The Look of Submission Pt. 02

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Doll finally gives in or does she.
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Part 2 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 01/30/2022
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He gently pulled her to her feet. He kissed her passionately and he tasted his cum and her juices on her tongue. He wanted her to understand that him making her clean his dick after fucking her did not make her dirty to him.

In time he hoped he would no longer have to force her, that she would want to do it as a symbolic gesture of her submission to him and her love and devotion. Maybe it was time for him to try to explain to her that he already felt those things for her.

He held her until he felt her body come to rest and he stroked her hair.

"Good girl. Now make me some breakfast. I'm starving for food this time," he chuckled. "Three eggs, bacon, and a stack of pancakes." he said with a smile on his face.

He reattached a chain to her ankle and went to relax on the couch in the living room to watch TV until breakfast was ready. As he laid on the couch, he looked around the room at all the family pictures, and he thought about his parents and how much he missed them. They had died in a tragic car accident two years ago but it still felt like yesterday to him.

His parents had lived what he now understood to be a BDSM lifestyle but for them it was not a kink it was how they were brought up to believe things should be.

On his 18th birthday, he woke up to find his mother in the kitchen completely nude and with a collar on her neck. She also had what looked like old welts on her back, ass and thighs. He was shocked and confused as his mother showed no signs of embarrassment or shame. He asked his mother why she was naked and was she okay. She smiled and told him that your father will explain everything to you.

His father sat him down and said that he preferred his mother that way and that he was waiting for him to reach the beginning of his manhood and some maturity before he had her expose herself this way. He said from now on his mother would be naked while in the house.

He said that his mother would be behaving in a way more suited to her place and that she would also be treating him like a man to prepare him for his wife one day.

It was time for him to learn the true place of a woman and her need to be submissive to her husband and all males. The collar his mother wore was to remind her always of her place.

Over the years he had watched his mother's servitude toward him and his father. He noticed that it was mostly done with quietness and grace. They hid nothing from him anymore. He often saw her pleasure his father sexually when they were relaxing and watching TV. She did this, it seemed willing and without complaint. When she wasn't pleasuring him and they were relaxed she usually sat at his feet and sometimes he would absentmindedly stroke her hair or fondle her titties and squeeze her nipples.

His father explained to him that a woman had three holes and that all three holes were for a man's pleasure. He said he primarily fucked his mother in her pussy and ass but sometimes he face fucked her. He said intially she didn't like to give blow jobs or the taste of cum but over the years she had learned to like it. It was a woman's sworn duty to take all her man's seed in whatever hole he chose.

He also saw his father punish her sometimes across his knee the way he used to punish him when he was a child. This was usually done when his mother raised her voice at him or seemed hesitant to follow his command. He said once a month or so his mother would get "the curse" and that sometimes made her a bit edgy and out of sorts.

After her over the knee spanking, his father would hold her on his lap until she was finished crying and then she would kneel between his legs and suck his cock. His father explained that was her way of thanking him for loving her enough to punish her when she needed it.

One day he asked his mother about the old welts on her backside and back. She said that there had been times when his father had to punish her more severely to train her when they were younger because she had been headstrong and strong willed. He thought it was needed to establish his position of dominance.

She said over the years he had to learn there were sometimes better ways than the belt and the cane to make a woman submit her will. She hoped his father would explain those ways to him.

He went to his father and asked him about the things his mother had spoken about. His father said that he could teach him a lot of things but how to make love to his woman he would have to learn on his own, because each woman was unique and just like a man she would have her own likes and dislikes. But one thing he knew for sure was that it was important that he learned to please her in that way because in the long run it would make their bond stronger.

He didn't know what his parents would think of him taking Doll the way he did, but these were different times and they called for more drastic measures. The young women today were all headstrong and very few knew or understood their place.

He heard Doll enter the room quietly, as she had learned that was what was expected of her.

She said, "Sir, breakfast is ready."

He followed her into the kitchen and she had set the table with only one plate. He sat down and she served him the eggs, bacon and pancakes. She had coffee and orange juice beside his plate. He patiently waited for her to bring her plate to the table and join him now that she had served him. She just stood there like a big doll baby, eyes cast down and vacant.

He felt his temper start to rise, "Where is yours?" he asked.

There was no response and no movement. This hunger strike was her way to fuck with him, a sort of silent rebellion, and her going into a trance like this was also something she did to unnerve him. It was one of the reasons why he had nicknamed her Doll.

"Doll, we are not having this today!" he yelled. "We had such a lovely start to the morning, now come and sit by my feet."

He reached down and roughly snatched the chain which forced her to come stumbling toward him. She would have fallen and hurt herself had he not caught her.

He gently lowered on her knees next to him and he sat down in front of his plate at the table.

"Now I am going to feed you myself and if you don't eat every bite, it is another whipping and back in the cellar again for the entire weekend. Look at that beautiful sky and all that sunshine. I was even thinking I could even take you for a little ride in the country today after you finished your chores. Wouldn't you like that?"

He saw the tears start to flow from her eyes and she whispered, "Yes, Sir".

"Okay,.... don't cry, just be a good girl."

They ate breakfast with him talking about his work week and the people at the job. She sat quietly and opened her mouth every time he offered her food. He saw the same look in her eyes that he had seen earlier when she had cleaned his cock.

He sighed. He, having been raised by his parents, knew the look of submission, he had seen it in his mother's eyes and this wasn't it.

After they had both finished their chores, the sun was still shining brightly. He picked out a cute pair of shorts and a small tee shirt for her to wear. He brought around his gray pick up truck, chained her feet together once he settled her in and off they went. He had packed some snacks and sandwiches for them so they could have a nice picnic dinner.

He was careful to take the back roads, no major highways but Doll could tell they were somewhere in the midwestern states. She knew states like Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri had vast areas of flat land like this. He had kept her doped up and tied up in the trunk of a car for days when he kidnapped her until they reached his home.

It was so nice to be out in the sunshine and the warm breeze. She had lost track of time after spending so much time in that bunker or cellar or whatever it was he called it. She reached up and felt the metal collar around her neck. He has promised that once she was "trained" he would give her a nicer collar to wear, one that didn't shock her at his whim or when she supposedly misbehaved.

He watched her as she looked out the tinted windows, her eyes wide like a child's as she saw the cows, horses and the fields of barley and wheat. It tickled him and for a moment she even looked happy.

"Let's try pretending we are on a regular date, just a young couple hanging out on a Saturday afternoon, getting to know each other and having a good time."

Doll looked at him and opened her mouth to say something and then shook her head and the tears started falling. She looked down at the chain on her ankle cuffs binding her feet together and then turned her face to the window and continued to look at the fields and the ranch houses passing by.

He slowly pulled the truck over and got out. He went over to the passenger side and opened the door. Doll flinched and moved away cautiously, her body tensed up not sure what to expect. He reached down and unchained her ankles. This he did as a sign of good will, but he did nonchalantly put the child lock on the door just in case.

"Do you have something to say to me?" he asked as he climbed back into the truck.

"Thank you, Sir," she answered softly.

He knew now that he had finally broken her will to fight and she had come to understand he was not letting her go and that escape was unlikely. Like most captives, she had decided it was best for the time being to just obey and to comply with his rules and expectations.

What she didn't understand was that he wanted more, much more. He wanted her submission, which was a gift only she could give.

It had taken two months to get this far, now he had to rebuild her confidence and earn her trust. No woman could truly submit to any man until she trusted him. She had to know that she was cherished, loved and protected. Only then would he be worthy of that ultimate gift and then there would be no more need for chains or locks.

He hated that he had to break her spirit but in order to teach her she had to learn obedience and she had been so stubborn at first. He smiled as he thought about her little hunger strike. He was sure once he could start to reward her and trust her, which would allow him to give her more freedom, her appetite would return.

Today would be her first test. He had planned to unchain her ankles once they got to his favorite spot on the lake but when she motioned to the chain earlier he decided to pretend that he was doing it at her request. She didn't know that there was a tracking device in her collar that would allow him to pinpoint her exact location if she tried to wander off.

He had made up his mind that this afternoon was going to be all about her. He had brought his fishing poles and would love to teach her how to fish but if she didn't want to learn he was not going to force the issue, there would be other days.

Once they got to the mountain range they hiked about 2 miles before they finally got to his favorite spot. It was a beautiful and peaceful valley not far from the river's edge but it was secluded in a way that most people never found it. They could have actually gotten to his spot a lot sooner but he wanted to confuse her and make her think it was much farther than it actually was from where they had parked the truck.

He spread the blanket and settled down with the lunch basket. She looked worn out and he knew she was tired, it was obvious hiking was not her thing. He laughed as he handed her a fresh cold bottle of water.

"Rest my sweet beautiful Doll. Come relax and lay your head on my lap."

She took the water and drank heartily but hesitated to get comfortable and lay in his lap.

"You are going to cuff my hands and then fuck me in my mouth, aren't you Sir?", she said quietly as tears rolled from her eyes.

He said, "No, as a matter of fact, as much as I would like to do that and use your other holes as well I am not. This afternoon is all about you and I promise to be a perfect gentleman. Unless of course, you would like for us to make love. I didn't think you were that kind of girl to have sex on the first date."

He crossed his heart and settled back and patted the ground next to him and said what about just sitting close to me and leaning back.

Doll took a deep breath and sat down next to her captor. He gently pulled her close but refrained from touching any of her intimate parts. As she started to relax, she took in the beauty of the scenery around her. It was exquisite, the colors of the sky were breathtaking against the colors of the mountains and lake, she felt like she was seeing a slice of heaven.

"It is beautiful." she said.

"Almost as beautiful as you", he whispered in her air.

Doll blushed and for a moment she almost turned and kissed him. She was so confused by this sudden tenderness and kindness in his tone. This was the man who had raped her repeatedly over the last two months in all three of her holes. He had taken her anal virginity, like it had been his right. She was grateful that he had done it in a way that caused her the least amount of pain, but nonetheless he had still done it! He had shown her how to please him in every way imaginable.

He had punished her over and over again when she had broken any of his silly and archaic rules. These were now her Ten Commandments:

1) Thou must be quiet and graceful.

2) Thou must be mannerly.

3) Thou must be respectful at all times in attitude and tone.

4) Thou must speak when spoken to and always be honest.

5) Thou must kneel initially in his presence until told otherwise.

6) Thou must do your chores diligently and to the best of your ability.

7) Thou must always be sexualy available whenever, wherever and however he chooses.

8) Thou must always be obedient.

9) Thou must always look her best for him.

10) Thou must never question his authority.

She could hear him in her head as he spanked her with his hand or took the belt to her.

"Tell me Doll, which rule did you break this time?

She knew all of them by heart now. She would tell him the rule between sobs.

"Why are the rules important, Doll?

"They help me to learn obedience and discipline Sir." she would say at the top of her lungs.

"And what else, baby girl?"

"They remind me of my place and my duty Sir." she would finally choke out after begging for mercy.

As if the punishment wasn't bad enough it was always followed by what he considered aftercare where he held her and rocked her. That wasn't so bad, she actually looked forward to being held in his strong arms after the ordeal. It was the ultimate humiliation of her having to say "Thank you" before she was made to suck his dick and swallow all his cum.

He would usually rub her clit to stimulate her while she was sucking his dick and they would often climax together but she still hates swallowing cum.

This was the monster she almost kissed, she shuddered. If this beast got a kiss he would have to take it or demand it like he always did.

To her surprise he didn't try to force himself on her. He asked her questions about her childhood and told she could speak freely without worry of being shocked or punished. He told her about his parents and his childhood.

She realized they had a lot in common. He had grown up lonely as an only child and sheltered because of his parents' lifestyle. She had grown up in several foster care homes. Her mother had abandoned her and her sister when she was five. She didn't know where her sister was or if she was even alive. Her sister had been adopted because she was only two and was more desirable. She spent six years in the last home until they threw her out on her 18th birthday because there was no longer a check coming from the state for her.

She had enlisted in the army for two years so that she would have a roof over her head and three meals a day. She learned two things in the army that so far was helping her to survive this ordeal, be quiet and do as you are told. Her years in foster care and in the service had taught her how to make herself invisible.

They talked like two people getting to know each other and she wondered why he hadn't started out their relationship like this in the beginning.

"Have you ever been fishing?" he said as he stood up and started to get his fishing pole.

"No," she said.

"Well, I have an extra pole if you want to learn", he motioned toward the second pole.

She looked at him and hesitantly said, "Can I just sit and watch this time, Sir?"

"Suit yourself," he winked as he started down toward the lake with his pole and tackle box.

Doll stretched out on the blanket and watched him as he got a good distance away. As much as she hated to admit it, he was actually a good looking man. He was about 6 feet tall, broad shoulders and a nice muscular build. He looked damn good in his blue jeans. He had a curly mop of black wavy hair under that baseball cap and dark brown eyes. His facial features were strong and manly.

If only he wasn't a kidnapper and a woman beater, maybe he would make some lucky woman a good husband, she thought sarcastically.

After a little while he yelled to her, "Doll, they are not biting here I'm going down the bank aways."

She yelled back, "Okay, Sir, have fun."

As Doll stretched out she realized he had left his hoodie on the edge of the blanket. She wondered if the remote he used to shock her with was in one of the pockets. She also wondered if she could find her way back to where he had parked the truck. Lastly she wondered how bad he would punish her if she were to attempt to escape and get caught.

Finally her curiosity got the best of her and she rolled over and rummaged through the pockets of his hoodie. He had left the keys to the truck in the left pocket but not the remote to her collar.

Her first instinct was to take off running and pray that she could find her way back to the truck before he could catch her or get close enough to shock her. She thought about it and then she put the keys back and left the hoodie just the way he left it.

She knew without a doubt he was testing her. She was not falling for this trick, she was not going to give him any reason to punish her, not tonight. She was angry that he thought that she was that stupid. She picked up the other pole and headed toward the river bank in the direction that he had gone. She wiped the tears that had fallen down her face and she thought two can play this game.

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63luckyman63luckymanover 2 years ago

Nicely done. Waiting for the next part!

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