The Love House


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She leaps.

And holy smokes I still have so much to do! Performing a little Marilyn magic in the pool house was easy. Getting Ted and Kate to drop their inhibitions was a piece of cake given they admired each other anyway. I'm only speeding up the inevitable. But poor Deshawn and Yoon are scarred. I need to get very creative if they're to enjoy themselves. And each other.

So far so good, though.

Deshawn catches his little hero. She throws her arms around his neck and he whirls her as they kiss. Her light skirt billows, revealing glimpses of bare buttock to the pool house voyeurs and imagined cameras.

Yoon's legs grip Deshawn's torso like a racehorse. Their tongues play in each other's mouths, then can't be contained. Yoon's kiss especially looks more like she's greedily licking Deshawn's lips and tongue, and the unselfconscious delight in this swells Ted's chest. He's shocked how happy his boss seems, and shocked how happy he is for her. Kate hums as if she's kissing Mr Troy, which in her head she is.

Deshawn locks his knees as a rush threatens to unhinge him. He's squeezing and kissing his hero, and she's squeezing and kissing him back! They're pressed so tight they can feel each other's hearts trying to smash out of their cages and get busy too. Honestly, I have little to do here. Troy and Yoon might kiss all day given the chance. And I wish they would, but their job nags and nags. They linger as long as they can, testing, tasting and teasing in the breezy evening silence, then gather themselves and set to work. Yoon moves first, gasping off the kiss to bury her face in Deshawn's neck and to squeeze his arms needily. Bodybuilders love to be admired and she hopes her appreciation might excite him--hopefully as much as his incredulous, almost grateful, panting in her ear excites her. She finds his meaty bulk delicious in her hands though, and can't stop feeling him once she starts.

Ted feels Kate squeeze his arm. Her body is pressed to his side and she's reached around his back. He coils an arm about her waist, enjoying her soft warmth against him and the tremble in her hip as her free hand itches between her thighs. The pool house's watchful silence is punctuated by Kate's sigh, and a tiny but ear-catchingly obscene slurping sound.

Barely keeping his shit together in the delirium of Yoon relishing his physique, Deshawn runs his hands down her back to cup her kickass buttocks under her skirt. The unexpected bare flesh in his palms makes him jump.

Meanwhile Ted hums as he squeezes Kate's buttock. So does she. Kate rests her head against his chest, encouraging him under.

This is all my work, of course. A ghost is only what's left of love's fire after the body's gone to ash. So I've puffed a little of my essence onto Ted and Kate's spark to flare their relationship into life, then offered their flame to Yoon and Deshawn's fuse. Now Yoon and Deshawn feel all Kate and Ted's desire as if it were their own. If the flame didn't take, if they'd shown no interest in getting together, I'd have quit my meddling and let them be. I know better than most what it feels like to be pushed into things against one's will.

Swallows chatter from the palms. There must be hundreds. I suppose this is because I'm ablaze, sharing lustful love five ways. My lovelies are so in step they share a single speeding heartbeat. This means when Ted strokes Kate's bottom and dips under into her moist marshmallow, Ted's excitement entices Deshawn away from his squeamishness. He squeezes Yoon's slick sex and is rewarded with her whimpering in his mouth mid-kiss. Deshawn moans in a delicious feedback. Deshawn and Ted stir at the women's soft cores, seeking firm buds.

Kate's knees wobble and she holds tight to her man, to support herself and to keep him there. He must not move. She can't remember the last time someone fancied her enough to touch her like this. She squirms on his hand and Ted emits a purry growl as she slips against his fingers.

Even under the onslaught of Deshawn's thick digits, Yoon has the only clear-ish head. She still has a job to do. She takes a breath, and unwraps her legs from Deshawn to drop in front of him. His silk-clad erection brushes her belly under her dress, jolting her. The man is hung. She wants to step back, take a good look, but can't keep her mouth off him. She sucks herself from his fingers, nips his pecs, kisses each knot of muscle on his stomach, working downward.

She finds herself on her knees. She strokes his legs, smiling at the tenting in his thousand dollar shorts. She runs her fingers lightly over the insane bulge, squeezes. It's too big, she can't bring herself to release it. Yet she craves it.

Ted groans at Kate's fingertips on his cock. The world of the poolside and the world of the pool house have slipped over each other. She's not even watching her boss anymore, but knelt before Ted, staring at his cock with a hooded gaze as she strokes it. Yet as Yoon presses her cheek to Deshawn's hidden rod, Kate nuzzles Ted. Their movements are so in sync, he doesn't know who is who any more. Is it Kate or Yoon enjoying him?

Kate's mouth waters. Ted is a warm rock against her cheek and he's hard just for her! But best of all, is how he strokes her hair. The man, not just the cock, wants her. She's forgotten what that feels like. All these thoughts I flicker into Yoon to ease her tension over Deshawn's intimidating erection.

Yoon swivels her magnificent eyes up at Deshawn, and is comforted by his smile. He cups her cheek and soothes and enlivens her all at once. She kisses his palm. Her thigh tops chill in a breeze. She wants this man, her body can't lie. She tucks fingers into his waistband, pulls it out, over, and down.

His cock bounces out to unfurl even larger in front of her face, and she can't help but laugh. A friend told her that once you've tried a big dick, you're ruined forever, nothing else will ever quite hit the spot. She's about to find out if that's true. She clasps it in two hands and could still deepthroat the end. She can't even close her fingers about it. He gasps and she feels like she's got his very core in her palms. Deshawn feels the same, like she's reached in and taken hold of his soul. She bites her lip, pulls back his silky skin, unsheathes and resheathes his head. He makes a sound like scraping boulders.

So does Ted, Kate stroking his length, each pull further stiffening him, and wettening her. Deshawn and Ted buck in the women's fists simultaneously. Simultaneously, the women cup their men's balls, then press cool lips to hot lengths.

Yoon's ethereal features press to Deshawn's veiny club and each kiss is like a gut punch. Her famously innocent overbite--curly top lip, pouty lower-- presses pillowy to his rudest part, to his purple head, raising a hum from her and a grunt from him.

Kate's lips land on Ted's cock while he watches Yoon kiss Deshawn, and there is a dreamy relief in that, in feeling a ghost of what he's been denied for so long. Yet it's only Kate's plump lips, lingering yet urgent, that cause the sudden, telltale spasms behind his balls. He strokes her cheek. "Careful."

But Kate and Yoon cast up wicked gazes. Small hands pull quicker. Tongue tips lick smirking lips. The men ball fists.

Oh dear. It's all too much all too soon and all my fault. I'm overly enjoying these crackerjack cocks through these crackerjack women. My lust has taken over even though I'm supposed to be the one in control, so one second I'm having a dirty thought about orally detonating these rockets and the next Kate slides her tongue along Ted's length.

For Deshawn, the sight of Yoon Ji-Lim self-absorbedly licking his cock is too much, he could come in a blink. He shuts his eyes, but opens them again, because it doesn't help, it feels even sexier than it looks. Yoon seems to worship his cock as much as Kate, and seems to have all Kate's expertise.

Ted's blood warm, silky hardness against Kate's tongue, and his curses as she teases him, overwhelms her as much as it overwhelms him. That she's reducing a man like this to a quivering wreck, makes a quivering wreck of her. Kate squishes herself between her legs. Goodness, she's sodden.

Yoon finds herself just as wet. She collects her arousal on three fingers, wipes it over Deshawn's cock, then licks her taste off him. Deshawn swears. She sniggers.

Yoon has never enjoyed a cock like this. She didn't know it was possible to find so much pleasure in licking a man. She knew men liked it when she did it, and that she was good at it--she made an effort to be good at everything she did--but she'd never enjoyed pleasing anyone like this. So much so, that her fingers seek her clittoris again, this time for release. She widens her knees and strokes herself, nestling his fat bulb against her tongue, and rubbing him into her mouth.

Holy smokes, this is just too much. I must come. I'm swelling like a storm, lightning brewing in clouds ready to burst any moment. My swallows flit about the trees, fidgety, itchy for my release.

I pull myself together, and try to rein the girls in--no joy-- then the boys, but they're all lost to me. Lost in each other.

And it's delicious.

If they, we, keep on like this I'll come with the men and we'll be done and the women will probably finish themselves. This is OK for a cheeky Tuesday afternoon perhaps, but I had bigger plans today. Also, if I were Yoon or Kate I might resent being used. Again. My job is to create love, not disillusionment.

Please my lovelies, slow down.

But Kate closes her mouth over Ted's end and slides her head with her milking fist as if to suck his soul out through his balls. Her finger wedges deep in her hole then flips wetly at her clit.

Yoon hums over Deshawn's end, rubbing fast. Between her legs, her fingertip is on the verge of turning her--and me--inside out. She's not sure whose orgasm she needs more, hers or his, and this is thrilling, but isn't as dirtily exciting as the fact she wants this man's cum. No one else's. Just his. And she wants it now. Universe help me so do I.

Kate salivating for Ted's cum is indistinguishable from the wetness trickling from her knuckle. She wants them to explode together, but she needs to consume him. I want to consume him. And her. Holy smokes I'll eat the lot of them.

Deshawn senses Yoon's wanton need. It unflips every lock behind his balls. He rises onto his toes, tips his face to the sky. Somewhere, a Jiminy Cricket of responsibility squeaks: "Too soon!" That's me.

The girl's hands are a blur as they suck, tongues swirling. Swallows titter. I swell, glittering...

"Wait." Deshawn tries to pull free.

Yoon hums laughter, grips him tighter.

He tries to take a step away from her.

So she lets him.

Deshawn stumbles backwards into the pool. Ted tumbles from the table onto a sofa..

Yoon guffaws. The woman is stronger than I thought. As aroused as she is, she hid her slapstick plan even from me. I'm glad she's strong, because clearly I'm not. I calm a little, but feel like a kiss could set me off again. A wonderful place to be.

Kate finds herself laughing but is confused and a bit annoyed. Why'd she do that? All she wanted was Ted's orgasm. Her pussy pulses on the edge of release too. It would've been a spectacular, mutual come-fest and she's fucked it up.

"Very fuckin' funny," Ted says from the sofa, clutching his poor, denied cock.

Deshawn splashes in the pool, tangled in his shorts, wrestling them off and throwing them at Yoon who dodges with a martial artist's effortless grace.

She dances on the poolside, Deshawn below, enjoying how easily his tantrum is quashed by something so simple as looking up her skirt. Kate has the same harloty delight taunting Ted from the table top. The women wriggle hips, jiggle bottoms, bend over to display juices looped from slot to thigh. Goodness, they're glistening to their knees!

The men think in unison: "Sucking me has got her that wet?" and all is forgiven. They lunge at their flighty teasers. Yoon lifts her skirt to her chest, and pushes her hips toward Deshawn's face.

Deshawn bites his knuckle, an act so Yoon can't see he's conflicted. He wants Yoon completely, all of her, and he wants her to enjoy him. And man she looks sexy as all fuck standing there presenting herself. But an echo of shame makes him want this to stop.

Kate plants her feet wide above Ted. Of course, he leans in without hesitation, with Kate on the table she's perfectly placed, his face just under her mound. I take Ted's excitement and show Deshawn how it can feel, if he chooses the moment over his terrible history--if he accepts the past is just that. Past. Deshawn tips his head under Yoon. She braces herself, but he pauses again, inches from her lips.

Ted too. Kate stamps her foot. No. Not another man who won't go down. What's wrong with them? But Ted's mouth is watering. Kate's pussy lips are the sexiest he's ever seen, full, yet florid, with a great, fat clit. He just wants to savour the sight, and savour the moment of this woman dripping for him. Deshawn's infected with Ted's horn, and he takes in Yoon's smooth, neat folds. He wants to lick her, only her, and clearly she wants him to lick her. He wants this moment to last forever. The moment before he licked Yoon Ji-Lim to orgasm for the first time.

The women have no time to be adored. They're needy, and reach down to open their lips, outer and inner, like the pages of the world's sexiest book.

Yoon's juices treacle, sparkling in the late afternoon sun, and that's me in that sparkle--in all that glimmers around them. Deshawn opens his mouth to receive them, to receive me, even before Ted opens to Kate's dripping. Juice hits tongues. Lips close on clits.

Yoon usually comes quickly on Ted, even on a bad day, and today is a very good day and she's had to hold back a couple of times already (I know the feeling...). Deshawn's hot mouth and the insistent muscularity of his licking is every bit as skillful as the professional she pays to do it. She somersaults in her skin. Her knees tremble and Deshawn grasps her tight by the hips, nuzzling between her thighs. She digs fingernails into his lumpy shoulders, panting. His tongue is a fluid machine, accurate and tireless.

I sigh and try to stop myself quivering in the air. A few swallows take to the wing, their fluttering egging my quivers on. I can't take a break and withdraw from the men and women if I want to share and guide them, but I'm not sure I can hold back much longer. And if I come then they're on their own and I'm not sure they're ready for that yet.

Kate finds herself set lightly on her bottom at the edge of the table, and Yoon on the poolside. The women are utterly in the power of these men and their feeding frenzy. And so am I. Their moans deepen, become breathier. Luckily no one seems to recognise my voice coming from their mouths.

Yoon leans back on her hands, lifts her feet and splays, straining to watch Deshawn's tongue work. He's sucking on her clit, flipping his tongue at it, and this loosens all the muscles in her body. She flops onto her back, knees spread indecently. Deshawn chuckles, and eats.

Ted chuckles, slides Kate's labia open, slips up the hood on her clit and motormouths the sensitive spot inside. She squirms, then arches, poised just on her shoulder blades and bottom.

The men curl fingers into the women and dig while they lick. I grip myself tight as a spectre can. I hold on. And hold on again. One might as well try to grapple the wind.

Yoon cries out, locks feet and hands behind Deshawn's busy head and lets herself go.

Goodness I'm lucky the girls are in sync because they cry out so wildly they would've freaked each other out if overheard. As it happens, they sound like each other's echo, which today, they kind of are.

Kate screeches her first oral orgasm since she met Deshawn, grinding on Ted's expert mouth and finger, quickly muffling herself with the back of her hand.

Yoon jerks against Deshawn who laughs triumphantly, dancing the woman on his tongue, holding her hips to his face. She gushes in his mouth, one, two, three pulses and the woman tastes like heaven.

Ted laps at Kate's slobbery maw, enjoying her judders as it gets too much for her, straining to keep licking as she squeaks and thrashes and pushes him away.

I barely manage to keep my cool, distracting myself with the shallow pool water lapping under Deshawn's balls.

He watches Yoon writhe on the poolside, hands clamped between her thighs. She squints at him, smiling slyly, almost apologetically. She's still dripping from his chin. He doesn't wipe his mouth, he licks his lips, then takes the rest of her arousal and wipes it over his super-hard manhood. Yoon's smile falters, but she butterflies her knees wide...

Meanwhile, Ted nudges Kate's slot, and even with her super-lubed and gaping, it's a tight fit. But it feels meant to be, and as he slides balls deep into her, slides home, they both gasp and hold hands.

I brace myself again.

Deshawn rocks his end at Yoon's entrance. She pulls her hole wide and he inches further in. She's being stretched into a great big "O" around this monster man. He pushes endlessly into her. There seems to be no end to how much he wants to feed her hungriest mouth. He slides out, then a little deeper, out and deeper again. She tears off her dress, as if to shed even that loose constriction and provide valuable extra millimetres to be filled by his exquisite violation. He plunges her breath out with every stroke. Each pull of withdrawal is like a sigh, each push a rollercoaster gasp. Her body welcomes him as snug as its own organs, as if he's some new part of her, a new limb of bliss. Her back, of its own volition, flexes and bows to receive him deeper, and deeper still. Hidden, dormant parts light up along new points of contact. Parts never visited, not even by her fingers, toys or Ted

Kate is equally breathless, gloved on Ted's thick manhood. He grinds deep, making them puff on each stroke. She sits up, blinking, jaw gaped, watching her impalement. How can anything that looks so odd feel so right? She drops back onto her back. Ted swings her right leg over his shoulder, pulls her to his thrusts even as she grinds onto them. Her sighs sing. His sighs grow ragged. His eyes are focussed through her, like he can see the pleasure balling in her middle and is utterly focussed on pumping it up.

Deshawn turns Yoon on her side, poised on the pooledge and diving, it seems, his entire being in and out her tight, warm pool. She swallows him whole, and curls foetal, scraping fingernails across her breast, whispering, "Yes, oh yes."

The women swivel onto their fronts, on all fours, on instinct, animal in their need, their hips raised high, their knees spread, their faces pressed to stone. Deshawn drags wet legs from the pool, Ted climbs onto the table. The men push, slapping hips against bottoms. Yoon whimpers at the oddly addictive knock of cockhead against her cervix, Kate whimpers at the unstoppable piston shoving ecstasy into her. Then more. And more.

I can't bear it. After a day of orchestrating orgasms I'm fizzy with the need to come, and here I am, vicariously plundered by the stout members of two beautiful men. I need to hold on just a little longer, keep in control, but just like the women, I'm stuffed with joy. All we can do is eat as much as we're fed until we're full to bursting. The women flop flat on their fronts. Deshawn straddles Yoon's ass, ploughs deep underneath her. Ted's on the table riding Kate, sweating, hammering.

And holy smokes, this ghost is incandescent. It's all too much, I want to burst. My mounting ecstasy rolls out in all directions like a blooming tornado, I fight to hold it back. Caught in its wake, Yoon stiffens, throws back her head. Kate buries hers in the crook of her arms. They pant and squeal. I flare in the corners of their vision, sparkle there. Juices pour from vaginas, desperate cries pour from mouths and I ride on those too, the most beautiful sound in the universe, women in orgasm.