The Lunar Life Ch. 02

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Strange test results lead to a big opportunity.
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Part 2 of the 11 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/22/2015
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Will cracked open his eyes from the irritating buzzing coming from his left wrist. Groaning, he brought his right index finger over his BIC and swiped it across, causing the device to stop vibrating. The thought of crawling back to sleep crossed his mind, but he knew that the idea wasn't wise. He had already snoozed his BIC twice that morning and he wasn't thrilled at the idea of ignoring it for a third time. There was no fooling the little device, fall back asleep after the second alarm and it jolts you awake with an electrical shock to your system. A very unpleasant thing to start your day with, but also meant that Lunarisions were hardly late for anything.

Will ran a hand over his face, wiping the sleep from his eyes. A day that would normally bring someone joy, was filling him with insane amounts of dread. It was Will's 21st birthday. The day that he got his posting and started his first day of work. In Will's mind however, it also meant the end of his carefree life. He was now an adult.

Will forced himself to sit up, looking out the window of his room to the right. He brought his hand to his bedside table, pushing a button, which caused the tint of the window to slowly fade, allowing the light to shine through without a filter. Heaving a sigh, he pulled the covers off him and made his way to his bathroom to get ready for the big day. Will dressed in a loose fitting shirt layered over a cotton tank top, coupled with a cream colored pair of chinos. It was common knowledge to dress comfortably on your first day, as you never know what kind of job you would be placed in. Wouldn't want to walk into a carpenter's workshop in a shirt and tie.

As Will headed down to the kitchen, the smell of pancakes filled the house. "I guess I should have known." Will announced, walking into his kitchen where his mother was at the stove.

"Known what?" Sarah asked, not taking her eyes off the pan in front of her.

"That you'll make my favorite breakfast." Will said, coming behind his mother and wrapping his arms around her neck. "Thanks Mom, smells great."

"Anything for my birthday boy." She said, smiling up at Will.

"Happy 21st son. You're officially an adult now." Trevor remarked, sipping his cup of coffee.

"Don't remind me Dad." Will groaned, letting go of his mother and turning to his father.

"Just telling it like it is. Still worried?" Trevor asked.

"A little, yeah."

"Just take it in your stride. The test is pretty accurate, scarily so sometimes. It knows what you'll excel at, even if you don't yourself." Trevor said, bringing up the news on the table interface.

"I hope so." He was however, not just worried about what job he was going to get, but if he could survive doing that job for the rest of his life. That part was the real problem in Will's mind. All worry was gone however, the moment his mother came over with a tower of pancakes, placing them on the table in front of Will. He dove into the pile, fishing pancakes onto his plates. For now, he was contempt to lose himself in his mother's delicious cooking.

"So when's the results coming out." Sarah asked, taking a seat beside Will. With his mouth stuffed with pancakes, he looked to his watch.

"In around an hour." Will mumbled with his mouth full. Sarah gave her son a look of slight disgust as food bits flew out of his mouth, before chuckling and shaking her head. Will shrugged his shoulders but continued his ravage of his food, disregarding his mother's disapproval.

As the Harrisons ate breakfast, they spoke about plans for the future. With Will now going to work, the prospect that he would soon be moving out was just beyond the horizon. Of course it all depended on where Will was to work. If he worked halfway across the moon, it was certain that elites would have him relocated to reduce his travel time. Even if he worked nearby though, they would soon put him in a home of his own so he could one day settle down and start a family, something that Will wasn't sure if he could do, what with hiding his sexuality and all. Still, priority was knowing his posting.

Will sat in the living room, watching the screen in front of him but not really paying attention. His mind was too preoccupied with the device on his wrist. Any minute now, his BIC would receive his results, and he had to report to work for his first day. Will's parents sat in the other room, knowing that Will probably wanted some alone time.

Will let his mind wander as he stared at his BIC, observing the edge of the strap, which dug slightly into his skin, wondering if it hurt when they put it on when he was a baby. The material it was made of was part biological, growing with the wearer as he grew. He shared a love hate relationship with his BIC however, as with most people on Lunaris. A part of him was fascinated by the device and always thinking about new practical uses for it that had yet to be developed, and other times he hated how he couldn't get rid of it even if he wanted to and how annoying it was at times. If you were crazy enough, you could try ripping it off, but you'll have probably bled to death before you could get to the nearest medical facility, since the device integrated with your blood vessels.

Vibrations knocked Will from his thoughts as the screen on his BIC flashed. His results were in. Will stared at the lighted screen for a few moments, composing his suddenly thumping heart, unsure why he was so nervous about it. With one last deep breath, Will put a finger to the screen, opening the message. A voice message started to play from the watch.

"This is an automated message in accordance with the Lunarision labor law." The female automated voice recited. "After receiving your posting, you are required to head to your reporting centre immediately. Directions will be forwarded to your BIC and you are to follow the designated route. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action." Will noticed movement to his left and turned to see his parents standing by the kitchen entrance, shooting him an encouraging look. "Vocation test results for...William Harrison, Lunaris ID 865-412-988-A. Occupation...Inconclusive. You are to report to...Helios Grove, 435 Treser Lane. Congratulations on your new posting. This message was brought to you by the Lunaris Education Council." The message cut off.

Will stared at his BIC in confusion. "What? What's my job? Inconclusive?" Will turned to his parents, who shared his confused look. "What does that mean?"

"I don't know. I've never heard of anyone who didn't get an answer." Trevor said, stepping forward towards his son.

"Maybe there was some error." Sarah suggested, trying to figure out the extremely bizarre situation.

"Directions to Helios Grove, 435 Treser Lane." Will's BIC announced again as directions were pushed to his device.

"Well seems like it's time for you to go. Maybe the people there might be able to explain. Just go there and maybe then everything would be clear." Trevor raised a hand, patting his son on his shoulder.

"I guess." Will said, giving his father a hug. At the sight, Sarah came forward and embraced her family. "I love you guys."

"We love you too Will. I'm sure everything is going to be fine." Sarah said, releasing the hug.

"Well I guess I should get going then, you know, before disciplinary action is taken against me." Will joked, making his parents chuckle. Will waved before exiting his house, turning one last time to look at his parents as the door closed behind him. It wasn't final goodbyes, so why did Will feel like it was. Sighing, Will looked down at his BIC, which directed him to where he needed to go.

Following the directions from his wrist device, he found himself walking past the houses that lined his street. From the general direction he was headed, he assumed he was headed for the tram. He had no idea where Helios Grove was, never even heard of it in fact, so he figured that it must have been far away. Stepping onto the main street, he expected to turn right for the tram station, but was surprised when he was directed to veer left instead. Of course, all he could do was follow as he was told, walking down the street, seeing natals going about their daily business.

Every now and then, Will would check his BIC to make sure he was going the correct way. To his left, in the distance, he saw the city centre again, clearer this time without any buildings obstructing his view. He took a left as his BIC instructed before the device stated that he had reached his destination. Confused, Will looked around him, knowing for a fact that the road he was on wasn't Helios Grove or Treser Lane; he had travelled the way many times before to know that for a fact.

Will knocked on his BIC a couple of times, wondering if the device had malfunctioned, which would have been a first for him. "This can't be it right?" Just then a hovercar stopped just beside Will, floating just above the ground with its antigravity plates. It was also the first time Will had seen a hovercar up close, and a nice one at that. The chassis was jet black and glistened like it was newly polished. The glass that stretched across the entire top of the car was tinted to the same opacity as the metal body, making the vehicle look like it was made of a solid piece of metal.

Will made to move away from the vehicle, afraid that he would scratch it by standing too close. He took one step before the window faded to transparent, a driver bot behind the wheel. "William Harrison?" It called out, not moving a gear.

"Uh...yeah?" Will replied, a little unsure of how to handle the situation.

"I will be your driver to Helios Grove. Please board the hovercar." The robot droned, the glass immediately returning to its opaque form. Before Will could question anything, the back door slid open, beckoning Will to enter. Hesitantly, Will stepped towards the open door, peeking into the interior, unsure of whether he wanted to trust this android or not. Even with the non existent crime, Will wondered if this was some elaborate kidnap plot, although it was highly unlikely. "Is something the problem sir?" The robotic voice echoed through the interior of the car.

", I'm fine." Will said, finally stepping into the car. The door slid close behind him and the vehicle was on its way immediately. The glass of the car, although opaque from the outside, was clear as day from the inside. One-way glass. Will eyed the droid in the driver's seat, looking at the back of his head. Droids were designed with simplicity in mind, made of a low-density metal alloy; they had the basic structure of humans without the little details. For example, droids didn't have facial features, their face nothing more than two sheets of metal coming to a point with cameras for eyes.

"Sir, I may be a droid, but I would appreciate it if you didn't stare." Will quickly dropped his gaze but not before a blush crept up on his cheeks.

"Sorry, and please stop calling me sir." Will said. It was weird hearing someone call him sir. Never had he been called anything other than Will.

"I'm sorry sir but I cannot. I've been programmed to address all humans as sir or ma'am."

"Then can you at least tell me why I'm headed to Helios Grove?"

"That is also something I do not have an answer to." Will dropped his head in disappointment.

"So can you at least tell me where this Helios Grove is, or what it is? An office building, an education centre, what?"

"Helios Grove is within the city centre but I think you are mistaken sir. Helios Grove isn't a government building, it is a residential address."

"What? Why am I going to a residential address?" Will asked, more to himself than to anyone.

"I told you I don't know sir."

"No no, I was just talking to myself." Will said, staring out the window watching the streets rush by. He was so confused, by his lack of posting, for his weird reporting location. Everything just didn't make sense to Will. Today was supposed to be simple, all predicted and scripted and yet here he was, heading to the city centre, in a hovercar with no idea what was happening.

However, Will couldn't lie that he was partly glad he hadn't gotten a posting. Wasn't this kind of what he wanted, some mystery in his life. Something that didn't go as planned. Sure it may have all been just some error with the test results and he was going to be headed to a job that very same day, but still it was a departure from the norm.

As the hovercar made its way closer towards the city centre, Will noticed the change in landscape. The change wasn't drastic but it was still noticeable. Buildings got taller as pedestrians became replaced by hovercars. The comfortable wardrobe of natals was replaced by the more form-fitting and stylish fashion of elites. Will was surprised by the number of elites around, always expecting that there were no more than a handful of them.

"I didn't know there were so many elites on Lunaris." Will voiced out, in awe at what he was seeing.

"There are approximately 5 million elites on Lunaris, most of them residing within the city centre."

"They seem to leave that information out of our CKT sessions." Will said, staring out the window. The droid didn't reply, simply ignoring Will, swerving through the roads and streets of the city centre. Will looked up through the glass roof of the car, seeing The Spire towering above him as they drove by its proximity. He couldn't help but let out a whistle at the sheer height of the structure. It never looked as tall when he saw it from his house.

It was another five minutes before the car pulled up next to a huge mansion. "We have arrived at Helios Grove sir." The robot announced, the door sliding open for Will to exit. Will stepped out, taking in the massive house that stood before him. Based on the front facade of the building, Will estimated that the mansion could have accommodated at least ten of his simple natal houses, and he couldn't even see how far back it went. Unlike the very futuristic and metallic appearance of the city centre however, the building had a 19th century French architecture look.

Will glanced at the huge archway in front of him and saw the double doors that stood underneath, looking impossible to budge. "How do I enter?" Will asked, turning to the driver, only to see the vehicle floating away down the road it came. "Well thanks then." Will muttered, rolling his eyes. He turned back to the doors, wondering if he needed to knock or something, not receiving any further instruction.

He took a step to the door, raising his hand to knock before a voice stopped him. "Please scan BIC." The automated message played. Will raised his eyebrow at the request. All homes on Lunaris could only be opened by their occupant's respective BIC, and seeing that he didn't live in Helios Grove, he was sure that he would not have been able to open it. Still, he waved his BIC across the door, knowing that it wouldn't open. To his surprise, the doors parted, giving Will entrance to the amazing home he stood in front of.

Will walked in, noticing the foyer in front of him. A staircase lined each side of the space, running up the sides and coming together at the little overhang on the second floor. A huge crystal chandelier hung from the high ceiling, casting little fractals of light onto the walls. Lush red carpet lined the floor and ran up the stairs.

"William Harrison?" The voice startled Will, turning to his right to see yet another droid looking at him.

"Yes." Will replied.

"Very good. If you would follow me sir." The machine turned and strode smoothly through the right hallway. Will followed after, admiring the home as he went. Artworks hung against the wall, illuminated by the small amount of light streaming in from the window. Taking a left turn, Will was led into the kitchen, with it stainless steel tabletops and pots hanging from the ceiling. "Would you like anything to drink while we wait, Mr. Harrison?"

"Who are we waiting for anyway?" Will asked, taking a seat at the kitchen island with the droid across from him.

"All will be explained soon enough sir. So, how about that drink?"

"Um sure, I'll uh just have a soda." Will said, drumming his fingers across the table as the electronic helper went to the fridge to grab the beverage before returning and placing it in front of Will. "Thanks droids have names?"

"Not all of us, but you can call me Steve."

"Steve? Really?" Will raised an eyebrow, the side of his lip curling up in a smirk.

"My programmer picked it, not me." Steve droned, giving obvious sign that he didn't really care for the name either.

"You can change it right? I mean just program a new name?"

"Yes but that would mean I have to return to the programming centres and quite frankly, I'd rather not have to wait in line for so long." Will was really intrigued by these droids. Before the day, Will had never met a droid before and he didn't know they were so...human. "But anyway, are you hungry? I can cook something up for you. You are our guest."

"No it's fine, I'm good."

"Are you sure? I can make you a sandwich or something. Chicken perhaps?"

"Real or synthetic." Will joked again, chuckling at himself.

"Which do you prefer?" The smiled dropped from Will's face, unsure if the robot was joking.

"Wait, you actually have real chicken?"

"Well, not right here but give me ten minutes and it can be in front of you, cooked to perfection." Steve said before Will noticed movement to his left. He turned and saw a man walking in, a smile on his face when his eyes fell on Will. He had silver hair, which stopped just above his shoulders. He looked somewhere in his fifties but you could still tell he was a good looking man. The face of an elite.

"He can make that happen if you really want it." The unnamed elite said. "I understand the want to taste real chicken."

"No no, sorry I didn't mean to be so...natal." Will said, blushing at the fact that he seemed so eager, about chicken no less.

"Nonsense. I was curious at one point too. Personally though, I don't get the hype of it. Tastes exactly the same as synthetic." He said, winking. "I'm Varek by the way."

"I'm Will, but you probably already knew that." Varek laughed, patting Will on the shoulder.

"Yes yes, I know who you are. I'm sure you have a lot of questions right now, am I right?" Varek said, taking a seat next to Will.

"Some answers would be nice."

"All in good time, everything will be explained soon enough. We're just waiting for a special guest to arrive before we get to the questions. For now, just relax and make yourself at home. Steve would be happy to help with anything you might need, wouldn't you Steve." Varek smiled, looking to his droid.

"It would be my pleasure." The android answered, bowing in grand fashion.

"Hmm, you could do without the sarcasm Steve."

"Of course sir, except you were the one who requested my higher than usual sense of sarcasm."

"That I did." Varek smiled, turning back to Will. "Steve is basically family. So anyway, yeah I'll be back. Just enjoy yourself in the meantime."

Will nodded as Varek got up and walked out the kitchen. "I've haven't seem him that excited in a long time. You must really be special." Steve said.

"Well I don't know if I would call myself special. I don't even know why I'm here."

"Well you're the first natal to step foot into this house. That counts for something right?"

"If you say so. Anyway, what about you? What is your job in this huge house?" Will asked, looking around the vast kitchen, so big that his entire house could have fit in it.

"I'm basically the butler. I help the family with anything and everything. Cleaning, cooking, you name it, I do it." Steve said, the tone of his voice didn't seem to show that he liked his job very much though.