark but at that moment my wife returned with three mugs on a tray. She offered one to Max, gave me the next and then went to sit in a chair, symbolically equidistant from both of us men. There followed a quite unnatural silence as all three became preoccupied with sipping the hot beverage. As mentioned, the interloper in our home was extremely relaxed where in contrast I was very tense, feeling all knotted up inside. Jane was neither. While not relaxed she was still a far cry from the fraught anxious woman I had brought home with me. Her eyes seemed to have an unnatural brilliance and I could half imagine that she was trembling with anticipation of what she thought was to come. On that evidence my battle was already lost.

All my life I have conscientiously avoided chance of pain and this has often led to backing down when faced with confrontation - but then I had never before been in the position of having to defend the chastity of my wife. Now I could see only one way out of the situation and that was to fight. If I won, I won but if I lost then I had to lose so badly that it would be inconceivable Max would dare to proceed with his planned seduction. Before my inherent cowardice could take over, I jumped up shouting, "Enough of this civilised crap, if you want a fight I'll give you a fight. I want you out of this house - you pollute the atmosphere."

Max got to his feet, as did Jane. He moved round to face me with his hands dangling loosely by his sides. There was a broad smile on his face and he was shaking his head. "It won't work you know," he said. "You've got guts, I'll give you that but it's not going to work. You are going for the sympathy vote, hoping I will damage you so badly that Jane will rush to you're side. It won't work because you are discounting millions of years of evolution, countless generation after countless generation of genetic programming over all species. Out of all the occasions then two males have fought over a female, how many times do you think the female has then denied the victor his spoils - hardly any I think because it would be going directly against an evolutionary imperative."

"Don't fight him Dave," Jane jumped in with her own plea. "It's only sex and means nothing - it's certainly not worth getting hurt over."

"I concur with your wife that it would be foolhardy for you to fight me but I disagree with her statement that it means nothing," Max spoke again, his tone that of an academic discussion. "On the contrary I think this is the most vital moment of your life because, as you are about to see, it does mean a great deal and I don't want you to concede under false pretences. Apart from that, once she has enjoyed a good taste, Jane will have an insatiable craving for bigger cocks than yours and for the rest of your lives together she will be constantly seeking out men who can give her what she needs. The bottom line is this Dave, one way or another you are going to suffer the mental pain of watching me fuck your wife better than you ever could, so whether you wish to suffer a great deal of physical pain in addition is entirely up to you. As a final disincentive to combat, I have to point out that I will not finish you off quickly and nor will there be the blood or broken bones that would allow you to play the wounded soldier. All that fighting will gain you is a great deal of agony and more than a modicum of humiliation."

Had I been able to consider this with an objective frame of mind, this great effort of dissuasion suggested that the outcome of a fight might not be the forgone conclusion that Max pretended but by then my initial small store of confidence had been severely eroded. I was quite frankly terrified. Max took advantage of my indecision by throwing in the clincher. "You don't have to decide right at this moment. I will get the show on the road and if at any time it gets too much for you just shout out and we will have the fight - you still get the free shot that I promised. There is one proviso. At the moment I am quite calm but if you decide to interrupt when I am concentrating on other things then I might not be able to control my annoyance. On the other hand, if you remain acquiescent then I have something that will make it far easier for you to watch."

The implication that my decision would not be irrevocable was enough to overcome my last remnant of resistance so I shrugged my shoulders and returned to my chair. "Good man," Max said with palpable relief. With a good-natured expression on his face he then said, "It's not that I don't trust you Dave but I have to impose a small safeguard for myself. You can still call out 'Stop' at any time and we will fight but apart from that I need to prevent you leaping up suddenly and catching me at a complete disadvantage. So if you don't mind I would like you to drop both your trousers and underwear and arrange them tightly round your ankles. Just so that you will not feel a berk being the only one partly dressed, I will set the example." With that he released the drawstring at the top of his jogging bottoms and let them fall to the ground. He was wearing nothing underneath.

Due entirely to the situation my prick had shrivelled to almost non-existence but there were no such adverse factors affecting Max. His cock was hanging down; nowhere near erect but far from quiescent and even in that state it was impressive. In the past, no matter how much I dug the tape measure into myself, I could not persuade myself that my penis was any longer than average but drew consolation from finding that its circumference was marginally more than the given mean. Now I realised what thickness meant.

"Shall I get undressed too," Jane asked, already tentatively undoing the top two buttons of her blouse.

"Yes please, but do it slowly," Max ordered winking at her. "Put on a bit of a show for us - a nice build-up will make it all seem less cold-blooded."

As if she had been waiting for this cue, Jane immediately adopted a sensuous stance and began to move round in a tight circle swaying her hips. Facing the front again, she partly undid the third button, changed her mind, pouted provocatively and then when into another Hawaiian girl circuit. As the routine progressed I could not believe my eyes because she had all the moves off pat, only needing a pole to have earned a good living anywhere. Perhaps stripping like this is a natural talent born into every woman. One thing was very obvious and it hurt, Max had said dance for 'us' but my wife was performing for only one man and it wasn't me. The early stages had been erotic and teasing but in the later stages, when down to only bra and pants, Jane edged markedly into the lewd with her most sexually inviting pose being to squat on her heels with thighs spread wide. When the bra went there was a prolonged session of her passionately making love to her tits and then she removed her panties in the slow, time honoured fashion.

This could have been the end of the show but instead Jane went once more into the squat and every man knows or can imagine what a naked vulva looks like in that position. Suppressing my hurt, I made excuses thinking, 'OK, she needed a finale', only to find that she had one more trick in her repertoire. Turning her back, Jane spread her legs, bent down with a hand grasping each ankle and then gave her butt a provocative wiggle. Had I applauded at that point it might have stopped her for still more was to come. My 'loving' wife then moved her hands side by side, slow and tantalising, up the insides of her thighs and on reaching the top reached through and spread the cheeks of her arse so that everything was exposed - and on offer.

I could not show appreciation of her exhibition and I suspect that Max too was both surprised and overwhelmed, for the pair of us continued to stare without word or movement. Jane stood facing him. She was breathing heavily, either from exertion or some other reason and I think I was holding my breath as the moment of truth arrived. At this critical point, Max held up his hand saying, "I want to give the lie to any accusations of rape or even coercion, so I'm going to allow Jane to call the whole thing off. She can get dressed now and leave the house. Once she is out of the garden, you can follow, completely unmolested. I will move out tomorrow and you can keep the rent I paid you. You have until I count to ten to make your decision."

My wife stared at him in amazement. Then she looked in my direction to see me making urgent movement gestures towards the door. She looked back at him and then at me. As the count reached ten she said softly, "I'm sorry Dave. You know I didn't want to come back - I did warn you about the effect he has on me." Then she walked forward to kneel before her new master.

Max turned to face her, his cock moving from horizontal to a forty-five degree angle in salute. Looking at the relative postures of the two participants in the charade, I was reminded that phallic worship provided the primary ingredient of most primitive religions, stretching from ancient monoliths to the totems of American Indians. Did that fact alone make this current situation inevitable? In accordance with my line of thought, Jane reached out almost reverently for her first touch of his tumescent organ. That excited column of rigid flesh jerked even further upwards in response and this was enough to break through my wife's remaining barriers of restraint for she grabbed hold firmly round the base of his shaft and hungrily brought both her mouth and tongue hungrily into play.

What can I say that you can't imagine except to mention that in her desire to please she let saliva slaver down her chin unchecked. In actual time this oral extravaganza was not of long duration but to me it represented an eternity of pain. The distress was not simply from seeing another man's penis in my wife's soft mouth but rather from the fact that throughout, she gazed up at Max with a look akin to adoration in her eyes. It ended not unexpectedly with him ejaculating far more creamy spunk than she could comfortably swallow but it was the effect on Jane that was incredible, for her whole body started to shake violently. It took several moments for me to realise that she was having a massive orgasm, purely from the pleasure of what she was doing to him.

As Jane crawled back to wipe her face using her panties, Max strolled over to stand looking down at me, his deflated cock still large but no longer erect. "What do you think of it so far?" he asked, as if I were a paying customer at a live sex show.

I chose not to answer, instead sending him a look of pure hatred. Unabashed he removed a small wooden box from his jacket pocket, flicked it open and held it out to me. The box contained two fat roll-up cigarettes. "A few drags on these and everything will seem a lot better," he promised. "You'll feel more mellow with everything fuzzy round the edges."

"I don't smoke," I told him shaking my head.

"It's hardly tobacco. A lot of men in your position depend on this stuff to get through."

"You're too late - after what I have just had to watch I can get through without your help."

He shrugged. "Your privilege but that was nothing - a great many men would not even rate it as serious sex. I once knew a guy who bragged that he was marrying the last twenty-three year old virgin left in the world. Now she may have been a pukka 100% virgin but over the years she'd swallowed enough cum to float a battleship - the guy knew that but for him it didn't count." Still looking at me Max removed his jacket, tossed it into the other armchair and then did the same with his shirt. With a tight smile on his face he called out, "Right Jane, my love - are you ready to help me make your hubbies eyes pop out?"

"Where do you want me?" she asked.

He arranged her lying on the seat of the settee with her bottom overhanging the edge - in her eagerness I felt that my wife had spread her legs unnecessarily wide. I had a brief glimpse of Jane's sex in all its nubile glory but then Max moved in to block my view. This should have been a blessing because my rational mind did not want to see what was to occur but another part of my psyche desperately did. So, when Max pointed imperiously to the floor near my wife's legs and ordered, "Park yourself there Dave - you'll see a lot more," it was my own needs rather than his command that caused me to move to the better vantage point.