The Lost Boy Ch. 06

Story Info
The girls rescue Ian, and begin to get attached.
11.6k words

Part 6 of the 25 part series

Updated 08/04/2023
Created 07/28/2017
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A.N. Hello all! Get your cocks slash vaginas out I'm back!

I've been super busy with stuff lately but I'm back :DDDD

The Following Contains: Cute Femboy being fucked orally and anally by sexy dickgirls. Don't like that? You are unwelcome.

I hope you all enjoy! It's good to be back!


'Tap, tap, tap, tap.'

Liline's high heeled boot clicked repeatedly on the gravel as she stood impatiently outside of the trailer park. "They're taking their sweet ass time, aren't they?" She pushed off the cruiser behind her and crossed her arms.

Beside her were the two other ladies who'd had her boy toy as well. Valerie and Melody. Dr. Gabrielle and nurse Ophelia's time with Ian was, as they claimed, 'strictly professional' so therefore she had taken the liberty to not bring them along in her own little form of revenge for having him. So for this long awaited reunion, only the three of them waited outside the gates of Shelter's Trailer and camp grounds.

Valerie, closest to the Sherriff, also was leaning up against the car with her arms folded. "I know, I thought you had this taken care of?"

"I did. I called in just about every favor I'm owed across shelter to do it too." She replied.

"And yet they're still late." The third woman spoke up from the back seat of the cruiser.

Liline shot a look at Melody over her shoulder, who was sitting clearly more patient then both of her companions, calmly skimming through the pages of a book in her hands.

"You shut it book bimbo, if you had kept your damn eye on him we wouldn't be in this situation." Liline spat.

Melody shrugged, "Hey, leaving him all tied up, naked and helpless seemed like a sexy idea at the time."

"Ugh." Liline rolled her eyes, not out of disgust as the image that statement presented was definitely a pleasant one. It was out of annoyance that Melody got to experience it before she herself did. She glanced down at her watch again for what had to be the tenth time in the last minute. "Fifteen minutes late."

"Fucking fuck!" Valerie whined and stomped her foot angrily, "What's taking them so long?"

The older sister blew some air out from between her lips, "Gee, I wonder."

Inside The Trailer Park, 12:15 P.M.

"Mmm...chkk...mmmm..." Ian's head delicately bobbed up and down on the towering staff of dark girl meat connected to Gloria's body. Both of his hands worked the shaft of what he couldn't fit in his mouth.

"Good boy. Mmmm you're so good at this baby..." She gently stroked his dark locks while he nursed on her dick. The top half of her cock was slick with his saliva, and trails of it leaked down past his pink lips onto his hands where he used it to further lubricate her length.

She lay there stark naked, her beautiful chocolate body sitting back on her elbows relaxed atop the bed, her lower body was off of the side of the mattress and feet on the floor, but legs splayed apart giving Ian the space he needed to do his work while he kneeled down between the opened limbs, no pants on showing his own pale butt cheeks but still with a shirt on, tenderly treating her Goddess cock to a goodbye blowjob. Ian's tail and wings receded after falling asleep the first night, but came back whenever he seemed to get aroused. The girls quickly caught on to this and managed to teach him a little on how to control when they would come out. Ian was still new to this all of course but he was learning.

Gloria almost wanted to cry at the thought that Ian was leaving their park today. The last two weeks had been incredible. Heavenly, the best weeks in Gloria's long life really. When Ian first got here he struggled against them and was of course frightened as any normal human boy would be. But after a round of rutting between her and her sisters. All the pieces seemed to just fall in place, and a world of pleasure was opened up to them all.

Something was special about Ian, none of the girls knew what it was but he made them feel...


Something about the energy he radiated during sex was just soooooo intense. So good and so delicious. Unlike anything any of them had ever tasted before, they couldn't get enough of this beautiful boy and his sweet forever tight booty.

Ian had experienced something that he didn't expect to feel during his time here.

He actually felt like he was being...dare he say...loved?


That was all it took for the girls to lay into him that night. And he was met with a whirling tornado of feelings, all mainly revolving around pure bliss from what the girls gave to him. His body mingled with dozens of others and he entwined in ways he didn't think he ever would with another person. Seriously some of those girls put him in positions that really tested his acrobatics. But in the throes of passion, every passing night, somehow Ian felt like he was getting closer and closer to them.

Not physically but, spiritually. Like with every kiss, he could feel their hearts flutter along with his. Every time he laid down beneath one or climbed on top of them, he could feel their breath hitch in their lungs. And every time they entered him, there was electricity that sparked over every inch of his skin. When he wrapped his legs around the waist of one of his many lovers, he felt...perfect.

Like it was meant to be. And he knew that this is what they all felt too. He made them feel perfect, alive, wanted, loved.

It was incredible.

This however caused him to think back to the other women he ran in fear from. Valerie, the first one who welcomed him to the town. Liline, the one who rescued him then brought him to the clinic after she'd gone too far. The two employees there who helped him recover from his loopy haze, and the sultry librarian who double crossed him. All of the girls did take advantage of him that was true, but he realized now it was for the same reason the women did here.

He made them feel good. But deeper than sex, he made them feel alive and filled with passion, energy, and even love.

They had a funny way of showing it for sure, but he realized it now. That's why they wanted him so bad, that's why he shouldn't have ran away. Maybe things could've been different.

But now here he was, giving and receiving that feeling again as he sucked his dark-skinned Queen for all she was worth.

He pulled his head away, the tip popping out of his mouth due to the pull of suction he created, then moved his head down the underside of her cock, licking along it's thick rigid texture until he reached her giant ballsack and twin testicles cradled inside.

Gloria quickly picked up on what he was doing and lifted her legs a bit more off the floor and leaning further back. Ian's soft lips kissed her swollen purse and opened wide to try and capture one of her big balls into his mouth. Just one of the large organs was a task itself, but he had learned to multi-task, and while he did this his free hand slid up her thigh to her cock again and began to massage it lovingly. He pulled the sperm bank back until her scrotum was taut, then released it watching her balls jiggle as they plopped back down to their low hanging point. Followed by darting his tongue out and swiping at them with newly established expert speed.

"Fuuuck that's right, you're my baby Ian. Mmm...Suck my balls..." Gloria quietly encouraged him now bringing her hands back up to pinch her nipples, further fueling her arousal.

Ian's smallish hand looked so tiny as it tried to effectively work her girl cock. All the while tilting his head to the side to get a better angle on her balls. But when he did this he caught a glimpse of Gloria's own cute asshole peeking out from beneath her hanging sack. It was buried beneath her glorious ass cheeks, but because of how far she had leaned back he was able to see it.

A beautiful tight looking star that Ian suddenly felt a very difficult to control urge, to kiss.

"I wonder if she'd..."

"Knock, knock!" Katrina called out from behind, simultaneously whacking her knuckles against the metallic door. Ian and Gloria both flinched at the sudden intrusive noise, "C'mon babe you can't milk this anymore than we want to, it's time to go."

Gloria's head fell back in frustration, "Ugggh! We just got started!"

"Twenty minutes ago?" Kat immediately said back, "You said a five minute quickie blowjob nearly half an hour ago. You're pushing your luck as is and you know you can't fuck him today. Besides we're running late, I don't want to be the one that the cop books for breaking a promise so hurry it up. We've gotta bring him."

Ian looked back and forth between the door and his increasingly frustrated lover, "Huh? Bring me where?" He said oblivious to what was going on, his lips still a bit puffy and wet from servicing the still pulsing dick, bigger than his face in front of him.

No one had informed him yet that he was returning to the custody of the Sherriff. She had pulled a few strings with her many connections in town and had cut a deal with the higher up who owned the trailer park. It was out of their hands at this point, they had to release him.

"Oh baby...some stuff has cleared up're basically gonna be going to be staying with somebody else in Shelter now." She told him, sitting up from her leaned back position, almost comically tapping him on the cheek with her sword from her shift in movement.

Ian tilted his head, "Oh. Well, who is it?" He looked back to Katrina through the screen door, then to Gloria again with his baby blue eyes that melted her heart, and hardened her cock.

"Please Kat PLEASE can we have just five more minutes?"

Outside the Gates

"Finally!" Liline happily said as she pushed up off of her car followed quickly by Valerie. Melody remained in the back seat but perked up when she noticed the pair's movement.

Emerging from within the park were about a half-dozen girls, surrounding the smaller boy Ian in a semi-circle. From the distance, they could hear multiple voices all saying what sounded like sad goodbyes and parting wishes to him as they approached.

"Promise me you'll come back sometime!" Yukio hugged Ian's side tightly while they moved. "We had so much fun, I can't even imagine what it would be like if I didn't get to see you again."

Ian blushed, still not use to such affection, "I'll...I'll try Yuki." He called her by the cute pet name he had heard other Sisters calling her during coitus.

Yukio gave him a big angel face smile (ironic) then planted a sweet kiss on his cheek and released him from the hug.

Another hand came up from behind to tussle his hair, "You were fun as fuck boy. I'm on her side, if we don't see you again sometime, I think all of our hearts would be broken." Lexi chimed in. "So...just...don't forget about us okay?"

He turned to acknowledge her, "I wouldn't dream of it Lex."

Suddenly he felt a firm slap on his behind, "Yeah if I don't get to have that ass again in my life I'll get a little cranky." Another one of the girls standing beside Katrina said.

"Same." Another hand came out to swat at his butt causing Ian to jump in place.

A few more playful slaps to his booty came from all of the surrounding Sisters in a flurry of spanking that had Ian nearly skipping to try and flee from them. A child like laughter came from the group at this, even from Ian.

Liline stood on her tip toes to get a better view at the approaching group. "What are they saying?" Valerie asked her.

"I don't know I can't hear." The Sherriff replied, "But I can hear him laughing. And I can feel him." Valerie turned to look at the Sherriff as she said this, a bit jealous that her own powers weren't as strongly connected to Ian as hers were. Liline had clearly bonded with Ian probably through numerous fucks. Valerie had only gotten to have him once, and thus their connection wasn't as strong. She'd need to remedy that as quickly as possible. "He's not hurt, he's actually...perfectly fine. He's happy." This came as a bit of a surprise to the two Succubi. They were expecting Ian to have been battered and bruised, weakly limping to the gates and having to rescue him, tending to him affectionately and healing him after weeks in rape town.

But as Ian drew closer, it turned out this was not the case. The only thing a bit tattered on him was the clothing he wore. As the group neared the gate, Liline and Val could see that he was not in the same clothes as he was left in, (which was nothing at all after his library escape.) He wore a heavily patched shirt and a pair of worn pants that didn't look like they fit him properly.

Either the trailer trash group had some extra male clothes lying around, most likely from other mortals in the past. Or they had fashioned him some clothing as per his request. Obviously, they would prefer him naked the whole time so Liline couldn't think of any other reason he might be dressed.

As the group finally arrived at the gate several of the girls came forward to give Ian one final serious hug. Katrina, Lexi, and Yukio were among them while Gloria waited patiently for the group to disperse so she could have her own.

There were some more kisses and snuck in booty grabs as the ladies hugged their boy toy goodbye sadly while the cop outside the gate grew increasingly impatient. Ian was worth the wait of course, but still she was territorial. And she wanted what was once hers back.

When the five other girls finally broke off from him seeming to be satisfied with their farewells, Gloria quickly moved in and in a swift movement swept Ian completely off of his feet. Picking him up by his bottom and holding him in her arms.

"Whoa!" Ian yelped followed by a slight giggle escaping him, "Gloria!"

She silenced him with a lip locking kiss. Ian was stunned for a moment, but quickly melted into it, bringing his hands up to around her neck and closing his eyes as it deepened. Her tongue dipping into his willing mouth and battling with his own for what was probably the last time for a while. Liline balled up her fist at this, feeling jealousy beginning to test her temper. Valerie wasn't as hot headed as Liline was but she too was starting to feel the effects of rage bubbling up. Her leg began to bounce at a high velocity like a nervous twitch as she felt cuckolded by the situation.

Their lips pulled apart with a light smack as Gloria whispered, "You left me with blue balls today baby boy..." She smirked, "I'm gonna have to get you back for that."

Ian rolled his eyes and chuckled a bit as Gloria leaned in for another kiss.

Only to be stopped abruptly by a loud 'BANG' sound as Liline's fist came down and whacked the hood of her car. Even Valerie jumped at the sudden noise while Melody seemed to see it coming. She cleared her throat as well for extra measure and to show that they were testing her patience.

Gloria knew that the deal was a deal and they couldn't fuck him again today, and they couldn't keep him any longer. It just was the way the town worked, with enough favors under your belt you can make almost anything happen.

So reluctantly Gloria leaned away from Ian and set him back down on his feet. "Okay baby, time to go."

Ian nodded, although slowly in acceptance. He wasn't afraid to go, he merely felt bad for leaving all the girls he'd met here behind for a while. He gave them such happiness and without him, they would lull back into that state of just wanting to feed like before. Hopefully he could make it back there sometime, the thought of all the beautiful kind Sisters in the park becoming lonely and sad without him made his heart hurt.

But for right now, he had another group to tend to. And he looked forward beyond the gate to see the familiar faces of Liline, and Valerie waiting for him. Taking a few steps forward he cast one last look over his shoulder and waved goodbye to his recent lovers.

All of them returned the gesture, Gloria watched as he went having to resist the strong urge to rush forward, snatch him up and just book it somewhere for just the two of them. She wanted to do it, but this was the rules here. And she would abide by them...for now.

The gate creaked as Ian pushed by it and approached the two girls awaiting him beyond, a little nervous as to what he was walking into but he was sure that after everything he could handle it. Besides, he now understood them more, on a deeper level than when he first came.

Liline's expression changed in an instant from impatient resting bitch face, to sheer relief and joy as she hurriedly stepped up to greet her long-lost boy toy.

Valerie did the same, a big pearly white grin on her face. Her red hair whipped backward with the gust of wind she created by how fast she moved.

"Thank God you're okay." Liline said coming close to him and placing her hands on his shoulders, then neck, then cheeks, seeming to be feeling along him for any possible lingering bruises or cuts. Anything they might have did to him that she would need to see. "Did they hurt you?"

Ian was surprised by the show of concern and almost became a bit bashful at the gesture, " I'm fine."

"You know you can tell me right?" Liline leaned down to be eye to eye with the smaller boy, "If they did anything to harm you, you're safe now and you can tell me."

He nodded, "I swear, I'm okay. They didn't hurt me, they just took care of me." Ian replied making sure to leave out the details of the extensive fucking he'd done.

Liline paused for a moment at that and just stared at him. The baby blues that she'd missed terribly over these last two weeks made her feel weak in the knees. She was so worried about him, and to finally have him back in front of her, she couldn't stop herself from pulling the boy into a tight loving hug. Again, catching him completely off guard, even Valerie seemed surprised by this gesture.

"Oh...God I'm so sorry. I should've been more gentle with you. I'm so sorry Ian." She whispered to him, sounding practically on the verge of tears.

Ian stood there in her embrace stunned at the sheer amount of emotion she was displaying. He could only vaguely recall her emotional state after their romp in her office, then she had been aggressive, dominating, and demeaning. Which Ian had secretly very much enjoyed, but after that he could only remember fuzzy moments of her cradling him, whispering something in his ear then bringing him to the clinic clearly concerned for his well being.

Seeing this side of her with a clear head was unexpected and a little jarring, so much so that he just stood limply there as she held him for the first few seconds before gingerly bringing his arms up to return the embrace and hug her back.

"It's okay Sherriff, I'm alright." He rubbed her back comfortingly, "You were just worked up, it's okay. I understand." Valerie too was paralyzed by this show of emotion but nevertheless smiled, seeing that there appeared to be no lingering bad blood between them despite the events from weeks before. Eventually the two pulled apart and Liline sniffled a bit, quickly rubbing her eyes and trying her best to not show how on the verge of tears she had been. Ian then looked over to Val, "It's nice to see you again too."

Valerie was taken aback by this, "Really? I was afraid that you were gonna be terrified of seeing us again. Don't get me wrong, I'm reeeeally thankful you're not."

With a smile Ian shook his head, "I've become a little more open minded about this town and its population." He looked back up to Liline, "Really it's okay."

Liline was so relieved, the amount of it washing through her system actually caused her to expel a long sigh of breath that it felt like she had been holding in for days. She reached up and cupped Ian's cheek then lowered her forehead to his. His ability to forgive was amazing, she truly thought that he would be broken upon seeing her again, and horrified at the thought of having to leave with them. But instead here he was, affectionately reaching up to touch his hand on top of hers as it rested on his face and leaning into her touch.