The Love Box Ch. 04

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Miri learns a few things about Priscilla.
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Part 4 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 04/02/2020
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NOTE: The following chapter contains sexual acts between a futa character (meaning, a character who has both genitalia, male and female, at once) and our dear Miri. If that isn't your cup of tea then by all means, you can skip this one.


I sat there, stunned as everyone else started walking out of the room. "Holy shit". I thought. Could you blame me? I mean, I was scared to look into the box in the first place! Now, sure, this didn't mean Priscilla was aching for my hot vag or whatever, but there was a world where she would do me? Me!?

Ashley tapped on my shoulder.

"You okay? You were shaking that box pretty badly."

"Yeah, I'm good. I'm good."

"Uh, you wanna go eat?"


That was when Kalissa came up to us. Despite that, as we had lunch, all I could think about were two challenging eyes piercing me. I hadn't even looked in the box yet! It would take just a few more minutes before I found an opportunity.

"Hey, uh, I gotta go to the bathroom for a sec."

"Oh, okay!" Ashley and Sixcia started talking to each other as soon as I left. I walked through the busy noon halls and found some alone time in the process.

When I went into the bathroom, I nearly dropped everything I had. Priscilla was there. She was looking at herself in the mirror when the door swung open a bit too hard.

Our eyes connected again. She looked at the box, then back up at me and with complete indifference, just went back to looking at herself in the mirror. She wasn't even doing her makeup or anything.

I gulped and peeked into the box.

A condom.

Yeah. The box gave me a fucking condom. I froze. What the hell was that about?

"Do you have to stand in the way like that?" I heard a tired voice ask in front of me. Priscila was standing there with that classic "mean girl" pose, one hand on her hip, supporting herself mostly on one leg as she scrutinized me more than any doctor I've ever been to.

"S-Sorry..." I said so softly I doubt she even heard me.

"Fucking weirdo." She muttered under her breath as I stood aside.

To say I was confused was an understatement. But, then I got an idea. All I had to do was give her the item, right? So I turned around and jogged back up to her with the condom in my hands.

If you know where this is going, yes, it was just as bad as whatever you have in your head.

I forced a smile, stopped her and held out the condom. Looking back, yeah, not the brightest idea.

"What the fuck?" She asked, looking down at what I had in my hands. "Ugh, fucking perv, get away from me!"

In all honesty, I don't know what else I was expecting. I mean, I guess I was expecting something literally magical to happen. It didn't though. Instead, I was left in the middle of a hallway holding a condom in my hands as one of the hottest girls I'd ever met walked away.

Whoa, is this how guys feel when they get rejected?

Anyway, this produced a few questions I felt needed answering. I met back with Ash and Six, trying my hardest to bury my shame as I sat down next to them.

"So you build stuff?" Ashley asked Sixcia.

"Yeah, I'm kind of an inventor I guess you could say."

"Her products are scams don't listen to her," I added with a smirk. Sixcia whined at me as Ashley chuckled.

"I haven't heard you complaining about what I make." Sixcia crossed her arms and said to me.

"Actually, I used one thing you gave me just a few minutes ago. Didn't work."

"Wait, what?" I nodded. "Uh, sorry," she turned toward Ashley, "could you give us a second? Sorry, sorry, I just need to ask Miri something."

"What?" Something went through Ashley's mind, she blushed and said: "OH, okay, sorry, I'll be back in a sec."

I arched an eyebrow. What was with that reaction?

"Just a minute!" Sixcia let Ashley know. "Alright, what happened?"

"The box... Uh..." I scratched the back of my neck. "It gave me a condom."

That surprised even Sixcia.

"What? I mean, you aimed it at a girl and it gave you a condom?"

"Yeah." I shrugged. "Then, I gave it to her, the whole gift thing right, and she called me weird and left."

"Well," Sixcia crossed her arms again. "I did say you had to give it at the right time."

Oh shit. She did say that.

"But, how the hell do I know what the right time is?"

"You aren't supposed to." Sixcia let me know. "That's part of the point. You have to make a connection with the other person and intuitively know what the right time is."

"But... I aimed it at a girl I'm sure thinks about me 0.001% of the time."

Sixcia shrugged.

"I guess you have a challenge in front of you then." Sixcia smiled at me.

Ashley came back after that, though she had a weird look on her face for a bit. As soon as lunch was over, I got a text.

Cara: Hey all! We're gonna work on the presentation after school right?

Marlene: sure

Me: yeah

Priscilla didn't respond.

Cara: Alright! Let's meet in the library!

Well, if Priscilla was going to go... I guess that meant I was going to be seeing her sooner than I thought. The rest of the day went by pretty normally, but I swear, more and more often I kept noticing Ashley looking at me weirdly.

Despite that, when it came time for me to head to the library for our meeting, Ashley waved at me just as energetically as she usually did. I called mom and, of course, let her know that Sixcia was basically living with us at this point so she was going to be sleeping over again.

A regular mom would have been concerned, but... Yeah, friends weren't exactly something I had in abundance, so she was just happy that Sixcia wasn't a one-time thing.

I walked over to the school library, breathing in as I felt the condom in my pockets. As soon as I went in, the air conditioning hit me. Luckily, I had on a black hoodie so I wouldn't be feeling the cold that badly, but if I could still feel it despite that article of clothing, I imagined the cold was intense.

It didn't take much time before I found my class group. Cara, with all the energy of someone who actually liked school, waved at me as I noticed them. Marlene was sipping from a cup of coffee (our school had lax rules about the food and drinks you could bring into the library) and, to my surprise, Priscilla was actually there reading from a book.

I gulped. "Right time. Right time." I repeated in my head, and I did something fairly bold. I sat down next to her. After that little encounter of ours, yeah, Priscilla noticed me... Not in the best way either. She shifted her seat, putting a few extra inches between us.

Okay, I deserved that. Let's be honest.

Actually, I do want to point something out. In case I haven't done her justice, you can imagine how beautiful Priscilla was that I was still attracted to her after that whole ordeal. And, even at this moment, her vanilla scent was driving me crazy as I tried my hardest not to sneak a peek at her creamy thigh, draped over her other leg as she dutifully read some book on the table.

"Okay!" Cara started. "Me and money bags over here were discussing the recent news reports about the Vampire Queen!"

"Money bags? Do you have a problem with me?" Priscilla asked.

"I'm just joking." Cara waved her off. Priscilla just rolled her eyes. "Apparently, there was a sighting yesterday! Here, look at these pics!" She slid her phone over to where I was.

Huh... I won't lie, these pictures actually look fairly realistic. They depicted a woman with curves the likes of which I could only dream of, barely dressed with fangs, smirking and winking at the camera in the nighttime. It looked like a well-done movie poster.

"So, we're just going to go interview the people who saw it?" Marlene asked.

"Yep, we can do it online. It doesn't have to be a video interview or something."

"Nice. I was thinking I could talk about..."

I zoned them out as I tried to see what Priscilla was reading. From what I could tell, it was an article about the Vampire Queen. Wait, was she actually looking stuff up for the presentation? I'll be honest, I was expecting her to be reading Harry Potter or something.

"Need something?" Priscilla asked me quietly enough that the others didn't hear her.

"Oh, sor-..."

At school, the girls were skirts. The length of those skirts is something we control. Priscilla, being who she was, apparently preferred the exceptionally short kind. But, one thing about these miniskirts is that when you position yourself badly, they can have the side effect of exposing more than you want to show.

In the middle of apologizing, I looked down. It was a reflex. You know, you're talking to someone you feel is kind of above you, so you look away. The problem was, my line of sight ended up directly on her lap.

And her skirt, because she had her legs crossed, had accidentally dragged up her legs a little too far.

I saw something. I stopped talking, staring at what looked like... Like some kind of tube between Priscilla's legs. I stared at it. It just looked weird to me, you know? I heard a small gasp and I found Priscilla looking at the same thing.

She looked up and our eyes connected. I couldn't look away. It was a mixture of the fact that I had too many questions combined with the fact that I was just a little lost in her irises.

She blushed, pulled her skirt down, stood and basically ran out of the library. I watched her go, unable to even process what had just happened.

"What's with her?" Cara asked.

Then, it clicked.

A bulge, a cold demeanor, and... The condom.

"Oh, shit," I mumbled. "Oh shit!" I stood up and ran after her. I caught a small glimpse of her turning a corner, I guessed she was headed for the girl's bathroom. I followed her there, finding the bathroom door slightly open.

I don't know why I was following her, to begin with. But... I mean, I guess I wanted to say something, right?

I went in. The bright white lights made it feel like we were in another world. I looked under a stall's door and found a pair of sleek legs.

"Uh," I started. "You... You wanna talk about it?"

For a moment nothing happened. Then, the stall opened. She marched up to me, I backed off instinctively. She kept walking until my back hit a wall. She didn't stop until her face was just inches away from mine.

"You..." Priscilla was fuming, but she couldn't find words to say. I gulped and put my hands on her shoulders.

"It's fine..." I muttered.

"What?" Priscilla, still angry, asked with emphasis on the "t".

"It's fine..." I shrugged. I won't lie, I was very scared. Seriously, I had no intention of fighting anyone. So, if she like, punched me or something, all I'd do is cry.

"You... You don't know what you're talking about." Priscilla stated.

"I did see it..." Not the smartest thing to say in retrospect. Priscilla had basically given me an out and I just ruined it. She sparked up again and walked even farther forward.

I flinched, thinking she would hit me.

"... How much do you want?" She asked.


"To stay quiet!" She snapped. "How much?"

She... Did she want to bribe me?

"Nothing," I answered. Still scared, I reiterated it. "I don't want your money."

Priscilla was still breathing heavily.


"I don't care that you have a dick!" I snapped finally.

Priscilla blushed. She didn't look as angry though, just really embarrassed.

"But... Come on, talk to me. It's okay." I said.

"Why?" Priscilla backed up. "Who even are you? We're not even..."

"Does it matter?" I asked. "Come on, have you told anyone else about this? You have to have a lot to get off your chest, right? Just talk."

We were silent for a second.

"I'm not a guy." Priscilla suddenly said.

"I... If you identify as a woman that's fine with me." I stated, she shook her head.

"No, I..." She looked away. "I have both."

I raised an eyebrow. Now, that, I didn't expect.

I gulped.


"Do I sound like I'm fucking joking?"

"Easy, easy..." I raised my hands defensively. "I just... Can't imagine it."

"Well, it's true." She replied.

You know, on the list of strangest questions I've ever asked, what I said next honestly ranks at the top. I... I don't know why I asked this. But, it's like there was a little voice in my head telling me I'd never get the chance to ask this again.

"Can I see it?"

Priscilla blinked. It was like in a million years, she never expected that I'd ask such a thing.


Well, I was this far. I decided I may as well commit.

"Can I see it?"

"W... Why?" Priscilla asked.

"I... I'm curious."

"And that means I should show you my dick?" Priscilla asked with a smile. A genuine smile, like, an actual light-hearted smile.

"Couldn't hurt, right? I already know it's there..."

"... You really are a perv." Priscilla muttered, but she started taking off her skirt. I held my breath. Honestly, I was so curious I didn't know what to do with myself.

But then, in a few seconds, there it was.

Like the rest of her, it wasn't comically big or anything, in fact, it was a little on the small side. But, like her, it was creamy, pale and cute. I stared at it for a little, wondering how such a beautiful girl could be born with such a thing.

"O-Okay," Priscilla started putting her skirt on again, but I took a step forward.



"I want to..." I crouched. "Can I see your... Other part?"

"You... But why?"

I didn't even answer. I didn't know what to say.

"Fine," Priscilla mumbled and lifted her shaft up. Yeah. She hadn't been lying. Right where a guy's balls would be was a tiny pussy. I couldn't stop looking at it. It was entrancing.

Maybe if I hadn't ever received the Love Box, I wouldn't have had the confidence to do what I did next. But because I had scanned her and because I knew there was a chance she liked me, just a chance, I took a gamble.

I reached up and lightly wrapped my right hand around her dick.

"W... What are you...?"

"Do you..." I didn't know how to word this. "Do you like this?"

"Of, of course not! I mean..." She didn't stop me though.

I hadn't ever given a handjob before. Hell, I'd just started being sexually active. But, I imagined there weren't many mechanical aspects of the act. So I did what felt right. I started pushing and pulling on her, and her breath caught.

"Oh my... Holy shit!" Priscilla let out as I worked on her. I couldn't keep my eyes off hers. Seriously, she was insanely pretty, even after that discovery she was still one of the most attractive girls I'd met.

Something came to my mind then. If I was the first person at the school to find out about this...

"Are you a virgin?" I asked her.

Her eyes widened but she nodded.

"Me too," I replied. "I don't really know what I'm doing." I chuckled. "But... Stop me if you don't like this."

I looked at her dick, looked up at her and... I wrapped my lips around it. She instantly trembled, reaching down and grabbing my head by the back.

"Fuck!" Well, at that point, I guessed that all I could do was go through with it. I could imagine that she didn't want my teeth scraping against it, so I did my best not to let that happen. I licked under it, trying to treat it as carefully as I could. Basically, I cuddled it with my tongue for a while.

It was a little salty, but Priscilla didn't seem to spare any part of her body when it came to perfume, because she still smelled great. A combination of some musky scent I didn't know and vanilla filled my nostrils as I bobbed back and forth.

At this point, I was honestly pretty glad that she wasn't that big. I know, weird. Whenever something like this happens in films or books, you always see that the penis being described was like, the length of the person's arm or something.

No, I'll be honest. For a beginner like me, I was glad it was just four inches or so. I didn't feel like choking on anything today. Actually, it turned out I was wrong because as I kept going her thing got harder and longer.

All in all, it was probably around six inches long at full strength. I won't lie, I felt great. On my knees, looking up at this beautiful girl while I had her at my mercy, I... I felt slutty. But, like, in a good way!

"You're, oh god!"

Her little exclamations like that just egged me on. I tried to lick her more, go farther. At a point, somewhat stupidly, I tried to take all of her in but I found I wasn't quite ready for that.

I stopped for a second, removing myself and finding a string of saliva connecting her dick to my lips. I gulped down the spit that had been building up and went back to work.

Between my legs, I felt a heatwave brewing. I wasn't really doing anything for myself, but this was still making me shiver. I figured I may as well help myself out a little. So, I reached down with my left hand and started fingering my needy clit.

"I..." Priscilla was breathing heavily as I licked her all over. I tried to lick her own pussy a little. It tasted sweet, and it was so wet that when I connected my chin to it for a second, I came away like I'd run a faucet over my face. "I'm close!"

Okay. Shit. What are you supposed to do at this point? Do you have to train a little before you can effectively swallow cum? Was she going to cum as guys did? I didn't know. So, instinctively, I was about to pull back.

She didn't let me. She actually lifted one of her elegant legs, wrapped it around my head like a triangle submission hold (look it up) and pulled me in so far that her dick actually reached the back of my throat.

As she spasmed, I was deepthroating her. During my first, and maybe only, blowjob! Then it happened. She came. Admittedly, since her dick was so far in, I didn't get to taste much of it, but she came so much that it was effectively like I had to gulp down hot water in order not to drown.

So, for a solid ten seconds, there I was. My forehead touching her pubes, my eyes closed because if they weren't I'd be crying. Not because I was sad, but because of my gag reflex.

And I swear, it was like she was emptying herself in me. She just wouldn't stop cumming! I swallowed it all though, and at a point, I pulled her closer because something came through my mind. What if I accidentally left cum on my clothes or something? I didn't want people to start any rumors.

So, I did the best job I could, swallowing her jizz.

When she was finally done, her dick slid out of my mouth and I started coughing. She fell onto the closed stall door, I could see her legs nearly giving out. As she panted and I caught my breath, we just stared at each other.

I saw that there were still some fluids on her dick, which was now diminishing in size. I didn't want her to get caught or anything either, so I crawled forward a little and started licking her shaft, trying to catch as much of my saliva and her leftover cum as I could.

Since it was just four inches now, flaccid, I took it all in my mouth again. She whined like she couldn't physically go another round or something.

Then the door opened.

I froze. With her dick still fully in my mouth, my eyes turned to the bathroom door. Cara, our group classmate, was standing there with her jaw on the floor.

Neither of us did anything as she gasped and closed the door.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I really love stories with a good combination of plot and sex. Which is quite rare, so it's a good thing I found this story. Amazing building up the situation. Looking forward to the next chapters!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Best futa scene on lit. Period

ramblin2020ramblin2020almost 4 years ago

awesome cliffhanger...ouch

paulyepspaulyepsabout 4 years ago

Ok .. now I need more !! You have me checking every day for updates ! Wow .. I love this story ...

jmkuehnjmkuehnabout 4 years ago
Now that was better

This has been excellent. Much improvement over the last chapter. I am impressed and looking forward to more with great anticipation

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