The Lynches: March Madness

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Secrets are revealed in the Lynch household...
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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I've messed up my titles so this isn't posted as a series. It stands on its own, but you can also check out Julie Covington McGill, Chap. 4, Like Mother, Like Daughter, and the other Lynches entries for background info on the characters. Enjoy!


The Lynches: March Madness

One look in the family room in the Lynch household and a calendar wouldn't be necessary to know the month of the year. The 50-inch plasma was tuned to CBS and John Lynch was sitting in his leather recliner decked out in his orange Derrick Coleman #44 jersey. In her usual spot on the couch was his daughter Michelle, who wore her orange Carmelo Anthony #15 jersey, complete with the NCAA National Championship patch. They were in pretty much the same positions back in 2003 when Syracuse won it all. Michelle was almost eight at the time, and that's pretty much when her love of basketball began.

The 2019 edition of the Syracuse Orange was no threat to win another National Championship, but they were a scrappy bunch and drew the better seed in the dreaded 8- versus 9-seed game, a notorious bracket-buster.

Michelle loved watching sports with her father and suffered through countless NFL seasons rooting with him for the Bills, or as John called them, the only true New York football team. Thankfully, their shared love of the Yankees brought them much more to cheer about than the Bills and the Orange.

Ironically, Sarah was the only one of the three to actually have attended Syracuse University, but she had little interest in televised sports. In a gesture of solidarity, while tending to the household chores, she proudly wore her navy blue sweatshirt with the big orange S on the chest. "There are my bookends," joked Sarah Lynch as she carried the hamper into the laundry room, "how are we doing?"

"Not good," replied John and Michelle, almost in unison. Syracuse was down by 9 with a little more than a minute left in the game.

Sarah moved the clothes from the washer to the dryer and had started on the next load, when she heard the collective groans of her daughter and husband in the next room, along with the plaintive drone of the final buzzer. "Hey you two," she called from the adjacent room, "if the game's over, I could use a hand folding."

"We'd love to, hun," replied John, while he silently motioned to his daughter, "but I promised Mitchie we'd play HORSE after the game."

Sarah giggled to herself at her husband's uncanny ability to avoid household chores at any cost, usually dragging Michelle along with him. Through the years, the two 'partners in crime' always seemed to be working on some critical sports technique which would always get them out laundry, dishes or the like.

John and Michelle both gave Sarah a quick peck on the cheek as the passed through the laundry room on the way to the backyard, where John had a half-court paved shortly after Michelle was born.

Sarah moved to the kitchen and watched the two through the window above the sink, as she rinsed the dishes from breakfast and loaded them in the dishwasher. A smile came over her face when she thought about how many times she stood at the sink and watched them either shooting baskets, playing catch or kicking around a soccer ball. It was no secret that John had hoped for a son, he instilled a love of sports in his daughter, which created a close bond between them over the years. Sarah's mind then drifted to that summer before Michelle's freshman year of high school, when the pair almost became too close.


Michelle's small body started to develop that summer. Just a whisper over 5-foot, the gradual rounding of her ass and swelling of her breasts were noticeable on her small frame. And along with the maturation of her body came an air of sexuality, and her father became the primary target of her affections.

Her clothes became tighter in all the right places, something that did not escape her father's watchful eye. And his increased attention was like pouring gas on a flame. Michelle began flitting around the house dressed only in long tee shirts and panties, and she took every opportunity to sit on her father's lap.

Of course, Sarah noticed this new development in their relationship, but she loved and trusted her husband implicitly, even as he spotted him adjusting the tell-tale signs of an erection. Every girl goes through a daddy phase, Sarah thought to herself, then shivered at the memories of her experiences with her own father.

That summer Michelle was hell-bent on making the girl's freshman basketball team. She knew that with her limited height she'd have to work on her ball-handling ability and outside shooting. John and Michelle would be in the back yard when Sarah would get home from work, and return to the court immediately after dinner, often shooting until it got too dark to see the rim.

It was a hot, late-August Saturday, and Sarah was at the sink washing the lettuce for a salad when she did a double-take at the action on the court. John had already removed his shirt, and the afternoon sun glistened off his sweat covered chest. Sweat dripped off Michelle's loose ponytail and there was a large oval wet spot on the back of her tee shirt. Her father dribbled twice, gave a jab-step, and then hit a foul-line jumper as Michelle continued to back-peddle with the fake.

"You have to watch my midsection then step in and contest that shot," instructed John, as the two walked back to the top of the key.

"It's kind of hard with you having nearly a foot on me," complained Michelle, ever the competitor.

"You're going to have to learn how to guard a bigger and stronger player if you want to make the team, Mitchie."

"10-12," Michelle replied tersely and firmly bounced the ball to her father to check. "Time out," she said, and grabbed the hem of her tee shirt and lifted it over her head, leaving her in just her sweat soaked tan sports bra.

Sarah saw Michelle peel off her green tee shirt, and initially thought she was topless, the tan sports bra blending in with her natural skin tone. She turned off the faucet and watched the backyard game of one-on-one more closely.

"12-10," correct John, teasing her that she was behind by two, as he bounced the ball back and took his defensive stance.

Michelle held the ball back on her right hip and bent at the waist, eyeing her father's midsection, deciding whether to go left or right. The sports bra smushed her developing breasts to her chest.

John's eyes dropped down momentarily to admire the small domes from the tips of her nipples evident through the wet material. Michelle took a step to her right, crossed over between her legs, and drove to the basket, leaving her father in her wake and executing the perfect left-handed layup.

"12-all old man," Michelle taunted.

"Don't forget this old man taught you how to use your left hand like that," John responded, as the diminutive Michelle took her defensive stance.

"Hey, you two," Sarah called from the kitchen window, "it's almost time for dinner."

"We'll be right in, mom," replied Michelle. She turned to her father and said, "next basket wins," as she checked the ball in and prepared to guard him.

John attempted the same dribble-jab-step move, but this time Michelle closed out and contended his shot. She immediately spun around and boxed him out, just like he taught her. His shot clanged off the rim, and Michelle kept her butt pushed back against him as she easily corralled the rebound.

John tightened his defense as Michelle dribbled back to the top of the key. Competitiveness was definitely a family trait, and he knew his daughter couldn't shoot over him with tight coverage. John swiped at the ball and tried to steal it, so Michelle turned around and backed him down to the basket. Her butt pressed into his upper thigh as he attempted to hold his ground, while she continued to back him down to the low block.

Michelle faked to her left and John fell for it and went for the block. She spun quickly back to her right, stepped back, and sunk the soft bank shot.

"That's game!" she said triumphantly.

"Lucky shot," John teased, as they picked up their stuff and headed to the house.

Sarah watched them walk across the yard. Her shirtless husband nearly a foot taller than her teenage daughter, both with their tee shirts slung over their shoulders. Michelle carried the basketball on her right hip, and John had his right arm over her shoulder, his hand hanging precariously close to her sports bra encased breasts. She couldn't hear what they were saying, but she knew they were trash talking, by the way, each was laughing at the other's comments.

"P! U!" Sarah mocked and waved her hand in front of her nose, "go get cleaned up and come to the table." As Michelle trotted up the stairs, Sarah grabbed John by the arm and pulled him back toward her. She whispered in his ear, "don't forget to save this for me," as she rubbed her hand over the noticeable bulge in his nylon gym shorts and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

The Lynch family rule was whoever cooked dinner did not have to do the dishes, so John and Michelle cleaned the kitchen while they continued to talk trash about the game. When they finished, the went to the family room to watch some TV, and Sarah went up to her room to read.

After a few shows, Michelle announced that she was going to take a quick shower and go to bed. She kissed her father on the cheek and thanked him for all his help with basketball, and then headed up the stairs to her room. John watched the bounce of her tight ass as she ascended the stairs, and subconsciously adjusted himself in his shorts.

He watched the news until he heard the shower stop upstairs, and then headed up to bed himself. When he walked into the master bedroom, Sarah was already fast asleep on her side of the bed. 'But I saved it for you,' he laughed to himself, as he went into the en suite to shower before bed. After his shower, he threw on a pair of clean boxers and was about to get into bed, when he realized he never said 'good night' to Michelle. He quietly shut the door behind him and walked down the dark hall to the adjacent bedroom.

John lightly tapped on the door and whispered, "Mitchie, are you up?' as he pushed the door open. A sliver of moonlight from the bedroom window illuminated the bed where Michelle was asleep on top of her covers, in just a pair of light blue panties and a white tee shirt. She must have been tossing and turning in her sleep, as she was mostly on her back, the shirt bunched up below her small breasts, with one leg kicked out to the side.

Sarah rolled over and reached to John's side of the bed to snuggle, but found his spot empty. She sat up and looked around the room, her eyes adjusting to the darkness. The bathroom was empty and she listed for any other sounds in the house but heard none. The bedside clock read 11:58.

Michelle's developing body had put a strain on the light blue fabric which was pulled tightly across her crotch, and most of her flat abdomen was exposed in the moonlight. The starch began to return to John's erection as he looked at his peaceful Princess bathed in the soft moonlight.

Sarah got out of the bed and stepped into her slippers as she slid on her robe. She whispered her husband's name as she quietly crept down the darkened hallway.

John body had been reacting to Michelle's constant touching and teasing and his resolve had started to wane. His arm moved as if had a mind of its own, and he reached into the fly of his boxers and removed his semi-hard cock. His eyes never strayed from Michelle as his forefinger gently massaged the sensitive spot just below the underside of the head.

Sarah saw the silhouette of her husband's frame outlined in the soft moonlight emanating from her daughter's bedroom, and the slight movement of his right arm.

John never sensed or heard his wife behind him, until she slid her right hand under his, and grasped his hardening cock. He froze in place, unable to look away, and terrified to turn around.

Sarah pressed herself into his bare back and whispered in his ear, as her hand continued to move over his swelling manhood. "I know she's been driving you crazy, baby, but you really don't want to do this."

John closed his eyes and swallowed hard.

"She's going through a phase, so you have to stay strong," Sarah cooed, "we'll get through this together." She tightened her grip on John's cock and pulled slightly, and forced him to turn away from Michelle's bedroom door. "Go back to bed," she instructed, and released her grip on his cock, "I'll be down in a minute."

She watched her husband until he was back in their room. Sarah turned and entered Michelle's room and pulled her tee shirt down over her small body before she tenderly kissed her sleeping daughter on the cheek. 'What a mess,' Sarah said to herself, as her motherly instincts kicked in and she picked up the dirty clothes scattered all over the floor, including the sweaty tee shirt and shorts she had been wearing that day.

Sarah stopped in the bathroom across the hall and was about to dump the dirty clothes in Michelle's hamper, when she got an idea, a deliciously dirty idea, and decided to act on it before she lost her nerve.

John sat up in bed as the door opened, and said, "Listen, Sarah, I'm really sorry, it'll never happ..." He stopped mid-sentence as he expected his wife to walk through the door, but the pony-tailed person wearing the green tee shirt and blue nylon shorts looked more like his daughter.

"Michelle?" John asked confused, his eyes straining in the darkness.

"Yes, daddy," whispered Sarah in a little girl's voice, "I thought of some new moves while I was sleeping that I'm just dying to show you."

As she walked seductively toward the bed, John's eyes adjusted and noticed his wife's much larger breasts swaying underneath the green shirt Michelle was wearing earlier. Sarah also had a slightly larger ass, so the blue basketball shorts hugged her curves in all the right places. "Do you want to see my moves, daddy?"

John's cock was harder than Chinese arithmetic. Not only was his wife not mad at him, but she was also role-playing their daughter to keep him from doing something that he would later regret. "Sure, Sar...I mean...Mitchie, show me what you got."

"I call this one my double-team," Sarah said while lifting the green shirt over her head, exposing her naked breasts. "And this one," she added, while she wiggled the tight shorts over her butt, "I call my alley-OOPS!" she said with a giggle as the shorts hit the floor.

John sat slack-jawed and looked at his now naked wife, her hair pulled back in a ponytail like their daughter always wore.

"And this is the full court press!" Sarah exclaimed as she flung herself on John in the bed.

John grabbed his naked wife and rolled her onto her back. He ripped his boxers off and plunged his throbbing cock deep into her saturated pussy. "That was a turnover, fast break and taking it to the hole, little girl," John joked, as he started to fuck his wife.

"Ohhh, daddy, your so big," Sarah teased, and she hooked her legs around his pumping ass and pulled him in deeper, "this feels so much better than I imagined my first time would be."

"I love you so much Princess," John moaned, as he kissed her and fucked her harder.

"Don't cum in me daddy, mommy hasn't put me on the pill yet," Sarah moaned, still in character, and on the brink of orgasm herself.

John reluctantly pulled out, his dripping cock sticking straight out from his crotch.

"Would you like to cum in my mouth, daddy?" Sarah asked while sitting up and grabbing his cock.

"More than you can know, little girl," John replied and guided his purple cock head into his wife's warm, wet mouth. He held onto her ponytail and closed his eyes, gently rocking his hips.

Sarah knew he was ready to cum, undoubtedly imagining that he was buried in their daughter's mouth. The first rope of cum hit the back of her throat, the force and volume nearly making her gag. She managed to swallow and jerked the root of his shaft, savoring the creamy goodness that filled her mouth. She licked the remaining cum off of him and they both collapsed on the bed.

"See, daddy, wasn't that much better?"

"The absolute best, baby girl!"

"Mommy says we can do this any time you get those urges."

John hugged Sarah to him tightly and the two fell asleep in each other's arms, satisfied and exhausted.


Sarah found herself up in the master bedroom with her yoga pants around her knees and their special box next to her on the bed. The memories of the beginnings to their role-playing sessions got her all worked up, and since John and Michelle were busy in the backyard playing HORSE, she figured she could sneak upstairs for a little "me" time.

The special box was actually a decorative hand-crafted oak box left over from a gift her father sent from his trip to Italy. It had contained three bottles of wine from a small vineyard in his father's home village of Calabria. Now it contains their sex toys and the secret stash of pictures.

Sarah removed the vibrator, 8-inch black latex dildo she nicknamed "Big Mike" and the sterling silver butt plug, to get to the manilla envelope at the bottom of the bed. She couldn't believe she let John talk her into posing for these pictures which she insisted he erase from his phone as soon as they were printed. Sarah knew that something like this would be a scandal in their small town, but justified the pictures in her mind as doing whatever she could to keep her husband and daughter from doing something they would regret.

The pictures were intended to quell John's urges when Sarah was unavailable or unable to do so herself, but now that John and Michelle were together, it was she who found herself leafing through the photos while her fingers gently danced on her clit.

The first set was of Sarah dressed in Michelle's Freshman basketball uniform, complete with a basketball tucked under her arm. She had her hair pulled back in a ponytail and nothing on under the white tank top with blue trim, and matching nylon shorts. The swells of her larger breasts pushed out of the armholes of the jersey, and the shorts were pulled up to display a very impressive camel toe.

She remembered that this was taken the night of Michelle's first game, where she came off the bench and scored 7 points, including a 3-point shot. John ate her pussy that night through the crotch of the basketball uniform and said he could taste them both on the sweat-stained material.

The next set was of Sarah decked out in Michelle's maroon prom dress, with John standing behind her in his tux their hands interlaced and resting on Sarah's tummy in the classic prom pose. Sarah displayed a lot more cleavage in that dress than Michelle eventually did on her prom night, and she blushed at the memory of how they nearly ruined that dress before Michelle ever got to wear it.

Michelle was at a sleepover the week before the prom and John and Sarah role played John having to step in as her date. They actually went out to the garage and sat in the family Camry and role-played coming home after the prom. Sarah leaned over the center console and sucked John's cock, while he whispered to 'Michelle' about how this had to be their little secret. He came so hard in Sarah's mouth that she gagged and a drop of cum leaked off her chin and stained the left panel of the dress. Neither of them noticed until after they fucked in the back seat, which was a reenactment of Sarah's own prom night, except that John lasted way longer than her over-eager prom date. They managed to get the dress cleaned and pressed before the following weekend and shared a knowing smile as Michelle's pimply-faced date pinned her corsage right over the spot where the stain had been.