The Long Way Home

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A jock has to make his way home in the nude.
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When I woke up I felt dizzy and disoriented. Last thing I remembered was that I had approached Sami, the loser from high school, at the bar and though we had barely seen each other ever since I left for college I knew he would never forget me. He was nervous when I suggested he should invite me a drink for old times' sake since I was back in town for the summer, and he agreed after some 'persuasion' on my part, just like I used to. I couldn't remember much more after that other than brief images that flashed through my mind... we kept drinking... we walked out of the bar together, me leaning my 200 pounds of solid flesh against his weakling body... and then... and then?

I looked around. Green was everywhere around me and I was lying on the floor completely naked. The absence of any clothing immediately raised alarms on my head, and even though I searched desperately I wasn't able to find a single piece of clothing; there was only one explanation: that four-eyed freak had taken them with him. The thought terrified me because if that had been the case it meant that he had undoubtedly seen... my little secret.

Ever since I was a kid I've been very physically active, my interest in sports encouraged by my family: tennis, basketball, baseball... but football has always been my favorite. I was one of the first ones in my class to start puberty, and started working out to grow my muscles from early on. To me, it was a matter of pride, some kind of sign of my manhood; I started picking on whoever I thought was the smallest, least developed kid and even got into fist fights with some older kids while trying to prove what a man I was. But there was one area in particular that had not developed like the rest, and that caused me a deep shame that I kept hidden to absolutely everyone: my penis had not grown significantly in these years.

It certainly had grown since puberty, but not as much as I had hoped. During high school, every day after class I locked myself in my room as soon as I got home, grabbed a ruler and after getting hard I obsessively tried to find if I had made some progress, waiting anxiously for the day that it would reach the fabled number '4' in the inches scale. Even today I'm still waiting for that day.

That was my 'little' secret. At the age of 21 not a single soul knew, not even my multiple ex-girlfriends, although I acquired fame among them as a very selfless lover who was a pro in the art of the female oral sex. But now... that little freak knew. I grimaced, thinking of the face Sami must had made when he took off my boxers while I was unconscious and saw my manhood for the first time... I had some consolation in the fact that because it was flaccid it might had looked like a normal sized one.

Or so I thought! I was surprised when I looked down and saw how hard I was. Any man knows it's not unusual to wake up with a woody, but this was something else... I was so hard it hurt a little; my 3 and a half inches were completely perpendicular to my body and refused to go down despite the unpleasantness of the situation. The erection was unusual, though... as unusual as the strange aftertaste in my dry mouth. A foggy memory from the night before surfaced among my thoughts, that of a weird taste in my drink. Was it possible that loser had spiked it?

Only then did I really start to realize the gravity of my situation. I was completely naked in an open field, lost and without any way to contact anyone. A woody area surrounded me, but I wasn't able to recognize any of it; the town was surrounded by many green areas and I wasn't familiar with all of them. A quick check confirmed that my phone was also gone, so I was on my own with nothing more than an erection on me. I was horrified at the thought of finding someone like this, I didn't want my legacy as one of the star players of the football team to be stained like this, I would be damned if I were to be known as the player with the fun-sized dick.

Nervously, I investigated the surrounding area. Nothing seemed quite enough to cover my naked body, although I was able to identify my general location: I was on the lookout on top of a hill on the south side of the city, which could be seen below my feet. I would have to walk a long way through an old dirt road to reach the town and then scurry through some backstreets to reach my old folks place, where I was staying for the summer, but luckily I would be able to avoid downtown and Main Street, so that was something. I knew the way.

Not too far from where I woke up I found a pathway which I knew led to town. It was probably the same one Sami took when he brought me here, although I couldn't possibly imagine how he was able to drag me all the way up here all by himself, even if I had been half-walking in my drunken stupor. Few people took the road, but it wasn't completely abandoned either... I decided I would walk through the undergrowth on the side of the road to ensure I followed the right way and still have an opportunity to hide myself in case I ran into someone on the way, although I would have to be careful since I was bare footed.

Half an hour later I was still slowly making my way down the road. I hadn't heard a single sound of civilization in that time and was starting to re-consider walking on the middle of the pathway when I heard a sound in the distance. I held my breath and tried hearing what it was... and I realized it was someone's footsteps, rapidly approaching me!

I immediately laid down on the underbrush, praying that whoever was approaching hadn't heard the rustling on the leaves. By keeping completely immobile I was able to hear the person approaching more clearly... each heavy step was made in quick succession, and judging by its rhythm it appeared to be a jogger; I held my breath once more and stuck my head to the floor without daring to look up. Tap, tap... tap, tap... tap, tap... each step sounded closer and closer. What if the brush was not enough to cover me? Perhaps the jogger would be able to see my white ass on the side of the road, and then no doubt he would think I was some sort of pervert, especially considering the goddamned erection I still had.

He was close... very close... just next to me... I squeezed my eyes even more...

Tap, tap... tap, tap... the footsteps started sounding farther and farther away. The jogger had passed me without stopping, he hadn't even slowed down so I was certain he hadn't seen me. I exhaled and relaxed my tense muscles. I had probably been stressing about nothing.

Suddenly I heard the grass rustling behind me and I was paralyzed once more; had he come back? I couldn't raise my head, couldn't move my body even though I could feel his presence right next to me, standing and looking me over. Even without looking at him, his gaze was piercing, unbearable. I felt even more naked than I had been up to this moment.

And then he licked my ass.

I yelped and jumped to my feet, startled. My mind went blank. I completely forgot about my efforts to keep quiet and turned around to see... a dog. A Labrador, to be more precise, who had a stupid, goofy look on its face. The dog panted happily, staring at me with a curious expression. We stared at each other for a moment before the dog started to bark; that was enough to snap me out of my stupor.

"Rocko? Hey, Rocko! Where are you?" I turned towards the direction of the voice; the jogger that had run by just a moment ago was coming back, looking for his dog. I once again dropped to the floor, but this time the stupid dog kept sniffing at me, ignoring my gestures for it to go away. I quickly realized the dog would guide his master towards me, even if I ran deeper into the woods.

Without thinking I made a snap decision. I got on my feet and ran into the road instead, trying to make the most out of the advantage I had; I was out of sight from the jogger for now thanks to the crooked path but he was close by, in no time he would appear right around the corner and see me in all my nakedness. I ran downhill as fast as I could, trying to get as much distance between me and him as possible while his dog ran alongside me. We must've been about a hundred yards apart when I heard him somewhere behind me.

"HEY!! HEY, YOU!!" he yelled at me, surprised.

I didn't turn around to face him. I was sure he would see me, but I was hoping he would not recognize me while facing away; of course, all of that would have been for naught if he caught up to me, and while I was confident in my running abilities I was definitely in a bad position, running barefoot in the woods as I was - not to mention with an erection! My dick slapped against my legs with every step, making a wet, obscene sound of flesh against flesh. Even when the dog started to lag behind I didn't stop running, praying I wouldn't find anyone else in my way; I finally stopped when I had stopped hearing them completely.

I took deep, shallow breaths while leaning on my knees. While I'm definitely in shape the terror I felt had gotten to me; my whole body was covered in a thin layer of cold sweat and it took a while before my heartbeat returned to normal. I thought of the runner, and how I would have looked to him: some guy running naked in the woods; since all he had seen of me had been my back and my ass I was confident he hadn't recognized me.

When I finally had my breathing under control I resumed my way down the hill towards the town, which wasn't all that far away now. That's something positive that came from my mad dash: I was so much closer so much quicker, but other than that I still felt restless, perhaps even more so than before (if such a thing was even possible). There are many in this world who are quite comfortable in their own skins but I was not one of them; that's the price you pay when you start giving so much weight to the size of your manhood.

It must've been at least another solid half hour when I arrived at the edge of the woods, the place I had been itching to arrive and yet feared so much. The trees and shrubbery started becoming thinner and shorter, there were quite fewer places for me to hide and so I started moving slower and more cautiously, until the dirt of the road ended abruptly to give way to cold, hard pavement.

Hiding from behind a bush I looked at the road. Here's where the town started, a small street lined by big, modern houses that had very tall fences. That last detail worked in my favor, as I would remain unseen by those at home when I crossed the street. The town has grown quite a lot in the last decade, and those houses right next to the woods were the most recent addition to the urban sprawl. I didn't know anyone who lived there but I certainly wouldn't take my chances.

The big question was how I was going to make my way forward. I had been dreading this moment, when I would have to leave the relative security of the woods to enter town and I still had no answers as to how I would do it. There was no doubt in my mind I would have to press onward, as waiting until dark was out of the question: my parents had organized a BBQ in my honor with some family friends, and if I didn't show up before they did they would start looking for me until they found me nude as the day I was born. I shook my head, horrified by that prospect, and forced myself to think how to continue.

To arrive home I would have to make my way through the streets of the city, that much was unavoidable. It was a weekday so I expected fewer people on the way, which was something that worked in my favor; I could also avoid many of the busiest ones, making my way through mostly deserted alleyways.

From my hiding spot I started observing my surroundings and planning my next steps. I could see mailboxes on every corner, some carefully trimmed shrubberies and some big trash containers on the front yard of most homes. All of those offered little protection but the street was currently deserted, so they would have to do for now. I had no other option...

...and yet ten minutes later I was still glued to the same spot. In that time I saw no-one passing by the street, but to be fair this road only led to the woods so there was little to no reason for most people to take it. It took me that time to gather my courage but eventually decided to bite the bullet. I got up and made a beeline towards a very small topiary, crouching behind it and scanning my surroundings as soon as I arrived. When I was confident there was no-one else around I made the jump towards a garbage dumpster, then under a bench, another bush, and a mailing box.

I might have mentioned this before but my hometown is quite town. The good news was that meant little transit at this hour, but the bad news was that most anyone I saw was at least familiar to me. On the corner of the street I clung to the wall and peeked out just enough for my head to stick out and I saw the first of many pedestrians I would find on my way, an old man with a cane walking a small, puffy dog. He saw me sticking my head out and raised a friendly hand.

"Ho! Hey, arentcha the Simmons kid? Didn't know you were in town! I used to see ya play, you got some good arm on you—hey, where'cha off to?" I didn't stay behind to hear the rest of whatever he was going to say, I ran back the way I came and hid on the entranceway of one of the houses. Moments later I heard the old man passing by walking down the street I saw him, wondering out loud where I had gone to. He continued on his way.

I felt something heavy in my stomach, as if I had swallowed iron, and as soon as the sounds of his cane hitting the floor disappeared I continued on my way, more apprehensive than before.

Crossing the street was no simple task either, there were simply no possible places to hide and it seemed as if every minute a car passed by. There was no timing to it either: one minute it was car after car, the next one the street was deserted... until right before I started running across. After waiting for at least five minutes I decided I was going to cross no matter what when the next group of cars passed by, which in this case happened to be a string of four of them. When the last car speeded away I covered my groin and ran as fast as I could, feeling the burning hot asphalt at my feet. I made it all the way to the other side... only to be honked at by another passing car. I turned around, but it was already speeding away; I didn't linger.

And so I continued my way through backstreets and alleys avoiding people as much as possible. I did encounter quite a few pedestrians, many more than I would have wanted, and though some of them saw me I was quite careful to avoid them seeing my face and my erection, in that order. Despite the horrible feeling of being exposed my dick was still stubbornly hard, perhaps due to its small size.

As I made my way into town, the big houses on the outskirts started disappearing to give way to older, unkempt homes. This was an area I was quite familiar with, having spent many of my younger days with friends playing hooky, and for that exact reason I feared finding a familiar face around here. It was, however, a necessary risk if I wanted to get home, which by now was quite close.

It occurred in one of those alleys. I was keeping a sharp ear in case I heard anyone approaching while I made my way as silently as possible to the other side; I was getting impatient and more than a little emboldened, taking more risks and advancing without looking for places to hide if necessary. I quickened my pace and almost arrived at the end when I heard footsteps right around the corner.

I looked around anxiously. This was a narrow alley flanked by big buildings with little to no place to hide, it had been a mistake to take it in the first place but it was too late for regrets now. I had to act and I had to do it now. I ran away in the direction from which I came from.

Ever had one of those dreams where you run and run, and yet you don't seem to advance at all? That's how I felt in that moment. The long corridor seemed to stretch on forever. I ran as fast as I could, knowing I would probably be heard but focusing all my strength on getting to the other side. At the end there was a white, wooden fence that must have been at least 5'7'' and I knew what was on the other side. At the speed I was running I wouldn't be able to pivot around the corner, so instead I used my momentum to jump as high as I could, crashing into the fence and grabbing on to it for dear life. I clung to it and tried as hard as I could to get to the other side, but I just couldn't get the necessary impulse until my foot connected with a small hole in the wooden fence. It was only thanks to it and the adrenaline that I managed to get to the other side, landing on the ground with a hard thud, and not a moment too soon.

I could hear many running steps coming in my direction so I pushed my back against the fence and tried to catch my breath to avoid giving away my position.

"Who was that? I know it came from around here," judging by his voice I guessed they were freshly out of high school.

"Maybe a cat...," said someone else in a slow, bored tone.

"No, it was someONE, I'm sure of that! I heard him running when we approached. I think he was running away from us... that was weird." I could hear them right next to me, on the other side of the fence. I closed my eyes and tried holding my breath to no avail since I was still too agitated.

"Dude, let it go, let's go man," a third voice said.

"I just want to—hey! Dude, what the fuck! He's in there, he's naked!"

If anything was going to freak me out, it was hearing that. I looked terrified at the fence and saw a spying gray eye in the hole that had helped me cross to the other side. The eye moved from one side to the other very quickly, as if scanning my naked body, and suddenly disappeared as its owner was pushed aside by one of the other guys who also wanted to take a look. The new eye widened in surprise when it saw me.

"Man! He's not only naked, he's hard! Hey, perv! What are you doing there?" his eye squinted at me, as if he was analyzing me.

'He didn't call me by my name,' I absentmindedly thought. From the position of the hole I don't think they would have seen my face, but they now knew I was there. With my back still firmly planted against the fence I started scuttling away until I was far away enough from the hole. I then took away in direction to the old house in the middle of the abandoned lot.

I mentioned before I knew what was on the other side of the fence, and this was it: the old house was dilapidated and long abandoned; it had been that way for much longer than I can remember. The house had been used as a hideout for me and my friends when we used to sneak into it to drink and get high, entering through a small opening on one of its old concrete walls. Now, it would be used by me as a hideout once more.

As soon as I found the hole in the wall I jumped into it. It was a small hole below my waist of about 20 inches width that my friends and I had made ourselves years ago. When I was younger I had been able to easily slither my way inside, but my body size was quickly proving to be a problem here. Squeezing my shoulder blades together I moved from one side to the other, slowly making my way inside like a worm into the dirt. My head was already on the other side but my arms were preventing me from advancing further, immobilized to my sides. Panting, I tried pushing myself forward but discovered, to my horror, I was completely stuck.

The lower half of my body was still exposed on the outside while my torso was stuck in the opening. I desperately moved my legs trying to get myself free until a sudden stinging pain in my ass stopped me.

"Hey dude, you're way too old to be playing hide-and-seek, dontcha think?" another sharp pain and I realized one of the punks from before was spanking my butt as if I were a small child. The other guys around him hooted and cheered him on while I kicked around in desperation.